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Book of the Archangels
Book of the Archangels
Book of the Archangels
Ebook303 pages5 hours

Book of the Archangels

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In the Last Days, a Prophet will show up on earth just before the Tribulation. He will search for and try to find the Ark of The Covenant, the Ashes of the Red Heifer, the Oil, and the Purifying Water. These elements are needed in order to dedicate the Tribulation Temple.
If this prophet cannot find those elements, the Tribulation Temple cannot be dedicated. If it is not dedicated, then there would not be a true worship of the only true God.
The Devil will try to stop the Taylor’s from finding any of the elements. If he is successful, he will be the one that people will worship during the Tribulation.
Even if the prophet does find the elements for the temple, will the Devil try to counterfeit them and say they are fakes? Can you figure out the clues and the mysteries? We will see how good you really are.
Follow along as the Taylor’s look for the things the Bible says are needed in the temple. Don’t be surprised if the clues that are given are hard to find and then solve. However, some of the clues are so easy a small child could figure them out.
Can the Devil stop the Taylors or is there something more diabolical in the mind of the Devil? Will the Devil’s demons foil all of the plans of the Taylor’s? Will the Archangel Michael come and help the Taylors or will he send another Archangel?
What does the Book of the Archangels have to do with all of this? You need to read to answer that question and many more.

PublisherL C Walker
Release dateFeb 11, 2018
Book of the Archangels

L C Walker

I thought about writing in 1970, but other things kept me from doing so. In 1979, I had the desire to write again, but Bible College kept me from that dream. In 1997, I wanted to share what the Bible had to say about the end times, so I began to write my first novel. I completed The Past or the Coming Future in 1998. I have now completed 6 more books. I am currently writing 5 more books. All of those should be ready before the end of the year. Watch for all of them in the coming months.

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    Book preview

    Book of the Archangels - L C Walker

    The Adventures of

    The Taylors

    An Archaeological Family


    Book of the Archangels


    L. C. Walker


    * * * * *


    L. C. Walker on Smashwords

    Smashwords ISBN:

    The Adventures of

    The Taylors

    An Archaeological Family


    Book of the Archangels

    Copyright © 2011 by L. C. Walker

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, dates, events, and places in this book are fictional unless otherwise stated. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental and should not be used to characterize any person living or dead.

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    This is a work of fiction.

    All characters, dates, events, and places

    in this book are fictional. Any resemblance to

    real people is purely coincidental and should not

    be used to characterize any person

    living or dead.


    To my son and daughter, the adventures we went

    on when they were growing up are similar

    to the ones in this book. The difference

    is that we never left the United States.

    Each year our vacation plans were

    different and each trip was as

    exciting as the one before.













    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22




    Archaeology is a fantastic and interesting career to be in. When an archaeologist makes a discovery, it not only makes him feel proud of what he has done, but it makes his team feel as if they have accomplished something that no one else has ever done or seen.

    When an archaeologist has a wife who is an archaeologist and their three children are with them all of the time, the discoveries seem even more exciting. The children are as fascinated with a new discovery as the parents are and perhaps even more so. Because of all of the tales their father has told them, the children are full of anticipation.

    Tales of buried treasure, gold mines, the Staff of Moses and secret entrances where things are hidden, are only a few stories their father, Dallas, has told them. Each day, the children explore and look for the things that most children would consider fairy tales. They know, sooner or later, they will discover that the tales are really true and the day of proof is coming nearer and nearer, as each day passes.


    The command was given: Kill him and his entire family. If anyone tries to help them, kill them also. When the command was given, the forces of evil started their trip to find the prophet of the Last Days and kill him. If he escapes, the demons, who were given the task to kill him, will pay with their own lives.

    The demons knew that the prophet was special, because of what the Book of the Prophets and the Book of The Archangels had predicted. The books told of a prophet that would be born in the Last Days. This prophet would read the Book of the Prophets and see clues that would lead him to the Book of the Archangels. Once he found the Book of the Archangels, everything would change.

    The Devil knew that Dallas Taylor was the prophet of the last days because he asked the Lord. The Lord told the Devil that Dallas Taylor was the end time prophet. The Devil had read the Book of the Prophets two thousand years before and the Book of the Archangels thirty five hundred years before and that is when he knew a prophet would appear in the Last Days. When Dallas was born, the Devil started his search for the prophet.

    The search for Dallas started at the last place the Devil knew his family lived. However, I made finding Dallas and his family almost impossible for the Devil and his demons. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you who I am. My name is Stephael and I am an Archangel. I have one job and that is to protect Dallas Taylor and his family.

    The first thing I did to protect Dallas and his family was to change the time that he was born. The Devil knew that the prophet would be born in the Last Days, so I was given permission from my God, Jehovah, to use whatever means I needed to change things so the Devil would chase after false trails. Chase after false trails is the exact thing that he would do. But, it is inevitable that the Devil would find Dallas and, at that time, my job would become harder than I ever thought.

    The first war started the day Dallas was born and it ended when God spoke the word. The word God spoke was one that He hardly ever used. He put a protective shield around Dallas and his family. This shield is a seal that was placed on Dallas and his entire family, which prevented the Devil and his demons from killing the Taylor family. Oh, that is the reason God told the Devil that the prophet of the Last Days was Dallas. With the protective shield around Dallas and his family, the Devil could not kill any of them. Of course, God did not tell the Devil that tidbit of information.

    Now, let’s get back to the war. The war, like I said, started the day Dallas was born. The Devil sent a legion of his best demons to find and kill the end time prophet. If they were successful, he figured the Book of the Archangels would not be found and the things spoken of in the book would not occur.

    The Book of the Prophets spoke about the prophet and the time when he would be born. The Devil knew the birth of the prophet, by the name of the Care Taker, could occur at any time. He had his demons watching and, when the exact time for his birth was discovered, with the blowing of the trumpet in Heaven, the command from the Devil went out. Kill the prophet and anyone that will try to help save him. Dallas and all children born at that very second were in real peril. The only one that would survive would be the End Time Prophet, Dallas Taylor, better known in Heaven as the Care Taker.

    With that command, the slaughter began. All children in the entire world that were born when the trumpet was sounded, up to thirty seconds after the trumpet, were killed by the legion of demons the Devil had sent to earth. The battle, if you could call it a battle, did not last very long. As a matter of fact, it only lasted for a very short time. The reason the battle did not last long is because new born babies cannot protect themselves; they are totally helpless. When the slaughter was over, the Devil sounded his own trumpet to let everyone know that he had accomplished his goal. He thought he had killed the prophet. However, because of the way I changed things, the prophet was not killed. The Devil gloated over his win and what he thought was a great victory over God. For the first time, he thought he had proven that the Word from God was not fulfilled and that made God out as being a liar. If he was able to prove that God was a liar, it would mean that God and His Word could be changed. One thing that all humans know is that God cannot lie; He is truthful.

    The battle was over, but the war continued on after the Devil discovered that Dallas was not dead. The Devil went on a rage. He started more wars and killed hundreds of thousands of people. His rage would not cease; it would continue until the end of the Tribulation.


    WATCH OUT the rock is falling, run, run!! Dallas turned and looked up and saw the huge boulder falling and it was falling straight toward him. He took five quick steps to the right so the boulder would miss him. It only missed him by only inches, but it did miss him.

    Jael had saved his life, but it was not the first time he saved Dallas from certain death. Death has been looking for Dallas before he was born, but that is a story I will tell you a little later. What I want to tell you right now is the first and second time Dallas visited Israel. I will not tell you everything that happened that would spoil the story. I will only tell you one or two of the things that happen to Dallas.

    Dallas Taylor is an archaeologist that loves to find things, such as dinosaur bones, hidden caves, maps, and the list goes on and on. One day he received a letter in the mail. The letter stated that he was supposed to go to Israel and meet a man named Jael. The letter stated that Jael would take him to Cairo and once they were in Cairo he and Jael would go to the Sphinx. One item they would find is a map. The map would give them directions to a cave. At that cave Dallas would find a treasure that was beyond words.

    When people hear that someone has found a treasure their first thought is about gold or silver. For some people gold or silver would be a treasure, but for others a treasure could be an old book or an old stamp. One persons treasure is different for each person.

    During that first visit to Israel Dallas had no idea who Jael was, but he knew he was going to find things that would boggle his mind. The one thing he did not know was that the Devil had his demons watching Dallas all of the time. At every turn the Devil would try and take the life of Dallas. However, Jael was watching and he thought he knew what the Devil would try next. What Jael was doing was anticipating each and every move of the Devil. Each time the Devil would try something new Jael was always one step ahead. One might say that Jael knew his enemy almost better than he knew himself.

    Dallas also had his ace in the hole; his ace was me. Since I was given the job to protect Dallas I am watching for the things the Devil will throw at him that could kill him. The Devil knows and I know that Dallas cannot be killed, but that will not stop the Devil from trying to take the life of the prophet of the Last Days.

    When Dallas arrived in Israel Jael was waiting at the airport to pick him up and off to the hotel they went. Inside the hotel room Dallas and Jael talked about going to Cairo and finding a treasure. Jael knew what some people expect when they hear the word treasure. They conjure up things like diamonds, rubies, gold, silver, maps, rings, necklaces, pictures, books, and other things people consider priceless.

    Jael had no idea what they might find, the letter was not sent to him it was sent to Dallas. The person who sent the letter must have known about the treasure and about Jael. The person that sent the letter knew a lot about Dallas. They knew that Dallas would love to find a treasure beyond words, but they also knew that Dallas considered finding a whole dinosaur more exciting than finding a cave full of the things mentioned above.

    When Jael and Dallas arrived in Cairo they went to the Sphinx. They looked all around the Sphinx, but they did not find a treasure or anything else. They decided to go that night and see if someone would be there that would direct them to a treasure. The person that sent the letter may show up?

    No one showed up that night, but Dallas did find a map and a book. Both were very important finds. If things continue as they are now Dallas will want to move to Israel as fast as possible.

    The trip home to the States was one trip that Jael decided to take to make sure Dallas arrived safe and sound. Even though he knew the Devil may try to kill Dallas he knew the trip may be uneventful. When Dallas and Jael reached Dallas’s home they both could rest more peaceful.

    The second trip Dallas made to Israel was a spur of the moment trip. Dallas received a call from Dr. Tolbert about a cave he was told about that may have some items in it that date back to 4 B.C. Dr. Tolbert told Dallas that he went inside the cave with a friend and he found one scroll that was at least two thousand years old. He said the cave went so far back that he did not feel comfortable in it.

    Dallas informed Dr. Tolbert that he would get the first flight to Israel and they both would see what they could find? Dr. Tolbert was thrilled that Dallas would be coming back to Israel. Dallas thought about the long flight over to Israel, but because he was so tired he slept most of the way. At the airport an old friend was waiting for Dallas, it was Jael. Jael took Dallas to the hotel and the next morning they would all go to the cave.

    The next morning Dallas and Jael went down to the lobby to meet Dr. Tolbert. When Dr. Tolbert arrived he had his friend with him. Dallas and Jael were both surprised to see Dr. Tolbert’s friend. They all hugged each other and then they were off to the cave.

    At the cave Dallas thought for sure he would find treasures so vast it would be beyond words. However, when he first walked in the only thing he found was an empty hollow cave. Inside that cave a huge boulder fell and Jael hollowed out, WATCH OUT the rock is falling, run, run!! If Dallas had not moved five quick steps to the right he would have been killed. That was a narrow escape and now they all had to be on their toes. All four men had a flashlight and they were looking all around. To the left Dallas saw a jar that was cover by dirt. He looked inside the jar and there was a small scroll. He gave it to Dr. Tolbert.

    After looking in the cave for almost an hour Dallas and Dr. Tolbert decided it was a ghost trail except for the small scroll. The small scroll was a huge find. It was about the Book of Daniel. In the scroll it told about the time period that Daniel lived and the date of his death. The reason it was a huge find was because it stated that Daniel died in March of 531 B.C. Many scholars that did not believe the Bible, believed that Daniel was written somewhere around 150 B.C. and it was written after the fact. With this scroll it proves the Bible is correct and God does know the future.

    Before they all left the cave, the friend of Dr. Tolbert stated that he felt like the cave does have more in it than meets the eye. I feel as if there is a treasure here and all we have to do is to find it. If we look hard enough, we should be able to find something such as a hidden door or a hidden compartment.

    Dallas and Dr. Tolbert decided they should take another hour or so and see what they could find. The friend of Dr. Tolbert told Dallas that he should look along one wall and Dr. Tolbert should look along the other wall. It was Dallas that found it first. Along the right side wall was a path way cut out of the solid rock. The path only went back about twelve feet, but what was at the end of the path made Dallas think of a treasure once again. At the end of the path, to the right, was a door. The door was made of solid rock which Dallas estimated weighed two thousand pounds.

    Dallas pushed at the door, but the door would not move. Jael and Dr. Tolbert’s friend looked at the door and ran their hand up both sides and across the top. At the top was a rock spindle about six inches long and two inches wide. Jael lifted the spindle straight up and out of the hole. When the spindle was lifted out, the door did open. Dallas and Dr. Tolbert both shined their flashlights inside and that is when they both saw a treasure that was beyond words.

    The treasure that Dallas and Dr. Tolbert found would remain a secret until they were given permission to reveal it to the world. Jael and Dr. Tolbert’s friend made it clear that if the world knew about this treasure it would off-set the power in the Middle East and it would make Israel into a cup of trembling.

    Dallas did not stay in Israel very long after that find, he only stayed three days. During those three days he went to two other caves, but nothing was found. The last day he was in Israel, he meet with Jael, Dr. Tolbert and Dr. Tolbert’s friend and wished them all well. His trip back went as fast as his trip over; it just flew by.

    Dallas was now sure that he and his family had to move to Israel. The two trips to Israel were unbelievable and if he wanted to find one treasure after another he would have to be where history was made.


    AS YOU know, my name is Stephael and I am an Archangel. My job was to protect Dallas Taylor and his family. I told you I was going to tell you how I changed things so the Devil would not know the time that Dallas would be born. I was ready to tell you the story, but God told me I was supposed to tell you about the Devil and how he became the god of the earth. Since I was commanded to tell you the story of the things that happened before the earth was formed and the story of the things that will happened on earth right up to the Rapture, I believe it is best to start at the beginning.

    The story begins before there was an earth. God formed all things and without God, nothing was formed. Before He, the Son, and the Holy Spirit made earth, They created a group of special beings called Angels. There are two kinds of angels. There are the regular angels and then there are the mighty Archangels. I am one of those angels, as are Lucifer, Michael, Azael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel, just to name a few.

    Before there was an earth, our job was to do anything God commanded us to do. As you read this, you may be wondering: What could an angel do in Heaven? One of the most important things we can do is to praise the Creator and give him all of our worship and honor. That is really where the story begins.

    We angels love to praise the Lord and give Him the honor that is due Him. But there was one angel that thought all of that praising and honoring was useless and was not needed. His name was Lucifer. Even though he was an Archangel and the very first being that God ever created, he was not like the other angels. Lucifer had a lot of pride in his heart and he was not satisfied with the idea of being just an Archangel. He wanted to be more than just a servant.

    Lucifer knew that he was the first angel that God ever created and he knew he was the most powerful angel that God ever created. Knowing those things is where the problem first started. Pride can affect even a being as powerful as an Archangel. Once an angel or a human gets to the point where they believe they are more than what they are, there will be a problem.

    I will say there were other problems with Lucifer other than the pride. Lucifer was also jealous of God and when God created more angels, he was jealous of them as well. The main reason he was jealous of the other angels was because he wanted to be the only angel in Heaven. Once God created the second angel, the jealousy began. Then, when God created another angel and another, the jealousy deepened and the jealousy turned to hatred.

    When God created Michael, who is the second most powerful Archangel, the problems with Lucifer started to overflow. Lucifer hated Michael from the very second God created him. God placed in Michael a very strong personality that was willing to summit to God, but not to other angels. Michael would not submit to the commands of Lucifer and that made Lucifer very mad. As a matter of fact, the hatred drove Lucifer to the point of wanting to kill Michael. However, that is something that God would not allow. God can make an angel cease to exist, if that is His will. He has a place where He can put an angel that rebels; that place is called Hell. God knew before They created angels that many of them would rebel and They had to make a place where they would be for eternity. That place was made specifically for the Devil and his angels.

    From the time that God created Lucifer, God knew the heart of the greatest angel He had ever created. This angel wanted to be God or he wanted to be like God. Lucifer knew in his heart he could never be God, so he wanted to be like God. If he could be like God, he could command the angels to worship him and they would do what they were commanded. Lucifer did not realize there would be a problem, because he did not know that all the angels would not follow his commands. God is the one who commands and most of us follow His commands only. Those following the commands of Lucifer were the ones that thought things should be the way that he was telling them they should be.

    Lucifer tried to command all of the angels in Heaven to do the things that he thought should be done. Some of the angels followed his commands, while others would only listen to the things that God commanded. Two thirds followed the commands of God, while one third decided to listen to Lucifer. By listening to Lucifer, they were going down a road they would regret for eternity.

    The battle that will take place in Heaven will not take place right away. God is longsuffering and He gives chance after chance to the angels that are not abiding with the commands that He gives. Even though the angels and their leader are not committing sins, they are on the verge of doing that very thing.

    God knows everything and He knew that He was going to create a place called Earth. He also knew that He wanted there to be a Universe and in the Universe there would be billions of Galaxies and, in each Galaxy, there would be Solar Systems. Earth would be in a Solar System that would have a Sun and other planets. It would be placed exactly where God wanted it placed so it would not be too close to the Sun, where it would melt or boil the planet, and He placed it so it would not be too far from the Sun, so the planet would be too cold for life.

    The reason God wanted Earth to be placed exactly where He put it was because of what He was going to do in the near future. He was going to create a human being. When He told all of Heaven what They were going to do, we angels had no idea what a human was going to look like or what function a human would have. We never tied the two together.

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