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Fat Loss Made Simple
Fat Loss Made Simple
Fat Loss Made Simple
Ebook72 pages44 minutes

Fat Loss Made Simple

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I have been fat most of my adult life despite exercising regularly. I just kept getting fatter and fatter as I aged, tipping the scales at 104kg at age 45. I have been through several diets before with much success, only to gain back every pound I had lost and within months. Tired and confused, I started to do research on fat loss and used my body as an experiment. To my amazement, I discovered that fat loss is actually a simple process. So simple that I lost 9kg in 6 weeks and a total of 21kg in 15 months. My waist to height circumference ratio reduced from 0.64x to 0.47x better than the ideal ratio of 0.50x. By following a simple routine that I developed which included manipulating intake of certain foods during certain times of the day to maximize the body's natural fat burning process and perform exercises efficiently, I achieved maximum calorie usage, built lean muscle mass, achieved after burn effect and increased metabolic rate.This book provides guidance to readers on how they can design their own routine for fat loss after they acquire the knowledge and the principles that I share on food intake manipulation and exercising efficiently. The routine will be simple and more importantly will be sustainable in the long term as food intake manipulation allows the continuation of eating food that you enjoy.

Release dateFeb 28, 2018
Fat Loss Made Simple

Rocco Norman Lim

Rocco Norman Lim has been a corporate banker for over 2 decades. His banking career started in 1995 after returning from the USA where he obtained his Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Business Administration and Management from the University of South Dakota, USA.Norman chose to study at University of South Dakota, USA because he was fascinated with the movie "Dances with Wolves" which was filmed in South Dakota.Like the majority of the graduates, Norman didn't know what to do with his university business degree so he joined the banking industry and worked with an half assed attitude. Everyday he believes he would be somebody famous and filthy rich. Days passed, then months passed and it has been 23 years now and Norman still works as a corporate banker although he has since changed his half assed attitude to balls out attitude on his work as a corporate banker. Today, Norman is not famous, not well known and certainly not rich. However, Norman still believes he will be famous and well known someday. His positive or delusional view continues to motivate him to live life to the fullest.Norman's dedication to his work as a corporate banker (balls out effort) had resulted in him becoming fat, so fat that he once weighed in at 104 kg.One day while Norman was walking to his office after lunch he met a wise man who asked Norman if he was experimenting with how it feels like to be 7 months pregnant? Norman told the wise man that he isn't doing any form of pregnancy experiment. The wise man was relieved on hearing this and advised Norman to always indulge in his passion and Norman did so. He lost 22 kg and wrote a book about it and continues writing about all that he experienced as a banker, husband and father.

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    Book preview

    Fat Loss Made Simple - Rocco Norman Lim

    Fat Loss Made Simple

    Copyright 2013 Rocco Norman Lim

    Published by Rocco Norman Lim at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One – Fat Loss Made Simple

    Chapter Two - Insulin

    Chapter Three – How To Maximize Fat Burn

    Chapter Four – How To Create Calorie Deficit

    Chapter Five - How To Exercise Efficiently To Burn Fat, Build Muscles, Increase Metabolic Rate & Create After Burn Effect

    Chapter Six - Muscle Building, Bodyweight Exercises and High Intensity Interval Training

    Chapter Seven – How To Stay Motivated

    Chapter Eight - Summary

    About Rocco Norman Lim

    Connect with Rocco Norman Lim


    On 31 May 2016, I weighed in at 104kg. I was, as you can see obese! Yes, obese! I was still in denial when the doctor used the word obese on me in the medical examination room after I had my yearly medical checkup. Heck! I was pissed. My definition of obese then was anyone weighing more than 300 pounds. I was ignorant and like a fool questioned the validity of how the doctor classified me as an obese individual. Norman, based on your age (45) and height (174cm), your ideal weight should be 77kg but your weight is 104kg. That’s about 35% or 27kg over weight, which puts you in the obese category! Oh…….err… …I was like WTF! Ok".

    There must be something wrong with the chart, I thought. The chart is warped, I believed that everyone was different, as designed by nature, and as such, every one of us had our own DNA. So how could that chart hold the absolute truth and be accurate on how much a person should weigh? The doctor then went on to explain how the chart was derived and how it had changed over the years after much research and blah blah blah. Ok! Ok! I got it. The chart may not necessarily be absolutely correct on how much a person should weigh but I had to accept the fact that the chart did provide a good reference point on how a healthy individual, based on age and height, would weigh and obviously if I were a sportspersons, I would have more muscles and I would be slightly above the chart.

    Not satisfied with the obese label, I went on to do some research on my own to prove to myself that the chart isn’t the best tool to measure the ideal weight, especially for those like me who lift weights regularly in the gym and that an exception should be given, since I had more muscles than an average person (I was also delusional then). To my dismay, all the research that I did further supported the chart. However, I did discover a better measurement. A benchmark to gauge what constitutes healthy body weight and this tool did not take into account how much you weighed! It is what is called the Waist to Height Ratio. The waist to height ratio basically is defined as your waist circumference divided by your height and it is obviously correlated with abdominal obesity. As you can see, the ratio has nothing to do with how much you weigh but rather your waist circumference against your height and ideally your waist circumference should not exceed more than half of your height. For example, if your height is 180cm, your waist circumference should not be more than 90cm. It is that simple.

    My waist circumference was 111cm or 44 inches against my height at 174cm. My waist to height ratio was 0.64x. which was more than half, or 0.5x. That explicitly confirmed that I was obese and in

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