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Make Believe Bride
Make Believe Bride
Make Believe Bride
Ebook250 pages4 hours

Make Believe Bride

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Lord Whitney is intelligent, rich, and good looking. But he’s also boring. Despite his notable attributes, he has nothing worthwhile to contribute to the gentlemen he would love to establish friendships with. One thing he’s noticed is that all the gentlemen around him are getting married. So in order to have something in common with them, he does something he never thought he’d do: he lies about being betrothed.

His ploy works. For the first time in his life, gentlemen are finally paying attention to him. Soon, however, they start asking him questions about the wonderful lady he’s going to marry. It comes to a point where he can no longer keep up the lie. He has to find a lady to present to them.

As fate would have it, Lady Stacey happens to be in the right place at the right time, and he manages to convince her to play along with his scheme. In return for playing the part of his betrothed, he will secure safe passage for her and her mother out of London. But as time passes on, he begins to wonder if there’s more to their ruse than meets the eye. Will their deception bloom into a love that is real, or will it be as make believe as it was when they met?

Release dateMar 24, 2018
Make Believe Bride

Ruth Ann Nordin

Ruth Ann Nordin has written seventy romances, ranging from Regencies to historical westerns to contemporaries. She plays with other genres from time to time, but her first love is romance. She has been happily married for eighteen years to a sweet and funny guy, and they have four sons, who are all taller than Ruth now that they're 12, 13, 14, and 16. The good thing is she doesn't need a ladder, and there's always someone to take care of a mouse that squeezes its way into her Montana home. She considers herself very lucky to have led such a charmed life. Being able to play with characters and create stories is just icing on the cake. Hopefully, she'll get to keep doing this many years to come.

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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    2.5 stars it's ok. Sweet part was how they overcome their social inequities.

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Make Believe Bride - Ruth Ann Nordin

Marriage by Fate Series: Book 3

Make Believe


Ruth Ann Nordin

Make Believe Bride

Published by Ruth Ann Nordin

Copyright © 2018 by Ruth Ann Nordin

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Book Cover Design by: Yellow Prelude Design, LLC

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One


Coming Next: The Perfect Duke

Other Regencies Featuring Couples in This Book

All Books by Ruth Ann Nordin

Chapter One

August 1819

Piers Downing, the Earl of Whitney, entered White’s and pushed his spectacles up his nose. For the first time since he joined five years ago, he actually belonged here. It was nice. He’d hated being on the outside and looking in. And now he wasn’t. Now, for the first time, he finally belonged in this establishment.

This afternoon when he walked into the gaming room, three familiar gentlemen were playing a card game at a table.

Oh good, you’re here, Lord Edon called out as he waved him over. We were hoping you’d show up today. We saved a seat for you.

Lord Edon pointed to the empty chair across from him. Mr. Christopher Robinson and Lord Erandon, who were sitting on both sides of Lord Edon, welcomed him to the table.

I’ll be there in a moment, Piers said. I need to get a drink first.

There’s no need for that, Mr. Robinson replied. We poured you one already. We figured you’d be here today. It’s Monday. You usually come in on Mondays.

Piers hadn’t realized they noticed that he came here on this particular day. The reason he did it was to catch up on the events that had happened during the weekend. He’d thought it might help him fit in if he could discuss who was doing what, but so far, it hadn’t worked in his favor. The other gentlemen had still thought he was boring. The betrothal, however, had changed all of that.

He sat in the chair, and Lord Erandon placed the glass of brandy in front of him. Drink up. I plan to win all of your money, Lord Erandon teased.

Did your wife use up all of your money already? Mr. Robinson asked, eyebrows raised in amusement as he shuffled the deck of cards.

No, Lord Erandon said. My wife is a sensible lady. She knows better than to spend more than she’s allowed. I just like to earn a little money while we’re playing cards so I can tuck it away. I’m not an investing expert like my brother-in-law is.

Your brother-in-law is good at investments because it’s all he thinks about, Mr. Robinson said with a roll of his eyes. If you ask me, he and his friends are boring.

Boring or not, they’re good at what they do, Lord Erandon replied.

Piers took a sip of his brandy then asked Lord Erandon, Don’t you take your ship out during the winter months and make money with what you bring back to London?

I do, Lord Erandon replied. I make a pretty good living at it. He glanced at him. Are you thinking of joining me and my lovely wife and our son on a voyage?

And give up his own bride? Mr. Robinson interrupted with a chuckle. I think not! He has to put that book on how to pleasure a lady to good use. He winked at Piers.

Lord Edon passed out the cards. Of course, he could be trying out the book’s advice with a mistress while he’s waiting for the father of the bride to set the wedding date.

Piers tried not to give away his embarrassment as he brushed back his blond bangs from his forehead. Despite what Lord Edon thought, he hadn’t tried anything in it. Nor was he ever going to.

Lord Erandon picked up his cards and sorted through them. There’s nothing wrong with waiting for one’s wedding night. By the way, I was joking about the money, he told Piers. We’re not playing for money today. Today, we’re playing for candy. He took the marzipan candy that was in the center of the table and set it next to Piers. He pointed to Lord Edon. His wife found out he gambled some money, and it didn’t go well.

Lord Edon shook his head. It wasn’t my wife who had a problem with it. It was my father-in-law. He’s unreasonable.

There’s nothing wrong with betting candy, Mr. Robinson said. Your father-in-law can’t get upset about that. Then he looked at Piers. No one’s allowed to eat any of it until we’re done with the games.

I happen to love this candy, so I’m playing to win, Lord Erandon added in a friendly warning.

The gentlemen laughed, and Piers gathered the cards in front of him. It was nice to be a part of a group. Before he made up a betrothal, these gentlemen hadn’t noticed him. Now, they had not only noticed him, but they had asked him to play cards with them. And it was all because he was going to get married. Married gentlemen had perks bachelors didn’t.

There was only one small problem. There was no lady to marry.

That was a minor stipulation, though. Some engagements went on for months, and some could even last for a year or two. At the time, he figured he could make up a lady, and once the gentlemen got to know him, they would find him interesting. Then he could say her father decided not to go through with the arranged marriage after all, and he would still be friends with them because they would like him.

All he needed to do was pull off the ruse for another month or two. Then everything could go back to normal.

Does anyone want any new cards? Lord Edon asked.

Piers set aside three cards, put a candy in the center of the table, and called out that he needed new ones when it was his turn.

As Lord Edon passed out the new cards, he asked Piers, Are you going to tell us the identity of your bride today?

Forcing a nonchalant chuckle, Piers said, You know I can’t do that. I promised her father I wouldn’t say who she is until it gets close to the wedding day.

Lord Edon leaned forward in interest. When will that be?

Piers debated whether or not to answer. If he didn’t give them something, they might begin to question whether or not he was telling them the truth. If they started doing that, then things would fall apart pretty fast. If, however, he gave them a wedding date, then it might delay things for a while longer.

Before Christmas, Piers said. He hoped that was enough time to become their friend on his own merits.

But that’s four months away, Lord Edon replied. Are you saying you can’t do it sooner?

My curiosity is getting the best of me, Mr. Robinson added with a nod. You can’t be more specific? What about the banns? When will they be started?

The banns. He’d forgotten all about that. I’m not sure what her father wants to do. We might do a special license.

Lord Edon chuckled. You’re going to make us wait until the last possible moment before revealing who she is, aren’t you?

After a moment, Piers settled on the perfect response. What fun would it be if I told you everything right now?

As he hoped, the gentlemen at the table laughed in appreciation at his joke. Then they turned their attention back to the cards in their hands, and Piers breathed a sigh of relief. That was all they were going to ask about the lady today. He’d gotten past it without making them suspect he was lying. All he had to do was keep up the pretense for another month, and then it would all be over.

Relaxing, Piers put another piece of candy in the center of the table and focused on the game.


Lady Stacey, the daughter of the Duke of Cathorn, shifted in her chair. She glanced at the other ladies in the room, and only Lady Gareth and Miss Duff looked as uncomfortable as she felt. Miss Wilmington and Miss Webb were closest to Lady Eloise, and because of that, they seemed highly sympathetic to Lady Eloise’s plight.

At the moment, they were all gathered around Lady Eloise in her drawing room. Lady Eloise had called everyone together to bemoan her fate.

Of all the gentlemen I have to marry, why does it have to be Mr. Bachman? Lady Eloise pressed her handkerchief to her nose as tears ran down her cheeks.

This was the first time Stacey believed Lady Eloise was being sincere. She wondered if Lady Eloise knew about the damaging article in the Tittletattle. She had yet to mention it. She didn’t know if Lady Eloise even read the scandal sheets, but the article had been very unflattering to her.

Lady Stacey thought it might be the very thing that would finally convince her father to let her leave Ladies of Grace, but he had been adamant that she stay in it. And since she had to stay in the group, she had to sit quietly and listen to Lady Eloise. Lady Eloise was the leader of the group. There was no option but to listen to her.

All Stacey ever did was listen to her. Whether Lady Eloise was gossiping about others or explaining why she was superior to everyone else, Stacey had to smile and nod in agreement. Because if she didn’t, she would upset Lady Eloise, and if she upset Lady Eloise, then she would be thrown out of the group. If she was thrown out of the group, her father would be livid.

Marriage with that fool Mr. Bachman doesn’t have to get in the way of your social standing, Miss Wilmington told Lady Eloise. People will know your father made the agreement with Lord Youngtown. They’ll know this wasn’t your doing.

Lord Youngtown was Mr. Bachman’s older brother, and though Stacey didn’t know much about him, she knew that he didn’t like Mr. Bachman’s reckless lifestyle. The marriage to Lady Eloise, she was sure, was meant to be a punishment.

Lady Eloise lowered her handkerchief, and her expression went dark. Lady Youngtown had something to do with this. I just know it. She was ungrateful for the opportunity we gave her. Nobody knew who she was. She could have become one of the most envied ladies in London. How did she return the favor we gave her? With insolence. Well, she’ll be sorry. When I’m done with her, she won’t show her face in London ever again.

Lady Gareth glanced at Stacey, and Stacey caught the way she winced. To be the object of Lady Eloise’s wrath was awful, but Stacey had the feeling that Lady Youngtown was going to manage just fine. For one, Stacey had seen Lord Youngtown walking with Lady Youngtown at Hyde Park, and he was not only proud of her, but it was obvious he was in love with her. A lady who was loved so devotedly wouldn’t be concerned with anything Lady Eloise did. Stacey knew she wouldn’t be if it was her.

Besides, the Tittletattle had been critical of Lady Eloise. It had been favorable toward Lady Youngtown. Lady Eloise had shown no mercy to poor Lady Aston when she came to the Ladies of Grace social engagement late because her child was sick. All Lady Youngtown had done was what Stacey had wanted to do but was too scared to. Lady Youngtown had defended Lady Aston. Anyone could see that Lady Youngtown had been right.

Lady Youngtown’s reputation was secure. She had nothing to worry about. Despite what Lady Eloise thought, she was not the most important voice in London.

You mustn’t concern yourself with Lady Youngtown, Miss Wilmington told Lady Eloise. She’s of no importance. As you pointed out, no one even knows who she is.

Lady Eloise’s expression relaxed. You’re right. She isn’t important. No one knows her. If you mention her, no one will know who you’re talking about.

That’s right, Miss Webb replied. So there’s no use in wasting your time thinking about her.

Besides, Miss Wilmington began, "we only wanted her in the group because of Loretta. It would have been nice to see Loretta squirm, knowing she was in this group. But when I think about it, Loretta’s not worth it. She betrayed the group. We shouldn’t give her another thought. Loretta can be in that pitiful Enduring Friendships group. They will accept anybody. She snickered. Even Lady Steinbeck is in it."

Lady Eloise laughed. Yes, you’re right. When you accept someone as pathetic as Lady Steinbeck, your group is doomed to fail.

Again, Stacey shifted in the chair. Whenever they mentioned Iris Beaufort, who was formally known as Lady Steinbeck, she had to fight back the sting of conscience that told her she shouldn’t sit idly by while they insulted her friend. Stacey swallowed. If only she had someone like Lord Youngtown in her life. Then she could tell Lady Eloise what she thought of her without fear of retaliation.

Do you feel better? Miss Wilmington asked Lady Eloise.

Lady Eloise nodded. A little. As long as we have this group, I can still hold my head high in London. I’m not going to let Mr. Bachman ruin things for me.

That’s the spirit! Miss Wilmington replied. Why don’t we go for a walk and pick out the people who are inferior to us? That will take all of your tears away.

Stacey stopped herself from rolling her eyes before anyone saw her.

The other ladies stood up. Stacey glanced at Lady Gareth, who didn’t seem any more excited by this prospect than Stacey did. At least there was one ally she had in the group, though Lady Gareth was just as trapped as she was. Stacey had her father to deal with, and Lady Gareth’s husband desperately needed the business prospects the group afforded him because of Lady Eloise’s father. With a sigh, Stacey picked up her parasol and followed the others out of the room.

Chapter Two

Three evenings later, Piers was ready to sit down in his chair to do some reading in the den when the butler showed up. Lord Edon and Mr. Robinson wish to speak with you, he said.

Surprised, Piers shut the book he was reading on the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Lord Edon and Mr. Robinson were here? Why would they come by so late in the day? In fact, why would they come at all? They hadn’t shown up at his townhouse before. He didn’t even realize they knew where he lived.

Should I tell them to come back another time? the butler asked.

No, Piers replied and set the book down on the table next to him. Bring them in.

If he didn’t welcome them into his home this evening, they might never pay him a visit again. This was progress. Definite progress. He was no longer just someone they saw at White’s. Now he was someone they felt worthy to visit.

And that pleased him immensely since he had enjoyed their company much more than the other gentlemen’s company when he was at White’s. In fact, if he could choose his friends, he’d pick them because they knew how to enjoy life.

The butler left the room, and Piers stood up. He took a deep breath to steady the beating of his heart. He doubted any other person would get so excited about the prospect of having guests in his own home, but given how no one ever came to visit, he had a reason to feel the way he did.

Lord Edon and Mr. Robinson came into the den.

Mr. Robinson took one look at the bookshelves lining the walls of the den and whistled. You have a library in here.

Yes, I love to read, Piers said. It’s my favorite pastime. Then, in case they thought he was pathetic, he hurried to amend, One of my favorite pastimes. I don’t just sit around and read books all day.

Lord Edon turned to him. Good. That means you’ll go to Mr. Jasper’s ball with us.

Mr. Jasper has a ball this evening? Why was Piers just now finding out about it?

Yes, and we want you to come along with us, Lord Edon replied. Our wives are in the carriage.

Oh. Piers glanced at his clothes. He wasn’t the least bit ready for a ball.

We know your future wife might not be there, Lord Edon began. Or maybe she will be, and you’ll have to sneak off to get a moment alone with her. But either way, you owe it to yourself to get out there and have a good time.

Mr. Robinson nodded. We’ll wait while you get ready for it.

Piers glanced from one gentleman to the other. They both seemed excited about taking him to the ball. This was the kind of thing friends did. They went to social events together. Piers had never been invited by friends to go to a ball. In fact, no one had invited him to anything.

All right, Piers replied. I’ll change at once. Help yourself to some brandy while I’m gone.

Then, without another word, he hurried to his bedchamber. Perhaps his luck really was starting to turn around. Maybe tonight was the beginning of good things for the rest of his life.


Stacey was waiting in her drawing room. Tonight was another ball. Though Lady Eloise wouldn’t be there for this one, the other ladies would be. She wasn’t sure if that would make the evening more bearable or not. She’d still have to be careful about what she said and did in case someone reported something bad about her to Lady Eloise.

Unable to sit still, Stacey went to the window and looked out at the townhouses across the street. Were the people living in them happy? Whenever she saw them coming or going, they smiled and waved at others. They seemed like they were truly happy. But for all anyone knew, she seemed that way, too. Maybe, beneath it all, they were as miserable as she was.

The only time she found any kind of contentment was when she got a chance to talk with Iris. And she hadn’t been able to do that for the past two months. It was hard to sneak away when her father arranged everything for her.

I will not let you get by with another Season of not picking a husband.

Stiffening, Stacey glanced over at her father as he strode into the room. He wasn’t in a good mood. Which meant this evening was going to be difficult to get through.

Directing his gaze to her, he said, "Your cousin is now engaged. She’s in her first Season. Her first

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