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Improving the Self What's Really Going On?: Improving The Self, #2
Improving the Self What's Really Going On?: Improving The Self, #2
Improving the Self What's Really Going On?: Improving The Self, #2
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Improving the Self What's Really Going On?: Improving The Self, #2

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The sequel, or continuation to the 'Improving The Self' series post "What Should We Believe?" publication.  An in depth philosophical view of how life may truly be operating 'behind the scenes'.  Following on from "What Should We Believe?", it further delves into the powerful element of self belief, faith, influences, expectations and the realities of following 'hypes', or popular self help concepts.  It also analyses what may or may not be effective to a specific individual and their chosen conquest, versus a 'generic' speculated template, or guaranteed system for the masses.  It also logically and spiritually analyses why we have been chosen to be on Earth, for what purpose/s, and the mysteries concerning the difficulties or lack of progress towards our goals or dreams, but eventually progressing to a higher state of being in due course.

Release dateMar 4, 2018
Improving the Self What's Really Going On?: Improving The Self, #2

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    Book preview

    Improving the Self What's Really Going On? - Anthony Michael

    Improving the Self

    What's Really Going

    O N?

    Life Perceptions, synopsis, philosophies, thoughts, methods, beliefs, phenomena, facts and method interpretations relating to how we could view, and assess personal life progression


    Copyright © 2017 by Anthony Michael

    Published by AMC Publishing

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be used, duplicated, reproduced in part or in hole, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author and publisher, except for brief quotations in a review, or where permitted by law.

    The information contained in this publication is intended to be educational, informative, motivational, philosophical, inspirational and not for diagnosis, cure of any health, treatment or emotional instabilities, nor for the purposes of personal endorsements of products or systems, deliberate product advertising, or guarantees of financial gain.

    Digital ISBN: 978-0-9942771-8-3

    1st edition, December 2017

    AMC Publishing

    Melbourne, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3053

    Gold Coast, QLD, AUSTRALIA 4217

    Table of Contents





    -1- Work, Opportunity, Progress, Results = Goals Attained?

    -2- The Power Within’ You

    -3- The Power of ‘Choice’ & ‘Change’

    -4- The ‘other’ Justin Bieber … almost!

    -5- Human ‘background’ Applications - change is imminent!

    -6- As Good as It Gets? ... or is the best yet to come?

    -7- Signs

    -8- Scenario + Goal + Action + Expectation = OUTCOME

    -9- Dear Universe ... I’m Still Waiting? Falling Short On ‘Great Expectations’

    -10- The ‘natural’ Law of Attraction & The ‘intentional’ one

    -11- Chill and Smell the Roses

    -12- The Jackpot: Your goals, dreams, desires just manifested fully! ‘Live the Moment’, Wikipedia it & keep battling no matter what!

    -13- What Now?

    -14- Write Your Own Autobiography!


    The Author - Bio

    Literary works by the Author

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    The Music of ‘Tranz Mystique’

    The Music of Anthony Michael


    I’m hoping the title of this book, sub-title, and further expansion, may have expanded your mindset already, as to deciphering what this publication may entail. If so, I’m thinking you’ll be in a curious state of mind – especially the ‘Life Perceptions’ bit. If you haven’t taken much thought and just read on, hopefully you’ll develop some curiosity by book’s end – although you’ll be in the know by then!

    How we view the world and our own purpose on Earth as individuals, I believe is the key to finding inner peace, meaning to life, and success. It would be a shame just ‘going thru the motions’ on Earth ‘till it’s time to move on to the yonder world, without really giving any ‘deep’ thought as to why you are here, and for what purpose. If you’ve read my debut foray into the book publishing world, "What Should We Believe, then What’s Really Going On", is theoretically the follow up sequel – expanding on the concepts and personal philosophies based on ‘life progression’ - or trying to attain a ‘higher ground’ in life.

    It was originally a single publication, but ended up surpassing the length of a Stephen King novel - it would’ve resembled a brick in a book store! I decided to split the chapters into two publications, and the two titles simply integrate quite perfectly – they are interrelated in my opinion.

    Simply, becoming the best we can be or succeeding in life, is the ‘holy grail’ most of us seek – capturing one’s desires or dreams, before we depart this world. Readers will instantly know that my writings are not those that will guarantee you a formula into achieving your dreams or becoming wealthy within a few months, or finding your perfect partner – I wish it would be that easy. I leave those ‘high odds’ guarantees to other established authors, authorities or Demigods! Once I have ‘that’ magical formula and have experienced total bliss with life, I’ll let the whole Galaxy know about it!

    If you haven’t embarked on the prequel to "What’s Really Going On", you may still attain a sense of understanding as to why your life may have not reached exceptional levels as perhaps promised by many reputable authorities. The frustration of a formula not working in the beginning, is quite minimal as compared to that formula failing each time you attempt it – especially with more knowledge or experience!

    Just like a scene from a Sesame Street sketch where other Muppets were opening a door into a nightclub/party, and then the one Muppet opened the same door, and there was just a blank wall. The analogy somewhat relates as to why others do succeed, but we seem to struggle as if opportunity or ‘fate’, will not let us through the door.

    What’s more frustrating, is that an individual may have followed an authority’s advice chapter by chapter and succeeded in their own life progression or pursuits, but we may have fallen short - following the same ‘kick a** manual! A simple analogy is one reading a manual to using a computer or application/software and attaining success in functionality, and someone else reading the same manual, but getting nowhere. Is it based on further intense studies or natural I.Q.?

    Whilst some vocations or ventures require a prerequisite in intelligence or many years of study, many successful humans out there, were quite average at school, and were deprived of average finances, or a friendly environment. Certain celebrities will spell out being raised in ‘poverty’ in their writings or interviews, although using the term ‘poor these days, is developing into one of those ‘politically incorrect’ statements. I’m trying to be non-offensive here!

    The main point here is that regardless of your background, environment, financial status or ‘life status’, you can still attain a level of progression or success, if you could crack the code or formula to success – in other words, if all the ingredients or factors, are presented to you for the taking. You may also call it ‘timing’.

    Opportunity is granted to most of us which is a fabulous gift and a great start, but whether that opportunity develops into a happy attainment of personal life progression, will be a journey that you will have to discover in ‘real time’. The perception of what is success perceived by you versus the perception of others, is the most critical trait you want to possess – your interpretation of personal fulfillment.

    Others may think you’ve found your ‘pot of gold’ but personally, you may have higher expectations, or more gold to attain! The power of the mind, will, determination, the law of attraction and self-belief rituals, are all very powerful means to getting you closer to what you seek, but ‘action’ speaks louder than thoughts or words.

    In some people’s unfortunate minds, crossing a railroad as a pedestrian, may have had severe consequences. Taking a short cut or getting to the right platform across the train tracks, before an approaching train gets to them, may seem simple enough in their minds, but they forget about the variables or obstacles that may disrupt their timing.

    A slippery track, shoe getting caught in the tracks, a pulled hamstring or calf muscle during the run, misjudgment of speed, or simply tripping over. People get killed because their minds are quite positive and confident – if only they had used that confidence in much safer or more beneficial circumstances. The above analogy is also quite common with running a red light, self-defense/offence, financial choices, extreme sports, partner or family choices, situations at work, and health.

    Our minds can either take us to glory, or get us into trouble. Taking action in real time (call it reality if you will), will determine what outcome may actually eventuate, and it sometimes doesn’t spawn the visualizations or plan, we envisage in our heads!

    What follows from here on, will examine and possibly explain why life is the way ‘it is’, especially in your set of personal circumstances. We want to be confident in knowing that it’s nothing ‘personal’ when it comes to where we are in life – at least not from the powers above!

    What a human enforces upon another human, will have consequences both in the positive and negative realm, so it can be personal on that level, but God or your chosen Higher power, are not vengeful entities. Don’t let ‘street evangelists’ scare you with their shouting of you will burn in the depths of hell if you don’t repent or believe in God! God or your chosen Higher Power, have created us to serve a purpose on Earth – not be threatened, lazy or frightened into to making any moves!

    Even if you believe aliens created us, they surely have some purpose as to our existence as well. We could be here to build a colony for them without even knowing and when all is complete, they will appear to either integrate with us, or clear a path for their own existence on Earth. Okay, that was too Hollywood, but you get the drift of ‘some entity’ that created us or even the ‘Universe’, has plans for us.

    Even a non-ethereal being such as a human (Mother or Father), will have had plans for us – way before we started to rebel! If we have no purpose on Earth, then we would not have existed. Finding out what the ‘real deal’ may be, and how we view it, may chill our minds almost immediately and more importantly, allow us to progress to a higher level of existence. If we were all at peace with life, and had no issues to worry about, we’d all be getting our 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night! Knowing what’s really going on with our lives, just like knowing the truth with most situations we face, usually brings inner peace, understanding, knowledge, enlightenment, or closure. From there on, we can progress to higher states of existence, and have a more focused plan of attack for attaining multiple successes.


    Work, Opportunity, Progress, Results = Goals Attained?

    There are many different equations or formulas for attaining success - by that I mean, there is not just ‘one’ method or single formula for everyone that exists. Many success stories although they share some common traits or elements such as ‘persistence’, ‘patience’, ‘sacrifice or suffering’ (part of a ‘universal’ formula), each has some unique story of how they attained their success.

    There is a common method or formula, but as individuals, we are all unique and become ‘interesting’, especially when our stories differ from others. I’m no ‘pick up artist’ specialist, but there are the common ‘one-liners’ that males or females may use, and it becomes stale and boring to ‘sober’ prospects. Then there’s the unique, original, or interesting lines used. I say ‘sober’, because potential prospects that are intoxicated or desperate, don’t give a rat’s a*s about lines if they want to score! A sober prospect, especially an intelligent individual, may welcome originality and uniqueness, and the good news is that we are, and can be unique. Get out there and start scoring (just kidding)!

    What I emphasize in my thoughts, ideas and writings, is that there is no ‘one template’ to follow with attaining a life of success. We can choose a template as a foundation, but then we should alter, tweak, or customize that template to suit our own specific personality, traits, attitude, skill set, belief ideology, background, and more specifically - our future goals or dreams.

    As with software, especially Office suites, many individuals may load a generic template, but then tweak the hell out of it - designing a template, that best represents a style or work flow, that they feel comfortable working with. Individuals may have a preference to fonts used, the size of the fonts, spacing, paragraph settings, mathematical formulas used (for spread sheets), auto correct functions, overall appearance, and many other attributes.

    A certain font, logo or presentation of a website, will define a business, service, or promotional page. A crappy website may downplay a particular business or individual seeking fabulous exposure, so too with products with dull packaging. We can associate with the above because we have a choice of how we represent ourselves in this world. What we do and how we do it, will determine how far we get.

    Some questions you should be asking yourself continuously when working towards a serious and challenging goal is, "am I doing enough", and "am I doing it correctly". Master Yoda may spiel that there is no right or wrong, but if a specific vocational pursuit requires a specific presentation or pre-requisite from an individual, then the ‘wrong’ way, will not get you too far!

    A songwriter may submit a barrage of great songs to a record company that they have written over the years, but may never yield a recording contract due to not submitting songs matching specific requests by the company. If a reputable label deals with ‘rap’ or ‘urban’ styles of music, then sending the perfect Taylor Swift pop song, may guarantee you rejection.

    Working non-stop towards your goals may be admired by your partner, close ones, family member, strangers or the masses, but being ‘specific’ of what’s required, will most likely be the major contributor to one’s success. Guessing, may leave you short changed.

    Digging months or years for gold in the wrong area, may not be commended by those who strike it rich in a few days by seeking the right location. You may perceive what you’re doing at present as ‘working hard’ towards attaining your goals or dreams, but are you hitting the nail on the head, so to speak? Some people pursue an unwilling partner for ages, someone either out of their league or not really interested in their type, but convinced they will conquer eventually - we’re not talking about Hollywood movies! Meanwhile, their true soul partner could have been right in front of them for the taking, most of the time! If the impossible is conquered, it may not be all it should’ve cracked up to be, and in time, end in failure.

    It’s not a matter of defending oneself for the blood, sweat, tears, time, persistence or financial commitment endured if eventually, you discover you were barking up the wrong tree - but recognizing that the path followed, may have not been the correct one. Although every experience is a lesson or journey to be endured in life, we would want to correct ourselves as soon as possible, and focus on driving on the correct highway! We do want to graduate eventually!

    What life should not deny us, is the opportunity to showcase our desire, will and talents, towards our true passions in life. Most of us will get a crack at the title belt, but will we be ready? Most of all, will ‘timing’ be our friend, and will we achieve our dream accomplishments before our patience runs out? For those that want to work and achieve, there will be opportunity.

    There are always opportunities to apply for a job. Even if you don’t meet the requirements of the post offered, just introducing yourself and your skill set and experiences to a firm, may open the door to other positions or opportunities. I may apply for an I.T. position in setting up network infrastructures, but lack the experience, or haven’t attained all the certification required, but my experiences/qualifications in adult learning, may pave the way for me to train employees in using new software or communications protocols. It’s actually happened in the past, but I declined the opportunity to do so. Opportunities leading to other opportunities!

    Once again, opportunity to introduce yourself, will always be available in most situations. Opportunity to apply or submit an application for a position, will always be presented – even if you get rejected numerous times. Opportunity to find a soul mate, is not only available online, but most watering holes around town! An individual with no skill, but willing to learn and start from the bottom, will have many opportunities.

    That same individual, who may empty their glass and be willing to adopt a new set of skills, can only move forward with more ammunition in their current arsenal. Courses for underprivileged people, are provided almost for free. I have partaken in courses to become qualified in other areas which have cost me thousands of dollars, but $45.00 for an underprivileged individual. They too, will have the same opportunities as I, to become qualified and apply for the same job.

    An individual with minimal schooling, and a tertiary educated individual with a degree such as myself, could be applying for the same job! When I decide to take on a new vocation, my glass will be empty, and my skill set or level, will be the equivalent of a beginner or child. That means the playing field is leveled, regardless of background or financial status versus any individual who may have been dealt with a bad pack of cards. There may be a difference of living quarters, wardrobe, meals per day and savings in the bank between I and an underprivileged individual, but once they decide to give it a shot, they could be on par with my status before too long!

    I almost want to let ‘homeless’ people, or individuals living out on the streets, know about these opportunities - but unfortunately, most of them have been so emotionally and psychologically damaged, that it’s hard to get through to them.

    If you are not underprivileged or in a very dire ‘way in the red’ circumstance, and currently making a reasonable income, then you already have a head start! Are you sort of semi-content with what you’re doing at present? Another head start! Do we want to get better? That’s what it’s all about without giving the impression that we’re not appreciative of what we’ve got.

    We’re telling ourselves, the world, our closest connections, the people around us, and the Powers above, that we aim to make the most out of life. We want to explore as many avenues as possible, and be the best we can be. All the above traits, attitudes and situations, are already opportunity attained – the luxury of progressing from a level higher than zero, is a fabulous start! Remember that people have progressed to stardom or billionaire status out of nothing, and although a small minority (if getting into statistics relating to a population of over 7 billion worldwide), it’s still inspiring to the masses to know that it can be done.

    Not everyone’s major aim is to become a millionaire/billionaire, or about making more money, so there may be easier goals to attain that are more possible in a shorter amount of time.

    Sometimes, you can ‘go big or go home’ as they say, but why forget what’s in the middle? If a potential pop star was unable to become a ‘front artist’, but could be a successful songwriter and receive royalties for the rest of their lives, why ‘go home’ if their true ambitions are not met? Strange to bring up such an analogy as Neil Diamond just wanted to write songs for recording artists, but ended up being a successful songwriter and front man, and what a brilliant opportunity that was well advised!

    Sometimes you may not want to ‘go big’, but if the opportunity is offered, why not grab it! I say, grab what you can if nothing else better is offered – temporarily. Unless you sign a long-term contract into a situation (such as marriage or a job contract) - progressing to a new vocation, taking on a small 3 – 5-year loan to pay for a dream vacation, or moving locations short term, are all temporary commitments.

    A more progressive opportunity that may present itself to us, whether exactly what we’ve fought for or not, is still a ‘stepping stone’ into a more forward direction. We’ve taken action, and recognized that opportunity has been offered. If it proves to be the opposite, like taking a step backwards, then it’s considered experience, and we’ll only get wiser from there on.

    So how do we assess what progression is? More specifically, how do we define or assess how far we’ve progressed, and whether it’s bringing us closer to our desired goals? I mentioned earlier that close friends, family, a loved one, or the general public, may deem that you’ve accomplished quite a lot, but you may assess your progression as being quite slow, stale, or non-worthy of any praise.

    What are the results you seek, what are the results you require to find inner peace, joy and satisfaction, and have you ticked most of the boxes in your list? At the end of the day, it’s you that has to be content with where you’re at in all aspects of your life. Even if you live for others or for family, your soul has to be content with your existence, and your mind may take over from your valiant heart at certain periods of time, throughout life.

    One may love their partner dearly and do anything to please them, but eventually at some stage, the mind may override one’s heart at certain stages, especially if one is deprived of living their full life potential. You may be destined for higher achievements in life, and if you’ve already determined that, then there’s no further convincing to be done!

    The easiest way to assess any form of progression or proof that something is being effective, is simply in the form of visual results! If an individual’s goal or dream is to lose a certain amount of weight, and follows a system of weight loss that has yielded no change in weight or appearance, then it’s quite obvious such a system is a fraud! Remember too, you can lose weight, but are you losing fat?

    Having a physical skin fold test and just looking at yourself in the mirror, is the best proof whether a system of weight loss or toning, is actually working. Same goes for financial investments, finding a potential future partner via a service, a product, a diet, medication, or psychological enhancement systems or methods. If a certain anti-biotic is proving ineffective in destroying a virus or bacteria in your body, then the Doc will usually prescribe another type of medication into the equation, until the filth is ridden.

    Results in its smallest or simplest form, can be seen quite quickly. The ‘Big Cohune’ however, or the end of the rainbow results, may take a little while to manifest and become totally visual and believable. A long-term investment will not yield results immediately, but each year, dividends will be produced, if a successful form of investment is pursued. You will be seeing results in ‘real time’, in its smallest form, and eventually, the big bucks perhaps in decade increments. The ‘Big Cohune’ making its appearance after multiple decades.

    A combination of working towards your goals - that is taking all necessary steps that is required to reach them, or handling the pre-requisites that are compulsory in successfully working towards them - has to be undertaken. You have to do something active and physically, in order to make it happen! If you miss an element in the equation, you may miss the mark by either a little, or quite a lot. Positive results would entail the attainment of getting closer to the end product, or fully achieving what you set out to do originally.

    What I’ve introduced to you thus far, has not mentioned any ‘theosophical’, ‘spiritual’, ‘ritualistic’, ‘hypnotic’, ‘ethereal’, ‘magical’ or ‘occult’ elements, to the achieving your goals equation. I had covered these above themes in my previous book, What Should We Believe. I had briefly introduced these elements and how they have, and how they may prove to be effective in enhancing your chances of life satisfaction, and dream attainment.

    What I’m reiterating here, is that our physical being, all parts of it, must be active in the process of moving forward. The mind indeed, will be the engine that drives the physical being in most situations. Our ‘6th’ sense, will also be a major catalyst too, as our mind may only be able to calculate what we know and what we can see, but other factors such as instinct, intuition, belief, trust and faith, are unseen elements that may be needed to ignite the conscious mind.

    Taking the plunge into the unknown, will ignite your ‘6th sense apart from all of your senses – like flicking on your ‘high beams’ in

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