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True Wealth: Reprogram Your Subconscious For Financial Success
True Wealth: Reprogram Your Subconscious For Financial Success
True Wealth: Reprogram Your Subconscious For Financial Success
Ebook133 pages2 hours

True Wealth: Reprogram Your Subconscious For Financial Success

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About this ebook

Are you tired of struggling with your finances? Sick of being in debt? Have you tried for years, maybe decades, to achieve a life of true wealth but with little or no success?

The truth is, poor subconscious programming is what holds you back. The only way things will change is by changing your relationship with money.
Through simple exercises, we'll get to the root of your faulty life script. The mind programs that were put into place at an early age by the adults in your life.

You'll learn new money-thinking skills and sharpen them so they become second-nature. Imagine what it will be like to finally feel in control of your financial destiny and live a life of true wealth!

Release dateJan 9, 2018
True Wealth: Reprogram Your Subconscious For Financial Success

Kelly Wallace

Kelly Wallace is a best selling multi-published spiritual and self-help author, radio show host, and has been a professional psychic counselor for over twenty years. She can see, hear, sense, and feel information sent from Spirit, the Universe, and a client's Higher Self. Whether your problems or concerns are in the area of love, finances, family, career, health, education, or your path in life, she offers affordable professional intuitive counseling, caring guidance, and solutions that work! More than just a typical psychic reading or counseling session, you will feel you've found a real friend during your time of need--whether you simply want answers and guidance to your current worries or concerns, or you're interested in learning more about your soul mate, spirit guides, past lives, or anything else. Kelly uses her intuitive gifts and over two decades of professional psychic counseling to help you create a life you deserve and desire! With her you will find there is no hype, no wild predictions, no sugar-coated false information. Instead, you'll receive honest, open, caring guidance you can trust. Visit her site today and book a reading!

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    Book preview

    True Wealth - Kelly Wallace

    Your Financial Success Starts Now!

    DID YOU KNOW THAT BY deciding to read this book, you have already taken a huge first step toward improving your finances? You're taking responsibility for your own happiness, and have probably realized you're the only one who can fix things for you. No one else is responsible for your economic future or lack thereof. Just the fact that you've made the intention to change activates your subconscious mind and begins the process even before you start!

    This book isn’t intended as professional financial advice. Instead, what we'll focus on is changing how you think and feel about finances, and discovering what you consider to be a life of true wealth since it's different for everyone. Once you know what you truly want for your life, only then will you find that your monetary problems begin to fade away.

    My goal in writing this book is to show you the tools and techniques you can use to live a life of financial freedom. Everything I talk about in these pages I've put into action in my own life to go from living on public assistance and barely making ends meet regardless of how many hours I worked at a crummy minimum wage job, to doing what I love and making a six-figure income.

    No matter how many times you've tried and failed in the past to overcome your negative financial situation, you can and will succeed once you learn to reprogram your subconscious and turn a few simple techniques into new habits.

    We're all busy and have our reasons for wanting to be successful. With this in mind, I've made each entry in the book as useful and stand-alone as possible. Whether you read the book straight through or skip around, you'll learn helpful ways to improve your financial status.

    You'll probably notice that I repeat things. The reason for this is that some people will choose the topics that interest them most and read only those. Also, since you've been negatively programmed when it comes to money, you need to repeat things so your subconscious will ultimately take in the new information and toss out the old stuff that doesn't help you. It's like when you were in school and had to learn a spelling list or multiplication tables. Repetition helps the brain retain lessons.

    I want this book to be simple, helpful, and doable. I don't include overly spiritual or technical ideas. Why make things more difficult than they need to be? There's nothing worse than reading a book, hoping you'll discover some solid ways to make life changes, only to find out it's riddled with terms you aren't familiar with or seem way too out there. I like it when things are simple and down-to-earth, and I bet you do too. You aren't preparing for your Ph.D., you just want to live a happier, healthier, more successful life. Why make it confusing?

    I’m eager to share this information with you and hope you’ll email me to let me know how this book has helped you and to share some of your ideas and experiences.

    To your financial success and happiness!


    ~ Part One ~

    Faulty Programming

    Who's Really in Charge?

    IT'S BEEN SAID THAT our conscious mind is only 5% of our total brainpower. Although this is the part of your mind that can differentiate between what's real and what isn't, what's good or bad, and holds the thoughts you're aware of and can control, it isn't very powerful. The conscious mind is where your short-term memory is, and it can only handle a few pieces of information at one time.

    When it's put into those terms, it's surprising that we believe our conscious mind is in control of our lives. Instead, it's merely a servant. If that's true, then who's really in charge? That's right, the subconscious mind is the leader.

    That doesn't mean you wander around in a trance, it's simply the fact that the subconscious is the writer and the conscious is the messenger. It's amazing to know how powerful your subconscious mind is. It can help you create an entirely new world, a brand-new life. Yet, if this part of the mind is so powerful why do most people ignore it? We haven't been taught how to work with it, that's why.

    The subconscious is like a very wise hermit living in a cave. You know this hermit has the answers to every question you can imagine, the secrets to happiness, wealth, success, health, and true love. Getting the hermit to venture out of the cave is impossible though so you need to go in after him. Once inside you'll have access to everything you need to create the life you want.

    6 Truths About the Subconscious Mind

    1. SINCE THE CONSCIOUS mind only operates 5% of the brain, this means the subconscious holds a whopping 95% of the power that will help you to have and become anything you want.

    2. The subconscious mind can't reason so it isn't able to judge whether something is true or not, real or not, or even what's right or wrong for you. That's why we need the conscious mind; they work as a team.

    3. Thousands of decisions are made each day by your subconscious. It quietly works in the background sending you information as to what you should do, where you should go, and how to act. The problem is, the subconscious bases all its decisions on your past experiences. If you were bitten by a dog when you were a kid, your subconscious will most likely help you to avoid dogs for the rest of your life. It doesn't reason that the dog that bit you was a one-time thing and most dogs are friendly.

    4. It's more powerful than any mainframe computer. Without you even being aware of it your subconscious can process billions of pieces of information all at once! You could be talking to a friend and, without realizing it, your subconscious is processing things such as voices, other sounds, colors, shapes, objects, temperature, sensations in your body, and much, much more. All of this and you don't even become distracted as you talk.

    5. It stores all your emotions—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and your beliefs, even if you should have outgrown them or changed them long ago.

    6. Your long-term memory is also stored here, and it doesn't keep just bits and pieces, it stores it all with complete retention. Again, like that hermit in the cave, we just don't have access to all this information whenever it suits us. And, very often things get a bit weird in the subconscious, especially when we experienced events as a child. Since the subconscious can't reason, let's say you didn't clean your room and your mother spanked you and grounded you. Your subconscious may make a connection between cleaning and pain. Perhaps you'll have an OCD streak, or detest cleaning, or something in between.

    As you look over that list you can see just how powerful your subconscious mind is and how it can help you achieve anything you want in life. The reason you've struggled for so long is because the way you view life right now is based on what's stored in your subconscious.

    When you sit down and pay close attention to your current finances, even your health and relationships, know that all of this has been manifested by your past experiences. This can be frustrating, making you feel helpless. After all, if your subconscious is 95% of everything you experience in life, and your conscious mind—the part you can actually control—is only 5%...those are pretty bad odds.

    You could say you want more money, to get out of debt, to find a better job, or start your own business, yet no matter what you do you're always blocked. That's because your conscious mind could be telling you, I deserve more money! but somewhere in your subconscious, due to your past, your mind is saying, I don't deserve to be financially successful. Money is bad. Money makes marriages fall apart. Or something along these lines.

    There's no doubt about it, if you're struggling with money this means you have negative beliefs embedded in your subconscious. The good news is, it's possible to change what's in your subconscious. You can take negative programming and turn it around into something positive.

    The first step to changing the negative programming in your subconscious is to identify what exactly is stored deep in your mind, what your faulty

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