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Billionaires Passion: Love Hurts, #2
Billionaires Passion: Love Hurts, #2
Billionaires Passion: Love Hurts, #2
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Billionaires Passion: Love Hurts, #2

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If telling the truth will hurt, should you comfort with a lie? . . . Love Hurts!

Billionaire Passion is the second book in the 5-part Love Hurts series and ends in a cliffhanger.

Daniel struggles to understand the feelings he has for Ashley; they are so alien to him. Can he open up to her?

Ashley is devastated at being treated like a hooker. In her mind, she knows Daniel is a cold hearted bastard, if only she could convince her body of this. Ashley has run away from her past, but can she keep it hidden from Daniel?

Due to mature material it is recommended for readers aged 18+.

If telling the truth will hurt, should you comfort with a lie? . . . Love Hurts!

Billionaire Passion is the second book in the 5-part Love Hurts series and ends in a cliffhanger.

Daniel struggles to understand the feelings he has for Ashley; they are so alien to him. Can he open up to her?

Ashley is devastated at being treated like a hooker. In her mind, she knows Daniel is a cold hearted bastard, if only she could convince her body of this. Ashley has run away from her past, but can she keep it hidden from Daniel?

Due to mature material it is recommended for readers aged 18+.

PublisherTilly Muir
Release dateMar 15, 2018
Billionaires Passion: Love Hurts, #2

Tilly Muir

Tilly Muir is a romance writer and avid reader of all types of books, fiction and non-fiction. Her books are short romance stories and always end with a happy ever after… Eventually! When she is not writing you will find her running around after her husband or cocker spaniels.

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    Billionaires Passion - Tilly Muir


    Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses. -Lao Tzu

    Ashley sat on the bed, her eyes raking over the one hundred dollar bills scattered around her. What did this mean? Last night was like some kind of business transaction for him? He felt guilty about what happened?

    With so many scenarios floating around in her mind, the only thing she knew for sure, she was the one at fault, after all she begged him not to stop. Well done Ash, here you go again, lead a guy on and you must sort out the mess left behind.

    She was certain about one thing, no way would she keep the money, that would just make her a hooker.

    THE WATER FROM THE multiple jets pummeled her body, she scrubbed her skin and hair, washing away all traces of last night. The more she scrubbed the angrier she got. Why the hell couldn't he have talked to her, did he not realize how this would affect her. How she was attracted to such a cold, heartless bastard was beyond her. All he cared about was business, well she would be like that too, from now on she would be professional all the way.

    She dressed and dried her hair, threw her clothes into her bag and left, she didn't want to prolong her stay in the suite. Leaving her bags with the concierge she went to the coffee shop for some breakfast, immersing herself in her notes for the meeting trying hard not to let her mind relive the night before.

    ASH STARED OUT AT THE busy New York streets as her driver navigated his way through the traffic, everyone anonymous going about their business. She wondered how many of them suffered as much disappointment as her this morning. The trouble with life is, it doesn't stop, you have to pick yourself up and keep going. She had done it before and was in no doubt that she would do it again, things just never seemed to work out for her. As they pulled up at the office building she managed a smile for the driver.

    Here we go, game face on, she hoped the meeting would not go on too long, she just wanted to go back home.

    THE RECEPTION AREA reminded her of the DBM offices, the casual, comfortable atmosphere made her feel at home. She chatted with the receptionist while she waited.

    Wow, this is a conference room? said Ash as she followed the secretary into an area that looked more like a playground than a meeting room.  There was even a slide coming down from the floor above. Instead of tables and chairs, bean bags, coffee tables and sofas scattered the room.

    Don't tell him I said it, but Bradley is like a big kid, sure is a lot of fun working in a place like this. She led Ash over to the computer equipment and showed her how to set up her presentation.

    Ash introduced herself to people as they entered the room, fascinated, when a couple arrived by slide. She was discussing the merits of using the slide whilst wearing a skirt, when the door burst open and a tall, good looking guy bounded into the room. Here's the boss, said the secretary.

    The boss was Bradley North, he didn't appear much older than Ash and he looked like a surfer with his longish blond locks and piercing blue eyes.  His trim body was dressed in snug fitting jeans with a crisp white shirt. He made a beeline for Ash holding out his hand. Ashley, heard lots of good things about you, been looking forward to meeting you. His eyes darted around the room, his brow furrowed. Where's the old guy, you hidden him away somewhere?

    Ash tried to suppress a giggle. Please call me Ash, and if you mean Daniel, he went back to the office, some kind of crisis.

    He winked at her. Fantastic, means I get you all to myself. Shall we get this show on the road.

    Ash gave her presentation and was delighted at the feedback, they understood what she wanted to achieve and had some innovative ideas that surprised her. The room buzzed with excitement, these people enjoyed their work. They put together a detailed plan of requirements and they promised her prototypes for review in a couple of weeks.

    After the last person left the room, Bradley turned to Ash. Come on Ash, I'm taking you for lunch. I love the sound of this project and I want to talk to you more about your ideas.

    They rode the elevator down to the underground parking lot and Bradley walked over to a sexy, silver sports car. He opened the passenger door for Ash and winked. Good job you’re not wearing a mini skirt, there is no elegant way of getting in or out of this baby.

    Sliding into the seat she felt like she was sitting on the ground, her fingers caressed the soft, velvety leather of the upholstery as he shut her door. 

    Bradley jumped in the driver’s seat and started the engine. Listen to that baby purr.

    What sort of car is this?

    He shot her a glance, his eyebrows raised. A Lamborghini, 0 to 60 in three seconds, so belt up and we'll get going. He shifted the car into gear and they took off.

    New York traffic meant they were not going anywhere too quickly. Bradley kept up an endless stream of talk much to Ashley’s delight, it gave her less time to think about Daniel. Conversation flowed easily with him and they spent most of the journey laughing and joking.

    They eventually pulled into a car park and Bradley sprinted round the car to open the door and help Ash out.

    I love this place, a small oasis in a concrete jungle. said Bradley, walking her to a wooden door set into a wall.

    The door led to a courtyard surrounded by trees, trellis work formed a ceiling with vines interwoven along them, it was like entering a garden grotto. Patio heaters warmed the area and Bradley suggested they sit outside.

    This is enchanting, said Ash. Difficult to believe we are in the middle of New York City. She told him about the trip to central park and how much she had enjoyed it.

    This City is full of amazing sights; you should visit for longer. I'd be happy to show you around. He laughed. I am sure I could swing it with the old guy to give you a couple of extra days here.

    Why do you call him the old guy; he can’t be much older than you?

    He's three years older, we met at college.  He helped me a lot, we are both interested in similar things, he specializes in the marketing where as I focus on the technical, geeky stuff. When I started out he backed me and now we do a fair bit of work together. His eyes grew openly amused. I like to wind him up by calling him old.

    Your company appears to be thriving, stunning offices and everybody seemed so motivated. Ash sipped her glass of wine.

    Yes, I can’t believe how quickly it has grown. I joined the billionaires club this year, not bad for a poor kid from the Bronx. He leaned forward, his eyes studying her face. You haven't answered my question about staying a bit longer.

    As much as I would love to, I need to get back, lots to do this weekend, she said, picturing her empty diary.

    Shame, maybe another time.

    Their food arrived and they spent the next hour discussing work. Bradley flirted with her, but after her set back this morning she stuck to business only. Glancing at her watch, she said, Bradley, as pleasant as this is sitting here talking with you, my flight leaves in a couple of hours.

    On the way back to the hotel, he said, Ash, if you ever think about changing your job, please give me a call. You’re the sort of person I need and with the type of projects we do, you would not have to be based here, you can work from anywhere.

    Thanks, but I only started working at DBM last month. She frowned. My resume would not read too well if I switch jobs too often.

    Hey, I'm not trying to poach you, but, you know, if anything changes...

    At the hotel he again ran round to open her door. Would you like me to come up to your room and help you pack! he said, eyes twinkling. I'm good in bedrooms.

    Ash laughed. You're not very subtle are you? I am already packed and my bags are at reception.

    A guy's got to try with a hot girl around. He gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. It's been great meeting you Ash, and I am sure I will be seeing a lot more of you.

    I hope so, I enjoyed today. Ash waved as she walked into the hotel beaming from ear to ear. Well, two billionaires showing interest in her in two days, can't be bad.

    She liked Bradley, he was fun, but he did not set her on fire like Daniel did, the kiss on the cheek was not a toe curler for her. As she waited for the limousine her thoughts returned to the previous night. Oh God, now she had hours of spare time to fret over what she should do and how she was going to return the money. Perhaps he would call over the weekend and everything would work out fine.

    THE LIMOUSINE DROPPED her at the airport, no private jet this time, but at least flying business class she did not need to stand in line. She spent the entire journey with her book open on her lap, but did not read one word. Her mind preoccupied, going over all the possible scenarios that might happen once she returned home.

    By the time she arrived home, she decided to send Daniel an email giving a summary of the meeting, purely business, and await some sort of response.


    H e left you how much money? Taylor said, sitting back her eyes wide.

    Ten thousand dollars.

    For spending the night with him?

    We had sex. She clasped her hands together in her lap. Um, a lot of sex.


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