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Cocktails with God Drink Recipe Book
Cocktails with God Drink Recipe Book
Cocktails with God Drink Recipe Book
Ebook100 pages15 minutes

Cocktails with God Drink Recipe Book

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While there might be some people who don’t care to talk about politics or religion, there’s a whole other group of folks who are mixing alcoholic drinks found in this book and are laughing at the absurdity of both topics—while having the time of their lives! Which group would you rather be hanging out with right now?

If you are one of those who would like to join in on all the fun and excitement, then download this ebook while its free-free-free and try some of these new, inventive, alcoholic drinks, based on religious and big-government themes. Inside you’ll find thirty-two ingenious drink names with hilarious descriptions to engage your senses. They are bound to lead to some great laughs and serious conversations with friends. So, go ahead, get the party started!

When author David Triemert wrote his first bar-room novel, Cocktails with God in the Afterlife, he never dreamed there would be so much feedback about the book and the many religious-themed drink recipes it included. Naturally, when writing his second novel, Cocktails with God in the Heart of the Beast, the story couldn’t be told without incorporating ten big-government themed drink recipes. Not a chance!

Cocktails with God Drink Recipe Book is a compilation of all the drink recipes found in the first two bar-room novels. No more leafing through the back of those books to find the recipe you’re searching for. This is just a lean little drink recipe book to hang onto, whether you ever read the novels or not!

So, mix yourself a drink, and don’t be afraid to try out the appetizers found inside—they’re delicious! Then be sure to check out the Cocktails with God website. Soon we’ll be adding sixteen new, “legal-themed” drink recipes from the forthcoming novel, Cocktails with God in the Land of 10,000 Lies. Here you’ll find an entirely different class of drinks that include such names as Life Sentence, Plea Bargain, Death Row Pardon, and Get Out of Jail “Free” Card.

Enjoy, drink fearlessly (ha-ha), and be safe!

Release dateFeb 25, 2018
Cocktails with God Drink Recipe Book

David Triemert

Growing up in Saint Paul, Minnesota, David Triemert has lived much of his life on the wild side and challenged the status quo nearly every step of the way. In the early days, his rebellious nature became the cause for being kicked out of the Catholic school in the fourth grade. More recently, his passion for helping others and making our world a better place resulted in him being jailed three times in retaliation for exposing local government corruption. Having been locked up and deprived of his freedom on what he believes were nothing beyond victimless “thought crimes,” he now serves as an activist for political prisoners and the wrongfully accused. A near-death experience following a motorcycle accident at age eighteen and a journey to the “other side,” is where he first encountered God. This incident served as a catalyst that led him to a spiritual path, which became the foundation for his Cocktails with God book series. Throughout the years, he’s been exposed to other realms of supernatural phenomena and loves to talk about such things. His daily ritual of waking up in the early morning hours and paying heed to that inner voice he believes to be the Holy Spirit has strengthened his faith in the divine Creator. David has studied hundreds of different works on spirituality, Eastern thought, death and dying, and ancient mysticism. He’s also participated in various mind/body courses, including Transcendental Meditation, Reiki, Light Body, Landmark Education, and others. A common man’s philosopher, David Triemert loathes all things PC (politically correct) and is proud to say he bleeds red, white, and blue. He currently lives in a suburb of Saint Paul and is working on his third bar-room novel, Cocktails with God in the Land of 10,000 Lies.

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