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Unravel- A love undone series: A Love Undone Series
Unravel- A love undone series: A Love Undone Series
Unravel- A love undone series: A Love Undone Series
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Unravel- A love undone series: A Love Undone Series

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One Moment
That’s all it took for her life to spiral out of her carefully crafted control.
One Encounter
That’s all it took for her to fall. Fall into the chasms of her dreams and Unravel.
With life betraying her plans and a future unyielding to her ambitions, Vienna Roy is at the most crucial crossroads of her life. Not wanting to look back and dishearten her already defeated heart, she accepts a challenge and starts afresh.
A new job, a new city and a new lease on life seems perfect, but it’s far from that. It’s a prismatic trap set by fate to lure her back to a time she has unwillingly left behind. Right back to him, the man in her dreams.
Kingston Sharp.
He’s a man of many talents. Fearless, formidable, and charismatic, he blazes through every challenge that comes his way. He is a hard man to beat, and a harder one to forget. But behind the rock-solid persona, lays the heart of a man who has been scarred, who has lost a lot in a very little time.
Putting in his all, he’s finally dealt with his past, shoving it in a dark corner of his heart. Forging forward, he forgets, only to find himself face to face with the one person who started it all. Her.
As the ghost of their past ignites its fury of passion, the best-laid plans crumble and burn out. The inferno of their yesterday leaves nothing for them to control, ripping their hearts out. Fate makes its play, destiny intervenes, and a love they never seized starts to Unravel! 

PublisherAashna K.
Release dateMar 27, 2018
Unravel- A love undone series: A Love Undone Series

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    Unravel- A love undone series - Aashna K.

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    Title Page












































    About the Author



    A Love Undone Series

    Copyright © 2018 Aashna K.

    Published by Aashna K.

    ISBN: 9781775177104

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it back to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s hard work.

    All the Poetries used in this book are written by Aashna K.

    Published by: Aashna K. 2018 :

    Cover design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

    Editing by: Tamara Mataya

    Proofreading by: Danielle Fine

    Formatting by: Cait Greer

    For ‘YOU’ along with the stars,

    You steer me right,

    And light up the Darkness.


    For Love,

    You Keep me Going.

    In all your many Faces and Phases,

    You keep me Going.

    Love always,


    Be Yourself;

    It Suits You.

    This book is dedicated to all you readers that took a chance on this book and to every single person who pushed me to get to the end.

    Thank you for supporting my dream.


    Dark this darkness that colors my soul

    Loveless this love, which I behold.

    So many footsteps in the wrong direction

    So many moments built with illusions.

    It was all a lie, the life, the belief

    It was all a ploy, a game of my grief

    When the curtain unfurled, I faced the worst

    The questions raised from the dead, my curse

    Now, the past taints today

    Pulling me back, making me stay

    With fractured dreams, it pokes and haunts

    With half-told memories, it jabs and taunts

    Only you, my known stranger, can mend the figment lost

    Only you, my tortured salvation, can melt this frigid frost

    So you. Yes, you

    Untangle me.

    Unravel me, my memories

    Unravel you, your mysteries

    Look into me, awaken my truth

    Look into you, lay down your excuse

    No longer can this longing wait

    No longer can we fight this fate

    So surrender yourself and conquer me

    Reveal yourself and unravel me


    Yearning Yesterdays

    Memories of yesterday faded to dark

    Forgotten, she remembered an old blazing spark

    Wanting to run, she found herself still

    Hoping to conquer, she lost against her will


    My life had betrayed me, and I couldn’t remember how. It stabbed me in the back and disappeared, taking with it my very existence. I died that day; I crashed into a future where my identity was lost to my true self. I became a hollow shell, living in fear, and fighting with fate, an unyielding, unbending fate, whose only aim was to break me and shatter me into irreparable pieces. Every night the darkness summoned me into nightmares of faceless fears, grasping my sanity and ripping it apart. I screamed into the void I knew existed in my heart, but my cries were silent sirens of distress that no one heard.

    I fought, I kept going, persisting to move ahead and break free of the shackles. Slowly, the nightmares faded, painting over the darkness, granting me a false sense of control. Easing into a reality that was nothing but a well-planned illusion, I forgot my life had been anything but what it was today. I forgot I was yet to find answers to the memories of yesterday. I forgot there was something I couldn’t remember, something that sold my life to a fate that brought about the tsunami which drowned my very soul, into an abyss of oblivion. Back to a place I knew I’d been before.

    Only this time it wasn’t the nightmares that bore the brunt of my ultimate demise; it was my dreams dressed in the veil of passion and pleasure that plotted my unrequited ruin.


    Fickle Fate

    Surrendered self, unwilling.

    To let go and seek the beginning.

    Afraid, fate would once again collide

    And break the last shreds of her pride


    I’ve always wanted to live in England, Jason said as the waiter left our table.

    Shut up, I screamed inside, wanting Jason to stop talking, to cease discussing the future. I didn’t want to hear his plans—I wasn’t ready.

    He took a sip of water. Wouldn’t that be amazing to do together?

    Amazing? I couldn’t move to another country. Oh no, I couldn’t even fathom moving to a new apartment, and he was talking animatedly about moving to another continent, uprooting everything I’d worked so meticulously to build. Jason knew how much I hated unpredictability, how I planned every aspect of my life to avoid the anxiety that strangled me whenever something unexpected happened. And yet here we were, casually discussing a monumental change as though it were nothing.

    I hoped he would meet my eyes and realize he needed to stop, but he was focused on his plate.

    Just a few minutes ago we were happy.

    Just a few minutes ago Jason was holding my hand and walking me into this beautiful restaurant I’d wanted to get a reservation at for the longest time.

    Now I felt trapped, surrounded by the beautiful décor.

    I was hanging by a thread here. Swarms of possible triggers kept swirling in my mind.

    New place.

    New people.

    New things to learn. They didn’t even drive on the same side of the road.

    I didn’t even know anyone there. How would I survive without my parents or the calm pace of my routine here?

    I love London, and I’ve heard the countryside is beautiful.

    Every syllable out of his mouth clawed at my control, riling me up even more. My fingers curled around the cutlery in my hands as I fought the burst of anxiety seeping through my blood.

    His gaze met mine, and he smiled. Let’s just move! I can get a transfer, and so can you.

    Shut up. The voice in my head got louder. My entire body shook as I fought to keep my diminishing control.

    We can get an apartment there. I bet you’ll love it.

    Shut up! My restraint broke, and I fell apart.

    My chair crashed to the floor as I stood up, my hands shaking with fury, letting the cutlery fall. Not another word, I screamed.

    What’s going on with me?

    The world around me lulled into an uncomfortable silence as the last words of my outburst ripped through the atmosphere of the restaurant.

    Every eye fell on me, as realization finally caught up.

    Oh my God. What had I done?

    What had come over me? This was not me. It couldn’t be. I could never…

    My pulse sped up. I couldn’t breathe.

    The entire restaurant was staring at me in dead silence and with judgmental contemplation.

    The strap of my lilac dress slipped off my left shoulder, caressing my senses awake, prodding me to acknowledge my actions. I gulped, adjusting the strap ever so slightly, the reality of my actions closing in on me. I’d shouted at Jason, in a crowded restaurant, on our anniversary.

    I instinctively reached up to my waist, brushing the embossed texture of the diamond-encrusted shooting star cufflink I’d pinned on my belt. It was a coping mechanism I’d picked up during the many therapy sessions since my accident five years ago. Feeling it in my hands had always somehow managed to keep the panic from taking over. The feel of the metal somehow transported me to a calmer state of mind.

    But tonight it did nothing.

    Instead, as I met Jason’s gaze, panic filled my veins. My heart broke at the pain in Jason’s eyes. Never in the past three years had I seen him so shocked.

    He was breathing hard, trying in vain to hide the hurt apparent in his dusty blue eyes. The piece of bread he was about to bite into had dropped into his salad bowl, his hand frozen in midair.

    My palpations sped up as my mind shut down; this wasn’t happening, it couldn’t.

    I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

    No way could I have ever yelled at Jason, my supportive and loving fiancé. I never shouted, we never fought, this wasn’t right. I tried to reason with the reality.

    The murmurs around me picked up, breaking my weak excuses, locking my eyes with Jason’s once again.

    Say something, my heart pled.

    Apologize, it cried.

    Please, Vienna, at least react.

    My heart pushed me ahead, but I couldn’t find my voice. I was stuck; his stunned gaze arrested my attention and froze me to the spot.

    A million memories rushed forward.

    The first time he’d smiled at me, our first date, when he’d proposed, the day we’d moved in together. Memory after memory rushed in, taunting me for what I’d done to such a beautiful person.

    None of these memories were stained; none of them had been tainted by my failure to control my emotions.

    I’d always been in control.

    I always carefully weighed what I said, and I never reacted on impulse.

    The walls started to close in. I couldn’t be here. I needed to get out.

    I needed to run.

    Sorry left my lips as I stepped back from Jason and ran out of the restaurant.


    He called my name, and it echoed in my mind as I ran past the kitchen, pushing the door marked Exit into the back alley, not caring that the San Francisco wind was as cold as my fate that had ruined a perfectly enjoyable evening. I felt naked in my sheer chiffon dress as I ran into the darkness. My teeth chattered, and I dug my nails into my bare biceps, trying to curb the chills that grazed my skin, but I didn’t stop. I continued running into the dark fog, uncaring of the assault my heels were causing on my feet, as I stepped on the uneven gravel path of an abandoned alley.

    Go back. I went farther and farther away from the restaurant into the darkness. It was stupid to keep running, but I couldn’t face him. I was mortified by my outburst.

    Old emotions tried to grab my hands and pull me into their world.

    Images of happier times, memories of my family and Jason bombarded my already chaotic mind, but I resisted their pull.

    How could I ever face him again? What would I say? ‘Sorry for screaming in your face when you were discussing our future?’

    I’d never acted like this with him.

    I didn’t know how he would react. And that scared me.

    Would he understand, or would he hate me for embarrassing him in public?

    The distant sirens and honks failed to distract me from my misery as I kept walking into nowhere, wrapped up in my turmoil.

    I continued until I lost the sense of my existence. I ran until I became nothing more than a silhouette fading into the darkness. My insecurities pulled out the seat and asked me to join them. Unable to fight, I gave in to their invitation. I gave up and drowned.

    My footsteps faltered.

    My breath hitched and hiccupped.

    Unexpected tears started to wash off my rare attempt at makeup.

    I didn’t care; I was drowning, and I didn’t want to swim. I didn’t want to fight anymore.

    My skin crawled with goosebumps as the wind brushed past.

    I leaned on a fractured wall, welcoming its roughness against my exposed back, uncaring of my surroundings and what lurked in the darkness. I crumbled to the ground and surrendered.

    My anxiety, growing over the past few days, resurfaced. A lot was changing in my life. Marriage, Jason’s desire to relocate, my parents thought of selling my childhood home, and the pressure of work were all starting to eat at my compulsive need for control. Moment by moment, I recalled the rise of my locked-up emotions as I wept and shivered in the dark. My words and my reasons became clearer, connecting the dots and drawing a vivid image of my public breakdown.

    How blatantly I’d insulted Jason for being excited about our future. I clawed at the wall, punishing myself for my misdemeanor. I had no right to snap at Jason, I had no reason to resist his desires for us and our future. I should’ve been more accepting, more flexible of the changes that were bound to come my way. Running away from them wasn’t the answer, and yet here I was, all alone, running from everything, running from my future and a chance at a happy life with Jason.

    The moment stretched around me, wrapping me in growing misery. Something wasn’t right; I could feel it in my bones, this moment, and this outburst was the start of something big, something catastrophic, and it was gnawing at my soul.

    Ah, Andrew, yes, right there. Yes. A girl’s loud moan disintegrated my self-loathing reverie.

    My grip on the broken brick of the tattered wall loosened as I opened my teary eyes.

    Yes, Andrew, you’re killing me. Her voiced echoed in the distance.

    Ah, Jody, you’re so tight. Damn, girl. Fuck, a man growled, making me come to my senses, only to leave me frozen to the spot.

    The girl’s moans grew.

    The barrels around them dropped, making a loud noise, but not loud enough to drown the moans of her passion.

    My ears throbbed with their cries.

    A distant memory knocked.

    Something forgotten erupted.

    My senses locked, and my body moved of its own accord.

    I stood tall, no longer leaning from despair. I forgot my turmoil and walked toward the voices that were awakening a longing I hadn’t known I’d harbored.

    The darkness didn’t deter me.

    Faster, Andrew, come on. I’m close. I’m so close. You’re too good. Faster, Andrew, faster, the girl begged.

    I followed her voice.

    Yes, Jody. Say my name…yes. I like how you move. Damn, girl, you’re so wet. I don’t think I can last much longer. Argh. You’re killing me. Your pussy is so damn fucking tight… Fuck.

    I turned right, my heart in my throat, my body tingling with sensations that were new but too familiar.

    The voices became clearer.

    I could now hear the faint sounds of bodies colliding, the erratic breaths, and the electric hum of the air around me.

    Why was I so curious? It was a private moment between two people, and it wasn’t right for me to spy. But somehow, the pull of a yesterday I’d forgotten, a long-gone moment in time, pushed me to venture further.

    My feet crushed the gravel on the road as I made my way to the last turn, sure that was where the lovers were.

    A faint light bathed the corner. Stray boxes and barrels lay around. A big dumpster blocked a door behind it—the back door to a restaurant maybe.

    My still-wet eyes narrowed in on the couple, a dark silhouette of two tangled bodies in the window, moving in symphony. I caressed the wall on my side as I leaned in to get a better look more unobstructed view.

    Yes, yes. Oh my God. I’m going to come. Oh God, yes. The girl’s voice filled the silent air.

    A strong surge of déjà vu hit me as I stared at the couple, knocking the breath out of me. I stumbled back, involuntarily reaching up to my heart, a lost memory kidnapping my senses.


    Her gray dress hung around her waist; her exposed breasts shook violently as he plunged into her, again, and again, and again. Her feet dug into his tight, firm ass, squeezing him in, wanting more.

    He grabbed the blond strands of her sweaty hair and pulled back her head, kissing the exposed skin of her neck.

    She moaned.

    He growled.

    His movements became more violent with every plea she made.

    She seemed to like what he was doing. More, I want more, she begged, her body swaying with his thrusts. I want it harder. Fuck me hard. Fuck me like I’m a bad girl.

    I was outside looking in, my view obstructed by the foliage in the greenhouse I’d been walking past when the sounds made me stop.

    Shut up, he growled.

    I couldn’t see his face—he was facing away from me—but his voice was thick, and full of power and passion. It held authority. It had the ability to control. Shut up, and let me fuck you.

    I gasped as his voice reached my ears, running down my body and making me shiver. I’d never experienced anything like this before. The animalistic way he possessed her, his grunts and growls, shot straight to my core.

    Desire seized me as I reeled from the phantom ache rising between my legs.

    I stood there, rooted, unable to look away, my gaze trapped in the moment.

    An involuntarily moan escaped my lips as he bent his head to her chest, kissing her, nipping her.

    You’re a fucking God, the girl screamed in response.

    I think I’m going to come. Oh my God, I’m going to come. Come on, fuck me harder.

    I said shut up. His growl sent a bolt through my body, exploding tiny, potent shards of sensation between my legs, making me wet.

    It was a sensation I’d never before experienced in the seventeen years of my life.

    My hand timidly grazed my breasts; a shy moan escaped my parted lips.

    He did something to me.

    Other than his exposed ass and a white shirt sticking to his sweaty, muscled back, I couldn’t see any of him. And yet he’d entrapped me in his spell.

    Please. I beg you, please. The blond grabbed his full head of golden brown hair and pulled his mouth to hers, kissing him with an insatiable hunger. Free me from my misery. Please, fuck me hard so I can come.

    She stole the words out of my mouth as I stood there, experiencing an out-of-body moment myself.

    If you say so, he murmured, stilling for a second as he turned his head straight to face the glass in front of him. It felt like he knew I was there, like he was looking at me when he spoke. But he broke that illusion as he looked at the girl in his arms and kissed her neck. Hang on, he growled between the kisses. I’m going to really fuck you now.

    I stumbled over his words.

    My body set on fire.

    My hands stopped, my eyes locked on him, and I just stood there, watching him fuck that girl into oblivion.

    She moaned as he rammed into her.

    Her moans became shouts…

    His movements became barbaric.

    Say my name, he demanded. Say it when you come.

    Ah… Ki—


    Vienna, a familiar voice called.

    My mind screamed.

    The déjà vu shattered.

    Reality seeped in.

    I came back to the present, in the dark alley, standing on the corner, eavesdropping on a midnight liaison.

    I blinked and turned around.

    Jason stood in front of me, his eyes filled with worry, his chest heaving as if he’d been running.

    Before I could react, he took me in for a hug. I’m so glad you’re okay. He spoke with concern. "I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You scared the crap out of me.

    I… I couldn’t speak, shivering with the memory I’d just been ensnared by.

    Jason shook his head. Come on, let’s just go home. Everything will be all right. He grabbed my hand and guided me back to our car.


    Distressed Dreams

    Cut her open to see if she’ll bleed

    Uncover these dreams. Oh, she’d plead

    Making up in intensity, in words what they lack

    Despite the restraints, they drag her back


    I changed that night.

    As we drove back home, navigating through the San Francisco fog, I couldn’t avoid the drastic snap happening in my psyche.

    At that moment, I lost control and spiraled into an alternate universe where nothing was as it seemed.

    I became an entirely new version of Vienna.

    As the silence between Jason and me prevailed, filled only with the sounds of the radio playing, I found myself swaying between my reality and the strange amalgamation of images from the alley that kept pulling me back to a life I’d never known. A life beyond the grip of my reins; a world out of my control.

    And that ruined everything.

    Without control, I was nothing.

    I needed the control. Ever since my accident five years ago, I’d fought for it. I’d never wanted to feel the way I’d felt after the car crash: helpless and completely at the mercy of the unpredictable. Being in control quieted the demons in my head. It gave me a sense of calm, knowing what to expect.

    But after tonight, after losing control, I realized—the security it made me feel was a hoax. Control was an illusion, an addictive deception. The demons were still there, lurking in the corners, waiting to pounce the moment I let go.


    I pulled the comforter a little closer to my body, leaving nothing but my face exposed. It was cold tonight. I’d been in bed for more than an hour, replaying the day, bothered by Jason’s non-reaction as we’d driven home in silence. Jason slept easily beside me, his soft snoring the only sound filling up our bedroom. He hadn’t reacted. In fact, as soon as we’d reached our little downtown one-bedroom apartment, he’d carefully taken off my coat, given me a brief smile, and walked into the bedroom, telling me to do the same, to call it a night. I’d followed him, too dazed and confused to argue. I just stood there by the door, looking at the bed as Jason turned on the side lamps on our nightstands and stepped into the adjoining bathroom to get ready for bed.

    I stood there for an eternity, until Jason told me the bathroom was free and I could change.

    I cleaned up in a trance, my thoughts jumping back and forth from the restaurant to the alley, to the living room. Anxiety trickled down my spine as I saw Jason settling in to sleep. It seemed he had no intention of talking.

    I stood there by the side of my bed, at a loss, not knowing what to do. I’d never been in such a situation, and I had no idea how to navigate through it.

    So I just sat on the side of my bed and stared, taking in Jason as he lay straight on his back with his eyes closed and his body tucked into his comforter.

    We were so different.

    Our natures, our physicality, even how we reacted to the same situation varied monumentally.

    He was happy and calm.

    I was contained and careful.

    He loved exploring and doing new things.

    I stuck to my routine and rarely strayed from what I knew.

    Even now, as I sat there, warring with myself between avoiding and apologizing, Jason had decided to put it to rest and let it go.

    He’d made peace with what had happened, something I couldn’t do.

    I twisted the hem of my nightshirt, tapping my feet as I pushed myself into making a choice. I needed to talk to Jason.

    With utmost hesitation, I took a breath and whispered his name.

    Slowly, his eyes opened, focusing on me in the soft glow of the lamp.

    My eyes teared up. I don’t know what to say.

    He just looked at me, making me fidget, guilt weighing me down as he took his time, until he sat up and slowly lifted the comforter.

    Stop trying to make things harder, he finally said, not trying to hide his pain. Stop overthinking it. Whatever happened, it’s not the end of the world. He sighed and seemed to be struggling to keep his calm. Just let it go, for once. I know it’s hard for you to let it go but please try.

    I didn’t buy it. He was upset, but why wasn’t he willing to discuss things? Something wasn’t right.

    Come to bed and call it a night. He patted my side of the bed in invitation. It’s late, and I’m kind of tired.

    I nodded, doubt dancing in my mind, as I climbed into the bed. Giving me a curt smile, Jason moved and switched off the light, turning away from me and wishing me goodnight.


    I drifted in and out of sleep, swaying in the devious breeze of my doubts.

    I fell deeper into slumber, deeper into a world where control didn’t exist.

    My dreams turned fluid, blending seamlessly into each other.

    A drop of water trickled onto my arm, arousing my senses. Heavy eyelids took their time to open, not wanting to leave the soothing sanctuary of sleep.

    My pupils adjusted to the light as focus returned.

    Another drop rolled on my hand.

    I was outside, in a lush garden.

    A lone cloud pirouetted above, readying itself to unfurl showers.

    I awoke completely in anticipation; a smile formed as I waited for the raindrops to fall.

    One by one, as if hearing my request, the drops teased my skin.

    I felt free, weightless.

    Worries washed off, questions disappeared, and all that stayed was me and the falling rain.

    Embracing the gentle downpour with open arms, I twirled, the grass under my bare feet tickling my soles. Laughter filled my lungs, joy draped my soaking body, as I continued twirling, eyes closed, letting my senses take in the moment.

    A bark echoed in the distance.

    The cloud boomed.

    The downpour gained volume, but the gentleness persisted.

    Another bark broke through.

    It reminded me of a faraway land, a hazy afternoon of a forgotten yesterday.

    Curious, I stopped, opening my eyes and blinking away the raindrops on my eyelashes.

    An arched entrance loomed before me, majestic yet understated with its red-bricked pillars and flowering climbers with colorful flowers. It tempted me to come hither. Swiping the soaking strands of my hair away from my face, I took a step forward.

    The clouds roared, crashing into one another in warning.

    The sunlight started to fade.

    The barking became distant yet guided me in its direction.

    I took another step, lured by the possibility that awaited.

    Thunder rolled, darkness started to seep in. The landscape of greens began to drown in the darkness.

    Enrapt, my body shivered, burning with heat instead. Despite the rain, a blazing jolt of sensation coursed through my blood. My breath picked up along with my steps. The rain turned up its assault, but I didn’t care. I kept walking. Something was beckoning me, pulling the strings of my heart to come closer, and I couldn’t stop, despite the warnings of the darkening skies.

    The atmosphere crackled with pent-up electricity.

    My steps faltered, yet I continued forward. The archway faded as I passed it. The scene became thunderous with loud growls of the clouds filling the dark spaces.

    Fear fell with the rain onto my heated body. It raised my excitement, made me hot. I tore off my jacket and moved ahead, picking up my pace, rushing to reach my unknown destination.

    Loud moans mingled with the roaring downpour. Fear tried its best to pull me back, but I continued undeterred, undoing the buttons of my dress and dropping its lifeless fabric to be swallowed by the rain. I burned even more, a volcanic eruption coursing through my body as I galloped frantically toward the noises that were fast filling up the tenebrific terrain.

    Lightning struck the once lively tree, setting fire to its branches. My heart combusted with tempestuous need, breaking the rhythm of my desperate heart.

    Almost naked, dressed in nothing

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