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The Closed Mouth: A Quinn And Dave Gay Mystery
The Closed Mouth: A Quinn And Dave Gay Mystery
The Closed Mouth: A Quinn And Dave Gay Mystery
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The Closed Mouth: A Quinn And Dave Gay Mystery

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Wherever Quinn and Dave go, they always seem to find trouble. Quinn takes Dave to meet his family, and the two of them end up helping an old friend, who has been falsely accused of murder. As they encounter some dangerous and desperate people, Dave is fearless in pursuit of the truth, but this case might turn out to be more than they can handle.
PublisherE.M. Mispiel
Release dateMar 15, 2018
The Closed Mouth: A Quinn And Dave Gay Mystery

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    The Closed Mouth - E.M. Mispiel


    Chapter 1


    Damn it, Quinn.


    That please was a damn lie. It was only Dave's inexperience with this type of thing which left him unprepared for Quinn's attack, his onslaught of affection. To start, he stripped Dave with offhanded efficiency. His eagerness was direct and uncomplicated but far from innocent. With calm single-mindedness, he worked Dave's body like he meant to find every hidden latch and switch. Through Quinn, Dave knew that you could do this whole other thing, tease each other's senses awake, heightened, unbearable. This was something Quinn might have learned from his other boyfriends, and Dave was now learning from him. Or maybe Quinn had always known the body's potential for succumbing to small pleasures. Dave certainly hadn't learned it from any of his previous fucks, those indifferent cocks, hands, and mouths. To some of them, he couldn't put a face or a name. That sort of thing was losing its treacherous appeal more all the time. Meanwhile, Dave was being dragged into a different sort of dangerous world, one where only Quinn existed.

    Under the influence of their naked bodies in contact, Quinn became focused and mellow. Dave got busy moving his hands all over Quinn's warm, hard flesh, multiplying their points of contact. Looking like he was built to fuck, his whole body primed for it, Quinn couldn't be after anything else. But Dave could swear that Quinn's eyes were soft amber, and he was some prehistoric insect. Quinn wasn't just after sex this time. In his own way, he was making a point.

    For a start, Quinn pressed his lips to Dave's neck, letting him feel their shape, letting them burn there. Dave's heart beat fast. He knew his pulse must be beating against Quinn's lips. His mouth opened to swallow Dave's heartbeat. Starting there, Quinn licked him like he was the last cone of ice cream in the world. He worked his way down with no hurry, pretending he had no destination in mind. You'd think every part was equal to him until he reached Dave's dick. It seemed to take hours before Quinn's thin mouth opened wider to take him in. That's when his moans, soft and almost imperceptible until then, vibrated hard enough to shake Dave's spine. It felt so good that Dave had to taste him in return. He pulled Quinn up then slid down his body. He didn't give him the same treatment because he knew from experience that Quinn couldn't take the teasing. A few minutes of it, and Quinn would pounce on him. He showed his appreciation for Quinn's body quicker, licking and kissing hot skin, pressing his face into it like he wanted to reach straight through the muscled flesh. Low enough to feel the coarse hairs graze his chin, he circled his hands around to Quinn's ass. Pretty far gone already, Dave didn't need much, just Quinn's cock in his mouth.

    No, you don't, Quinn said, knowing how close he was. He stopped Dave and dragged him back up.

    They were face to face only long enough for Quinn to stare into his eyes and grin. Things were quiet only until Dave got his ass ready, and Quinn rolled on a condom. Then Quinn did his thing made in equal parts of sweetness and noise. And Dave, the sucker that he was, couldn't resist him, couldn't help giving in when Quinn said, You'll miss me.

    For Thanksgiving, Dave expected to be going home, but it turned out there was no reason to go back to Garnetville. These days he went to visit his mother as often as he could. As he was making his plans, he found out that her good friend, Alma, was taking his mother out of town to have Thanksgiving at Alma's sister's. She had invited Dave too. It was nice of her, but the last thing Dave wanted was to go to someone else's family Thanksgiving and that included the Centinos.

    I know for a fact that you have all four days off, and I know you are not going back home. You have no excuse, Quinn nagged at him, getting in his way as Dave carried books and papers to the living room.

    The only excuse I need is that I don't want to go.

    Dave had been given all four days off by the owner of the diner he managed. She called him the boy who watches the place for me. This involved more grunt work than either title implied. For the Thanksgiving weekend, she was closing up the diner to the public and hosting a big family reunion there. Dave didn't like giving up the money he would have earned, but at least he thought he could spend the long weekend with his mother. That didn't work out, but he sure as hell wasn't going to spend the time with Quinn's family. Now he knew he was in for a prolonged struggle, but that was all he would suffer through on account of Quinn. He wasn't going and told him so.

    Wrong! This is my mother we are talking about, Quinn said, citing Mrs. Centino's particular invitation to Dave. When we were kids, we would actually have to die in the night for her to let us stay home from school. I could be fried crispy from a fever, and she would send me to school. This is what she would say, 'If it doesn't hurt me here to look at you,' she'd put a hand to her chest like this. Quinn demonstrated then continued quoting her, 'then you can't be that sick.' Ha! Stupid maternal voodoo! How about looking at a fucking thermometer! I never got to enjoy being sick.

    Dave was unmoved by this plea for sympathy if that's what it was. It was impossible to tell if there was a point to Quinn's stories. To be nice, Quinn's mother had issued a dutiful invitation that Dave had no trouble declining.

    He proposed a compromise, Quinn, go see your family, and I'll try not to fuck too many guys while you're gone.

    Quinn dismissed his offer.

    Shut up. If I left you home, all you'd do is sit there and watch X-Files. On my VCR! He pointed at Dave already sitting on the couch and trying to sort out his research notes.

    I do like The X-Files, Dave wasn't ashamed to admit. And he did have a few episodes on tape that he wouldn't mind watching again.

    And why wouldn't you. Quinn rolled his eyes. He was not a fan. Typically, Dave had to shush him more than once during the show. There was no shutting him up now.

    There's no getting out of it. I will stuff you in a duffel bag. You would fit! Quinn threatened.

    Insulting me won't get me to go.

    Planning to take advantage of their roommates being out, Dave had spread out some research for a paper all over the living room. All he needed was some peace and quiet, and he could get some work done. But until Quinn got it through his thick skull that he wasn't going to get his way, there was no hope of that. Now Quinn followed him into the kitchen where Dave poured himself some cold, leftover coffee.

    A weekend with my family will not kill you because I will be there to protect you. But no one can protect your tiny ass from me, Quinn threatened some more.

    Actually, Dave had harbored the vague notion that once he got himself a boyfriend—and he was in no hurry until Quinn came along—he likely wouldn't have too much to do with his boyfriend's family. It was just Dave's bad luck that Quinn's family was so accepting of him being gay. Now he was stuck listening to Quinn using his special brand of persuasion to irritate Dave and certainly not to persuade him.

    I'll go visiting your family when I go asking for your hand in marriage, not before, Dave told him.

    Get on one knee and start proposing. I am not going alone!

    How about I get on both knees, Dave offered.

    Like you weren't going to do that anyway.

    When Dave was back, sitting on the couch with his coffee, Quinn stood in front of him, crowding him. Dave looked up in time to catch a sudden shift in his expression. Quinn's scowl deepened for a moment then his whole face brightened.

    Dave, I'll be miserable.

    Guilting me won't work, Dave warned him. But guilting wasn't what Quinn had in mind.

    As Quinn straddled him, Dave awkwardly put his coffee cup down on some books stacked on the table. First Quinn just stared down at him then leaned in to kiss him. Since this kissing promised to lead somewhere, they moved to their room, doing some rough groping as they went.

    As soon as he got him undressed, Quinn pinned Dave to the bed.

    You think you can resist me? Quinn asked staring down at him.

    Why would I?

    Quinn was now pulling off his own clothes, throwing them on the floor and on top of boxes, which held most of Dave's stuff. They shared one room so Dave could save money. The room meant for one couldn't help but be messy. The bed was too small. They woke each other every time they turned. But between work and school, Dave didn't spend much time there anyway.

    Running his hand over Quinn's newly naked body, Dave grabbed his ass and pulled him down. He wanted to get on with it and then get back to working on his paper, but Quinn wouldn't be rushed.

    Damn it, Quinn, he said seeing that he was determined to do things his own way.

    Saying his name, saying please, Quinn tortured him with slow kissing and a light touch here and there making his point a damn sight more effectively than he did with words.

    Quinn's fingers lazily tapped on Dave's ribs. While telling himself to get a move on, Dave couldn't comply. He now felt heavy and almost asleep.

    You'll miss me, Quinn said. It wasn't a prediction. It was an entreaty for which Quinn had just laid the groundwork.

    I won't miss you 'cause I'm going with you.

    Quinn's head snapped up from Dave's shoulder.

    Dave. My Dave! For the moment Quinn was delighted with him, but it didn't last. Wait! You have some sneaky reason for agreeing to go, don't you? Quinn peered at him like he could figure out the answer by looking at him.

    You seduced me, that's all, Dave said.

    Dave's reason, other than being seduced into it, was twofold. Quinn had gone with him to Garnetville and almost paid for it with his life. And Dave didn't want to hide from the Centinos, whatever they might think of him.

    It's a good thing you're such a slut for my awesome cock, Quinn said never one to accept his victories with grace. He was back to lying half on top of Dave.

    Why the hell did I ask you to be my boyfriend? Dave said starting a feeble struggle now that it was too late.

    A better question is why did I agree? Quinn tightened his hold on him.

    Quality over quantity.

    Except for the quality part, Quinn said. He was so close that his words were spoken into Dave's skin. Quinn was getting too comfortable, trapping Dave into laziness when he should be back to his books.

    Dave tried to get up, but Quinn acted like he didn't notice and stayed with his arms and legs locked around him. Dave sighed, pretending to give up.



    Dave groaned. He was not so remarkably short that it deserved constant mentioning. He couldn't be attracting these barbs by giving off some sign of insecurity on the subject. He was as much at ease about his height as it was humanly possible to be.

    Forcing himself to stay awake, he planned to sneak away as soon as Quinn's grip on him loosened in sleep. Quinn dragged his hand down Dave's body in a heavy, half conscious motion. Eyes closed, Quinn moved his face over Dave's shoulder, up to his jaw like he was blindly looking for something. Finally finding his mouth, Quinn kissed the top then the bottom lip. Though he had seemed nearly asleep a minute ago, he now kissed Dave but in a way that was entirely too shallow for his liking. Dave pulled him in until their kiss was all tongues.

    Chapter 2

    The sky was pretty with orange and pink to the east, wasted on those forced to be up so early. There was still a wet, cold edge to the air, which was soon filled with bus exhaust. Though it was Dave being dragged where he didn't want to go, Quinn acted more put-upon. He looked around at the other bus passengers like they somehow failed to meet his standards. He probably wanted them to be either more interesting or more attractive. Settling into his seat grudgingly, he glared at Dave like he also failed to meet those two requirements.

    Quinn waited until Dave was practically asleep before he decided to start talking. While Dave tried to doze, Quinn briefed him on the family. Though Dave had met them before, it was at the hospital and not under circumstances where a lot of information could be gathered.

    It's Caleb, Kevin, Emily, Amy, Quinn listed them in order of seniority. Dave already knew that Quinn was the youngest of them. Watch out for Caleb. He's a snake. Amy is only a little bit of a snake. Emily and Kevin seem all right. But they are just total bastards.

    If it's like that, why the hell did you insist on dragging me along? Dave was slouched down in his seat, still hoping to get some shut-eye.

    So I'd have something to fuck. Or would you have me go free range? Quinn said too loudly for Dave's liking. But he was opening up a bag of BBQ potato chips at the same time so it was likely nobody else heard. The smell woke Dave's hunger, and he reached over for some.

    Wait till those ladies are asleep before trying for a public transportation hand job, Quinn whispered, referring to the two middle aged, black women across the isle. He pulled the bag of chips out of his reach at the same time though so he knew perfectly well what Dave was after and that it wasn't his junk.

    Quinn continued his briefing. The girls were in college. Emily was in her fifth year doing some medical testing or scanning program that Quinn didn't know much about. Quinn's brothers finished and got jobs. They were all expected at the house. That was the short version not Quinn's version of things.

    Emily has had the same damn boyfriend for a million years. Quinn did not hide his boredom at their constancy. Kevin and Amy hide theirs like squirrels hide nuts. Caleb is always bringing home some girl, making eyes at her like he's going to propose any minute then breaking up with her the next week. Quinn rolled his eyes at the serial monogamy, not recognizing that his own pattern and his brother's were the same.

    The walk from the bus station to Quinn's house would have been more pleasant if they didn't have their bags to carry. It wasn't that they were heavy, but they set them apart from the other people on the sidewalks. They got second looks they wouldn't have gotten otherwise. It was a nice suburb—good sized family homes, some two story houses here and there. The trees were well established, not the saplings of cookie cutter neighborhoods.

    Visiting relatives had put extra cars in the driveways. Kids were playing with their cousins on the street. One bunch had set up a hoop and had to stop the game every time a car passed. An old woman bent down to pick up after a small dog. There was a sign stuck into the lawn warning her to do just that. Ahead of them, a young woman was busy fussing with a kid in a stroller. Dave hoped she wasn't busy with the kid's diaper since they were going to pass her soon. He wasn't sure if they knew each other, but she and Quinn exchanged hellos.

    Quinn made, what was to Dave, a sudden turn into a driveway. It led to a two story house with trees and some orderly shrubs in front. The garage stood open. Whether it would accommodate a car was doubtful. There was a lot of stuff in there, some of it boxed up, some just piled up. Crowding the space was a lot of kids' toys that every one of the Centinos was too old to be playing with. A car was parked in the driveway. It was an eighties Pontiac Phoenix, so it couldn't have been the family car. The sight of the car set off Quinn.

    Asshole! He could have picked us up. Hate him!

    He unlocked the front door and announced their arrival loudly. As Quinn dropped his bag by the stairs, Dave did the same. They were in a foyer that was a little too well shaded, even dim. There was a smell in the air like something might have been fried that morning. A pile of every kind of shoe was to one side, under a bench. Quinn and Dave added to it.

    Quinn's sisters came out to greet them, each hugging Quinn. The older one, Emily, seemed to do it without enthusiasm. Quinn hugged her harder and longer as a punishment for that.

    You're crushing me, she said as she tried to extricate herself.

    Crushing what? Without letting go, Quinn looked down at her chest where there wasn't much to crush. She slapped at him until he let go of her.

    From meeting them before, Dave remembered Emily and Caleb were tall and skinny like their father. Emily resembled their mother in most other ways, while Caleb was as close to being their father reborn as he could be without the curl to his hair. Neither father nor son could be called handsome though.

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