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Seducing a Shy Guy
Seducing a Shy Guy
Seducing a Shy Guy
Ebook35 pages42 minutes

Seducing a Shy Guy

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When she was little, Roz was saved from a terrifying monster by the skilled and handsome alchemist, Simon. Since then, she's done everything in her power to get closer to her hero. When she finally enters his alchemy program, she realizes that it's difficult to get to know him because he's incredibly shy and studious.

Everything changes when she finds an excerpt from the notorious Seductress' Rulebook left on her bed, entitled Seducing a Shy Guy. She devours the instructions: the keys to the heart of a shy man, and follows them to a T.

Much to her delight, the techniques from the book work like a charm, and before long Roz and Simon find themselves risking everything to have a secretive sexy session in the library!

This steamy tale is told in 8,800 words and features a nerd in shining armor, sex instruction, pussy licking, and a forbidden student teacher romance!

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Release dateFeb 25, 2018
Seducing a Shy Guy

Paxton DeFleur

Paxton was born and raised in a highly conservative Catholic family, so naturally she developed an insatiable obsession with sex.Ever since she found a hidden blue crate full of her father's Playboy magazines stashed under a floorboard in the garden shed, her mind has been weaving fleshy fantasies and longing to share them.She first won an award for her writing in eighth grade, when she submitted a short story about a hellish monster that climbs out of a well and possesses a teenager to commit devious acts. Little did the judges know that the original draft went into juicy detail about the devious, SEXUAL acts. By the time it reached the judges eyes however, she'd already pounded the backspace key to scrub it clean.Throughout high school, she used the same method to win six more short story contests: First she'd write a detailed erotic story, then cut out all of the most interesting parts in order to make it acceptable to the judges, then win. Because she kept winning, she felt compelled to write more, but didn't purge ALL of her erotica; she kept her real candy buried deep in her hard drive in a folder called "trig304."...No one ever opened that folder.Towards the end of high school Paxton dove into web design, and built several kink sites where her and other users would share short erotic stories. At one point, one of the sites was pulling in over 12k visitors per month.She went to college for software engineering and became a web developer for a fortune 500 company. After a few years in that job, she felt like part of her true being was missing. There was a large chunk of her life that felt neglected and forgotten. Working for a large IT company, she always feared that her vanilla boss and coworkers would discover her true kinky identity from all those years ago and her professional reputation would be ruined.Fueled by disdain and lack of creativity in her day job, Paxton began writing erotica again at night. Within a few months, her books became so popular that she quit her job at the IT company and, much to the disappointment of her conservative Catholic parents, now writes erotica full-time.

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    Book preview

    Seducing a Shy Guy - Paxton DeFleur

    Seducing a Shy Guy

    By Paxton DeFleur

    An inhuman screech echoed across the stark wasteland, and caused the trees of the orchard to shudder and drop their heavy pink Forbidden Fruits. A cadence of soft thuds thrummed around me and my parents as the soft pink fruits were startled from the overarching trees and fell to the ground. All of the other families in the orchard went dead silent and turned towards the origin of the dreadful noise – somewhere near the horizon. I watched my parents’ demeanors shift from serenity to fear as my heart began to race.

    There, emerging from the Grand Gorge, a massive claw the size of a house reached out and gripped the edge of the cliff with a thunderous thud.

    Crowds of families began surging through the Forbidden Fruit Orchard in a flurry of panic. People were pushing each other aside, trampling anything in their path in their desperate, instinctual need to escape. My father yanked my arm as my parents both ran towards the safety of the city gates.

    Chancing a look back at the beast, I saw it emerge from the chasm in the wasteland and stretch toward the sun like a moving mountain. The shadow of the golem slid insidiously across the land, engulfing everything before it in a cold, fearful shade. It crested, pulling itself completely out of the chasm and screeched again. The terrible cacophony echoed across the wasteland, causing even the rocks to tremble in fear.

    The monster’s massive body was covered in plates and scales, but the biggest plate was on its head. Two small, beady glowing blue eyes shone through the gaps in its head armor. It was impossible to know for sure, but I knew those eyes were looking right at me. I could feel it in my bones.

    Then it started clambering toward us. I would have said it was running, but I could tell that it was much too old to run. This one was at least a century old, and it was the biggest one I’d ever seen.

    Normally, the desert behemoths were only about as large as a house when they were full grown, and usually our Valkyries ore Mercenaries went on hunts to exterminate them before they even reached that size. This one must have been from across the sea or found a good hiding place where it could strengthen itself unchecked and reach a size so massive—It could have easily taken up several city blocks with its girth.

    My father was yanking my arm through the

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