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This Kind of Woman: Associating With the Right Kind
This Kind of Woman: Associating With the Right Kind
This Kind of Woman: Associating With the Right Kind
Ebook112 pages53 minutes

This Kind of Woman: Associating With the Right Kind

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The woman is God's secret weapon. She is a catalyst for change, a God ordained helper, a key agent for procreation, the cradle of life. This is evident in her intricate makeup which distinguishes her from all other creations of God. Her womb is the channel through which greatness emanates. It is the 'room' which carries and nurtures great seeds such as Jesus Christ the Messiah, Moses the Deliverer and Samuel the Prophet.
Every woman has great ability to influence for good or evil. The kind of woman you are determines the seeds you sow into the lives of people and the fruits you will harvest thereof, now and for generations.
Through the pages of this book, you will receive a revelation of who you are and instructions on how you can harness your abilities for glory.
For all men, please study the kind of woman you can and cannot associate with.
Be blessed as you read it.
Release dateJan 28, 2018
This Kind of Woman: Associating With the Right Kind

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    This Kind of Woman - Sam Korankye Ankrah



    So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

    Gen. 1:27

    The power and role of a woman must never be underestimated. God imbued the woman with the gift of influence and we have seen the evidence of this in history. Wars have been fought, songs have been composed, kings have been made and unmade because of women.

    My own life has been shaped by the presence and influence of two godly women. My mother, who saw greatness in me in spite of my shortcomings and taught me to be the best I could ever be. My wife, who has and continues to show me the power of true companionship, a friend above all friends and a source of courage in trying times. She has stood firmly with me and made sure our life together in service to God has caused a shaking of the very foundations of hell. With her, the ministry of God has advanced over the decades.

    These two women symbolize a kind of woman that everyone needs to be positively established and excel in life.

    In the Bible we find two kinds of women, the kind that builds and the kind that tears down. Truly there is nothing new under the sun, for I have seen with my own eyes the exhibition of these two kinds of women.

    The first kind brings glory and honour and the second kind deceives, destroys and wreaks havoc on gifted and potentially great individuals, families, nations and destinies.

    To all women, I ask this question, what kind of woman do you desire to be? And to all men, what kind of woman do you wish to be associated with? In this book, you will receive insight about the kind of woman who positively influences society and valuable lessons on how to be the kind that God desires.

    Proverbs 31:30 aptly captures the matter thus:

    Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

    To the man who is reading this book, I guarantee you that your eyes will open to the kinds of women you are surrounded by. I pray for you that the Lord will lead you to select and surround yourself with the right women who will influence you for success.


    Born in 1910, Mother Teresa lived for 87 years and spent a significant part of her life in Calcutta, India, where she founded the Missionaries of Charity. This missionary was devoted to serving the poor and destitute around the world. Her twenty years of service to the Indian community in Calcutta was a demonstration of selflessness and willingness to fulfill her Master’s call and to make the lives of others better and fulfilling. Her poor background and several other challenges in her early life and in India did not stop her from achieving her goal of impacting lives. Through her the ‘poorest of the poor’ were catered for. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and became a symbol of charity and selflessness. Today, there are 700 missions operating in over 130 countries through Missionaries of Charity.

    The woman is God’s secret weapon, she is a catalyst for change and a key agent for procreation. This is evident in her intricate makeup which distinguishes her from all other creations of God. Her womb is the ‘room’ which carries and nurtures great seeds; Jesus Christ the Messiah, Moses the Deliverer and Samuel the Prophet are all products of the womb. These people influenced humanity and revolutionised the course of history. Womanhood must therefore be valued for its contribution to the accomplishment of the divine plans and purposes of God.

    I owe who and what I am today, first, to God who divinely led me in the right way and brought me to my still waters to drink of the bounty of His love and grace. Secondly, to a woman who saw the greatness in me in spite of my shortcomings and taught me to be the best I could ever be. I am talking about my biological mother of blessed memory. Thirdly, to a woman who has and continues to show me the power of true companionship, a friend above all friends and a source of courage in trying times. She also helped to bring the best out of me and trained our children in the light of God’s word. She has made our family great through her dynamism and womanhood. She has stood firm and made sure our life together in service to God has caused a shaking of the very foundations of hell. With her, the ministry of God has advanced over the decades. She is my wife Rita.

    The power and role of a woman must not be underestimated. God made the woman in His image just as He did the man.

    Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion… ²⁷So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. ²⁸Then God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.

    Genesis 1:26-28

    In the man was the woman. When God pronounced His blessings over man, He did so over the woman as well. "Let them have dominion…. He gave both of them dominion over all things. He created man" male and female. The woman was created as co-heir with man, sharing the mandate of multiplying as well as exercising dominion and authority over the earth and creation.

    And the LORD God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."

    Genesis 2:18

    God established the principle of completeness of man through the woman. Without the woman, man is not complete. Out of the dust of the earth, man was created but from the ribs of the man, woman was formed.

    1. The woman is bone of his bones – Genesis 2:23a

    2. The woman is flesh of his flesh – Genesis 2:23b

    3. The woman is a helper.

    4. The woman complements the man.

    5. The woman is a companion to the man.

    6. The woman is the man’s counterpart.

    She is the piece that completes the puzzle of manhood which is so by God’s perfect design.

    And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. ²²Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

    Genesis 2:21-22

    The three phases of womanhood

    Womanhood can be

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