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Dislodging The Forces Of Darkness
Dislodging The Forces Of Darkness
Dislodging The Forces Of Darkness
Ebook115 pages2 hours

Dislodging The Forces Of Darkness

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This book "Dislodging The Forces of Darkness" fundamentally derives its content base from the biblical story of how the rebellious Lucifer and his cohorts failed in attempt to overthrow God in Heaven. The story is fairly anchored and balanced by the account on how Archangel Michael and his army fought, defeated and dislodged the dragon (Lucifer) and allies from heaven. The lessons in this book simply reveal the attitude, strategy and weapons the elect Angels of God employed in defeating Lucifer and Co, which are applicable to our present day spiritual warfare. The book seeks to place in the hands of its readers 'some critical, spiritual keys and weapons' to help them fight and win the unseen battle and force the unseen enemy/devil out of their lives once and for all; and as well as to help position them on a greater scale of winning and reigning in their walk with God and in life in general.    

Release dateMay 25, 2024
Dislodging The Forces Of Darkness

Dr Emmanuel Marboah

Dr. Emmanuel Marboah is a gifted revivalist; teacher and writer, whose life-transforming writing and pulpit works have been a blessing to many in the religious and educational institutions and the public in general. His ministry is characterized, anchored and balanced by an unflinching emphasis on preaching and demonstrating divine healing/deliverance; the prophetic, discipleship and godliness in the Body of Christ. He holds honours in theology from the then Word Miracle Ministerial College (currently, Perez University College, Ghana); and AMES International School of Ministry, Fort Myers-Florida, USA. As the CEO of Pure Grace Publications; and the president of Moral Legacy Campus Ministry, Reverend Marboah makes his home in Accra, Ghana, where he operates from and reaches out to the world as a minister, writer and professional book editor.

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    Book preview

    Dislodging The Forces Of Darkness - Dr Emmanuel Marboah

    Grace Legacy Books


    The Forces Of


    Discovering proven, spiritual strategies to help you overcome and force that evil out and walk in lasting victory and happiness.


    Revised Edition

    Grace Legacy Publications


    Dr. Emmanuel Marboah

    Copy right 2024 by Dr. Emmanuel Marboah.

    First Published, 2021.

    Revised Edition, 2024.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission from the author who is the copyright owner.

    ISBN  978-9988-1-6754-7

    Unless indicated otherwise, all scriptural references were taken from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

    Available online@



    Mobile: +233244591817 (Call or WhatsApp the Author).

    Social Media @ Dr. Emmanuel Marboah on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Youtube.


    Accra, Ghana


    To God Be The Glory

    This book is dedicated to Rev. Stephen Kwarteng, Head Pastor, House of Peniel Church, Tabora, Accra, Ghana. This is to publicly acknowledge and appreciate you for your impeccable advisory role in my ministry and life in general. Papa, for generously making me a beneficiary of the divine wisdom bestowed upon you, I will forever be grateful. God bless you!


    The following persons deserve a resonating mention for their support toward my writing ministry. These include Bishop Prosper Agbenyo, Perez Chapel International, Tamale Central Branch; Bishop Prof. Nicholas Mintah, Baptismal Light Bible church, Santa Maria, Accra; Apostle Innocent Osei Opoku, Christlike City International Chapel, Takoradi, Ghana; Apostle Robert Bagna, Prayer City Ministries, Konongo, Ashanti Region, Ghana; Pastor Effah Atuahene, St. John’s Methodist Church, Eastern Cape Province, Port Elizabeth, South Africa; Pastor George Yaw Oduro, Assemblies of God Church, Eastern Cape Province, Port Elizabeth, South Africa; and Rev. Frank Amoako Mensah, "Jesus Teaching Salvation Ministry, Kumasi. God bless you all for your unflinching support.   



    The Fall of The Morning Star.

    The Blood Mysteriously Made Available.

    The Mystery of Their Word of Testimony.

    Strategic Positioning And Attitude. 

    Dare To Fight Till You Overcome.

    Winning Even Under Pressure.

    Believers Charged To Rejoice In Victory.

    A Prayer Map To The Throne of Grace.

    Maintaining An Attitude of Gratitude


    Many Christians are still struggling to completely free themselves from demons which used to torment and manipulate them while they were not yet saved. These born-again Christians cannot comprehend why they still have demonic spirits middling in their lives. Most especially find it difficult in spiritual warfare to defeat and cast these disembodied spirits or evil squatters out of their lives.

    In this book, you will discover a detailed roadmap of deliverance for any Christian suffering from any form or level of demonic attack or evasion in their life. These clear-cut guidelines would position them spiritually to face, defeat, and dislodge any kind of demonic element from their life. It does not matter their kind or level, whether it is an ancestral spirit, marine spirit, familiar spirit, witchcraft spirit, or even the devil himself. 

    Let me continue by helping you to better understand the term, ‘Dislodge’ from the dictionary point of view. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, to dislodge means:

    To forcefully remove something or someone from a place or position.

    To drive from a position of hiding, defence, or advantage.

    To force out of a secured or settled position.

    With the above-listed supplies from the dictionary, I wish to state that the weather is fair enough for me as the pilot of this intellectual and spiritual voyage, to continue to navigate through my introductory notes. 

    This book entitled, Dislodging The Forces of Darkness fundamentally derives its content base from the biblical story of how the rebellious Lucifer and his allies failed in their attempt to overthrow God in Heaven. It also deals with how the Archangel Michael and the angels under his command fought, defeated, and dislodged the dragon (Lucifer) and his cohorts out of heaven.

    The lessons in this book comprehensively reveal the spiritual weapons, attitudes, and strategies that Michael and his army employed in defeating Lucifer and his army. In other words, they teach you and also place in your hands, ‘some critical spiritual keys and weapons to help you fight and dislodge that particular spiritual enemy or opposition out of your life once and for all, and move on with your life.’ No matter how long that devil has been disturbing, interfering with, or troubling your life, enough is enough! It is about time you started to access and possess your total freedom and inheritance in God through spiritual warfare.

    You must not forget that the devil has always been a violent entity since he fell from heaven, and the only language he understands is violence. You are never going to defeat and dislodge that devil from your life, ministry, marriage, finances, business, career, etc. unless you approach and attack him violently in the spirit realm. 

    One of the reasons many born-again Christians still have demons middling and interfering with their lives is that they are very gentle when it comes to spiritual warfare. Understand that the devil would never bow or surrender to your wish unless you force him to do so. 

    Remember, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and one needs to be violent to dare and overcome in their spiritual battles. Jesus made this profound statement in the following scripture while on earth. 

    And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

    Matthew 11:12.

    As Christians, we better take this particular piece of scripture rather more seriously if we really desire to win in life and continue to win whenever we are confronted by the forces of darkness. 

    In these last days where the violent satanic activities against the unsaved in the world are increasing day in and day out; and the calculated onslaughts targeted at the saved in Christ are on the ascendency, you and I cannot afford any longer to be less fervent in spirit or less violent in our spiritual battles. 

    We must concede the fact that we do not have the luxury of time to continue to be at the receiving end of Luciferian attacks. And this book would help you take responsibility and decisively turn the clock around in your favour.

    Chapter One


    And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon: and the dragon and his angels fought, 8. but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9. So the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    Revelation 12:7-9.

    1. The Luciferean Coup D’état 

    The one and only ‘Coup d’état’ that ever took place in Heaven was conceived and initiated by Lucifer’s unholy quest to become like God, his creator. Lucifer is described in scripture as the morning star, day star, or bright star. The Hebrew word used to describe Lucifer is ‘’Halal" which means to shine. This was how God wonderfully and distinctly created him. 

    Until his fall, he was destined to shine, because he was full of light, wisdom, perfection, glory, and beauty by nature. He was not just one of the angels in Heaven, but actually the Archangel of the cherubim angelic realm who was in charge of guarding by using their wings to cover the Throne of God, according to Ezekiel 28:12-17. I would furnish you with just the contents of verses fourteen and fifteen here so that this portion does not get littered with too many scriptural verses. Please try and read the rest from your own Bible. It reads: 

    "14. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. 15. You were perfect in your ways from the day

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