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The Mourning Parade
The Mourning Parade
The Mourning Parade
Ebook408 pages6 hours

The Mourning Parade

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Single mom and veterinarian Natalie DeAngelo lost everything the day her two sons were killed in a school shooting. Following her psychiatrist's advice, she decides to sell her once-happy home to escape the immense pain and grief of living there alone.

Desperate to find relief from her unspeakable loss, Natalie impetuously commits to honoring her boys’ memory and volunteers to assist philanthropist Andrew Graham at his elephant sanctuary in northern Thailand. All she wants once she gets there is relief. 

But she soon realizes she may be in over her head when she faces three major challenges: her debilitating PTSD is creating night terrors; Peter Hatcher, the sanctuary’s irascible in-house vet, has a longtime grudge against her and wants desperately for her to fail; and Sophie, a female elephant with a raging leg infection and PTSD caused by human abuse, is demanding that Natalie use every trick in her veterinarian’s black bag to heal her.

Dr. Hatcher wants to euthanize Sophie, as he claims she's a lost cause, and Natalie knows she must find a way to convince the others to let her keep trying. Can she and Sophie find a way to heal together and learn to love life again? Or will another tragedy shatter Natalie's progress?

This deeply emotional novel explores the capacity of a mother's love, the challenge of overcoming a devastating loss, and the long, tiresome journey to healing.

Release dateJul 18, 2017
The Mourning Parade

Dawn Reno Langley

Dawn Reno Langley, PhD, (Durham, NC) is a writer, social justice activist, TEDx speaker, and Fulbright scholar. She holds an MFA from Vermont College and a PhD from the Union Institute and University. She has taught classes on women's issues, spoken publicly about her own spiritual journey, and has published more than thirty books.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful, beautiful story. Beautiful, and heartbreaking. It has been quite a while since a book made me cry, this book did. Found myself crying over an old crockety elephant named Sophie. This book takes place in an elephant sanctuary in Thailand. Natalie is a veterinarian of large animals, has mostly worked with horses, but horrific tragedy in her personal life finds her taking advantage of an opportunity that presents itself. Volunteering for a year in this elephant sanctuary. Her as she heals, she also attempts to heal herself. She will meet people that will help in this process and some that will hinder.The author is an avowed social activist and in this novel she tackles the plight of elephants in the wild and those that are made to work in ways in which they are not equipped, that are harmful and painful to these amazing animals. I loved the story, and I learned so much about these great animals, quite astonishing the intuitiveness they have for humans and each other. She uses a unique literary device by letting us read the thoughts of the elephant Sophie, as she comes to know and love Natalie. We learn of her past, what she went through in the wild and then in captivity. Quite different. Elephants are now prey, for their ivory, they are captured or killed by many. So horrible, the many ways they are mistreated. The title represents a beautiful yet sad moment in the story. Why can't humans ever leave anything alone? Question of the ages. Books like this help, showing us how very special these animals really are, how unique and valuable. Gorgeous cover as well.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was lucky enough to win a copy if this heartbreaking and hopeful novel in a contest from Amberjack Publishing. I entered based on its title and cover art without knowing what it was really about.Set in contemporary time, Natalie has thriving veterinarian clinic in North Carolina, specializing in horses. Life’s been rough. Real rough. Although it’s not a major plot point, it’s important that the reader know that her husband, Parker, walked out on her and their two sons. No more contact; only silence.Then the crushing blow hits. Both, yes both, of Natalie’s sons are killed in a school shooting. Hats off to author Langely for not going into gory details about the event. Natalie can’t eat, can’t sleep, can barely function. Parker didn’t even bother to come to his sons’ funeral. The first-year anniversary is swiftly approaching. Natalie isn’t sure that she can handle it.At a veterinarian conference, Natalie hears Andrew Graham talk about his work at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand. Against her parents’ advice, Natalie volunteers to spend a year at the sanctuary.Trouble begins almost the moment she arrives. The head vet, Dr. Peter Hatcher, hates her the moment he lays eyes on her. Although she suffers from PTSD, Natalie stays strong and pushes forward. As she is learning her way around she is drawn to a large female, Sophie. Sophie also suffers from PTSD and has a nasty, nasty leg wound that won’t seem to heal. When Sophie injures one of the compounds many dogs, Hatcher wants to put her down. But Natalie interferes, talking with Andrew about some rehab methods she has used back in the States. Hatcher tries to sabotage her efforts, but Natalie refuses to buckle under. Instead the Natalie and Sophie become BFFs. But grab a hankie, if the ending wasn’t so hopeful, it would be too hard.I learned a lot about elephants: their spines aren’t designed to carry a lot of weight, their foot pads are super sensitive, and their eating habits. Sophie does love to eat!I loved The Mourning Parade, and it receives 6 out of 5 stars in Julie’s world.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    WOW! Dawn Reno Langley , Author of “The Mourning Parade” has written a captivating, intriguing, emotional and thought-provoking novel. The Genres for this story are Fiction, with a trace of Historical Fiction. At times this novel reads as something one would see in a National Geographic Magazine, or program. The author used amazing detailed and vivid descriptions. The timeline of the story is mostly in the present and goes to the past only when it pertains to the characters or events. The story takes place mostly an elephant sanctuary in Thailand.The authors describe her characters as complex and complicated. Veterinarian Natalie DeAngela is tormented after her two sons are killed in a school shooting, Natalie heads to Thailand to volunteer with abused and sick elephants in a special sanctuary. Natalie wants to escape from her tormented dreams. Little does she realize how difficult this job will be for her. One of the senior Veterinarians dislikes Natalie, The customs and weather in this country are difficult to handle.One of the elephants, Sophie has been severly abused and has a severe infection in her leg. Sophie does not trust anyone, especially men, and can be dangerous. Natalie somehow makes it her mission to save Sophie. Natalie wants to win the elephants trust, and spends nights sleeping near her, and singing to her. She is almost like an elephant-whisperer. The other Veterinarian wants to put Sophie down because she can be unpredicatable and dangerous to people and the other elephants. How can Natalie work miracles?There is poaching nearby and political unrest, and it is extremely dangerous. There are twist and turns.I appreciated the symbolism of broken people and abused animals, and the traumas they have endured. The author discusses the importance of self worth and finding oneself, and kindness.I would recommend this novel to those readers, who enjoy a serious and riveting read.