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Finding Home: Allenby Romance Series, #9
Finding Home: Allenby Romance Series, #9
Finding Home: Allenby Romance Series, #9
Ebook257 pages4 hours

Finding Home: Allenby Romance Series, #9

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From the moment Maddie buried her parents, she was alone. No close family, no siblings, no aunts, uncles, cousins, no one. The only blood relative she had left was a half-brother who didn't know she existed.

Maddie had already decided to look for her half-brother, but when she is stripped of her virginity in a brutal rape, she goes on the run. The man who raped her has other plans for her, and she doesn't want any part of it. After months of hiding out, she heads to Allenby, the hometown of her half brother.

One thing Maddie doesn't expect to find in Allenby is love.

Riley Webb has returned to town for good. After ten years of being on the road with his band, it’s time to hang up his guitar and settle down. Only thing is, he has no one to settle down with…until he meets Maddie. She’s the one. Riley knows it, now he just needs to break down the walls that Maddie has built around herself, and make her see it too. Can Riley convince Maddie that she’s found home, or will the secrets from her past catch up with her and force her to move on?

Release dateFeb 11, 2018
Finding Home: Allenby Romance Series, #9

Vicki Connellan

Vicki was born in Orange, NSW. When she was two years old her family moved to Dapto, a southern suburb of Wollongong. She was kicked out of pre-school at the age of four (for reasons that she will keep to herself).   When she was sixteen she moved with her parents and two sisters (Vicki is the typically misunderstood middle child) to the ACT where, ironically she studied Child Care so she could work in a pre-school. Now, at the age of 45 she still lives in Canberra with her husband and three adult/teenage children.   Vicki works full time (not in the child care industry!) and is an avid baker. She spends her time taxiing her kids around and baking cup cakes for all the kids who constantly fill the house.    Vicki has always enjoyed writing and is now taking the time to put her stories to print.  You can contact Vicki via email at with any questions or  feedback on her book.  If you enjoyed the book please take the time to leave a quick review. 

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    Finding Home - Vicki Connellan



    My head was still in a daze when I walked into work, the events of the past two weeks were still whirling around in my head. Saying goodbye to my parents yesterday had been the hardest day of my life, a day that I wasn't sure I’d ever recover from.

    My shift started fifteen minutes ago, and I knew Vince would chew me out for being late, but right now, I really couldn't care less. The man scared me, that was a given. No one dared to piss off Vince Cassatino, let alone cross him. The man was mean to the bone, and he had a false sense of entitlement. Mix the two together and you got someone that would be at home on the set of Wolf Creek, no acting required.

    Where the fuck have you been? I stopped in my tracks when I heard his voice. Turn around and look at me.

    I spun slowly as I kept tying my apron. Vince was standing by the door to his office, Carlo, his cousin and right hand man was standing behind him. Both had the same cocky grin on their faces, and that look in their eyes that told me I was in trouble. Sorry I'm late, I’ll stay back after my shift to make up for it.

    Vince looked over his shoulder at his cousin, and then turned back to me. You can make up for it right now, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest. As soon as I felt his hand cover my arse, I tried to pull back. I'm not feeling the love honey, he leant down and bit hard on my neck. No one turns me down sugar, he pinned me back against the wall and ran his hand up under my short skirt, which was mandatory uniform here at Vince’s, the seediest nightclub on the strip. I’m going to fuck you right here against this wall, he held my arse in a firm grip while he undid his pants with his other hand. You want that sugar, do you want to feel my dick inside you?

    No, I tried to keep the panic from my voice, but I failed. Vince and Carlo laughed as they exchanged a glance. With one nod from Vince, Carlo moved to the other side so he blocked us from the view of club patrons. Please Vince, don’t do this.

    I cried out as he ripped the crotch of my knickers. With my skirt hiked up to my hips, I was now fully exposed to him. He was a strong man, pinning me in place while he pulled his dick from his pants. As soon as he had it free, he lifted my leg and rammed himself into me. I screamed out in pain, but no one heard me. The music in the nightclub thumped loud enough to make the walls shake. With each punch I landed on his chest and his back, he pumped into me harder and harder. The pain was excruciating and my head was spinning. My first time wasn't supposed to be like this. I’d waited so long for the right man, for the man that I was going to love, and he’d just taken all of that from me.

    After Vince spilled his seed into me, he pulled out and stepped back, looking at me as he tucked his dick away and zipped up his pants. I was frozen on the spot, unable to move, unable to speak. Pain like never before was shooting up my pussy, reaching deep inside me. He hadn't been gentle. He hadn't been sweet and caring. He’d been rough and brutal, and I hated him. I hated him more than I thought possible.

    That was beautiful sweetheart, you’re so friggin tight, it was like fucking a virgin, he reached up and pinched my chin. I think you should join me and the girls for our trip to Brisbane next week, always good to have another girl in the room right Cuz? he turned to Carlo.

    Can never have too many girls, Carlo winked at me. And I’d like to get a piece of her if she’s as tight as you say, Carlo stepped toward me and leant into my ear. I’m going to fuck you so hard sweetheart, you won’t even remember your name, he licked my face then stepped back, reaching to grab my arse as he did so.

    You’re in for a treat sugar, Vince stepped closer and kissed my neck. One room, ten guys and five girls, you’ll have more dick than you can dream about, he stepped back and slapped my arse hard, which caused the tears in my eyes to finally spill over. Now get out there and serve some drinks before I fuck that tight little pussy again. They both laughed as I walked away.

    Instead of going behind the bar, I found the storeroom and hid inside. My breathing was coming in short sharp bursts and I was trying hard to get it under control. He raped me. The arsehole had raped me. I knew he had sex with the other girls that worked here, but I always thought they had consented. Maybe some of them did, but maybe they were just like me. Taken against their will. I was sure of one thing though. He wasn't going to get to do that to me again, and I wasn't going on some road trip with them to be part of their gangbang. That was not happening.

    Hey, Maddie, there was a soft tap on the door. You okay?

    I pulled myself together and wiped away the last of my tears. The knickers I was wearing were nothing more than a strand of elastic around my waist now, and I felt bare, but there was nothing I could do about that.

    Let me in, Claire knocked again so I opened the door and stepped back. She took one look at me and pulled me into a hug. Jesus Maddie, she held me tight when I started to cry again. That bastard.

    Once I got myself under control I stepped back from her. I need to leave Claire, I can’t be here anymore. I told her how Vince had raped me only minutes before and how he planned to make me participate in his orgy. I won’t go with them, I won’t.

    Claire was my roommate and my best friend. I knew I could count on her to help me leave Sydney. Okay. Let’s get through this shift. As soon as we get home we’ll pack as much stuff as we can into your car and you take off, she hugged me again. We’ll get you away from here.

    And that’s what we did. After the shift ended, which was just after three in the morning, Claire and I worked through until sun-up. We have two days off, so I reckon you’ve got until Thursday before Vince knows you're gone, she handed me a piece of paper. Write me a note telling me you’re going to Melbourne, pour your heart out, make it look real, but don’t tell me where you’re really going. You need to ditch your phone too, Claire was pacing behind me as I wrote my goodbye letter to her. When you get a new phone, message me with your number, but don’t use your name, she was chewing her nails now. Shit, this is so messed up.

    Ten minutes later, I was hugging my best friend goodbye. Yesterday I buried my parents, and now I was losing Claire as well. I had no one. Well, I had my brother, who was technically my half brother. Maybe I could go to him. I knew where he lived, but I wouldn't go there yet. First, I needed to lose Vince and his goons. Once I had done that, I’d go to Allenby.

    It was an eight and a half hour drive from Sydney to Melbourne. My goodbye letter to Claire said I was heading south, and I would. My plan was to get to Melbourne, sell my car, and hop on a flight to Tasmania. Claire had given me her fake ID’s from when she was a teenager, and with those, I could buy a plane ticket in another name so Vince couldn't track me. It was a solid plan. As long as I stayed ahead of him, I’d be okay.

    IT WAS TIME TO MOVE on. I’d been waiting tables in this restaurant for two months now. Hobart was a pretty city. The people were nice, the work was easy, but it was time to go.

    The nice doctor that I’d found at a medical centre close to my dingy flat had confirmed that I was pregnant. I’d feared as much when I missed my period two weeks after Vince raped me. Then when I missed the next one I knew for sure.

    I wasn't sure what the future held for me, or for my baby, but I knew one thing. I was tired of feeling alone. In this whole world, I had one last blood relative left, and I needed to find him.

    Chapter 1


    This place looks so empty, Trav dropped the last box in the lounge room. You need more stuff man.

    I know, I looked around the room. The large lounge room had my piano in one corner and two guitars on stands. There was a cabinet and a big screen telly, but that was about it. I think I need a couch, I nodded towards the kitchen. Got time for a beer?

    Always, he followed me through the room. Got any major plans for this place?

    I handed my brother a beer and looked around. Kitchen remodel, and some furniture, I took a long swig of my beer. I want to turn one of the spare rooms into a music room where I can give music lessons, maybe make one of the other bedrooms into a kids room so your brats can sleep over, but that’s about it.

    Hey, he backhanded my chest. My kids are not brats, he started to walk down the hall. This room would be a good one, it’s right next to yours so you’ll be able to hear them at night, he grinned at me. Wait until I tell Bell that we’ll get some nights alone, he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

    Great, so now I'm the uncle who babysits so you can get some action, I shook my head at him.

    No, he handed me the empty beer bottle. You're the uncle who babysits so we can get some sleep.

    I thought that’s what Mum was for, I followed my brother to the front door.

    Usually yes, but her and dad are about to go away for a month remember, he slapped me on the shoulder and bounded down the steps. Come by for dinner tomorrow night, Bell insists, he waved as he got into his truck.

    I’d be there. The kitchen in this place was so ancient that it belonged in a museum. Plus I had nothing in the way of cooking utensils, let alone plates or even a coffee cup.

    I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out. The last thing I felt like doing was shopping, but what choice did I have?

    AS TOWNS WENT, ALLENBY was probably mid way between a small city and a little country town. There were two shopping malls, plenty of restaurants and places to eat, a couple of decent pubs, and of course, the high school where I’d be teaching music come the start of next term.

    My brother Trav was one of the town cops, his friend Zeke was the only detective in town, and his best friend, and practically another brother to me, James, owned one of the most successful horse breeding operations in the state, if not the country. My other brother Jack, well, he was only now coming back into the family fold after sleeping with our cousin Kane’s fiancé. That little faux pas saw him outcast for a while, but then Kane and Tasha got together and had a baby of their own. My sister Sarah and her husband Javi have just had their first baby, and he was the cutest little thing.

    My long time crush, Holly West was now Holly Fletcher. She and her husband had a beautiful little boy named Noah. Truth be known, when Holly met and fell in love with Fletch I was crushed. I’d been carrying a torch for her since the tenth grade, but I guess deep down I knew we’d never be more than friends. Unrequited love was a bitch.

    Even Kat had found her perfect man in Mick, and they too had a family of their own. Marty and Cam were as loved up as you could get, with three little kids to show for it. Tyler and Nat had just given birth to their fourth baby. They said their house was now full and their baby making days were over. But from the way Tyler talked, there’d be another Gamble baby before too long for sure.

    And that left me. Thirty years old, single, no kids, no woman to call my own. No one to fall asleep with at night, or wake up to in the morning. No one to cuddle up to on the couch, or watch cheesy movies with.

    When the other guys and I decided to call it quits on the band so they could settle down and stop spending so much time away from their families, I came home to Allenby. We’d travelled the east coast and toured the country for almost ten years, but Allenby was always home. Maybe now that I was settling in one place I’d find the girl of my dreams.

    MY TRIP THROUGH THE shopping mall took almost two hours, but my jeep was now full to the hilt with everything I needed to set up house, or so the sales assistant told me. I was sure that I wouldn't use half the stuff she sold me, but what would I know. If I wasn't on the road with the band, I was living at my parent’s house, and Mum was one of those mothering types. I wasn't even allowed to touch the washing machine. She insisted on doing everything for me, which was nice, but a bit much at the same time.

    Next stop was Nat’s bakery. I’d been hanging out for some of her vanilla slice for days now, and even though it would mean a few extra push-ups, it would be totally worth it.

    Riley, Karla came around from behind the counter and gave me a hug. I heard you’re back for good and teaching music at the high school.

    All true, I returned her hug then stepped back.

    You’re a glutton for punishment aren’t you, she laughed. Remember how much shit we used to give the music teacher when we were kids.

    I remember how much shit you and the others gave her, I rubbed my knuckles on my shirtfront. I however, was the model student in that particular class.

    Karla and I reminisced for a few minutes, and as I walked out with my vanilla slice she made me promise to come to the pub on Friday night for drinks so I could catch up with everyone. I was still smiling to myself when I walked past the shop two doors down from the bakery, almost toppling the woman from the ladder.

    She let out a yelp as she started to fall, and when she landed in my arms, she looked totally startled. But I guess being knocked off a ladder will do that to you.

    I’m so sorry, I gently put the woman back on her feet. Are you okay?

    She pulled her wrist from my hand and took a step back. I’m fine, thanks, she took another step back, looking like a deer in the headlights, and just as scared.

    I’m Riley, I extended my hand to her, which she looked at sceptically for a few seconds before she finally reached out and took my hand. The first thing I noticed was that her hand was shaking, and I had a feeling it wasn't from being knocked off the ladder. When I raised my eyebrows she started to speak.

    Madison, she pulled her hand from mine and looked down at her feet.

    Nice to meet you Madison, I looked towards the shop window she’d been working on. You opening up a shop here?

    Madison gave me a little nod, but didn't speak. Need a hand? The shop she was working on was old and rundown, and as far as I knew, it hadn't been operating as a business for some years.

    No thanks, she looked up at me for a few seconds before looking back into the shop. Well, actually, she looked back at me and I could tell she was debating whether she should ask for assistance or not. The lights are all blown, but even with the ladder I can’t reach them, it’s one of those old buildings with really high ceilings, she looked so unsure, and so very nervous. I wanted to pull her into a hug and tell her that she didn't need to be nervous around me, but we’d just met, and I had a feeling that if I tried to touch her she’d run a mile.

    Lead the way, I picked up the ladder and followed her into the shop. What kind of store are you opening? The inside of the shop gave no indication as to the business she was into.

    An ice cream shop, she stopped near the first light. I make gourmet ice cream and sorbets.

    Sounds great. If you need a taste tester I'm your man, I love ice cream, god I sounded so lame. Where are the globes you want put in?

    The main seating area of the store had a few rows of low hung pendant lights that looked like they were right out of the sixties, and that would be fine if Madison was going for the sixties diner look, but not really fitting for an ice cream shop.

    If it’s not too much trouble, could you take the light covers off and just leave the bulb hanging? I really hate those light shades.

    Sure, I reached out and took the first bulb from her. I haven’t seen you around before, how long have you been in town?

    Madison looked up at me and sucked in a deep breath. One thing was obvious. This woman was hiding something. Maybe she’d come here after a break up, or maybe after a loss. She had that look about her. She looked lost, lonely even. I’ve been in town a couple of weeks.

    Where are you from? I figured if I kept asking questions while I worked, she might be inclined to talk to me.

    Sydney, she stepped back when I descended the ladder so I could move to the next light. It looked like it was going to be one-word answers. I could work with that.

    Did you move here with family, or is it just you? I removed the second ugly shade and handed it down to her.

    Just me, she handed me the light bulb then stepped back and dropped the ugly shade into the garbage bin.

    Are your family in Sydney? Parents, brothers, sisters? I moved to the next light.

    No, she watched me move the ladder and reached up when I handed her another of the ugly shades.

    Okay, so personal information was not forthcoming. Time to try something else.

    How long have you been making ice cream? I looked at her as I reached for the light bulb she held up to me.

    Now her face relaxed a little, and the tension seemed to leave her instantly. Years. I used to have a market stall with my mum, she looked away for a moment. I’ve always wanted my own shop, she looked unsure of what to say next.

    What’s your favourite flavour? the first thing I noticed when I asked that question was her smile. It was beautiful. Her eyes lit up and her whole face came alive. Something inside me wanted to make her smile like that all the time.

    Carrot cake, she grinned at me. It’s my newest creation.

    Carrot cake ice cream, I screwed up my face a little and she laughed at me. Her laugh was even more beautiful than her smile, and it made my stomach tighten just as much. Now you invent beer flavoured ice cream and you’d be on a winner, I grinned back at her. I’d be your best customer.

    I’ll see what I can do, she handed me the last light bulb. They look good,

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