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I SURVIVED a Husbands's Abuse and a Daughter's Scorn
I SURVIVED a Husbands's Abuse and a Daughter's Scorn
I SURVIVED a Husbands's Abuse and a Daughter's Scorn
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I SURVIVED a Husbands's Abuse and a Daughter's Scorn

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About this ebook

This book is the story of Lahuan Wetta who describes 30 years of her life filled with physical abuse and adultery from her husband until she divorced him in 1987. Her suffering also included treatment from her daughter who turned against her. Her daughter kept her grandchildren from her – not allowing Lahuan to see them grow from babies to adulthood.
Her friends and family knew her as a loving and patient woman, with a goal of having a loving family life. In this book she tells the story of how that goal was always denied her – by her husband and her daughter.
This book is written in the form of a loving letter to her daughter in which she attempts to tell her daughter the truth about her life in the hope that she and her daughter – and her grandchildren – can come together and at last have a loving relationship.
Lahuan’s story tells how she relied on family, friends, and a loving son to finally leave her abusive relationship.
The book also serves as a lesson to young girls and women who find themselves in an abusive relationship – in the hope that they will have the courage to leave that relationship.
Release dateOct 30, 2017
I SURVIVED a Husbands's Abuse and a Daughter's Scorn

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    Book preview

    I SURVIVED a Husbands's Abuse and a Daughter's Scorn - Lahuan Wetta

    I SURVIVED a Husbands’s Abuse

    and a Daughter’s Scorn


    Copyright © 2017

    Print ISBN: 978-1-54391-192-3

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-54391-193-0

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Table of Contents

    Dearest Daughter,

    Before I Tell You

    The Divorce

    The First Abuse

    When You Were Born

    Your Letter

    More Abuse

    More Adultery

    Violence and More Abuse

    Why I Think You Stopped Loving Me

    Your Father and Tim

    He Almost Killed Me

    End of the Marriage

    The Worst Abuse


    Some Happiness in My Life

    Memory Books for My Grandchildren

    Words For My Ex-husband


    Letter from Tim

    Second Letter

    Third Letter

    Fourth Letter - Letter from Cheri

    Fifth Letter

    Sixth Letter - 1996 Letter

    Last Letter - 12-9-16 Letter

    Final Thoughts

    Last Message for My Daughter

    In this book, I tell you how God prevented me from taking my life and was there with me through all the physical and mental abuse, protecting me during all the bad years of my life. He is truly a remarkable God. I thank Him every morning for letting me wake up to have another day. I also want to acknowledge all my good friends from Southwestern Bell who helped me through the bad times in my life and all my neighbors, friends, family, lawyers, and doctors. I thank all of you to the highest. May God bless the ones that helped me in my needs who are gone before me. But mostly I want all my readers to know that my Dear Mother was with me to help and love me all the way.


    I am dedicating this book to my daughter Cheryl Ann whom I love so very much, and I am hoping and praying that she will see the real truth about all the lies involved in writing this book.

    I know that you may not think of yourself as being my daughter, but to me you will always be my daughter, and I will always be your mother. Nothing can change this.

    In this book, I’m going to tell you the true story that I have never been able to tell you in the past. I kept secrets from you when your father and I were married. I did this because I love you so much that I didn’t want you to be hurt by his actions.

    But after so much time has passed from 1987 until now, 2017, I have come to the conclusion that keeping secrets from you did more harm than good. I also believe that there are secrets being kept from me by your father and you. All this will be explained as you read this book that I have written for you.

    I was just 14 when I met your father. I was just discovering boys and I responded to your father’s attention. Soon, we were going steady. I am now aware that he controlled my behavior early on. My thoughts, I kept to myself – sharing them only with my mother. There was no physical abuse in the beginning.

    Before I tell you all about the tragic, hurtful things that happened to me during my marriage to your father, I would like to clarify a few things that were said to me right after I moved out of the apartment – I knew that this was going to be the very end of my marriage.

    I had already filed for divorce in January 1987, and the papers were going to be served to your father soon after I moved out.

    But your response to me when I called you that next morning, really surprised me. I didn’t expect you to react the way you did. I was only able to speak a few words to you, because you kept screaming at me. You then hung up on me after you had disowned me as your mother – and you told me that I was never going to see my two grandchildren again.

    I believe that after you hung up on me, you called your Grandma Hennie at work. She said that you started screaming at her, not letting her say a single word and that you also disowned her, telling her that she was never going to see her great-grandchildren again.

    Your Grandma Hennie and I discussed this, and we both thought that when your father saw that I had moved out that evening when he got home from work, he thought about what he was going to tell you. He then probably called you and had you come to the apartment.

    Since he knew that I was keeping all his bad behavior from you, he probably told you that I was cheating

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