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Sea's the Moment
Sea's the Moment
Sea's the Moment
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Sea's the Moment

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The exciting, humorous and dangerous life of a pianoman over a ten-year period has been recorded in the new book 'Sea's the Moment'.
Derek’s life was going along just fine playing piano and singing at top hotels, until he drank from the cup that killed ex-KGB chief Alexander Litvinenko and was poisoned by Polonium. The extraordinary measures that the British secret service went to and the affect the poisoning had on the Dubliner are told in ‘Sea’s the moment’. After six-months Derek was told he was at a high risk of dying from a number of causes, but he could finally carry on with life. He spent a decade onboard top cruise ships, which helped his fight against an all time low, brought on by an incident no one could have been prepared for.
The tales from the high seas, which are often comical, give an insight to life onboard and offshore including stories about crew, guests, destinations, world cruises, fellow entertainers and how breaks onboard have changed. As well as providing laughter, readers will also pick up valuable tips about cruises. ‘Seas’s the Moment’ is a good for those folks looking forward to a cruise, have sailed in the past or anyone who is looking for a light read.

Release dateDec 12, 2017
Sea's the Moment

Derek Conlon

Derek Conlon has had an obsession with music since he was a boy and not only did he become a great pianist and singer, he has also developed his talent to become an award winning songwriter. The Dubliner has played at many venues throughout the world in front of Royalty, Hollywood A-listers and top musical acts including Tom Jones, Oasis and Elton John. Derek was the resident Act at Windows of the World in London’s Park Lane as well as Resident Act at the Uptown Bar, Jumeriah Beach Hotel in Dubai and the Mansion at Turtle Creek, Dallas. After being caught up in the unbelievable event that killed ex-KGB member Alexander Litvinenko, where Derek ended up being poisoned from deadly Polonium 210, his career took a new turn. A decade playing music on the high seas onboard some of the worlds luxury liners enabled the pianist to see the world and write music from a different perspective. There never appeared to be a dull moment during the ten-years and the entertainer has many funny and interesting stories about guests, crew, fellow entertainers and the destinations they smile to. After meeting up with old friend and journalist Phil Campion, who covered the Polonium poisonings in London’s West End, the pair decided Derek’s story needed to be told and months of deliberations produced the book ‘Sea’s the Moment’.

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    Sea's the Moment - Derek Conlon

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