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Shackles of the Genie ~ M/M Arabian Erotica
Shackles of the Genie ~ M/M Arabian Erotica
Shackles of the Genie ~ M/M Arabian Erotica
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Shackles of the Genie ~ M/M Arabian Erotica

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A steamy male/male Arabian fantasy dripping with ecstasy and magic.

Takrim refuses to be enslaved by the evil djinn temptress, Iigwha. He escapes her clutches, but the djinn torments him with a cursed ring that brings him endless pleasure, but denies him release.

A hunter travelling alone through the Al'inal Forest finds Takrim, half starved and exhausted. Sadiq tries to help him the only way he can - through pleasure.

Content Warning: Contains explicit sex scenes and some horror and violence.

Release dateFeb 1, 2018
Shackles of the Genie ~ M/M Arabian Erotica


Derendrea is a an author of sensual & entertaining erotica. All of her stories are based on dreams.Recent publications:SEX BLITZ - Hayden gives consent to give up all control. Sequel to the Sex Camp Series.SEX CAMP - Helen explores the world of menage and bondage after being invited to a strange camp.SHACKLES OF THE GENIE - M/M story of an enslaved djinn whose only hope of freedom is a husky hunter.CRASHED IN THE OUTLANDS - An alien woman must rely on four sweaty humans in order to survive a jungle planet.SACRIFICE TO TANGAROA - A young island woman is given to the tempest in attempt to appease the god of the sea.SAVAGED - A woman is pursued by bandits into the wood, but then saved by a husky barbarian.SKIN WALKER - A Native American woman is rescued from would-be kidnappers by a shape shifter.FORGOTTEN - A young woman enters a cybernetic suit during an attack on her home. She must join with the being embedded in the suit in order to survive.PLAIN SKIN - The eldest heir of the king is abducted and sold to barbarians, who tattoo her skin with symbols of their tribe.THE SULTAN'S HAREM - The sultan's favorite, and least receptive slave has an unexpected guest.FOR THE KING - Three men enter the queen's bedchamber. She has the chance to refuse, but she doesn't.SENSITIVE - A woman with a 'sensitive personality' meets a man that sets her nerves on fire.VALKYRIE - A young New York man rescues a creature on his way home. He hides her in his apartment, but can he hide her from her past?A FOREST ENCOUNTER - Two traveling merchants make the mistake of staying overnight in a strange wood.COURTSHIP - A maid lives out her fantasy with her lord. (FREE as part of Derendrea's Erotic Sampler)MY BEST CUSTOMER - A drug addict tells the story of a client that treated her differently than the rest.Stories to look out for in 2019:ANGEL APOCALYPSE - An angel falls in love with a soldier during WWIII.THE SWEETEST FRUIT - A non-biblical retelling of the story of Eve and the forbidden fruit.THE DARKNESS OF SPACE - A woman is lured into detective work on a mining colony.

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    Shackles of the Genie ~ M/M Arabian Erotica - Derendrea




    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This is copyrighted work. Do not replicate it or distribute without written permission from the author. Brief quotes may be used for a review or critique.

    © 2018 Derendrea Books


    The Al’inal Forest can get cool at night, even in the summer. The trees are young and thin, and their branches spread out above, reaching for the stars. A gentle mist rises from the river at the base of the mountain.

    Sadiq travels alone. He lights a low fire, camping beneath the eaves of a tamarix tree. The pink blossoms gently sway in the evening breeze.

    Sadiq settles his back against a rock and gazes out at the misty, dark valley. It has been four days since he left Jazzīn, and the solitude of the expansive outdoors has settled on him. Though he enjoys the company and comfort of the villages, he is most content here, in the wild.

    As Sadiq lights a small water pipe and begins to set out his blankets, he finds his hand gripping his curved bow, pulling it beside him. He stares out at the shadowy forest.

    Though most of the game here is small and he uses traps to hunt, he still carries the bow for the occasional gazelle or boar. Rarely, he would find the track of a mountain bear or swamp cat, but he had never encountered one face to face. Has such a passing beast put him on alert now?

    Listening long and hard, Sadiq finds the forest is quiet. Even the chattery serin sleep. Perhaps that is what disturbed his relaxed contemplation.

    Not even a locust or beetle buzzes. Night, here in this fertile land, usually ushers a conglomerate of contented singers.

    Only silence surrounds him.

    Out of instinct, Sadiq dons his leather vest, connects the sinew to tighten his bow, lifts his quiver over his shoulder, and ties his curved dagger to his belt. He listens, but still there is no sign of what avails him.

    Sadiq lifts his water pipe, blowing out puffs into the cool darkness. Whatever is out there will eventually pass on. Any wild thing will be deterred by the light of his fire.

    But something does not feel right. It does not feel... natural. The forest itself seems to quiver, as if frightened by some trespassing thing.

    All of the apprehension condenses to a single spot, a single sound coming from the base of the valley. A cry of a man, piercing through the night. A cry full of pain, despair, and fear.

    Sadiq’s first thought is that some poor soul is being devoured by hyenas. He had once witnessed a young gazelle caught by a troop of the blood-thirsty creatures, and the sound it gave was similar to what he just heard. Only then, the hyenas had cackled, relishing in their victory.

    Now, all that answers is quiet. A pervasive darkness and silence that seems to laugh and revel in the anguish.

    Sadiq draws nearer to his fire. He is no coward. He is healthy and strong enough to face a troop of hyenas, or maybe even to ward off a pride of lions. But this... whatever lurks in this darkness causes quivers in his heart.

    The cry echoes inside him. It was so desperate... No, not desperate... So forlorn, like the man was beyond all hope.

    It was a man. Sadiq can not just stay here, by the comfort of his fire, and leave this stranger in the darkness to suffer.

    Gathering his courage, Sadiq lifts a long burning branch from the fire and starts into the trees towards the base of the mountain.


    Sadiq urges himself to quicken his pace, but his legs begrudgingly comply. His body is reluctant to continue through the uninviting darkness. The shadows seem to take shape, to reach out for him. Sadiq lifts his knife in one hand, the burning branch in the other, though what use are these weapons against fear?

    Reaching the river, Sadiq struggles to see. The distant stars provide no light atop the pervasive darkness, and his makeshift torch only lights a few arm-lengths ahead of him. There is no sign of a man, or anything else through the shadowed trees.

    Sadiq wants to call out, to see if the man will answer, but his chest is too tight. His trembling hand raises the burning branch, sensing something is near.

    Then, there’s the voice. The voice of the man, but weaker now, coughing. Sadiq shines the light ahead, and sees half a crouched, trembling form under the shadows of a leaning boulder.


    Sadiq steps forward. The figure barely reacts to his advance. As Sadiq nears, he sees the man is scantily dressed, especially to be out in this chill, and his

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