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Bewitched and Much Bothered: Erotic Tale of Witches and Destinies
Bewitched and Much Bothered: Erotic Tale of Witches and Destinies
Bewitched and Much Bothered: Erotic Tale of Witches and Destinies
Ebook104 pages2 hours

Bewitched and Much Bothered: Erotic Tale of Witches and Destinies

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Aislinn finds a new place in the simple town of Mystic, Massachusetts, to recover from the disillusionment her heart suffered because of one man.

But she misses Jericho, even if he'd betrayed her. When Jericho suddenly appears to tell her he lives only to find his place inside of her embrace again, she realizes it is she who should be ashamed and should ask for his forgiveness.

But danger and intrigue follow Jericho to town. He isn't what he appears to be. And now, the power that almost destroyed him comes to Mystic to try and finish what it almost succeeded in doing—if only Jericho had not escaped.

Can Aislinn survive being his lover and partner in a world he would, if they both live, rule?

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READER ADVISORY: This story contains contents that some reader may find objectionable, including sex and erotic themes.
EXCERPT: was much stronger this time.

So much so that she found herself getting up and walking onto the shop floor without consciously deciding so.

Peering into the shop, she gasped.

A man was standing at the front of the shop, his back to her. She knew that tall, dark-haired man anywhere. She recognized those shoulders, the way he stood and inclined his dark head. And that soft, soft hair...

She just couldn't believe that after all this time, he was here.

The exact moment he sensed her presence, his posture stiffened. He turned around slowly until he faced her and they stared at each other for a several long seconds.

"Hello, Aislinn," the man said.

"Hello, Jericho," Aislinn replied. "It''s been a long time."

"Yes, it has. It's taken me a long time to track you down."

"I didn't realize that you had been looking." I thought you were dead. I thought you were dead because you hadn't found me and people stopped talking about you. It's the only reason I can think of... and I just can't bear it that I ran before someone confirms that I will never see you again!

He frowned. "Come now, Aislinn. Surely, you know that I wouldn't give up on you that easily."

"There are many things I've stopped believing about you," she whispered, almost numbed with the onslought of emotions she was only beginning to feel again, right then, in that moment.

Jericho was here... alive.

Neither of them had moved any closer to each other. They maintained their distance warily, like a couple of animals circling and sizing up their prey before pouncing....

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PublisherSandra Ross
Release dateFeb 6, 2015
Bewitched and Much Bothered: Erotic Tale of Witches and Destinies

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    Book preview

    Bewitched and Much Bothered - Lily Taffel

    Bewitched And Much Bothered

    By Lily Taffel

    Published by Publications Circulations LLC.

    SmashWords Edition

    All contents copyright (C) 2014 by Publications Circulations LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, companies and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

    The following story is for entertainment purposes only. This book contains sexually graphic scenes depicting consenting adults above the age of 18 engaging in passionate sexual acts. This story is intended only for persons over the legal adult age. By downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to access and view this work of fiction. Mature readers only. Reader discretion is advised.

    Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty:

    The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this book, and the information provided herein is provided as is. Publications Circulations LLC makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

    ~ ~ ~ ~


    Bewitched and Much Bothered 1

    Chapter One

    NOW, REMEMBER TO use this exactly as I explained and don't forget to let me know how it turns out, Aislinn said as she handed the carefully wrapped potion to the young girl on the other side of the counter.

    Oh, I definitely will! Thanks again, Aislinn, replied the girl as she hurried excitedly out of the shop.

    Aislinn smiled to herself as she watched her leave. It wasn't as much a love potion as a good-feeling potion. The boy she'd use it on would see all the reasons why he could enjoy her company-and she knew enough of Betty to know what a good soul she had-so they would have a good time for that hour or two they were together. The rest depended on how they would feel for each other afterwards-on their own.

    Shaking her head slightly, she reached over and scratched her cat behind the ears. So, Freya, how do you think it will work out for that young lady? she said, hopefully.

    Freya looked at Aislinn with wise green eyes and gave a little meow.

    Yeah, I think so too, Aislinn agreed.

    That was the eighth feel-good potion she had sold today. She expected to sell more of them before tomorrow night. It was, after all, the eve of Valentine's Day and everyone wanted a true love with whom to spend the day. Some of them were even desperate enough to visit her shop.

    Aislinn's Atrium, the name of her shop, had been up and running for two years now and she had been doing a bang-up business since the day she opened.

    She loved the holidays, especially Valentine's Day. That's when she really did tons of business. Lots of women of all ages hurried in to buy love potions and get Tarot love readings. She and her assistant, Darius, hadn't stopped working all day. They had even decided to extend their hours today and tomorrow so that everyone could come in that needed or wanted to.

    Now, though, it was well past ten in the evening and they were both ready to call it a day.

    Thankfully, home wasn't very far for Aislinn and Freya. When she had bought the building, there had been two small apartments upstairs from the main shop. She had remodeled those and turned them into one large, spacious apartment.

    She told Darius to go home and get some rest and then she locked up the shop for the night.

    After crossing over to the concealed private elevator that led to her own apartment, she stopped just before unlocking it.

    There was an odd, yet familiar sensation coming over her as she stood there in the darkness. Freya stiffened in her arms. She hadn't realized she'd held her breath until she gasped.

    This was something she had not experienced for a very long time.

    It was also a feeling that she never really expected to have again.

    Then, it was gone just as suddenly as it had come.

    Waiting to see if the feeling would return, Aislinn stood silently, holding Freya. She was trembling and there were tears in her eyes. When nothing happened, she unlocked the elevator and stepped inside, taking it to the second floor foyer of the building.

    The inside of her apartment was a completely different world than her shop...and she loved it. The open living area, dining area and kitchen all flowed together in one space. The floor-to-ceiling windows looked out onto a view of the Atlantic Ocean, along with harbors and various lighthouses.

    Salem might have been the magical city in Massachusetts but it wasn't her magical city. The resort coastal town of Mystic was little more than a hamlet but it was beautiful and colorful. Aislinn loved living there and nothing was going to change that.

    But at the moment, she wasn't appreciating the view as she neared the fireplace. The winters could be cold and brutal at times and that gave her the chance to use the huge stone fireplace that dominated a large space of the living area. She went there to light it because she wanted the heat even more now.

    A flick of her fingers and the fire appeared, instantly lighting the wood without a match or electricity. Heat started to warm the place. She let Freya slide to the floor as she gazed at the fire. couldn't be, she thought. He's dead. It's just because it was Valentine's Day tomorrow...

    That's just what it was. Valentine's Day. It was the reason why she was having that quirky feeling. Things would be all right as soon as the holiday had passed.

    Aislinn walked into the kitchen, still in a trance, before she determinedly put herself together. She had to take care of Freya and herself.


    She surveyed the contents of her refrigerator and pantry. She poured a glass of wine and set down a bowl of canned food for Freya. Still looking at what she could throw together for a quick dinner, she looked down at Freya who was happily eating her food.

    So, Freya, what do you think I should have, eh? she asked her softly.

    Freya didn't have any answer for her at that moment. She did not even spare her one glance.

    Aislinn laughed. In any case, life was still normal. Looking for dinner to make, she decided on a cheese and mushroom omelet with

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