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There are many ways a woman can be KEPT, not just financially, but emotionally, physically, and many more.

Alexis isn't KEPT in the standard sense of the word. She has her own life, her own money, she is her own woman, and yet Sasha keeps pulling her intriguing idea for all of us who wonder what it would be like to have unlimited funds to do what we want, when we want, and with whom...

Release dateMar 25, 2018

K'Anne Meinel

K’Anne Meinel is a prolific best-selling fiction writer with more than one hundred published works including shorts, novellas, and novels.  She is an American author born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised outside of Oconomowoc.  Upon early graduation from high school, she went to a private college in Milwaukee and then moved to California.  Many of her stories are noted for being realistic, with wonderfully detailed backgrounds and compelling storylines.  Called the Danielle Steel of her time, K’Anne continues to write interesting stories in a variety of genres in both the lesbian and mainstream fiction categories.  Her website is @  K’Anne is also the publisher and owner of Shadoe Publishing, LLC @ and in December 2017 she started the Lesfic Bard Awards @  In December 2018 she launched the Gay Scribe Awards @ in hopes of duplicating the first year’s success of the Lesfic Bard Awards and to showcase more LGBT literature.

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    Book preview

    Kept - K'Anne Meinel

    Table of Contents



    The End ~ for now






    A Short Story by K’Anne Meinel

    E-Book Edition


    Published by:

    Shadoe Publishing for

    K’Anne Meinel on E-Book

    Copyright © K’Anne Meinel January 2014

    Copyright 2ND edition © K’Anne Meinel March 2018




    E-Book Edition License Notes:

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.  This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people.  If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.  If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return and purchase your own copy.  Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    K’Anne Meinel is available for comments at as well as on Facebook, her blog @ or on Twitter @, or on her website @ if you would like to follow her to find out about stories and book’s releases or check with or


    Dedicated to anyone who

    thinks I’m writing about them.

    I am.

    K’A. M.


    Amy approached the departures listing carefully.  She was very nervous but trying not to show her lack of sophistication in the crowded terminal.  She read the listing for international flights and saw that her flight for Florence was still on time.  She knew she should go wait near the departure lounge and turned to do so, and that’s when she saw her.  She was probably one of the best dressed women she had ever seen in her life.  The woman strode confidently across the busy terminal, as though the masses should part for her, and they did.  She was dressed in a dark wine-colored suit that was expertly tailored to her body.  Not overly tall, she gave the appearance of a tall, stand-out person.  Amy’s eyes followed the woman.  She wore a diamond bracelet on her right ankle and a matching one on her left wrist and around her neck.  The earrings alone that she wore Amy would bet would have bought her a new car if they were real, and she suspected they were.  This was the stuff she read about in her romance novels; this was the stuff of legends.  She was pretty enough but not beautiful.  Her beauty was in her confidence, as though life were being handed to her on a silver platter.  Her persona commanded, not demanded, respect, and anyone who realized she was coming their way immediately afforded it to her without even realizing it.  Amy couldn’t put her finger on it and why it appeared that way, but from the top of her perfectly coiffured head with its beautifully styled brown hair, to the elegant wine-colored Prada shoes that Amy recognized from having poured over magazines for years, she knew class and style exuded from this woman.  She carried only a leather bag over one shoulder that was thin enough for a laptop and nothing else.  She looked the part of a consummate business woman.

    The woman headed directly for Amy, and she found herself unable to look away.  At the last minute though, she redirected her gaze, and picking up her carry-on bag, her purse, and her neck pillow, she got out of the woman’s way so she could read the departure schedule.  She couldn’t help looking over her shoulder though, to gaze at the woman, wishing she could look like that, exude that confidence and style.  The woman didn’t look much older than Amy’s own hard-won twenty-four years.  Amy turned to look where she was going and headed for the terminal that would take her on her dream vacation, the one she had saved up for three hard working years at the 7-Eleven, working night shifts that no one else had wanted and putting in ridiculous hours so she could make her rent, finish school, and save for this trip, which was a treat after all the years she had put in to obtain her degree.  She had graduated with honors finally after going year-round for the last few years with no vacations and no breaks, and now, she could enjoy herself.  It hadn’t been easy with the crazy work hours and the intense class load she had at school, but she had managed.  She wasn’t going to worry about a thing now that it was all over.  She had her master’s in education, and she had a job waiting at the end of summer.  She had quit her job at the 7-Eleven, and now, she was going to the city of her dreams, Venice, Italy.

    She had been disappointed to find there was no direct flight from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport to Venice, Italy.  Instead she would fly into Florence and take either a commuter train or a smaller plane to Venice.  She hadn’t decided yet, but that was okay.  This trip wasn’t regimented.  It was flexible, and she wanted to enjoy herself.  No one and nothing was going to keep her from having a good time.  She deserved it.  She had waited her whole life for a trip such as this, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.  She just wished she had someone to share it with.  She also wished she had been on a plane before, instead of choosing for her first flight the international flight from Chicago to Florence.  She wasn’t sure what she would do with the hours on a big jet.  She had already read the fashion magazine she had brought with her on the bus that brought her to the airport.  She hadn’t felt good afterwards; it had given her motion sickness.  Now, she wasn’t sure it was motion sickness but excitement over flying for the first time or the trip itself.  She wondered what she would do on the big jet.  She went to sit in the lounge, waiting for her flight to be called.  She had gotten to the

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