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Petra Jameson, Erotic Detective: Bikers and Spies
Petra Jameson, Erotic Detective: Bikers and Spies
Petra Jameson, Erotic Detective: Bikers and Spies
Ebook316 pages6 hours

Petra Jameson, Erotic Detective: Bikers and Spies

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Petra Jameson is back! The heroine of The Loving Way and The Case of the Purloined Panties returns in Petra Jameson, Erotic Detective – Bikers and Spies. Petra Jameson is sexy and strong. Forced to resign from the Orange County Marshal's Office after a gunshot wound, Petra embarks in her own private investigation firm. She is smart and beautiful. Petra and her friends take the reader on wild adventures filled with action and sex.

Erotica from the mind of Carol Gregory transports the reader to the early 1970’s in Orange County, California. The sexual adventures are not for the timid. Mix sex, suspense, guns, motorcycles, spies and more sex and you enjoy this novel.

Petra Jameson tries to rescue a woman from the ravages of the Hessians, a motorcycle gang. Is she a sex slave or a willing slut? Can Petra resist the charm of the leader of the Hessians?

Meanwhile foreign spies infiltrate a company with top secret electronic aerospace development. Petra Jameson teams with an agent from the Justice Department and the FBI to solve the case, but not before wild sexual encounters.

This book contains explicit sex. If you cannot handle wanton depravity, woman on woman action, group sex, gang bangs, and gun play, do not read this book.

PublisherCarol Gregory
Release dateOct 15, 2014
Petra Jameson, Erotic Detective: Bikers and Spies

Carol Gregory

Carol GregoryCarol Gregory was an amazing woman. She was born in 1942 and died too young in 2012. She was known to me as Cousin Carol. She was quite a bit older than me growing up. She was known as a wild child in the 60’s. The family tried to keep me away from her because she was a bad influence. They failed.Carol was a stunningly beautiful woman. She graduated UCLA with a degree in History. She held a few jobs, was married and divorced by the time she was twenty-three. In 1968 I was reintroduced to my cousin. She was living in a house she owned in Anaheim, California. I was just fifteen and in awe of this older woman. She helped me with my homework, patiently listened to my teenage concerns from driving, dating, to college selection. She was hip and with it in the pop culture.Carol completed law school and worked in the Orange County District Attorney’s Office. She ultimately was appointed to the Orange County Municipal Court. A few years later she became a Superior Court judge. She knew how to be discrete with her many lovers.By the time I started college Carol tutored me in a more prurient education. We became occasional lovers. She taught me how to please a woman. I lived with her during my last year at college. I still dated. Carol had boyfriends and girlfriends. She taught me tolerance, patience, and how to make a lover call your name out in ecstasy.Even after college we remained close. I was married and had my own family. She was close to my family.Carol never married again. I know she had many lovers because she loved to describe every intimate moment. I am sure she broke hearts, but she would forever remain independent. She was always sexy and bold.Carol Gregory passed suddenly with a brain aneurism. I was named as her sole heir. She had amassed a comfortable estate. It took me many months before I worked up the energy to begin to go through her house and possessions.One Saturday afternoon I stumbled upon a box in her closet. In the box were manuscripts for novels and stories she had written over decades. True to form, they were all erotic novels. She had a series of detective stories about a heroine named Petra Jameson. The name Jameson, I am sure, came from her favorite whiskey. She loved Jamesons Reserve Irish Whiskey. The physical description was Carol, although Carol never took a bullet in the hip. The sex was pure Carol.Carol’s love of history is echoed in her stories. Her stories around England’s Glorious Revolution are a good example. She makes history exciting.I have been going through the writings and putting them together so others can enjoy them. Carol would want to share them with the world. I hope you enjoy them.Carol Gregory loved the works of Dorothy Parker and would quote her often. Her favorite in was: “Now I know the things I know, and I do the things I do; and if you do not like me so, to hell, my love, with you!”GFComments are welcome at

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    Petra Jameson, Erotic Detective - Carol Gregory



    Carol Gregory

    Copyright © 2014 Carol Gregory

    Distributed by Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Table of Contents

    1. - FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1970


    2. - SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1970


    3. - SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1970


    4. - MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1970


    5. - TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1970


    6. - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1970


    7. - THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1970


    8. - FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1970


    9. - SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1970


    10. - SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 1970


    11. - MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1970


    12. - TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1970


    13. - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1970


    14. - THURSDAY, AUGUST 13


    15. - FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970


    16. - SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1970


    17. - SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1970


    18. - MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1970


    19. - TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1970


    20. - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1970


    21. - AUGUST 20, 1970


    22. - FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1970


    23. - SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1970


    24. - SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1970


    About Carol Gregory


    FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1970


    On July 31, 1970, the weather in Anaheim was hot. The thermometer was past 100 degrees. I left my office in Fullerton and made it home at four in the afternoon. I stripped off my clothes, grabbed a can of Bud, a towel, and some shades and went out back by the pool. I swam laps for a half hour, dragged myself out and collapsed on the lounge chair.

    Business was slow. Summer doldrums were in full swing. I looked down at my naked body. My tan was okay, but at least there were no tan lines. That is one of the nice things about owning your own home with a secluded back yard and a pool.

    My name is Petra Jameson. I was twenty-eight, tall, and well built. I had been a swimmer in my youth. I graduated to boys at Anaheim High School and men, and a few women, in college. I was married and divorced. I was still friendly with my ex, Mike Blake, a cop with the Anaheim Police Department. I had been on the force with the Orange County Marshal's Office until I took a bullet in the hip because I jumped to my left instead of my right while trying to serve a warrant. I had my disability retirement and whatever money I made as a private investigator. I had also inherited a nice house off of Westmont in Anaheim after my dad passed. I was sitting on a nice bank account and a lot of cash that wandered into my possession from my last case, The Church of the Loving Way. I was not wealthy, but on a hot July day lying out in the sun was more enticing than work.

    My housemate, Sheila, would not be home for another hour. She ran a small women's gym not far from my home. Sheila and I had been best friends since college. She had moved in with me after her divorce. Today the Final Decree came in the mail. She was officially single once again, taking back her maiden name of Madison. Her husband was no good and I was glad she had shed the last vestige of the marriage. We would celebrate at our favorite restaurant, La Belle Aurore.

    La Belle Aurore was a small restaurant and cocktail lounge on Euclid Street, near La Palma Avenue in Anaheim. Earlier in the year I worked a case involving their owner, Marty and Anne Sumner. They had become good friends.

    I ran my hands along my tan legs and thighs. I was in damn good shape. My muscle tone was good. I stood and stretched. My belly was firm. My breasts began to show some sag. I could live with it, I guess. I stepped up onto the diving board and performed my most graceful swan dive into the deep end. I swam to the shallow end and got out of the pool.

    Back on the lounge chair I thought about another beer, but decided against it. I caught some movement at the fence line to my right. The neighbor's son was home from college for the summer. I sensed he was trying to see me through the fence planks. I reached my hands between my legs and fingered myself slowly. My pussy was shaved with a light colored trim landing strip. I stroked my pussy with one hand and pinched my nipples with the other. I had just planned to tease the kid, but I was really turned on by the thought that the young man was probably masturbating while watching me. My hands worked a little harder. I stopped and spread my legs as far apart as I could, giving him a good beaver shot. Being bad, I stood up and slowly sauntered over by the fence. I looked at the rose bush next to the fence. I turned around and took a step, then bent over at my waist, stretching my legs apart. I heard rustling behind the fence. I stood up and shook my dishwater blonde mane. I turned and slowly walked away with a wiggle in the posterior.

    A half an hour later I was showered and drying my hair. I sat naked in front of my vanity mirror with a hair dryer. The door opened and closed. Sheila was home. A few minutes later she walked into my room holding the letter showing the divorce was final. She smiled and jumped in the air shouting with glee. I laughed and told her to change so we could go out and celebrate.

    Sheila was a beautiful woman. I was quite a bit taller than her. She had beautiful red hair, almost a strawberry blonde. When she smiled the freckles on her nose seemed to bounce around. She was extremely fit. Of course owning a gym allowed her the opportunity to stay in great condition.

    I dressed casual. I wore a light blue cotton skirt and a breezy blouse with a dark flower pattern. I wore sandals and felt very comfortable. I was watching the news on television waiting for Sheila. Walter Cronkite was giving a tribute for Chet Huntley who had just retired. Huntley and Brinkley would be no more.

    Sheila walked out dressed to kill. She wore a red halter type and a matching miniskirt. Her heels matched. She was dressed for sex.

    Feeling sexy tonight Miss Madison? I asked.

    Miss Madison, Sheila said aloud. That had a nice sound to it. It's good to be me again.

    We climbed into my '68 Plymouth Barracuda and headed to La Belle. As soon as we walked in Marty came out to give me a big hug. They were busy, but he gave me the back booth in the bar. I had worked there briefly on a case. The waitress, Suzy, came over to give me a hug and a kiss. Suzy was an older platinum blonde, slightly overweight. I had taken her job when she left to get married. A week later when she didn't get married I gratefully let her take the job back.

    What can I get you? Suzy asked.

    Sheila ordered a Tom Collins. I ordered a gin gimlet. Suzy came back with the drinks. Here you go, sweetie. How've you been? Suzy looked perky as always.

    Great. We are celebrating my friends divorce, I said.

    I celebrated that a bunch of times, Suzie said laughing. I just can't get it through my head that if you meet a guy in a bar he probably drinks too much. Have you met the new bartender, Corky?

    A female bartender? I said. Doesn't that cramp your style?

    Yeah, I don't do chicks, Suzy said as she walked away to wait on other customers.

    Sheila and I ate dinner. I checked out Corky. She had a tough life reflected in her pale eyes. She might have been half attractive a decade ago. I hoped I would hold up better than that. Sheila had a couple more drinks. I switched to coffee because one of us had to stay sober enough to drive. It wasn't real busy. We finished and decided to find some nightlife. Sheila suggested the Crescendo. I had never been there and heard it was a bit crazy, but this was Sheila's night. We hopped in the Barracuda and got on the Santa Ana Freeway, getting off at Katella.

    The Crescendo was busy. There was a blues rock band playing and it took a few minutes before we could find a seat. In a matter of minutes Sheila was dancing with some guy while I was nursing a beer. She came back to the table and introduced me to Roy. Roy had a grin that offset his lack of IQ or state of inebriation, I was not certain. Sheila thought he was cute. She had a screwdriver which she drank in between kisses with Roy. Sheila ordered another drink. I took another sip of beer.

    Sheila and Roy drifted out to the dance floor. After another number the band took a break and Sheila and Roy returned to the table. I was feeling like a third wheel. Roy invited us to go out to his truck for some weed. I didn't smoke, but Sheila was in the mood to say yes. Over my mild objection they went out while I ordered my second beer.

    I was watching the door when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and a gorgeous man sat down next to me.

    My name is Jacob. May I join you? My nephew just went outside with your friend. I am supposed to keep an eye on him. He is visiting from Phoenix.

    Jacob smiled. He was nice looking. He was conservatively dressed with a light blue dress shirt and gray slacks, like he had come from work. We tried to talk over the noise. We gave up and went out to look for Sheila and Roy. I followed Jacob to Roy's pick up. Sheila and Roy were in the bed, stretched out. Sheila's skirt was pulled up and her panties were on the ground next to the truck. They were kissing while Roy was fingering her. Roy's cowboy belt buckle was undone and his jeans were unbuttoned. His cock was hard and in Sheila's hand. Jacob slapped the side of the truck with his open hand. Sheila and Roy jumped up. I laughed.

    We were not doing anything, Sheila said.

    It sure looked like something to us, Jacob retorted.

    Roy stuffed his manhood back in his 501's. Sheila tried to stand up and they both nearly fell over. I helped Sheila out of the truck bed. Her skirt folded up revealing her red pubic hair. Jacob helped Roy down.

    Let's go back to the hotel. I'll drive, Roy said, fishing his keys out of his pocket. Jacob grabbed the keys out of his hand.

    Jacob seemed like a nice guy and he was certainly nice looking. Want us to meet you at your hotel? I suggested.

    Sheila smiled, Can we?

    Jacob said they were stating at the Jolly Roger Hotel. I said I knew it and would meet them there. I retrieved Sheila's panties off the gravel parking lot and stuck them in her purse. I helped her in my car and headed off to the hotel.

    The Jolly Roger is at the corner of Harbor and Katella, across from Disneyland. We parked just ahead of Jacob and Roy. I suggested the restaurant thinking a little coffee might be a good thing. Jacob did not give Roy any option.

    Jacob looked even better in the light. He was about 6' 1". He looked fit and groomed. He had dark hair cut a bit short. He wore gray slacks, a blue button down shirt with his collar open, and a navy blazer. He looked about thirty and professional.

    We got a booth. I sat next to Jacob. We ordered coffee. I ordered a club sandwich to split with Sheila. They guys ordered burgers.

    Jacob more formally introduced himself as Jacob Daniels. He lived outside of Washington, D.C. and was in Southern California for a meeting. Roy Daniels, his cousin, had just graduated Arizona State with a degree in architecture and was accepted for grad school there. He drove to Anaheim to meet up with his cousin.

    Jacob picked up the tab and we walked across the parking lot to their room. The Jolly Roger Hotel was one of the many tourist hotels and motels that sprung up in the area around Disneyland. It was a bit nicer than many of them. Jacob opened the door of the room. There were two double beds, the small desk and phone. It was no different than hundreds of rooms within a few blocks.

    Sheila and Roy wasted no time. Their tongues were entwined as Sheila was unbuckling Roy's belt. Roy pulled her blouse over her head and was fumbling with her bra hooks. Neither was exactly sober. It was a bit comical.

    Jacob grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. He looked into my eyes and slowly drew me towards him. We kissed. It wasn't a hard kiss. It wasn't a soft kiss. It was a sincere, meaningful kiss. It was a serious kiss. It was a memorable kiss.

    I knew with that kiss we were about to become lovers. Jacob stepped back and I moved toward him. I helped him off with his sports coat. I pushed him backwards on the bed and slipped off his shoe and socks.

    Jacob unbuttoned his shirt as I took off my blouse. I slipped off my skirt and stood before him naked, but for my panties. I undid his belt and removed his slacks. His cotton briefs failed to conceal his erection. I pulled off his underpants.

    Jacob's penis danced to attention. I took it in my left hand and gently stroked it. It was a nice size and shape, maybe six inches and on the thick side. I bent over and took the head in my mouth. I licked the tip and sucked it into my mouth. I sucked it for several minutes and stood up. I took off my panties and crawled up the mattress.

    Our attention was diverted by the noises coming from the couple in the next bed. Sheila had her legs wrapped around Roy's head. She was groaning as he was bringing her to orgasm. We watched as she held his head pressed into her crotch. He came up for air and she pulled him up and kissed him. Roy shoved his cock in her cunt and started to slap away. Sheila moaned as Roy stiffened and came inside of her.

    Jacob turned his attention to me. He rolled me on my back and kissed me again. He bit my neck lightly and kissed my neck. He sucked on my nipples while his fingers explored between my legs. He had some skill and knew what he was trying to locate. I was wet and pretty horny. It took only a couple of minutes before I knew that this was going to be great lovemaking.

    Jacob kissed my abdomen and navel. He found my mound and licked my labia. He found my clit with his tongue and expertly stimulated it. He reached a finger hitting my spot on the backside of the love knob. I had no control as the electricity of arousal built inside of me. Jacob demonstrated experience and expertise appreciated in lovemaking. I closed my eyes and concentrated in the sensation. My energy level peaked as I let out a loud cry and climaxed.

    Jacob pulled his head up and I rolled him over on his back. I assumed the sixty-nine position and swallowed his cock. I licked his balls, gently sucking first on than the other. I ran my tongue the length of his shaft. As I reached his head I gave it a nibble, rubbing the edge of my front teeth over the very top. Then I sucked his length back into my mouth.

    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sheila and Roy watching us. I decided it was time for a show. I used my mouth to fuck Jacob's cock. I opened my throat and took the entire length while massaging his balls with my left hand. Jacob tried to continue sucking my clit, but I wasn't really holding still for him. I felt his body grow tense below me.

    I can't hold back. I'm going to come, cried Jacob.

    Fuck that slut's mouth, yelled Sheila, laughing.

    Jacob exploded down my throat. The first blast was followed by several smaller spurts. I swallowed what I could, but the volume was immense and white globs were dripping out of my mouth.

    I lifted my head up and climbed off of Jacob. I stood, walked over to Sheila and gave her a long kiss, letting some of the cum in my mouth go into hers. As we parted she licked my lips, then hers.

    Who is the slut now, bitch, I said. We both laughed.

    We all talked for a while. Jacob had an early flight out of LAX the next morning and Roy was driving back to Phoenix.

    Too bad, I said. It's only Friday night. We could fuck all weekend.

    Look, Jacob said. Based on my meetings I think I will be spending some time here on the west coast. I would love to get to know you better.

    And I am only five hours away, Roy said.

    Sheila started rubbing Roy's cock again. It reached an erection and Sheila lowered her lips to it. She worked the shaft and the tip.

    I stroked Jacob's dick. It went from semi-erect to fully erect quickly. I squeezed my fist around it and pumped it. Once again I lowered my lips to the penis and played with it with my tongue. Jacob was playing with my ass and slipping fingers into my wet pussy. I was getting as aroused as he was as he expertly fingered my clitoris. As aroused as I was I knew I would be able to climax quickly.

    Let's mount these boys! shouted Sheila as she climbed on top of Roy. She slipped his cock in her cunt and slowly rode him.

    I did the same, climbing on top of Jacob's cock. I raised and lowered my body as he played with my tits.

    Let's race, said Sheila. The first to make their horse come first wins. Giddyup!

    We both raced up and down on the cocks. We could hear the slaps of our flesh as we crashed up and down on our rides. Jacob grabbed my ass and helped the motion. Sheila was faster than me so I had to ride my guy harder. Sheila slapped her ass as she bounced and gyrated. I grabbed my ride's shoulders for balance.

    Sheila started moaning. I felt my own climax approaching as the blood engorged my sex organ.

    Come on, Roy! shouted Sheila. You can do it!

    Jacob grunted beneath me. I could see the sweat on his forehead. We can do it, baby! I said. Let's show these tenderfoots how to ride!

    "I'm coming!' yelled Roy. I could see as he relaxed that he had shot his load into Sheila.

    Me too! groaned Jacob. I felt the hot stream inside of me.

    We all sat on the men as the erections dissipated. First Sheila climbed off, and then I got off. That was fun, Sheila said. Let's do it again.

    Jacob laughed. Roy said, "It's time to wipe this horse down. It will take some time before you can give it another ride like that.

    I looked at the clock. It was nearly two in the morning. "We better go. You studs have to get up in the morning.

    Sheila and I got dressed. We all exchanged phone numbers and promised to call. I knew we always meant well, but never followed up. I gave Roy a kiss and Sheila kissed Jacob. I then gave Jacob a long, wet kiss. Let's really try to stay in touch, he said. I really expect to be out here again soon."

    Sheila and I walked out to my car. Traffic was light at that hour of the morning. We were home in a matter of minutes. I was asleep a few minutes later.


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1970


    We got home after two in the morning and crashed. I woke up about nine and started the percolator. While the coffee was brewing I took a shower, donned my robe, and grabbed the Times from the front door. I felt pretty good after the night out. I was thinking about Jacob and wondering if I would ever see him again. He was undoubtedly on a plane heading to D.C.

    I read the sports section. The Red Sox had beaten the Angels on Friday. Yastrzemski hit his twenty-eighth home run and was having a good year. The Angels managed to get one hit the whole game. The Dodgers beat the Expos. Wes Parker had three hits. He was cute.

    The world was quiet according to the paper. The day was supposed to be warm, in the upper eighties. It would be a good day to lie out and catch some rays.

    At ten Sheila appeared, a bit hung over. I poured her some coffee. She sat down at the table. Okay, I think we had a good time last night, but I'm trying to remember. Did we go horseback riding?

    We both cracked up. You seemed pretty enamored with Roy, I said.

    He was cute and pretty nice. Jacob was a real hunk, Sheila replied.

    Yeah, I wonder if I will ever see him again, I speculated.

    Sheila decided to make some omelets. I was in charge of the toast. We were eating when the phone rang. Sheila jumped up to answer it. Just a second, Sheila said into the phone. Petra, I think it's Rich.

    Rich was a friend. We had dated for a while. He was living in a three way relationship with his roommates, Liz and Jim. I liked Liz. Jim was okay. Liz and Jim had been boyfriend and girlfriend until I broadened their sexual horizons. I was not clear on how they were all handling their three way relationship. They had just finished law school and had taken the bar. Hi, Rich, are you done with the test? We talked for a couple of minutes. I held my hand over the speaker.

    Sheila, they are having a party tonight to celebrate the end of the bar exam. Want to go?

    Sure, why not, she responded. I got the details and hung up.

    Rich said there would be a small group, maybe a dozen. They are getting some pizzas. It will be low key. Most of them have not partied in months. Of course, we have not partied in hours, I said.

    Sheila giggled and the phone rang again. I picked it up and smiled, Sheila, its Roy.

    Sheila grabbed the phone and I grabbed the laundry basket. I stripped the bed and started a load. I took my robe off and started the house cleaning. We were both pretty clean, but the dusting and vacuuming had to get done. I loved doing housework in the nude because my clothes never got dirty and, well, I liked being naked. I finished the dusting and Sheila was still on the phone. I started with the vacuum in the back of the house and worked my way to the front when she was finally done talking with Roy. I tuned of the machine and just looked at Sheila and waited.

    His school starts after Labor Day and he wants to come out and visit for a week. I told him I would ask you. He has an internship that ends on August 28. Can I Mom?

    Sure, if you haven't fallen in love with someone else before then, I answered. I turned on the vacuum and finished. Sheila did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I threw my laundry in the dryer and started another load. I made my bed with sheets from the linen closet, grabbed a towel, my book, sunglasses and went outside. I spread out on my lounge chair to work on my tan. I wondered if the college kid next door would be peeking.

    I read my book, QB VII, for a while. I put it down and closed my eyes. Probably forty-five minutes went by before I opened my eyes again. I was surprised Sheila had not come out. I looked inside and saw her sound asleep on the sofa.

    I went to the diving board and dove into the pool. Thirty minutes later I was tired from my laps and plopped back down on my lounge chair. The next thing I remember Sheila was shaking me awake.

    I made a couple of sandwiches and brought out Cokes. It's already past one.

    Thanks. Are you going to lay out here? I asked.

    Maybe for a little; the sun feels good, but you know how easily I burn, Sheila said.

    We ate and talked. We decided to go to the party that night. If we got tired we would leave early. Sheila had to get up in the morning because she had no coverage for the women's health club that she owned.

    Sheila asked me about Jacob and whether I expected to see him again.

    "I doubt it. You know how it is. You meet someone and have a good time. You promise to keep in touch, but you never seem to

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