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Playing Games With Charlotte
Playing Games With Charlotte
Playing Games With Charlotte
Ebook556 pages8 hours

Playing Games With Charlotte

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This book is a 145,000 word exploration of love and fantasy and how the two are inexplicably linked.

Dave is a guy with an eye for the ladies, but his intentions have not always been chivalrous, he has also had his fingers burned. When he meets Charlotte met on a night out and there is instant attraction and a special chemistry between them.

Dave very quickly develops dark and uncontrollable fantasies about Charlotte, imagining watching her in the throes of passion with other men. But he is not the only one with secrets and fantasies, Charlotte has been suppressing the naughty girl within herself all her life.

When Dave is sent to Glasgow for work their burgeoning romance falls at the first hurdle due to Dave’s jealousy and insecurities. Can their blossoming relationship survive as Dave’s fantasies play an increasing part in their sex lives?

PublisherThomas Bitt
Release dateJan 14, 2018
Playing Games With Charlotte

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    Playing Games With Charlotte - Thomas Bitt



    Thomas Bitt

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

    Chapter 1 : Alone in hotel room

    Chapter 2 : Meeting Charlotte

    Chapter 3 : The morning after the night before- coffee

    Chapter 4 : Billy saves the day (Monday)

    Chapter 5 : That Limoncello thing (Thursday)

    Chapter 6 : Off to Glasgow-fine

    Chapter 7 : Touchdown

    Chapter 8 : Revelations

    Chapter 9 : Meetings (Wednesday)

    Chapter 10 : New arrival (Thursday)

    Chapter 11 : Morning Abuse (Friday)

    Chapter 12 : Flirting and more surprises

    Chapter 13 : Re-acquaintance

    Chapter 14 : The morning after the night before

    Chapter 15 : Dinner revelations (Saturday)

    Chapter 16 : Wake up Fantasy

    Chapter 17 : Mini-skirt and high heels

    Chapter 18 : Au revoir

    Chapter 1

    Alone in a hotel room

    I was aware that my hands were shaking as I paid the taxi driver, he looked up at me as he gave me my change. My stomach churned and from the way he looked at me.

    I felt sure he knew.

    I entered the hotel, I briefly considered going to the hotel bar, but there was no way I could cope with human interaction, even if it was just ordering a drink, I wanted to be alone, I needed to be alone. Trying not to attract attention I walked towards the lifts, the pretty blonde receptionist who had helped us choose a restaurant the day before looked up at just the wrong moment, she smiled warmly at me.

    Hello Mr Crawford. She said brightly.

    I just about managed a very feeble.


    My head down, avoiding eye contact I scurried my way towards the lifts, my smile felt week and I felt guilty, I barely registered the way her tight white blouse hugged her ample breasts. A similar tight top that she had been wearing a couple of days earlier had certainly caught my interest and had inspired a particular naughty fantasy.

    It was just after breakfast and Charlotte had wanted to get something from our room before we headed out, I waited for her in the hotel lobby, flicking through one of the newspapers laying around, most of the news concerned local issues so I found my attention wavering. Catching sight of the pretty receptionist my mind headed towards more basic thoughts. A fantasy had quickly formed in my head, I was out with the pretty blonde receptionist and Charlotte, I both their bras tucked in my jacket pocket.

    They were taking turns teasing me using their sexy bodies and naughty words whispered in my ear to make my cock hard, until one of them threw down the gauntlet of actually making me cum out on the dance floor. The winner got to go home with me, the loser had to find someone else to go home with, I was just working through the consequences of the pretty blonde winning the bet when Charlotte re-appeared, causing the fantasy to come to an abrupt end.

    The lift doors opened, thankfully it was empty, I stepped inside, the pretty blonde receptionist was looking at me as I stood in the empty lift hoping the doors would close before anyone else came in.

    I felt her eyes bore into my soul, my stomach twisted.

    I felt sure she knew.

    It was like I had a sign above my head displaying my status, everyone I interacted with looked at me with contempt, disgust or pity or a mixture of all three. Shame and sexual arousal, hugely conflicting emotions, fought for supremacy in my confused brain. It seemed like an eternity before the doors eventually closed and I let out a huge sigh of relief as I slumped against the wall.

    What the fuck have you done? I said out loud to myself.

    In reply to my own question, I placed my hand over my crotch, I squeezed my cock, I was still hard, just as I had been most of the night.

    Much to my relief the corridor to our room was empty, but it felt as though there were a hundred sets of eyes locked onto the back of my head as I made way down the corridor. Just like the pretty receptionist’s eye, those all seeing eyes bore into my head, right into my soul, they taunted me, they mocked me, they were disgusted with me.

    They knew, they knew everything.

    My hand was shaking as I inserted the key card into the slot, the little light flashed red, causing my anxiety and nervousness to rise another notch.

    Fuck. I muttered to myself as I withdrew the card and tried again, a little sigh of relief escaped my lips when thankfully the light turned green. I stepped inside the room, one of the bedside lights was still on casting a gentle glow over the large double bed. The room was eerily silent and empty just as I had expected, although I had harboured a faint hope that Charlotte would be there waiting for me, laying on the bed in a seductive pose, her dress hiked up to expose her long stocking clad legs, ready to tease me. But there was to be no teasing, that game had been played, this game was one or mental torment and anguish, the likes of which I had never encountered before.

    I sat down on the bed, unsure what to do with myself, I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked it for the umpteenth time in the last hour, still nothing. I rubbed my still hard cock through my trousers, it felt like I had been hard all night, I re-read the texts I had exchanged with Charlotte earlier. Reading those texts did nothing to alleviate the pressure in my trousers, they made me just as horny as the first time I read them. I needed relief, then perhaps I would be able think straight, I headed for the bathroom, undoing my zip as I went.

    I desperately needed to relieve the pressure in my balls, but I could not help the nauseous feeling I had in my stomach as I stroked my hard cock. In some strange way what I was doing was being untrue to Charlotte, which was pretty weird and hypocritical when I considered what she was probably doing at that moment. I had so many conflicting thoughts and emotions running around in my head, I could not think straight. My need for relief was overwhelming, I pushed those thoughts and emotions to the back of my mind, I needed to cum and I needed to cum bad.

    The image in my head was of Charlotte’s hand, her delicate red tipped fingers were wrapped around his huge cock, the large diamond I had put on her third finger glinted back at me, mocking me, taunting me, exciting me. Her hand moved up and down his shaft with slow and deliberate strokes, she stroked him with all her skill and dexterity with which I had become very familiar. Then in my head I heard her voice, softy and sultry and full of passion and need, she said just two words, two words that I had heard her say to me so many times, but this time those words were not spoken to me, they were spoken to another man.

    Fuck me

    I came hard, very hard, the first two spurts landed on the wall opposite, the force and the intensity of my orgasm shocked me, momentarily I felt dizzy and I franticly grasped hold of the sink for support. Three more powerful spurts left my cock and landed on the tiled floor, after so long the pleasure and relief I felt was almost unbearable.

    Once my orgasm had subsided I grabbed some loo roll and wiped my cock dry, I threw the soiled tissue down the toilet, stuffed my cock back in my trousers and zipped up. I grabbed more tissue and mopped up my sperm from the floor and wall and chucked the soggy tissue down the loo, there was a lot of it.

    Once I had cleaned up it was only a matter of seconds before the post orgasmic gloom began to descend over me, it was as unexpected as it was painful, I had enjoyed that particular masturbatory fantasy many times, but this time it had felt incredibly vivid and so real, which was not surprising given the evenings events.

    Suddenly I felt shameful for what I had just done, I had just about managed to block the conflicting emotions out while I masturbated but fear and anxiety returned with a vengeance and washed over me in a succession of huge waves that just kept on coming. Each wave was bigger, stronger and more powerful than the last, the feelings of fear, jealousy and despair enveloped me like a huge comfort blanket, except there was no comfort, just desolation and gloom, what had I done?

    I was alone in a strange city, the evening which had started with such intense excitement and huge arousal had turned into one that was filled with fear, anxiety and a kind of self loathing that I could neither control, or understand. I staggered from the bathroom and slumped down on a chair before my legs gave way beneath me, I held my head in my hands.

    On the table stood the whiskey I had brought earlier that day on the Royal Mile, a bottle of Bunnahabhain 18 year old from the Isle of Islay , it was a special treat to myself which I planned to share with my father over Christmas. I grabbed a tumbler from the bedside cabinet and placed in on the small table in front of me. I took a few moments to compose myself. I picked up the whiskey bottle, ripped the foil from the neck and pulled out the stopper. In my world which was suddenly a world full of fear, worry and considerable self loathing, the sound that came from the bottle was reassuringly comforting.

    I poured myself a large measure, the amber liquid was clear and gave off a beautiful aroma. I usually took my whiskey with a little water or sometimes a dash of lemonade, depending on the quality of the whiskey but the excellence of Bunnahabhain and the situation decreed I needed a stronger, purer hit. I took a large gulp and the fiery liquid burned my throat and then warmed my stomach as it made its way down, it felt good, very good in fact but even a large shot of Scotland’s finest failed to lighten my mood.

    I picked up my phone and checked it for the hundredth time, no missed calls, no messages, I stared at the screen willing it to beep with a message from my Fiancée, but it remained stubbornly silent, I tossed it onto the table and watched the screen go blank. My hands were still shaking as I poured a second large measure of Scotch.

    I drank half of it down and sat back in the chair, nursing the glass like it was a very small baby. The dark cloud of doom and despair hung over me like the sword of Damocles, the only person capable of lifting it was in another part of the city and I had no idea if she would ever come back or if she would even want to be with me anymore.

    What had I done?

    A fresh wave of paranoia swept over me, what if I never saw Charlotte again?

    Could I live with myself?

    What if it had always been her intention to leave me?

    What if he was not what he seemed?

    What if I had put the love of my life in danger?

    What if Charlotte had been abducted by a gang of people traffickers, pumped full of drugs and sold like a piece of meet to the highest bidder?

    I was full of fear, paranoia and self loathing, I knew Charlotte loved me, she did love I was sure of it, but then in the next heart beat I was not so sure as the anxiety welled up inside me again. She must love me, doing this was what we both wanted, we had planned it together, planned it carefully and meticulously. We chose the bar, where she would sit, where I would sit, we chose what she would wear together down to the last detail. We had worked out her back story, changed my name in her phone to Danielle, worked out a fall back plan and an emergency plan.

    Emergency plan, FUCK!

    In a panic I opened up my laptop, and opened the find my phone app, I had to know where she was. Charlotte had been trusting enough to give me her phone details so I could track her, the app found her phone, I zoomed in, it looked like she was in a Travelodge on the edge of Musselburgh right by the A1.

    At least she was not having her head turned by being taken to some posh five star hotel. I felt a little better knowing where she was, but it did not last long before I started to think about what she was doing there. My stomach started knotting up again, it was as if I was determined to give myself the maximum amount of pain possible.

    I looked around me, there were traces of Charlotte everywhere, the jeans she had worn during the day, her make up spread all around the small dressing table, a discarded pack of stockings. I looked at the label, Finest 10 denier it said, it was another almighty kick in my gut, my stomach churned relentlessly, my insides knotted up with a kind of deep anxiety that threatened to completely overwhelm me, yet despite all that turmoil within me and my recent orgasm, my cock was rock hard once again.

    I topped my glass up with another large shot of the excellent Scotch, while silently telling myself to go easy I closed my eyes but all I could see was Charlotte walking away from me, without a backward glance, everything was so twisted, the pain I felt was almost unbearable, yet my cock was so hard, I was so confused.

    My phone bleeped, I knew instantly that it was from Charlotte by the distinctive tone I had set for her texts. I grabbed my phone from the table, in my haste I spilt some of the Bunnahabhain on the table, but that did not matter, I needed to read her message. Suddenly I felt pure fear run through my veins as my finger hovered above the screen, I wanted to read her message yet the fear of what it might contain caused my guts to churn as though an unseen fist gripped my insides and twisted them, for a second I thought I might throw up, I stood up and took a couple of steps towards the bathroom.

    The feeling of nausea passed as quickly as it came, I took a couple of deep breaths and unlocked the screen and opened her message before I gave myself anymore time to think.

    On way back, I’ve been very naughty but I’m still your girl, I love you Dave XXX

    A huge wave of relief swept over me as I read her message and then read it over and over, naughty was a word we used a lot with Our game, it signified so many things, but also could be interrupted in so many different ways.

    I would have been devastated if I lost her, she is my soulmate the person who I want to grow old with, yet playing Our Game came with risks. Huge risks to both of us in different ways, but then those risks were an integral part of the game, the danger excited us both, that was the thrill of the game and why we had kept playing it.

    From very early on we had a unique instinct about each other, if one of us needed a little space the other sensed it and backed off, if one of us needed reassurance, the other was there with a hug and a comforting word. Many other couples develop such a feeling for each others moods, but it usually takes years to build up that kind of understanding, with Charlotte and I, it came naturally almost from the beginning.

    The only downside in your partner instinctively knowing your moods is that there was no hiding place for your own thoughts. Charlotte’s text message confirmed everything about our relationship that was precious, somehow she knew the anxiety I was feeling and while she said she had been naughty, she also confirmed that she was still my girl and that she loved me.

    We had crossed many bridges since we started playing Our game but we had always crossed those bridges together, tonight was different, tonight Charlotte crossed the Rubicon on her own. I may have been on the other side waiting for her, but she had the confidence within herself to take those steps alone. I felt huge pride that she had taken those steps, but along with that pride there were so many other emotions, those emotions conflicted with each other in a way that excited me and confused me and scared me.

    How had I ever let things get to this place where I had no control, yet losing control, excited me so much?

    It was a long story.

    Chapter 2

    Meeting Charlotte

    You checking out the cute blonde with the big tits Dave? Said Marty.

    Maybe. I said, although in truth I had my eye more on the attractive brunette next to her. Normally it would have been the big titted blonde who would have got my attention. She had the kind of rack that enters a room five minutes before the rest of her body and it was clear she was used to getting plenty of attention as she was dressed to maximise her assets in a low cut, tight fitting top.

    Her choice of bra was ably assisting in constructing the mouth watering display, by pushing her twin peaks upwards and outwards creating a most inviting cleavage. It was the kind of cleavage that any man would love to bury his head in, or better still his cock, until he unloaded his manly gift all over those magnificent orbs.

    Her tits are awesome man. Said Marty enthusiastically.

    Marty was at least right on that front and I am sure just about every other red blooded male in the place had similar thoughts as to what they would like to do to Little Miss Big Tits, but there was something about the brunette that intrigued me. I had noticed her twenty minutes or so ago when she and her friends walked past me, and my mates Marty and Jason. She had an easy, natural beauty about her and reminded me a little of Victoria Justice, the American actress and singer.

    But it was her skirt that really caught my eye, because it was so dam tight, it was not exactly a hobble skirt but it was pretty close. I suppose the best way to describe was a ultra tight, knee length, pencil skirt. But despite the tightness of her skirt she moved with a natural poise and elegance, that made me wonder if she was a dancer or something. The way she moved was effortless and yet was both sensual and innocent at the same time, as though she had no comprehension of just how sexy she looked.

    The brunette caught me looking and I held her gaze and smiled at her, she seemed surprised that I was not checking out Little Miss Big Tits, like just about every other guy in the club. She smiled back, it was then that I noticed her eyes, they seemed to be so warm and friendly, so different to so many girls who were either on their guard, or throwing themselves at guys once they have a drink or two inside them, no there was something special about Miss Tight Skirt.

    The evening wore on and I laughed and joked with Marty and Jason, the drink flowed almost as quickly as the manly banter we exchanged. We had know each other a long time and felt comfortable in each others company, girlfriends had come and gone but we remained firm friends always there for one another in times of trouble. But all the time Miss Tight Skirt was never far from my thoughts and more than a couple of times we exchanged glances and smiles, was she keeping an eye on me as much as I was on her? Or was it merely coincidental? I had to find out.

    Time to make my move gentlemen. I said putting my empty glass on the bar.

    Who’s it to be this time Dave? Asked Jason.

    My moneys says it’s the big titted blonde, Dave’s weakness. Said Marty.

    He’ll be back in five minutes with his tail between his legs, crying on our shoulders. Said Jason grinning stupidly.

    Watch and learn children. I said in full bluster mode, turning away from my smirking, so called friends, thanks for your support guys.

    I carefully made my way across the floor towards Miss Tight Skirt, practicing my open gambit in my head as I walked, I was aware that Little Miss Big Tits and her friends had moved on, no doubt to give the rest of the males in the club a chance to gaze adoringly on her considerable assents. I wondered if Marty and Jason would follow, if I crashed and burned the chances of my wing men coming to my aid seemed slim. Miss Tight Skirt had spotted my approach and turned slightly towards me, a good sign perhaps? Or maybe she was getting ready to launch a tirade at me for perving over her arse.

    Hi my name’s Dave, just wanted to say you look amazing in that skirt. I said trying to sound cool and confident, she blushed slightly as though she was unaccustomed to such compliments from strangers.

    Errr thanks. She said smiling.

    Very Ditta Von Tease esque. I said, stumbling for something to say.

    Her eyes lit up at my comment.

    You like Ditta Von Tease? She asked breathlessly.

    Lets just say I’m aware of her work.

    I think she’s amazing, I love the whole burlesque thing, I’m Charlotte by the way She said, holding out her hand.

    As I digested her words I allowed myself to imagine the pretty girl before me decked out in a red and black satin Basque, fishnet stockings and spike heeled stilettos, with those images flashing around in my head I decided to be bold, I took her hand and instead of shaking it as she expected, I pulled her gently towards me and kissed her on the cheek, her perfume filled my nose, it was so feminine, like everything else about her, she smelt of Jasmine with a hint of Sandalwood, before she had time to recover her composure I asked.

    So do you do the burlesque dancing and stuff? I asked, hoping the answer would be yes.

    No, I’m not that good a mover, I just like the look and the style. She answered to my disappointment.

    Can I buy you and your friends a drink?

    I figured buying them all a drink was the best way to get her friends onside, she smiled and turned to her friends, I could not hear what she said but they both smiled, Miss Tight Skirt turned back towards me and said.

    Dave this is Steph and Lisa

    Hi, can I get you girls a drink? I asked in my most confident and self assured voice.

    They both smiled, they were attractive in their own way, but neither could hold a candle to Miss Tight Skirt, I guess they were used to her getting all the attention, but they both accepted my offer and told me what they wanted, Spiced Rum and coke for Lisa and a Screwdriver for Steph, this was not going to be a cheap round of drinks, but I figured just spending a little time with the lovely Charlotte would be worth it, maybe I might even get her number, I turned to her and asked.

    What about you Charlotte? I said her name out loud for the first time, it seemed to come naturally and it felt good as it left my lips.

    I’ll have a Cosmopolitan if that’s OK

    Of course it is, would you like to help me. I asked in hope.

    She smiled that lovely warm smile of hers and said.


    I took her hand and lead her towards the cocktail bar, out of the corner of my eye I could see Jason and Marty nudging each other and smirking, I did my best to ignore them. I would have preferred it if Miss Tight Skirt had been leading so I could check out her amazing arse, but that particular pleasure would have to wait.

    We stood at the cocktail bar waiting to be served, there were a few people in front of us, mainly girls going for the cheap cocktails that club offered, the guys mainly went to the other bar for the beer or vodka. Standing close to her and in better light she looked even more beautiful, she wore her hair up in a style that reminded me of something from the 50’s or 60’s. I am by no means a hairdresser or profess to know much about ladies fashion or styles, to me it was not exactly a beehive, it was nowhere near as rigid as that, but really suited her and exposed her elegant neck to good effect, it was her own style and she stood out as someone who was an individual, I liked that about her. I began to think that perhaps she was out of my league, feeling slightly awkward and searching for something smart or witty to say, I blurted out.

    I like your perfume, very feminine.

    You like it? It’s Alien by Thierry Mugler. She replied, her smile said she was impressed that I had noticed her perfume, she tilted her head up slightly as if offering her neck for me to smell. Not one to miss such an opportunity I bent down and smelt her neck, she smelt good and I mean really good. Taking a chance I kissed her soft skin a couple of times, she did not move away as I had half expected her to.

    My kisses turned into little nibbles and I felt her hand on my shoulder, the push away was coming I felt sure, but she just held me there and let me kiss and nibble her neck. I sensed movement in front of us and the group of girls moved away carefully holding their cocktails, so we could step up to the bar, my mind went blank and I had completely forgotten her friends orders, thankfully Charlotte stepped in and gave the bartender the order, I had a cosmopolitan like her, I just hoped Marty or Jason would not catch me drinking it, they would tear me to shreds for sure. I handed over a couple of twenty pound notes and got back very little change, so much for cheap cocktails!

    As I pocketed my change Charlotte said.

    Thank you Dave, you’re very kind She leant in and kissed my cheek, she had used my name, it felt good hearing her say it.

    You’re very welcome. I said almost automatically, then we looked at each other for a few seconds, trying to read each others minds. I broke the spell by leaning in and kissing her lips gently, giving her room to back away if she wanted, she did not back away, she responded to my kiss, letting our lips make contact.

    Our mouths tentatively testing the ground, hesitantly I poked my tongue into her mouth, she did not reject it, she allowed my tongue to gently explore her mouth and then her tongue was doing the same to mine. It was not a full blown deep passionate kiss, but a very nice first kiss as two people explored one another.

    We’d better get these back to your friends. I said when we broke our kiss, momentarily I had forgot where we were, that we were surrounded by other people, for that brief moment, we were the only two people in the world.

    Yes we should, that was nice by the way. She said, which made my heart beat just a little faster.

    I picked up two drinks which just happened to be Steph’s and Lisa’s, Charlotte picked up the two Cosmopolitans and we made our way back to her friends.

    Once back with her friends, we made small talk for a little while, but it was difficult with the music and people constantly bumping into us, plus I will admit to feeling a little self conscious nursing a cocktail. I told her I did not want to monopolise her and said she should get back to enjoying her evening with her friends, but adding that I hoped I would catch up with her again later.

    Yes, I’d like that. She replied.

    Which made me feel good, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and waved to her friends and went off to find Marty and Jason. I had done the groundwork, I very much hoped that I would see her again before the night was over, it came as no surprise that I found Marty & Jason pretty much where I left them, maybe they had moved about all of two foot.

    You losers haven’t gone far, who’s round? I said.

    You get him a drink Marty, I’ll get him some tissue, there’s sure to be tears if he’s back this quick. Said Jason sarcastically.

    I don’t know if I can stand him moaning ohhhhh shes so perfect, I thought she was the one, all the way home. Said Jason mockingly.

    Fuck off you tossers, the seed has been planted, you just have to give it time to geminate. I said in my most condescending voice.

    You don’t half talk a load of crap Dave. Said Marty dismissively.

    The banter carried on in a similar vain, with me being the butt of their jokes, I took it all in good humour as that was how we were with each other. Eventually the joke began to wear a bit thin, I needed to use the toilet, the beer was starting to take effect and it was time to break the seal and it would give me a few minutes respite from their teasing. I relived myself and took advantage of the freshen up guy, I splashed a generous handful of his aftershave over my cheeks and chucked a couple of quid in his tin.

    When I returned to my mates it felt as though my whole world had just come crashing down, out on the dance floor I was shocked to see Miss Tight Skirt dancing with another guy. He was taller than me and looked a little geeky and I hated him. He had one hand on her waist and the other on her arm, I watched him stroke the bare skin of her arm as the danced, it made my skin crawl. They moved with an air of familiarity which worried me and made me jealous, next to me I heard a voice.

    Looks like you’ll be joining us for a kebab after all. Said Jason, in a mocking tone.

    Fuck off! I said dismissively, not even turning to deliver my retort, I tried to act as though I did not care, attempting to keep face. I pretended to scan the room looking for other targets, I spotted Little Miss Big Tits on the far side of the floor dancing with another guy, they were grinding into each other with abandon, clearly someone was going to get lucky tonight, alas it would not be me.

    Even though I was looking around the room I could not keep my eyes off Miss Tight Skirt dancing with Geeky Guy. It was then that I realised I was having my first real attack of Zelophilia, not that I knew what it was at the time. I was jealous and even though that jealousy was making my stomach churn it was also arousing me, my cock was hardening as I watched another man make moves on Miss Tight Skirt. It was such a strange feeling and it took me completely by surprise, I had to put my hand in my pocket to try and conceal my rapidly hardening cock.

    I had read wife watching and cuckold stories in magazines on the internet, hell I had even downloaded a few to my Kindle, at first I had identified with the second man who made moves on the wife, but as I got older I began to see myself more as the husband who encouraged his wife to flirt with or even sleep with other men. I had no idea when or how this changed occurred in my psyche and yet even though I hardly knew Miss Tight Skirt at all those feelings were weirdly running around my mind with alarming results.

    I noticed Charlotte had stopped dancing with Geeky Guy, there was now a little space between them and they were talking, he was still holding her by the arms but there appeared to be tension between them, I saw her shake her head and then walk off in the direction of her friends, maybe there is hope for you yet Dave, I thought to myself.

    About thirty seconds later Miss Tight Skirt was making her way back through the crowd, I loved watching her. She moved with such effortless grace, yet there was an air of hidden sexuality about her movements, suddenly I realised she was making her way right towards me and she had that warm smile on her face again, only this time that smile was a lot broader and it was directed right at me.

    Was she playing with me?

    Was I about to get a slap for staring at her all night?

    Jason and Marty would love that, I would never hear the last of it, they would still bring it up years from now, I braced myself for a slap and then the added humiliation from my so called friends. She stood in front of me for a moment and then put her arms on my shoulders, that smile got broader and warmer, she pulled my head towards her, then her mouth was at my ear.

    Dave will you help me? Pretend you’re my boyfriend, that was my ex I was dancing with, he’s a real control freak, I told him I had a new boyfriend.

    That was nothing like I had expected to hear, I relaxed a little when I realised I was not about to be slapped and embarrassed in front of my friends and a club full of strangers. It took me a couple of seconds to comprehend what she had said, while I was still trying to make sense of it I replied.

    Really? You serious?

    Yeah, he freaks me out, he’s still trying to control me even though we split up months ago, please help me. She was almost pleading now and I hated to see a lady in distress especially one as good looking as Charlotte.

    What do you want me to do? I asked, still slightly wrong footed about the unexpected turn of events.

    Start by grabbing my arse and kissing me. She said, I felt like all my prayers had been answered. A beautiful girl was actually asking me to grab her arse and kiss her, without further thought and before she had chance to change her mind that is exactly what I did. I grabbed her arse and pulled her in close and kissed her, then to my horror, I realised I had made a huge mistake.

    My cock was still hard from watching her dance with Geeky guy, she would feel it against her for sure, I braced myself again for a slap of rebuke and a mouthful of abuse. I could just see Marty and Jason giggling like a couple of schoolgirls as she stormed off. But she did not storm off, sure she broke off from the kiss, she looked me in the eye. Not knowing her very well I could not read her facial expression, then a hint of a smile broke out on her face, she had the look of a mischievous child about her. She bit down on the bottom corner of her lip in a way that made her look so dam sexy, and then I felt her start to move her hips, side to side and up and down. Fucking hell, she was grinding herself against my cock.

    Suddenly her lips were on mine again and her tongue was in my mouth before I realised what was happening, I went with it and my hands moved instinctively all around her firm rounded arse cheeks, it was then that I made a discovery of my own. I was not sure what it was at first, I felt a little bump on her otherwise smooth and incredibly tight skirt, then I felt another, fuck she was wearing stockings and suspenders, could my night get any better!!

    But my discovery had consequences, it set in course a chain of events within my body that I had absolutely no control over and it took mere second or so to complete. Signals were sent from my fingers to my brain upon discovering her suspender claps, a signal then went from my brain to my heart, requiring it to pump more blood, a fresh delivery of blood arrived in my cock a nano second later, my cock hardened even more and throbbed uncontrollably as the fresh blood was pumped into it. I knew Charlotte felt it, she could not help but feel it as she was busy grinding her pussy against my erection. She exhaled deeply through her nose and her kissing went up another notch on the passion scale, but that was not all her grinding increased to almost lewd levels, if Geeky guy was watching he would have no other option but to conclude that she had well and truly moved on.

    Hi guys. Said Charlotte cheerily to Marty and Jason, when we eventually broke our kiss, her grinding had slowed down but she was still moving her hips sensuously against my groin, as though she was marking her territory, staking her claim to me and my cock. I had moved my hands to her waist, so if Geeky guy was watching he would be able to see that she was still grinding herself against me of her own free will, I admit that gave me a special kind of thrill, a kind of up yours loser, she’s mine now even if that was strictly not true.

    She used that same warm, open smile that she had used on me with Marty and Jason, it appeared to have the same effect on them as it did me. It was the kind of smile I had seen many times before, used by pretty girls to get their way, or to get the attention they felt they deserved. But with Charlotte it was clear it not calculated in any way and was more natural, they both smiled warmly back at her, Jason who was nearest me said.


    While Marty just waved a hand in greeting.

    Guys this is Charlotte, Charlotte this is Jason and that’s Marty. I said doing the introductions, trying not to sound too smug.

    Sorry to steal your man away, but he’s just saved me from a fate worse than death.

    Obsessive ex. I said helpfully, hoping it would go some way to explaining the situation.

    Dave’s my knight in shining amour. Said Charlotte, gushingly.

    From the way you two were going, Dave’s amour would soon be going rusty. Said Jason, who was always quick with the one liners and put downs. Poor Charlotte blushed and looked a little embarrassed and buried her face in my neck, I chuckled being more used to Jason’s verbal barbs.

    I heard her voice in my ear.

    Sorry, I think I got a little carried away.

    No need to apologise, I enjoyed it, still enjoying actually I replied.

    Me to. I heard her say, giving her hips and extra wriggle to emphasise the point, she was getting pretty close to actually bringing me off, I knew some sort of self control was needed on my part, otherwise if she carried on she could very well instigate a soiling of my boxers.

    Carry on like that and I’ll be having an accident. I said and heard a little giggle at my ear, but she did not stop her slow and sensual movements, I wondered if this was turning her on as much as me and that was a very horny thought indeed.

    Can you see him? She asked.

    What Geee…….your ex? I replied, just managing to stop myself using the name I given her ex.


    I scanned around the room and spotted Geeky guy talking to Charlotte’s friends, although he was talking to them he had his eyes firmly fixed on us, or rather Charlotte’s back and arse.

    He’s with your friends. I told her.

    Shit, the freak he won’t let it go, good job I prepped them. She said, as she nuzzled my ear in a way that sent goose bumps of pleasure surging through my body.

    What did you tell them to say.

    She hesitated for a few seconds and I was just about to ask her again when she said.

    I told them to say we’ve been going out for about a month and that I’m crazy about you and one other thing, but I really can’t tell you that.

    I was beginning to get a little fearful of the situation, Geeky guy clearly had issues and was infatuated by her, I wondered if it was wise to be putting myself in the middle of a situation like this, as pleasurable as her company was. But my dick was clearly enjoying the situation, he told my brain to shut up and enjoy the ride. After all it was not everyday that a beautiful and sexy girl came over to me and started kissing me and grinding her pussy against my cock like there was no tomorrow. Her actions pretty much made all rational thought impossible, not for the first time I found myself thinking with my dick.

    So what can’t you tell me? I asked, curious as to what she had told her friends.

    It’s kinda embarrassing.

    Now I’m really intrigued. I said pushing my point.

    Oh god please don’t make me tell you.

    I won’t push, but now you’ve go me intrigued. I said hoping that if I did not push her too hard she might relent of her own accord.

    Okay, I guess it’s only fair I tell you, but please don’t think bad of me.

    I wondered what on earth she could have told them to say, besides I did not think I could ever think bad of that beautiful girl grinding her pussy slowly against my

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