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Clear seeing and the sixth sense: The brow Chakra: The Guide on How to Awaken the Amazing Power you Already Have and Go Beyond the Physical Eyes
Clear seeing and the sixth sense: The brow Chakra: The Guide on How to Awaken the Amazing Power you Already Have and Go Beyond the Physical Eyes
Clear seeing and the sixth sense: The brow Chakra: The Guide on How to Awaken the Amazing Power you Already Have and Go Beyond the Physical Eyes
Ebook44 pages41 minutes

Clear seeing and the sixth sense: The brow Chakra: The Guide on How to Awaken the Amazing Power you Already Have and Go Beyond the Physical Eyes

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About this ebook

This book will help you understand what clairvoyance is, what the brow chakra is, and how you can activate this energy point to access your sixth sense. 
You will learn various techniques, such as meditation, yoga and visualization to activate your sixth sense. You will also be able to learn how to use crystals for opening your third eye chakra. There are also certain foods that are useful for balancing your brow chakra and you will be able to learn about these as well. By the end of this guide, you will also be able to use the power of color to activate your clear sight.
This guide will take you on a journey that will make it possible for you to use the power of your intuition and clear sight to do things that you never thought possible.

PublisherM.A. Hill
Release dateAug 5, 2015
Clear seeing and the sixth sense: The brow Chakra: The Guide on How to Awaken the Amazing Power you Already Have and Go Beyond the Physical Eyes

M. A. Hill

M. A. Hill is an author of books on topics related to spirituality is a deeply introspective individual who has spent a significant portion of their life exploring the inner workings of the human psyche and the mysteries of the universe. This author is renowned for their ability to convey complex spiritual concepts in a simple and accessible manner.The author was exposed to various spiritual practices and philosophies from an early age and spent much of their time reflecting on mysteries and the deeper questions of life.Over the course of their career, the author has written numerous books on topics related to spirituality, including meditation, mindfulness, self-discovery, and the search for meaning and purpose. “The 7 Chakras: Balancing, Colors and Meaning.” has been one of the most read.Today, the author continues to write and inspire others with their spiritual wisdom and insights. Their work has touched the lives of many individuals around the world, helping them to unveil mysteries or find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives.

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    Book preview

    Clear seeing and the sixth sense - M. A. Hill


    Have you ever seen things that most people cannot see with their physical eyes? Have you ever known things even before they happened? If yes, then you have already had the amazing experience of clear seeing or clairvoyance.

    Clairvoyance is like your second sight. It involves seeing auras, images and colors which cannot be seen by the physical eyes. These symbols, images and colors can only be seen when your third eye is awake.

    Clear seeing refers to the ability to see things that are hidden through your intuition. Through this ability people can often find lost objects or see things that happened far away.

    We all could use our third or intuitive eye to see things that go beyond the physical senses. But we began to rely so heavily on our physical senses and ignored our sixth sense that it slowly became quieter and we just lost it. But we all experience its presence from time to time when we know who is at the door without seeing, when we know what is about to happen before it does.

    So, our sixth sense is not dead. It is still alive. It is just asleep and just needs to be awakened. We can do this by activating our third eye chakra. Chakras are energy points in our subtle non-physical body, and among the 7 main chakras, the brow chakra is the sixth chakra. So, it is not surprising that the sixth chakra is associated with our sixth sense.

    But the question arises how can we activate our brow chakra and tap into the power of clairvoyance more consistently? It is not impossible. We all can do this. All we need is to just consistently work on balancing our chakras and pay special attention to developing the brow chakra.

    This is the purpose of this guide. It will help you understand what clairvoyance is, what the brow chakra is, and how you can activate this energy point to access your sixth sense.

    You will learn various techniques, such as meditation, yoga and visualization to activate your sixth sense. You will also be able to learn how to use crystals for opening your third eye chakra. There are also certain foods that are useful for balancing your brow chakra and you will be able to learn about these as well. By the end of this guide, you will also be able to use the power of color to activate your clear sight.

    This guide will take you on a journey that will make it possible

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