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Groupie Games: A Rockstar Romance
Groupie Games: A Rockstar Romance
Groupie Games: A Rockstar Romance
Ebook170 pages1 hour

Groupie Games: A Rockstar Romance

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**Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go backstage.**

The Groupie Games are just You’re not supposed to get attached to any of the rock stars you hook up with. You shouldn't fall for the stupid sexy way they look in their tight, ripped jeans or how they strut around the stage like they own it. But what happens when one of them turns the tables on you? When a rock star wants more than just a good time?

My two best friends and I sleep with rock stars like it's a sport. We score points for each one we get with, and the winner gets to claim the title of being the "Groupie Games Queen." It’s supposed to be fun. No drama, no emotions, and definitely no attachments. But Kellan Reid, the sexy AF lead singer of the hottest new rock band keeps coming back to me for more than just a casual hook-up, so how am I supposed to stop myself from wanting more?

Groupie Games is a standalone sexy rock star romance, not suitable for those under 18.

PublisherRebecca Lewis
Release dateMar 25, 2018
Groupie Games: A Rockstar Romance

Rebecca Lewis

Rebecca Lewis is the author of the New Adult novel, Player in Paradise, and the Young Adult novel, Merch Girl. She is a lover of all things music and pop culture. Her passion for entertainment and writing brought her to Boston University, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the College of Communication. During her college career, she interned for various record labels in Boston and New York City, sold merch for local bands, worked at record stores, and did a whole lot of grassroots marketing. She currently resides in Florida with her husband and puppy.

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    Book preview

    Groupie Games - Rebecca Lewis


    By: Rebecca Lewis

    Copyright © 2017 by Rebecca Lewis

    Smashwords Edition. All rights reserved.

    Cover Photo Credit: naito29/Shutterstock

    The Author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without the permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Table of Contents:

    Groupie Game Rules

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One


    Other Books By Rebecca Lewis

    Groupie Game Rules

    The rules of the Groupie Games are simple:

    Bang as many rock stars as you can.

    Earn a point for each conquest.

    Leave your emotions at the backstage door.

    Chapter One

    Groupie Games Scorecard

    Lyla: 4 1/2

    Jules: 7

    Sasha: 3

    These pretzels are stale as fuck, Jules says, tossing a handful onto the glass table in front of us.

    That’s what you get for eating backstage snacks, I respond. You know the food up here’s always nasty.

    She shoots me a sour look and takes a big sip of vodka to wipe away the taste. It’s been a while since we’ve been backstage at the Avalon, but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hang out with the guys from Fated Familiar. At least this place is better than the hole-in-the-wall dive bar we first met them at a few years ago.

    Kellan Reid, the band’s lead singer, texted me this afternoon to make sure we’d be here. We haven’t seen each other in a year, and I’ve been with a lot of other rock stars since then, but I distinctly remember his glorious six-pack and ample package.

    It’s nearly showtime when the band finally makes their way into the backstage lounge.

    LSJ! Kellan exclaims as he enters the room. He runs over to our couch and gathers Jules, Sasha and I into a big group hug. Every band we hang out with has a different nickname for us. Some are cuter than others, but LSJ works for me. It sounds like a hot girl group or a fun designer drug.

    Kellan! I jump into his tatted up, muscular arms and wrap my legs tightly around his narrow waist. My girls keep their distance; they know I want him all to myself tonight.

    He holds me with ease, planting a quick, yet firm kiss on my lips while his hand creeps up the back of my short skirt. Damn girl, you look sexier every time I see you.

    Thanks, so do you. I caress the front of his leather pants tenderly as he lowers me back to the ground. See you after the show?

    You bet, he responds, raising his brow before he turns to regroup with his bandmates.

    Hell yeah, I say, sitting back down with my girls. I’m definitely getting some points tonight.

    Damn it! Jules shouts. I need to get one of them too. I’m not letting you win again.

    What about Darren? I suggest, pointing to the spikey-haired drummer in the corner.

    I hooked up with him last time...

    So, what’s the problem?

    He didn’t last very long.

    I’ll take him for an extra point, Sasha chimes in. I’m way behind.

    I nudge her side. Well if what Jules says is true, maybe he’s only worth half!

    Whatever she says, shrugging her shoulders. I’d still do him.

    Come on, they’re starting soon. I grab Sasha by the wrist and her stick-straight black hair whips across her face as she turns her head quickly to follow me down the stairs. We get in position to watch the band perform from the side of the stage. It looks like there’s at least a thousand people in the crowd. It seems like just yesterday we were watching the guys perform to crowds of double digits. But as they’ve grown, so have we – from local fan girls to bona fide groupies. All the security guards at the venues across the city know our faces, and our names have spread from band to band, nearly guaranteeing us a good time whenever a hot band’s in town.

    My eyes are glued to Kellan as he runs on stage and begins to sing his heart out under the bright lights. His gravelly voice bounces off the walls and reverbs deliciously through my body. He yanks his tattered black t-shirt over his head midway through the concert, showing off his buff, bare chest for the whole audience to see and appreciate.

    Those are new, I say to the girls, pointing to his shiny nipple rings.

    The mix of loud music and all the alcohol I’ve been sipping on swirl together, allowing for the perfect opportunity to dance like a fool with Sasha and Jules. I peer into the crowd and see all the girls in the front row screaming, singing and snapping pics. The set feels like minutes instead of an hour, and before I know it, the guys are running off the stage for a quick break before their encore.

    Kellan approaches me, out of breath and grinning from ear to ear. Fuck, that was incredible.

    I catch myself staring at his glistening chest as it rises and falls rapidly.

    You’re on fire, I tell him. Seriously, everyone is loving it.

    He takes a big gulp of water and grabs my hand, squeezing it tight. Thanks.

    His fingers are still loosely tangled with mine as we listen to the audience cheer his band’s name over and over. They want more and he’s ready to give it to them. He winks at me as he runs back on stage. I’m sure the fans want another hour, but I can’t wait for the show to end so I can get him all to myself.


    He’s got a bottle of Jack Daniels and a swagger in his step as I follow him onto the tour bus. Leading me toward the back lounge, Kellan opens the bottle of alcohol and takes a few sips. Want some?

    I nod and grab it from his hands. The liquid burns through my chest as it goes down.

    He closes the curtain behind us and swallows me up in his large arms. Every time I come to Boston, you’re the first thing on my to-do list.

    I can’t help but smile at that. He’s a charmer, that’s for sure. I don’t usually sleep with the same rock star multiple times, but he’s such a good lay and hot as hell. So when I saw his text, how could I resist?

    He raises his left eyebrow as he leans down over me. I set my hands on his waist, gazing up into his blazing blue eyes. There’s no need for small talk. We both know exactly what we’re here for.

    He makes the first move, crashing his lips into mine like they’re magnetized. His tongue swirls through my mouth as I sneak my hand under his shirt to feel his rock-hard abs.

    He drags my bottom lip along his teeth before pulling away. Those electric blue eyes lock with mine again and he grins. Taking the bottom of my black tank top into his hands, he quickly raises it up and over my head with ease, grabbing onto my breasts as soon as they’re within his reach. He unhooks the back of my bra and I let the straps fall down my arms, throwing it to the side. Sticking his head between my breasts, he nuzzles himself in deep before licking and biting his way back up for air.

    You’re such a tease, I whisper.

    This ain’t no tease, babe.

    Tossing me playfully onto the narrow couch behind us, he straddles me from above and licks his lips. I run my fingers along the outline of his erection, pressed tight against his pants.

    I eagerly reach out to unzip the leather and set him free. His hard cock shoots straight out as soon as the zipper comes undone, and it’s dripping with anticipation. He shifts his hips closer to my face and I eagerly take his shaft in my mouth, savoring his salty sweetness. He grabs a handful of my long, wavy brown hair and tugs as I suck harder. I grab onto his sides, digging my fingers into his hip bones, and circle my tongue around his pulsing member.

    He loosens the grip on my hair and tilts my head back up to face him. A devilish grin slides across his face as his other hand slowly trails up my thigh, his fingers dancing their way near my center. He bites his lip as he rubs my clit through my already soaked panties. Fuck, I want him so bad.

    He takes another swig of whiskey as he moves his fingers over the thin fabric toward the elastic band. He slides my thong off with ease and finally pushes his thick digits inside my wetness, moving two fingers in and out slowly as one circles my clit with just the right amount of pressure.

    A soft moan escapes my lips and I close my eyes. Yep, this is exactly what I came here for. To be taken by him. Touched by him. Wanted by him. And he does not disappoint.

    He pushes deeper, caressing my sweet spot as his palm grazes my clit.

    Come on, baby, he whispers before planting his lips on my neck, sucking and biting his way up to my ear.

    His fingers move faster, and I’m already so turned on that he doesn’t have to do much more to get me throbbing. His tender lips meet mine in a whiskey-infused kiss as my hips buck uncontrollably against his palm.

    I separate my mouth from his with a thankful smile, but I want more. I ache for it.

    I need you inside me, I say between heavy breaths, stroking his hard cock.

    He smirks and quickly heeds my call, turning me over and plunging into me from behind with ease. I yelp as his generous girth fills me up. He starts slow, then builds up speed, slapping my ass as we rock back and forth. He places

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