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Possession: The Blue Line Series, #2
Possession: The Blue Line Series, #2
Possession: The Blue Line Series, #2
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Possession: The Blue Line Series, #2

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If you like hot men in uniform doing naughty things to strong, smart women, this is the series for you!

One look and he fell…
Officer Bryan Coy was known as the Middleburg playboy. There wasn't a night of the week that you didn't find him at the Blue Line Bar picking up badge bunnies. But then he gets assigned what most cops consider the crap detail. Set up a speed trap outside the home of a woman that complains nonstop about speeders in her neighborhood. Hand out tickets. Shut the lady up. Easy.

Then he sees her, running from her house to grab something out of the car. But that brief glimpse changes something inside Officer Coy. Now he can't get her out of his head… or his heart. If only she'd give him a chance.

But he'd need to work for it…
Lexis Johannes has centered her whole world around her little boy. Dating, men, sex are a thing of the past. She's happy with her life. But the smooth talking cop that keeps popping up at her curb is making her second guess everything. Long after the reckless drivers had all slowed down, Officer Coy is still there, watching out for them.

Letting him in terrifies her. But so does letting him slip away. Can she find room in her world for the larger than life police officer?

The drugs and crime are piling up in Middleburg, but Coy won't let it touch what belongs to him. Despite his need to possess Lexis and protect her and Ash, trouble finds its way next door.

**This is book two in the Blue Line Series, all featuring a different hot police officer at the Middleburg Police Station. Each book is safe with no cheating, no cliffhanger, and a HEA. There is an over arching story thread about the rising crime in Middleburg, but each book can be read as a stand alone.

PublisherBrandy Ayers
Release dateMar 9, 2018
Possession: The Blue Line Series, #2

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    Possession - Brandy Ayers

    Brandy Ayers


    Copyright © 2017 by Brandy Ayers

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    Brandy Ayers asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    1. Chapter One

    2. Chapter Two

    3. Chapter Three

    4. Chapter Four

    5. Chapter Five

    6. Chapter Six

    7. Chapter Seven

    8. Chapter Eight

    9. Chapter Nine

    10. Chapter Ten

    11. Chapter Eleven

    12. Chapter Twelve

    13. Epilogue

    About the Author

    Also by Brandy Ayers


    Chapter One


    Bryan threw his squad car into park and settled in for his morning of pulling over drivers, listening to their excuses, then writing them tickets for whatever traffic law they decided to ignore that day. Most of the guys hated traffic detail, but Bryan would happily volunteer for this particular gig any day.

    And the reason for his enthusiasm sauntered out of her house just as he lifted his coffee to his lips and took a sip. The burn of the hot liquid against his tongue was nothing compared to the level of heat her swaying hips inspired in his groin. He’d been on this detail three times over the past month, and ever since that first day, he looked forward to seeing her with a fervor he hadn’t experienced since losing his virginity and discovering that he loved everything about pussy. The texture. The smell. The taste.

    Goddamn, the taste.

    He knew it always surprised the buckle bunnies down at the Blue Line when he went down on them for hours before ever letting them touch his cock. But there was just something about burying your face in that sweet spot between a woman’s legs that excited him like nothing else. Pussies were like snowflakes; no two were the same. And for years Bryan had made it his mission to trace every soft fold of as many women as he could.

    But the woman walking across her lawn to her mailbox seemed to have put a stop to that, and she had no idea. Ever since the first glimpse of her, he hadn’t been interested in a single one of the bunnies that practically crawled all over him when he went to the Blue Line Bar.

    Under normal circumstances he’d be taking a new girl home every night. But lately, he barely even saw them. He could think only of the blond beauty that every other officer saw as a pain in the ass for constantly complaining about the traffic violations on her street.

    Everything about her called to him. The honey blond hair piled in thick waves on top of her head. The seemingly impossible curves of her body. High, full tits on a chest that sloped down to a tiny waist before flaring out to hips so thick and lush all he wanted to do was grab them and dive face first into the heaven he was sure existed between her thighs. She looked like a modern-day pin-up girl. Tight jeans, tall heels, tiny tank top, and tattoos swirling over her upper arms.

    So distracted by the mere sight of her, Bryan didn’t realize she was walking toward him until she smiled and signaled for him to roll down his window.

    His mouth went dry and his heart pounded at double speed as he pushed the button to lower the glass separating them. He never reacted to women this way. A cock-sure attitude and deep dimples had taken him far when it came to the ladies. Not to mention his bigger than average dick. But this woman sent him reeling like never before.

    Hi Officer… She leaned in slightly to catch a glimpse of his name badge and smirked at the name there. Officer Coy. So, are you?

    Her eyes, he’d never seen them up close before, and now that he had, they captivated him entirely. Ice blue irises circled by a deep denim-colored ring, almost as if they were designed to pull you in and trap you in their depths. Am I what?

    Coy? Her eyes sparked with mischief and humor, and her plump lips curled up into a teasing smile that he desperately wanted to run his tongue over.

    Not at all. I’m forward. Very forward. Want to marry me? Pride pulsed through him as a laugh burst from her sweet mouth at the same time a deep blush stained her cheeks.

    I think I’ll pass, but thanks for the offer. Her eyes swept his face, and Bryan was struck by how confidently she held herself. Normally, people found the uniform intimidating and tended to avoid eye contact, almost as if he would be able to see every bad thing they had done simply because he was a police officer. And if the clothes didn’t get them, usually his looks did.

    Bryan knew he was good looking. He worked out hard every day to maintain a body that could give pleasure for hours upon hours. His face looked youthful, thanks to the dimples on both his cheeks and his chin that women seemed to love, and the green eyes and red hair that they found charming for some reason.

    But this woman wasn’t intimidated at all. And that thrilled him. Bryan had a feeling she’d be able to give just as good as she got, both in and out of bed. His interests mostly lay in the in-bed part.

    She stuck her tiny hand in through the window, obviously wanting to shake his hand. I’m Lexis Johannes. I’m the one who keeps bugging you guys to come out and do something about the maniacs driving on this street.

    Bryan slipped his hand into hers, curling his fingers around the back, and caressed the delicate skin at her wrist. They didn’t pump their hands up and down, but just held them there, a spark traveling from their joined flesh through the rest of his body.


    Bryan Coy. I’m the police officer happily making sure your street is safe. And the man who will happily make sure your body is satisfied as well. He gave her his trademark panty dropping smile and waited for the hitch in her breath that would let him know said panties were sufficiently soaked.

    But it never came.

    That works a lot for you, huh? She tilted her head and eyed him with equal parts amusement and suspicion. That whole innocent, ‘aww, shucks’ naughty boy look combined with the dirty mouth. Spreads a lot of legs for you, I bet.

    Fuck. This woman didn’t do anything he expected. Even as the words came out of her mouth, the color on her cheeks deepened to an almost crimson. He affected her; that much was obvious, but she apparently had a willpower most women weren’t able to maintain around him.

    The combination of sass and sweetness made his cock harden to steel in his pants. I do okay.

    I bet you do. She shook her head slightly and removed her hand from their hot connection. Anyway, I just wanted to come down and thank you for taking this seriously. I’ve noticed people slowing down and actually stopping at the sign lately, and I know it’s because of you guys. I appreciate the attention the department gave my complaints.

    No problem, ma’am. I’m here to assist you in any way I can. Any. Way. Bryan fought to keep his eyes centered on hers. To not let them slip down to the mounds of flesh dangling just at the edge of his peripheral vision. Women tended to get annoyed when men talked to their breasts. He had learned that the hard way. But damn if he didn’t want to look his fill.

    You’re good. I’ll give you that. Lexis laughed, obviously amused by his antics.

    So, Lexus, as in the high-class car? Because that would totally make sense.

    The blush that had started to fade away built back to full power once again on the apples of her cheeks. Well, it was supposed to be Lexus as in the car—my Dad is a mechanic—but my Mom filled out the birth certificate and could give two shits about cars. She spelled it wrong, so it is actually Lexis with an ‘i’ instead of the ‘u’. She started to ramble a little, and the fact that it could possibly be because he affected her, made Bryan swell with pride again.

    It suits you. I like it. Bryan opened his mouth to ask her out for real, without the sexual undertones that naturally found their way into his conversations with women. But just as the words were about to let loose, the door to her house slammed closed, and a boy of no more than five came streaking down the lawn. Streaking being the operative word. The kid was only wearing a pair of tighty whities.

    The boy came to a halt right next to Lexis, and his hands began flying in intricate gestures that Bryan immediately recognized as sign language. He was obviously upset about something. He huffed out deep breaths occasionally, and his face was tight with annoyance.

    A soft smile crept onto Lexis’ face as she responded with her own string of signs. What was the deal with these two? Was she his babysitter or aunt or something? She couldn’t be his mom. Lexis was way

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