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Sapphire Kisses
Sapphire Kisses
Sapphire Kisses
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Sapphire Kisses

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Alexandra Jordan doesn’t anticipate the challenge ahead of her when she agrees to spend the summer as a research assistant for acclaimed author, David Meredith, who is gradually losing his sight.

David feels threatened by her presence in his home, his sanctuary, the only place he can be independent. He is determined to prove he doesn’t need help and wants Alex out of his life. She is equally determined to do the job she’s been paid to do. Once he accepts Alex isn’t like other women, her beguiling ways soon intrigue him...until he discovers her secret.

Any review snippets to use in promotion:

Can these two wounded souls find happiness together? Fun to read,
I enjoyed the way that David and Alex grew separately, facing their individual adversities and becoming stronger independently so that they could more fully give their love to each other. Grace Atkinson

Release dateFeb 26, 2018
Sapphire Kisses

Joanie MacNeil

Australian romance author Joanie MacNeil writes short contemporary romance novels. All but two of her novels are set in Australia. Two are set in Scotland and her dream is to visit there again.She loves to travel with her own romantic hero, recently visiting Tunisia, Istanbul, Croatia, Venice, Mykonos, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and also cruising the Mediterranean. The most recent adventure involved taking the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth, then driving across Australia from west coast to east.When she’s not travelling, or involved in writing-related activities, Joanie enjoys going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and spending time with her three lively little grandsons.To find out more about Joanie's books, click this link to go directly to her website:

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    Book preview

    Sapphire Kisses - Joanie MacNeil

    Sapphire Kisses

    By Joanie MacNeil

    Digital ISBNs:

    Kindle 9781772990638

    EPUB 9781772990621

    Amazon Print 978-0-2286-0162-3

    Copyright 2016 by Joan Wright

    Cover art by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book

    Chapter One

    Alexandra Jordan waved goodbye to her friends as their car sped away, leaving her standing at the junction of dirt road and highway.

    She glanced around, immediately overwhelmed by a sense of loneliness and isolation. Nervousness taunted her usually calm poise. I hope I’ve done the right thing accepting this job. Her voice mingled with the call of the seagulls on the breeze. You’d better have told me the truth, Justin Meredith, or you’re dead meat. Another thought bothered her, though she didn’t know why it should. I don’t even know what your brother looks like. A small humourless laugh escaped her. Guess I’ll find out soon enough.

    Snippets of conversation with the amorous, charming Justin invaded her mind. David’s not the least bit like me Alex. And I know you’ll get along with him. Trust me, Justin had said, his pale blue eyes filled with mischief.

    Be serious, Justin, she’d responded a little crossly as she’d playfully whacked him hard on the arm. He’d rewarded her with a hearty laugh.

    Now, she pictured his blonde hair and rugged good looks. Alex shook her head. A real hit with the ladies that was Justin.

    Shrugging on her backpack, she picked up her luggage, turned and followed the gravel road down the hill towards her destination...the house perched precariously on tall, slender poles on the side of a rocky headland. Beyond the house, the view across the ocean was magnificent. White caps emphasised the colour and depth of the waves further out to sea.

    "The Sapphire Coast has to be one of the prettiest areas along the southeast Australian coastline." She paused to put down her two duffle bags, adjust her sunglasses, and take in the panorama. The highway wound its way past ocean views and beaches, small farms, state forests and wetlands.

    Scanning the view for a few minutes, she welcomed the smell of the salty sea air and its taste on her lips. The fresh breeze caressed her sun-warmed skin, its invisible fingers teasing her hair.

    She’d jumped at Justin’s offer to work with his brother over the summer. It wasn’t every day an opportunity to work for an internationally acclaimed author presented itself. Though a little overawed by the prospect, she didn’t doubt her capabilities--far from it. With her research and computer skills, she was well qualified for the tasks required of her. And while she held some unsettling doubts about taking on this job, it was too late now for second thoughts.

    Although she knew David Meredith suffered from glaucoma, Alex wasn’t sure to what extent his sight had been affected. Surely spending the summer working for this man wouldn’t be that difficult. Of course, she’d manage, no matter what. Hadn’t she coped with all life had tossed at her so far?

    With her head full of positive thoughts, she adjusted her backpack, picked up her bags, and headed towards the house.

    As she came closer, she appreciated more fully how its design blended with the contours of the landscape and the surrounding native scrub. The back of the house sat low to the ground. From the front deck, it was an almost vertical plunge to where the blue-green Pacific Ocean washed gentle waves onto the beach below.

    Once at the door, she put down her bags, slipped her sunglasses into her pocket, and fluffed up her hair. Her movements caused the bangles around her wrist to jingle furiously. She smoothed her hands over her cotton sundress, took several deep breaths, and raised a shaky hand to the door.

    This was it, the moment for first impressions.

    A few minutes elapsed, playing havoc with her already battered nerves. At last the glass-panelled door opened in response to her knock.

    She looked up into a tanned, masculine face and her breath caught. Surely this couldn’t be Justin’s brother. Engaging hazel eyes compelled hers to linger on a face which set her heart racing. Her gaze drifted down to take in bare broad shoulders and chest, his forearm leaning at right angles against the doorframe. He towered over her, his presence and stance more imposing than she’d anticipated.


    Yes? What do you want? You’re wasting your time and mine if you’re selling anything. Whatever it is, I don’t want any.

    The voice, for all its rich, deep qualities, sounded cold and unwelcoming, causing a sense of unease to settle over her.

    Did he have to sound so unfriendly? Her gaze returned to his handsome face as she attempted to push those niggling doubts and Justin’s well-meant comments from her mind.

    She held out her hand. Her insides churned with a mixture of nerves and annoyance. I’m not selling anything. You must be David. I’m Alexandra Jordan, your new assistant. She silently congratulated herself for keeping her voice calm.

    He didn’t offer his hand immediately. He seemed hesitant, content to appraise her. Time stood still. Her heartbeat increased, her emotions in turmoil as his gaze wandered leisurely over her body.

    Keen to break the strange spell between them, she gently slipped her hand in his, feeling the strength in his fingers as they closed around hers.

    Oh my!

    His reaction had surprised her and the thought crossed her mind that perhaps he wasn’t expecting her. She couldn’t tell from his expression. Her heart missed a beat.

    Or was it because he was half-naked, and hadn’t let go of her hand?

    She gently wiggled her fingers and he released his grip. Justin did tell you I’d be here today?

    He dragged long tanned fingers through his hair, those same slender fingers which only moments before held hers so snugly.

    Yes, yes of course he did.

    Then why did he sound so cross?

    Silence suspended in the air like a heavy storm cloud. She sensed a latent power in him that had nothing to do with physical strength.

    His eyes narrowed. They held no warmth or welcome. She swallowed nervously, aware of the butterflies in her stomach. While she hadn’t anticipated an enthusiastic welcome, she had expected pleasantness. Her initial thought was to turn tail and run, but she reminded herself how much she needed the job. There was no choice but to stay and see things through.

    Again, snippets of Justin’s conversation replayed in her mind. David’s not as uncompromising as he seems.

    A wisp of courage stemmed from Justin’s words. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves and stifle an unwelcome, uneasy feeling, then squared her shoulders. Now wasn’t the time to back down and lose her cool.

    Aren’t you going to invite me in? she asked instead, wondering if he was aware of the apprehension in her voice. Her gaze flicked to his eyes and she realized his full attention remained focused on her.

    You’re not what I expected, he replied. In spite of the warmth of the sun, the tone of his voice sent a stab of nervous excitement tingling through to her bones. She thought his voice wavered a little, but that didn’t fit his demeanour. She must have imagined it.

    That’s a pity, but you’ll get used to me. I’m here for the summer. Determination warred with apprehension, but Alex held her ground. She hoped he couldn’t tell that her bright tone was a cover-up of her misgivings.

    We’ll see about that, he muttered, with a touch of enmity.

    He leaned over, picked up her bags and, with a sweep of his arm, stepped back, holding the door open for her.

    Moving past him, she was well aware of the fresh lingering scent of soap, mixed with sweet, spicy aftershave. A light smattering of curls, no doubt turned golden by the rays of the sun, covered his otherwise bare tanned chest. His warm, muscular body towered over her petite frame.

    If she were looking for a romantic liaison, David Meredith would be a worthy candidate. On a scale of ten, he’d score high marks for appearance and sex appeal. No doubt about that. There was something about him which piqued her senses. And she couldn’t help but notice he had the most appealing mouth.

    He ushered her into the spacious living room and placed her bags on the polished wooden floor. She shrugged the backpack from her shoulders, glad to be rid of its weight. The jewellery she wore jingled persistently.

    You’re wearing bangles?

    Yes. I am. She watched him closely. If they bother you...

    No, he said rather quickly, as if to reassure himself. How many?

    Four on each arm today. I don’t always wear them, or so many at once. Why was he was so interested?

    Are they of sentimental value?

    Some are. Justin gave me one for my birthday.

    His lips tightened. She was a little taken aback, but continued. Two are from a girlfriend, and one from my brother. The rest I’ve collected here and there. I just can’t help myself. Some people collect miniature owls. I collect bangles.

    When he didn’t respond, she felt as if she’d confessed her weaknesses...or her sins.

    The beginnings of a smile touched his enticing mouth. The sound puzzled me at first. It’s been some time since...never mind. When you wear them, at least I’ll know where you are.

    He reached for a T-shirt slung over the back of the couch and she watched in awe as he slipped his arms into the sleeves, then tugged the garment over his head to cover his sculpted upper body. His muscles flexed with the movement.

    Don’t dress on my account, she was tempted to say. But somehow, she didn’t think David Meredith would appreciate her flippant sense of humour.

    He seemed a little preoccupied, too, and she wondered what was going through his mind.

    He turned towards the kitchen. Would you like a cool drink, Ms Jordan?

    Fully dressed, he looks a little less imposing, she thought as she settled on the couch. Yes thanks. Mineral water, if you have it. Oh and please, call me Alex. She gazed around the cozy, open-design living area, through wall-to-wall windows, across the timber deck to spectacular views of sandy beaches and rocky cliffs dividing land and sea.

    Do you want some help? she offered automatically. His softening expression disappeared as he tensed. He huffed impatiently.

    I can manage, he answered curtly.

    There was an awkward silence.

    She knew that glaucoma sufferers lost their peripheral vision first. Just what range of tunnel vision he had left was difficult to judge. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be in David’s shoes.

    I didn’t hear your car, he commented from the kitchen, separated from the sitting room by an island bench.

    I don’t have one. Some friends on their way to Melbourne gave me a lift from Canberra. I walked from the highway. There’s a lovely view from the road. You should see it. Oh, I mean... She wished she could take back those words. I’m sorry, I...I didn’t...didn’t think.

    Another awkward silence. Two mistakes in two minutes. He’d judge her a thoughtless idiot if she weren’t careful. It was her nerves making her words come out in a tumble. She was never this awkward with blind students she’d worked with occasionally on campus. The tell-tale sound of the bangles again accompanied her movements as she flicked back her hair. The sound paralleled her nervousness.

    Don’t worry about it. It’s a simple expression. I’ve been coming here since I was a boy. I’ll always remember the view from the road. I see it every day in my mind.

    Alex watched as he prepared their drinks. She silently admired his economical movements and his accuracy in replacing each item exactly in its original position. This man was strong, competent and sure of himself.

    Her gaze slowly roamed the lean muscular, very masculine body, flicking upwards to study his face carefully. She took her time, knowing he wouldn’t realize she was watching him. The elegant facial features indulged a hard expression and in spite of the soft hazel of his eyes, did little to make her feel at ease. His fine, straight, golden-brown hair was brushed back from his face, cut short, and neatly shaped at the back of his neck. He was tall, about six feet, she judged. The snug fitting jeans and clinging white T-shirt emphasised his absolute maleness.

    She hoped her observation of him would allow her to feel more in control. While she might not be what David Meredith had expected, he certainly wasn’t what she’d expected either.

    He moved towards her and handed her the glass of ice cold liquid. Let’s move out on the deck. The view’s even better from there. He ushered her to the door. Her skin tingled all over at the slight touch of his hand at the small of her back.

    You’re right. The view is magnificent.

    Today the coastline etched sharp against the sea and sky. There was no sea mist to mar the outline of the cliffs and rocky points. The beach was deserted though that wasn’t surprising. It was mid-week in November, with a few weeks yet before the peak in the summer holiday season.

    Those houses you can see further up the beach are mostly weekenders and holiday homes. The nearest township is about an hour’s drive.

    You really are all alone here. She leaned against the rail and turned to face him, taking another sip of refreshing mineral water. The roar of the ocean and squawking seagulls filled the salty sea air around them.

    Ms Jordan, about the job...

    Her thoughts came to an abrupt halt at his suddenly formal manner. Again she was filled with that uneasy suspicion. She placed her glass on the table.

    I’d prefer that you didn’t take it on.

    "What? What did you say?"

    The expression in his darkening eyes gave nothing away. You heard me, he said softly.

    Why not? she demanded, not about to tell him how desperately she needed the work. That would lead to more questions. Questions she wasn’t prepared to answer. She felt sick to her stomach. He couldn’t do this to her.

    Desperately clinging to her self-respect, she tried to keep the pleading note from her voice. I promised Justin I’d stay until the middle of February and I intend to honour that promise, whether you like it or not.

    Is that so?

    His cavalier attitude grated on her nerves.

    Justin is far too keen to interfere in my life. He placed his half-empty glass on the table.

    Once I’ve given my word, I don’t go back on it. For your own sake, you need to know that, she said firmly. That’s why I’m not leaving. There was an uncomfortable silence. Her hand rested on her stomach. Her gaze remained focused on David’s face. She wanted to watch his expression as he dispassionately decided her future.

    Justin warned me about you. The words were out before she could stop them. Anger glinted in his eyes.

    What did he tell you about me? he demanded, his expression as grim as his tone of voice.

    She wished she’d kept her mouth shut. What was it about this man that made her feel like an errant child forced to confess she’d stolen money from his wallet? Justin had said a few choice words about his brother, none of which she cared to repeat.

    Well? he demanded as he levered himself away from the rail and took a step closer.

    Biting her lower lip, she fought to maintain her composure. He said you aren’t like him, that you aren’t as stubborn as you seem, that you have a quick temper and can be extremely difficult sometimes, especially since...especially now, and...and that you were hiding away here a hermit.

    The words tumbled out and she wasn’t sure whether they made any sense. She moved back a pace or two, realising too late, as he closed the gap between them, that she was backed against the wall. She could feel his heat, sense his strength and power.

    With a deep breath to calm her jangling nerves, she continued. Life has to go on. We can’t isolate ourselves from the world and stop living just because we’ve had an unpleasant experience or two.

    His upper lip curled. What would someone like you know about unpleasant experiences? Precious little, I’d bet. Precious little.

    I know enough.

    Do you? He raised an arm, leaning his hand against the wall beside her, his other hand against the rail, effectively trapping her in the corner of the deck. Anything else I should know?

    Alex shuddered as a chill seeped down her spine. He was close, dangerously close. At this precise moment, she was wary of him. Unsure. Her knees almost buckled under her. She hadn’t expected this reaction from him. Your...your brother said you need to get your life back on track, that you’ve got a publication deadline to meet.

    She remembered the sadness in Justin’s eyes when he spoke about David. She took a deep breath, the heat within her bubbled closer to the surface, warming her cheeks. Her fists clenched into tight balls, she gritted her teeth against her increasing frustration with him. Can’t we talk about this? Think of Justin, she appealed, in a last ditch effort to regain control of herself and of the situation.

    He slowly straightened, backed away from her and once more leaned against the rail, breathing deeply.

    Did he tell you I live here on my own? It’s not appropriate for you to stay here with me. There’s no one else living in the house.

    Now that was a feeble, last resort effort to get rid of her, if ever she’d heard one.

    I knew that when I accepted the position. I’m not bothered by it. If I was, I wouldn’t be here. Another thought occurred to

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