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Awards For Me
Awards For Me
Awards For Me
Ebook50 pages43 minutes

Awards For Me

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About this ebook

Sue is an upcoming designer at her interior design firm so much so that Kim, the owner of the firm made her a studio director. She is the youngest, at twenty-five, studio director the firm has ever had and Kim has taken a shine to her. Sue reminded Kim of herself at that age, beautiful, talented and ambitious. Kim also suspects that like her, Sue loves sex and will test that theory at the Awards banquet.

Sue had put the firm in the national spotlight for a very successful branding and graphic design she had created, which had won her the most prestigious national award given in the industry, an accomplished feat for her age; being the youngest recipient ever. Sue was also being given a special award from her firm. What Sue didn’t know was that Kim had more awards waiting for her leading up to the Awards banquet and afterwards.

Lou, Sue’s husband, would be leaving the country for his job but wanted to make sure he was there to see his beautiful, sexy wife accept her awards before he left. The banquet this year was being held in St. Croix so Sue was glad he was coming because it would be a 3-day mini-vacation for them before he left. Sue knew that Kim had paid for everything so she knew everything would be fantastic.

The first night there, Sue was already enjoying the attention she was receiving from Kim and her three male co-workers, who had also won an award because of her design, which brought in hundreds of new customers. Just by the way they were treating her so special gave Sue goosebumps. They were treating her like a sexy starlet with compliments galore and hints at forbidden pleasures. Sue was wet and horny by the time Lou and she reached their room.

As soon as they did, they were having passionate sex and fantasying about a topic they had discussed many times and was one of Lou’s favorites...watching her having sex with other men.

The next couple of days were a sexy prelude to fulfilling that fantasy for both of them with Kim leading the parade. Sue was enjoying every bit of attention she was receiving and she was about to find out just what kind of special awards you can receive from doing such a good job for your firm.

PublisherSue Teri
Release dateMar 29, 2018
Awards For Me

Sue Teri

Welcome to my secret desires, where you will be aroused by stories of passionate desires, erotic lust and taboo adventures. I like to provide you with lots of detail and description that I hope will pull you into most enticing, intense, erotic and orgasmic sex scenes. I hope you will find yourself playing with yourself as you experience the characters’ moans and groans of sensual lust in my writings. I beckon you with promise of sexual gratification. Welcome to my World of Secret Desires...

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    Book preview

    Awards For Me - Sue Teri

    Awards For Me

    Copyright 2018 Sue Teri

    Published by Sue Teri at Smashwords

    Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover Design by Maya

    Table of Contents

    Author’s Notes

    Awards For Me

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    About Sue Teri

    Titles by Sue Teri

    Connect with Sue Teri

    Author’s Notes

    This story was written as an adult fantasy and is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCE ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please story your files where they cannot be access by minors.

    The characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen years of age or older.

    It is okay to READ stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it is not okay to HAVE unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 2-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it!

    Awards For Me

    Lou and I had been looking forward to this trip for over a month. The trip was paid for by the interior design firm I worked for so Lou and I decided to come early for a mini vacation before the banquet and conference.

    The award banquet was for me, well, there were other awards but mine was the most prestigious. A very successful branding and graphic design I created had won a national award. At twenty-five, I was the youngest person to ever win this award. Plus, the branding brought in hundreds of first time customers. My firm was also giving me an award.

    The award banquet was Sunday, followed by our design conference. We had arrived Friday morning to take advantage of some extra time at the beach.

    We arrived at the hotel around seven. Since the bellman was bringing the luggage up we had some time to explore the hotel. We found the spa, thee restaurants, a pub and a nightclub. The nightclub had a DJ Thursday through Saturday.

    We headed up to our room to shower and change. We had already eaten but thought we’d try the pub and then the nightclub after.

    Lou jumped in the shower first. I always thought this silly as I took longer to get ready, but he always said, It gives me more chances to see you naked.

    I liked that answer. Actually, I loved it when he admired me. To be honest, I loved it when anyone admired my body. At five-five; thirty-four B, twenty-five, thirty-seven; I was proud of my body. My thick chestnut red hair that is cut in a classic bob with long side sweeping bangs. If I had a chance to wear a short dress, show what bit of cleavage I have or wear a bikini, I loved it.

    The best part is that Lou always liked it too. He said he loved being seen with such a sexy woman.

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