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Poema Regius
Poema Regius
Poema Regius
Ebook48 pages27 minutes

Poema Regius

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Ovo je prevod najstarijeg masonskog rukopisa, poznatog kao prvi dokument o “Starim dužnostima”. Original se sastoji od 64 stranice teksta pisanog u rimovanom stihu na srednje-engleskom jeziku koji je nastao oko 11. veka i bio u upotrebi do, otprilike, 16. veka, kada prerasta u “moderni” engleski, jezik Šekspira i njegovih suvremenika. Dokument se odnosi na dospeće nauka zidarstva u Englesku u toku vladavine kralja Atelstana (924-939). U poemi se govori o tome kako su svi zidari došli do kralja po uputstva za dobra pravila vladanja i kako da, zajedno sa plemstvom i zemljoposednicima, izrade 15 članova i petnaest dopunskih propisa kojima će se rukovoditi. Na kraju sledi legenda o Četiri krunisana mučenika (Quator Coronati) i jedan niz saveta o moralu, a sve se završava blagoslovom. Prevod je "ispevan" u dvanaestercu bez cezure, a osnovu za prevođenje je, pored originala, činio prevod Br. Roderika H. Bakstera (Roderick H. Baxter), Tajnog Majstora Lože Quatuor Coronati br. 2076, na savremeni engleski jezik.

LanguageСрпски језик
PublisherKarlo Hameder
Release dateMar 21, 2018
Poema Regius

Karlo Hameder

Karlo Hameder was born on July 10th 1951 in Sombor, Vojvodina, Serbia; happily married for 49 years, father to 2 adult children (46 & 45); graduated from the Grammar School in Sombor (1970) and the Faculty of Philosophy – Dept. of English Language and Literature at Novi Sad University (B.A. 1974). He did a specialist course in Scientific and Professional Translation in Belgrade (1979).He spent most of his working life teaching English, business correspondence and translation at grammar schools, secondary technical and teacher training school. In the early 1980s Karlo Hameder was the Official Translator at the Dujailah Project in Iraq. In 1993 he founded Olympos Language School and Technical Translation Service in Sombor, which he ran until his retirement in 2016.Karlo has written a number of essays and articles on various topics, which were used in the teaching process or examples within the framework of exam preparation courses. However, Karlo has written a number of articles for the electronic magazine Mason (Scribd) and Neimar (Builder), both in English and Serbian in the last twelve years. His book Freemasonry through the Funnel and its Serbian equivalent Somborski sinovi udovice were published at together with Masonic books of translation from English into Serbian: Poema Regius, Rukopis Cooke and Rukopis Dowland and others.Karlo Hameder is also a keen photographer, an ecologist (including human relations). He respects hard work, peace, recognition of cultural diversity and global patriotism.

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    Book preview

    Poema Regius - Karlo Hameder

    Poema Regius

    sa podacima o kralju Atelstanu

    i masonskom redu Atelstana

    prevod: Karlo Hameder

    sa prevoda Br. Roderika H. Bakstera (Roderick H. Baxter), Tajnog Majstora Lože Quatuor Coronati br. 2076 na savremeni engleski jezik

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Karlo Hameder at Smashwords

    Copyright 2018 Karlo Hameder

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    Ova eknjiga je posvećena Katarini, Karlu i Violi

    Poema Regius

    (C. 1390)

    sa podacima o kralju Atelstanu

    i masonskom redu Atelstana

    Izvor engleskog originala: prevod Br:. Roderika H. Bakstera (Roderick H. Baxter), Tajnog Majstora Lože Quatuor Coronati br. 2076 na savremeni engleski jezik

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