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Billionaires Protection: Love Hurts, #3
Billionaires Protection: Love Hurts, #3
Billionaires Protection: Love Hurts, #3
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Billionaires Protection: Love Hurts, #3

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The best protection any woman can have is courage . . . Love Hurts!

Daniel has an empire to run, women only get in the way. So why does he feel so empty. He needs answers and when he finally gets them, he is shocked to his core. This calls for some drastic action on his part.

Ashley has to start again, a new job, no Daniel, how can life be so mean.  The one man she truly believed she could have a future with is now out of her reach for good. She has to forget about him, she has not got the strength to face up to her past yet again.

Is there a solution to their anguish?

PublisherTilly Muir
Release dateMar 18, 2018
Billionaires Protection: Love Hurts, #3

Tilly Muir

Tilly Muir is a romance writer and avid reader of all types of books, fiction and non-fiction. Her books are short romance stories and always end with a happy ever after… Eventually! When she is not writing you will find her running around after her husband or cocker spaniels.

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    Billionaires Protection - Tilly Muir


    Being Deeply Loved by Someone Gives You Strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao Tzu 

    A sh... Ash... When did you get back? Taylor sat on Ash's bed, lifting the pillow from her head. You could suffocate sleeping under a pillow like that.

    Right now, suffocating sounds like a good option. She pulled her legs up and curled into a fetal position.

    I guess he didn't take the news too well about Cody.

    I didn't tell him, couldn't put him through that. She glanced over at the clock, nine o'clock already, sunlight poured through the gap in the drapes. Why was there beautiful sunshine, when in her heart everything appeared gray and dull. I'm guessing by now; he realizes what an awful person I am.

    Taylor cocked her head, her brows furrowing. I don't understand, I thought we agreed it was best to tell him.

    Ash sighed and sat up, her arms locked around her legs, her forehead resting on her knees. Oh Taylor, I love him so much. I could not bear to cause him any more problems. She told Taylor about their night out and the bracelet he bought for her.

    I'm confused Ash, last night only proves how much he cares about you. I am convinced he would help you sort this problem out.

    Ash shook her head, scanning Taylor's face. Don't you see, I would be no better than his family, leaving him to sort out my problems. He wouldn't look at me in the same way again.

    Taylor grasped Ash's hands. But you're guessing how he would react, isn’t it worth telling him. At worst you would be in the position you're in now... on your own.

    No, you're wrong. This way, Daniel is out of the equation, he can't get pulled into this. I took the money to give Cody. He will not be able to go to Daniel for more money, because we are no longer together... he won’t care if pictures are put on the Internet or not. She pulled her hands free and massaged her temples.

    I can't believe you are giving up your relationship with Daniel without a fight. I have never seen you as happy as you were over the last few weeks. Is that not worth fighting for?

    You know the saying, 'if you love someone, let them go'. I truly believe that’s what I need to do here, he is such a good person, he deserves better than I can give him. Tears ran down her cheeks. I guess I am one of those people that are unlucky in love.

    Taylor handed her a tissue. I wish there was some way to show you what a special person you are. I think you are wrong, the way you are handling this, but I am here for you. We will get through this, somehow.

    I love you Taylor, and I promise I will find work so I can pay my rent.

    You're giving up your job as well?

    I have no choice, I can't work for Daniel, he won't want me there after this. Plus, I couldn't bear to see him regularly, reminding me of what I am missing. She could still feel him caressing her, at least she had great memories to keep her going for a while. I'll start looking today. Her phone beeped with a text message.

    Do you want to talk? - D

    Her eyes closed as she swallowed, moisture building once again behind her eyelids. She put the phone down on the bed and gripped her hands together, she must not reply.

    Taylor glanced over at the message. This is your chance, tell him the truth.

    No, he is better off without me. Her voice was fragile and shaking. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she said, I'm going to shower then start making some plans.

    ASH STOOD UNDER THE shower, her tears mingling with the water, how did life get this bad, at only twenty-four. Why did she attract so much bad luck, she always tried to help others, she was always polite? What more did she need to do.

    She tried working through her options, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Daniel, how she was going to miss his arms wrapped around her, his lips kissing her, his body that made her feel so damn good. The water started to run cool jerking her back to reality. Time to make plans.

    THE AROMA OF ROASTED coffee beans reminded her of home, her mom always ground her own beans. The coffee shop was crowded, the noise level at a steady buzz, she found a small empty table at the back. A perfect heart stencil floated on the top of her latte, a reminder to her that her heart was broken. The barista really should ask what stencil you wanted, she would much prefer the attractive leaf design today. She took the first sip, looking at the blank page of her open notebook. The liquid washed over her taste buds and she waited for the caffeine to kick in. Should she go home? It was tempting, her family would welcome her with open arms. But, she had only been in the city a couple of months and living with Taylor was so much fun. Reminding herself of why she had left home, she knew if she went back, she would regret it, nothing had changed back home. Christmas was only two months away, she would visit home then, giving her time to sort out her life in the City.

    Using the free WIFI she searched for all the marketing companies and wrote out their contact details, there were quite a few, none in the DBM's league, but she could not be too fussy. She would start contacting them tomorrow after she made a call to Mike to tell him she would not be returning to work. Her stomach clenched at the thought of not going back to DBM, she enjoyed working with them so much, she hoped they would continue her project. Bradley North had said he would give her a job, but she dismissed the thought, he was Daniel's friend, it would not be right to contact him.

    After retrieving all the information, she needed to start her job search, she sent Cody a message saying she had some money. He told her he would be around in the evening to collect.

    ARE YOU SURE YOU DON’T want anything to eat? Taylor said, concern in her eyes.

    I couldn't eat a thing, I feel sick. I’m in the middle of a thick fog, and I don't think it will lift any time soon. Ash sipped her coffee. I have drunk so much coffee today, I should be buzzing, but I’m just numb.

    The doorbell broke the silence. I'll get it, Taylor said, jumping to her feet.

    Ashley, hope you are going to make it worth my while this time, Cody said, striding into the room.

    She was unable to face his mocking smile, walking over to the table, she said, This is it Cody, no more, Daniel wants nothing more to do with me. She picked up the bag on the table and threw it in Cody's direction.

    His expression, one of complete unconcern. We will see about that. He peered into the bag. Well, this looks better, how much in here?

    She winced as her fingernails cut into her palm. Fifty thousand. Now let me make things very clear for you. I no longer have a boyfriend OR a job, because of this, so no good looking at me for any more money. And Daniel wouldn't care if you put naked pictures of me on billboards around the city, let alone the Internet. She tried to convince herself she was brave and not scared.

    He frowned with cold fury. So you were just a piece of ass for him, I guess there is plenty more of that where he is concerned. Shame, you seemed real cozy together, I thought we could make a killing with him. His mouth took on an unpleasant twist. You better not be lying to me. She glanced up at him, but he didn't give her a chance to reply. We’ll be watching you.

    She threw back her head and placed her hands on her hips. You can watch all you like; I am telling the truth.

    The silence lengthened between them, making her uncomfortable.

    Thanks for the money Ash, don't forget you can't hide from me. There was an edge to his voice. Taylor followed him to the door, slamming it firmly behind him.

    Her hands shook as she sank down on the sofa, at least he was not going to contact Daniel. Now all she needed to do was rebuild her life yet again.



    Do you want a beer? He was grateful when Ryan arrived, he had been going crazy all day, racking his brain trying to think what went wrong for Ashley to up and leave. His initial reaction had been she just wanted the money, but the more he thought about it, things did not add up. She clearly did not want to talk to him, the question was why? 

    Sure, you on your own? I thought Ash would still be here. Ryan threw his rucksack on the floor and took a seat at the breakfast bar.

    Daniel stared out the window. Well, you thought wrong, hasn't been here all day. He opened the fridge and pulled out two beers. He popped the caps and handed one to Ryan.

    What's Up?

    Daniel shook his head. "Damn women, I will never understand

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