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Whimsical Tendencies
Whimsical Tendencies
Whimsical Tendencies
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Whimsical Tendencies

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About this ebook

Although Cypher McCall has no memories before the quake that destroyed the kingdom of Augury, she holds a steadfast hatred of the repressive Cauldian regime now occupying the country. Because her magical gifts are deemed subversive, she does her best to avoid detection--until she learns the Cauldians plan to desecrate the ruins of nearby Castle Augur. She stumbles on a silver key that she hopes will unlock her memories, but first she must confront a long repressed horror from her past.

Release dateFeb 14, 2018
Whimsical Tendencies

Suzanne G. Rogers

Originally from Southern California, Suzanne G. Rogers currently resides in beautiful Savannah, Georgia on an island populated by exotic birds, deer, turtles, otters, and gators. Tab is her beverage of choice but a cranberry vodka martini doesn’t go amiss.

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    Book preview

    Whimsical Tendencies - Suzanne G. Rogers

    Chapter 1

    Whimsical Tendencies

    Unrepentant, Cypher waited outside the headmaster’s office with her arms folded across her chest. A young man with raging pink hair emerged and scowled at her.

    You’re gonna get it now, Cypher McCall.

    Is that so? Her eyes narrowed. Looks like you already got it. She shot to her feet. Better scat before I light your whole head on fire.

    When she lifted one eyebrow, the pink-haired teen darted off, speeding down the empty corridor without a backward glance.

    Miss McCall. Headmaster Owens appeared in the doorway. We’re ready for you.

    We? She’d thought her meeting would be with the headmaster alone. If other teachers were involved, clearly her disagreement with Will Babcock had landed her in far greater trouble than she’d anticipated. Her mouth went dry from fear, but she swallowed hard, lifted her chin, and sailed into the room like a queen. After a regal nod to the faculty members assembled there, she lowered herself into the one empty chair up front.

    The headmaster closed the door and settled behind his desk. Let’s get started then, shall we?

    Faced with the prospect of being expelled, Cypher’s poise crumbled. First of all, Will deserved it. He’s a⁠—

    We understand. The headmaster raised his hand to stanch the avalanche of words. That’s not why you’re here.

    She was taken aback. It’s not?

    No. Not exactly.

    The expressions of the men and women surrounding Cypher reflected concern, not anger. Well, all except for the history teacher, Mr. Finstermaker. He’d always regarded her with disapproval, if not outright disdain. Puzzled, she waited for someone to speak.

    Her homeroom teacher, Miss Dreary, cleared her throat. "We appreciate that you’re, well, different, Cypher."

    Odd, I daresay, Mr. Finstermaker mumbled.

    "Not odd at all, Mr. Finstermaker. Whimsical is more like it." Mr. Korn’s voice sounded almost as melodic as the musical instruments he taught his pupils to play.

    Heads nodded in agreement—except for the dour history teacher.

    "Yes, whimsical, Headmaster Owens said. And while we don’t mind, you understand, your tendencies might be seen by some as, er, dangerous."

    Most of the teachers nodded again, making noises of assent.

    Possibly even subversive, Mr. Finstermaker added.

    Cypher’s gaze slid to the detested dark blue Cauldian flag hanging in the corner. This is about the invaders, isn’t it?

    From the general reaction, her use of the word invaders was less welcome than a swarm of hungry gnats. The headmaster called for everyone to stay calm.

    Mr. Finstermaker puffed up like an angry chicken. What did I tell you? She’ll bring disaster to Plentiful Academy!

    Headmaster Owen gave the history teacher a quelling glance. That’s not helpful. He sighed. "Cypher, the Cauldians view whimsical tendencies in a poor light. I must ask you not to express yourself here at school anymore or⁠—"

    Or you’ll be expelled! Mr. Finstermaker finished the thought.

    You can’t expel me. Cypher frowned. I’ve only a few more days until graduation!

    Miss Dreary’s smile was sweet and encouraging. So it shouldn’t be too difficult to contain yourself for that long, should it?

    Cypher dropped her eyes to the white porcelain cherub sitting on the headmaster’s desk.

    I suppose not. She rose. "But make no mistake…I’ll never accept Cauldians as the rightful rulers of Augury."

    After Cypher left the office, Headmaster Owens produced a linen handkerchief and mopped his brow. I’m not sure the young lady really understands what’s at stake.

    How could she? the history teacher snapped. At eighteen, her head is full of rebellion, mischief, and boys!

    You don’t know Cypher very well, Mrs. Rane said. She’s one of the more level-headed girls I’ve ever had in my class.

    Furthermore, she’s not so terribly unusual where magic is concerned, Mr. Korn pointed out. Jenny Franklin over at the poultry farm is whimsical, too. She can enchant a rooster to whistle a tune if you ask her nicely.

    That’s true! said Miss Dreary. I’ve heard it.

    Yes, and Horace Drullen can make his dog Bones do amazing tricks. Mrs. Rane frowned. Although…maybe that’s not strictly magical.

    The headmaster glanced at each teacher in turn. Truth be told, almost everyone in Augury can do a small bit of magic to one extent or another.

    Mr. Finstermaker shook his head emphatically. Not I.

    Nonsense, Miss Dreary retorted. It’s in your blood, whether you want to admit it or not.

    I admit nothing, and you should expel Cypher McCall, Headmaster. You’ve got the perfect pretext, what with her attack on Will Babcock.

    He deserved it! came a chorus of responses.

    I’ve never understood what Cauldians have against magic, Mrs. Rane said.

    It’s probably because they’re distinctly prosaic themselves, Miss Dreary said. Obviously, they find magic threatening.

    The Cauldians waited to invade Augury until after the Head Wizard Arielle was killed in the Great Quake. They wouldn’t have dared do such a thing when she was alive, Mr. Korn said.

    Mrs. Rane sighed. I can’t believe it’s been almost ten years since that horrible tragedy. It seems like just yesterday.

    The music teacher lowered his voice. I long for the glory days of Augury, under good King Gideon. Queen Bailey was always hosting magical entertainments for children at the castle. Such a shame the king and queen never had children of their own.

    I took both my sons to Castle Augur a few times when they were little. The headmaster smiled in remembrance.

    How fortunate your children were able to see the castle before it was turned into a ruin, Mr. Korn said.

    None of us will ever forget it.

    Mr. Finstermaker radiated disapproval as he sucked in his cheeks. Those days are distant memories, and this sort of talk might be considered treasonous!

    The music teacher flicked his eyes toward the ceiling. Yes, thank you. We’ve grasped that much.

    Mrs. Rane gave the history teacher a withering glance. You’ve no backbone, sir. I can’t believe you bear the same surname as the best and bravest general that the kingdom of Augury ever knew.

    Mr. Finstermaker bristled. My grandfather was a warmonger. And my relationship to him is beside the point!

    Headmaster Owens frowned. Unfortunately, Mr. Finstermaker is right about Cauldian sensibilities. However much we might wish otherwise, we live under their rule. I didn’t want to frighten Cypher unduly, but if the wrong people discover her whimsical tendencies, she’ll be in terrible danger.

    All the more reason to expel the girl immediately and save our skins, Mr. Finstermaker said.

    Oh shut it, George, Miss Dreary replied. It’s Cypher’s well-being I’m worried about, not our skins. Even if she manages to control her magic, she won’t escape Cauldian notice for long.

    Too true, Miss Dreary. The headmaster’s eyebrows drew together. With her looks, it’s only a matter of time.

    May the ancestors protect her, Miss Dreary murmured.

    Cypher emerged from Plentiful Academy wearing a mulish expression. She supposed it could have gone worse for her just now, but the headmaster didn’t have the right to embarrass her about her abilities in front of the entire faculty!

    Her face instantly became a mask when a phalanx of young men blocked her path.

    What do you lads want?

    We saw what you did to Will Babcock earlier today.

    Her chin lifted. So?

    Maybe we don’t like it.

    Her eyes narrowed. And maybe you’d like the same done to you, Dooley Stoker.

    Several tense seconds passed before the group dissolved into raucous laughter—Cypher included.

    I thought I’d break a rib laughing when I saw Will’s hair. Dooley patted her on the shoulder Good one, Cyph.

    Babcock’s an idiot, Hank said. His pa will shear his head like a sheep when he comes home looking like a flower, mark my words.


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