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Happy Bear Cafe Series Books 1-7: Happy Bear Cafe Cozy Mystery Series
Happy Bear Cafe Series Books 1-7: Happy Bear Cafe Cozy Mystery Series
Happy Bear Cafe Series Books 1-7: Happy Bear Cafe Cozy Mystery Series
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Happy Bear Cafe Series Books 1-7: Happy Bear Cafe Cozy Mystery Series

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This compilation of books are all clean Cozy Mystery short stories that do not contain any foul language, sexual situations, witches, or paranormal events. 

Book One - Elected For Murder

It’s election time in Peach City, Missouri. The incumbent Mayor has been with the city for many years without really any challengers until this year. The new contender is pushing for major changes for the city.

Could the local election result in murder?

Book Two - Death and Decorations

Christmas is just a short time away and the newly elected mayor has asked all the local businesses to come together to help decorate the Christmas tree for the downtown square this year.

Will the competition to decorate the tree result in murder?

Book Three - Resolution For Revenge

Cindy Baker has just been asked out on a date to the Peach City New Year's Eve party at the civic center.

Could her first date in years  result in murder?

Book Four - To Kill A Rat

Cindy and her high school friend Kenny had been seeing each other for about a month when he suddenly had to leave town. Feeling a bit vulnerable and alone again she decided to go to the local video store for a distraction. 

Could just renting a movie result in murder?

Book Five - Sleeping Dogs Lie

Peach City Pet Fest is just a few days away.  The Humane Society of Peach City will bring all the adoptable pets and try to find them a forever home.  Kenny, Cindy's new boyfriend, will be showing a dog at one of several entertainment events.

Will attending Pet Fest result in murder?

A Bird In The Hand - Book Six

The President of the Peach City Gun Club asked Cindy Baker to rent the Happy Bear Cafe to them for the weekly members meeting.  The Gun Club building is undergoing renovations and they just need a temporary location to hold their weekly meeting.

What could possibly go wrong with a bunch of gun toting men all in one place?

Book Seven - Picture Perfect

It's been years since Cindy bought anything new for her house. Now that she's been spending more time away the Happy Bear Café and more time at home, and she's decided it might be time for a remodel.  Cindy asked her employee, Margaret to help her find some new furniture.

Could a simple home remodel result in murder?

Publisher99 Cent Press
Release dateApr 9, 2018
Happy Bear Cafe Series Books 1-7: Happy Bear Cafe Cozy Mystery Series

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    Happy Bear Cafe Series Books 1-7 - P Bodi





    BOOKS 1-7


    99 Cent Press

    © Copyright 2018 by PBodi All rights reserved

    This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

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    First Printing March 2018

    Published by:

    99 Cent Press

    Printed in the United States of America


    Also by PBodi

    Elected for Murder

    Death and Decorations

    Resolution for Revenge

    To Kill A Rat

    Sleeping Dogs Lie

    A Bird in the Hand

    Picture Perfect

    About the Author

    Also by PBodi

    Also by PBodi

    For a list of all Pbodi’s books please visit her website at:



    Fowl Play

    No Bones About It

    Fishy Business

    A Hairy Situation

    Dangerous Creatures

    A Vacation to Die For

    Pet Palace Box Set Books 1-3

    Pet Palace Box Set Books 4-6

    Pet Palace Box Set Books 1-6



    A Perfect Cup Of Tea

    Murder On the Mountain

    New Year's Resolution

    The Heart Of The Murder

    The Luck Of The Irish

    A Corpse In The Kitchen

    Midsummer Murder

    Mother Earth's Kitchen Box Set Books 1-4

    Mother Earth's Kitchen Box Set Books 5-7

    Mother Earth's Kitchen Box Set Books 1-7



    Elected For Murder

    Death And Decorations

    Resolution for Revenge

    To Kill A Rat

    Sleeping Dogs Lie

    A Bird In The Hand

    Picture Perfect

    Happy Bear Cafe Box Set Books 1-4

    Happy Bear Cafe Box Set Books 5-7

    Happy Bear Cafe Box Set Books 1-7



    Forest For The Trees

    Put Your Affairs in Order

    A Snake In The Grass

    He Loves Me He Loves Me Not

    Proof Is In the Printing

    Deck The Walls

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    Angela Crawford Box Set Books 4-6

    Angela Crawford Box Set Books 1-6

    To get PBodi’s latest releases at the lowest price sign up for her newsletter:

    Elected for Murder

    Full Page Image

    Chapter One

    Cindy Baker let herself in the back door of The Happy Bear Café and tucked her key in her pocket. Most of her employees had already arrived and were prepping for what was sure to be a busy Saturday morning. All Saturday mornings were busy here.

    Jimmy the short order cook, an olive-skinned man in his early forties who went through more hair nets than anyone Cindy had ever met before, was already heating up the grill. Eli stood in front of the counter, rolling silverware into paper napkins. As the busboy, he was waiting for something to clean up. The newest waitress, Harley, disappeared into the bathroom to touch up her makeup and comb a few knots out of her dishwater blonde curls.

    Cindy made her way to the front door and flicked the lock open. She stepped out onto the sidewalk, kissed her fingers, and pressed them to the nose of the concrete bear statue that stood in front of the restaurant. Good morning, Brian. It was her daily ritual, one that she never missed. Brian, who was named for Cindy’s late husband, was still dressed in his Halloween outfit, a bumblebee costume that included wings and a stinger. Last year he had been a ghost. He was always outfitted appropriately for the season, and now that it was November it was time to change his clothes.

    She stepped back into the café and began her day, watching out of the corner of her eye as her patrons began to trickle in. It didn’t take long from the time the door was opened for the tables to start filling with locals. The cops favored The Happy Bear for its great coffee, which she always gave to them for free. Young families with children opted for the pancakes that Jimmy whipped up in fun shapes for them. Truck drivers straggled in and sat at small tables by themselves, while the larger groups of church ladies snatched up the round tables in the back that seated six. Yes, it was definitely going to be a busy Saturday.

    Everyone in the small town of Peach City knew that The Happy Bear was a fast, cheap place to get a good meal. The uniforms that Cindy and her staff wore were simply t-shirts with the restaurant’s name and a picture of Brian the Bear on the front, shirts that were also for sale at the cash register. Her patrons were always interested to see what they would be drinking their coffee out of on any particular day, the mugs being a random collection of cups from other local stores, insurance agents, and yard sale finds. The place was small and simple, with ancient linoleum flooring and Formica tables that might have been around since before Cindy was born. It was nothing beautiful or fancy, but Cindy and her customers wouldn’t have it any other way.

    She caught Eli as he was bringing a tray of dirty dishes back to the kitchen. When you get a moment, could you change Brian’s outfit? There’s a turkey costume in the cabinet in the back.

    Eli gave her a wide grin that lit up his entire face. He was young and eager, and Cindy enjoyed having him around the place. He never slacked off, always found something productive to keep him busy, and nearly jumped for joy when the wait staff shared their tips with him. Sure thing!

    As she worked her way around the dining room to see how the guests were doing, Cindy’s ears perked up at harsh words several tables away.

    Didn’t you hear me say that I wanted my eggs poached? These are most definitely scrambled. It’s not that hard, you know.

    Cindy turned to see Mayor Bob Chamberlain seated at a table near the wall. He sat back with his arms crossed in front of his chest defiantly as he jutted his pointy chin at Harley. The mayor for as long as anyone alive in Peach City could remember, Mayor Bob was known for his rancorous attitude and cutting remarks. The aging man had spots on his balding pate and an angular face that matched his sharp attitude.

    I’m sorry, sir, Harley replied as she reached for the plate to take it back to the kitchen. It was just a simple mix-up, but I’ll get it fixed for you. Cindy could tell that the smile on the waitress’s face was not genuine, but she appreciated the effort her employee put into her job. She also noticed the dark circles under Harley’s eyes that makeup couldn’t quite conceal.

    You will not! The mayor snatched the plate back out of the young girl’s grasp and slammed it down onto the table in front of him, sending some of the scrambled egg over the edge and onto the table’s surface. I know how that works. I complain, so you say you’ll go back and get me different eggs. You think I won’t know that you’ve spit in them or dropped them on the floor.

    Chapter Two

    Harley’s hands were fisted at her sides as a pink flush slowly crept up her face. I assure you, sir, that I don’t do such things. I wouldn’t be able to keep my job here if I did. Now, can I get you some different eggs or not?

    You’ll leave them here, and you won’t charge me for them. Mayor Bob picked up his fork, scrutinized it for cleanliness, and then stabbed it into his eggs.

    Is there a problem here? Cindy asked as she approached.

    Mayor Bob glared up at her, then darted his icy gaze to Harley. This young girl doesn’t know the difference between poached eggs and scrambled. I think you might want to find some different help, Cindy. She’s going to give your restaurant a bad reputation.

    Cindy, knowing the girl’s temper, took her gently by the shoulders and pointed her gently at the kitchen before she had a chance to explode. Harley is a very talented waitress, sir. But I’d be happy to bring you a different batch of eggs myself if you’d like.

    The old man poked at the yellow fluff on his plate. Yes. Thank you.

    Returning to the kitchen with a sigh, Cindy leaned against the wall closest to the grill. Two poached eggs for the mayor, Jimmy.

    Harley was filling water cups rather vigorously, slamming them down onto the counter hard enough that the liquid sloshed over the sides. I don’t know why you’re so nice to him, Cindy. The man is a jerk.

    I can’t argue with you there, Cindy agreed. But he is also the mayor, and there’s no getting around that. He could decide to bulldoze this place and build a park or something if he got angry enough, and I don’t really want to deal with that.

    He can’t just rule this whole town and do whatever he wants! Harley protested, batting a strand of hair out of her vivid green eyes. He’s just a mayor, not a dictator.

    Over by the grill, Jimmy gave a hearty laugh and turned his bearded face to the waitress. That’s what you think. He’s been the mayor since the sixties, and even his grandfather was mayor back in the day. He’s not about to go anywhere.

    We’ll see what happens after the election in a few days. I can’t wait to see the look on his snarky old face when he finally loses. Harley gathered up the water cups and set them on a tray.

    Why do you say he’ll lose? Cindy asked as she held out a small bowl for Jimmy to slide the new eggs into.

    Who’s losing what? Margaret, the other waitress, bustled into the kitchen. With her graying pouf of hair, floral dress, and orthopedic loafers, she looked as though she ought to be baking cookies with her grandchildren instead of serving cheap burgers. But when Margaret retired from the insurance business and found out that her good friend Cindy was buying a rundown café, she jumped at the chance to help. I can only spend so much time knitting in my rocking chair, she would tell people when they asked her why she didn’t just enjoy her retirement. Besides, my husband likes the free coffee. Margaret’s husband Albert was a retired policeman who spent just as much time at the Happy Bear as she did.

    Mayor Bob, Harley volunteered, in the upcoming election.

    Margaret laughed a loud chuckle that made her ample body shake a little. What makes you so sure?

    Haven’t you seen that new guy who’s running against him? Steve Williams? He’s made some great speeches about modernizing the town. He thinks Mayor Bob has kept us behind the rest of the world, or at least the rest of Missouri. Plus, he has some great ideas for incentivizing people to clean up their yards and fix their homes. The girl had a dazzled look on her face as she spoke of the new candidate.

    Cindy was impressed that someone Harley’s age was paying so much attention to local politics. That’s great. I don’t know that those ideas will fly with all of Bob’s cronies, but it’s at least a nice start. She pushed through the door and brought the poached eggs to the bureaucrat.

    Mayor Bob glared at her as she set the bowl next to his plate. It’s about time. I can’t stand eggs any other way than poached.

    Smiling sweetly, Cindy asked if there was anything else she could get him before retreating to the kitchen once again. She didn’t tell Harley that the old man had already eaten every bite of his scrambled eggs.

    Chapter Three

    By the end of the day, Cindy’s feet and lower back ached. She could have gone home a long time ago, knowing that The Happy Bear was in very capable hands, but it suited her to stay busy. When her husband had died a couple years ago, she had needed something to keep her mind off her loneliness. She had tried joining book clubs and the gym, but she constantly found that there was something missing in her life. Even her job at the bank just wasn’t enough for her. When she noticed the faded For Sale sign in the window of the tiny café, she knew just what to use the leftover life insurance money for.

    Cindy’s grandmother had worked in a diner. It was the kind that came complete with chrome-rimmed tables and a long lunch counter. As a young girl, Cindy would come to work with her grandmother occasionally, serving apple pie and pouring coffee. The customers always found a few coins to tip her with, and her grandmother shared her tips with her as well. It was work, but she found it enjoyable. Cindy knew that this little hole in the wall wouldn’t be exactly the same, but it was just what she needed at that moment.

    Now, as the sun crept toward the horizon, she found herself happy to have finished another successful day of work. She had provided food for many of the locals and jobs for others. She would go home and fall into her recliner with a sense of satisfaction.

    Eli, make sure you get the trash out before you leave.

    Yes, ma’am.

    The front door swung open, and Cindy turned to see who had come in so close to closing time. The newcomer was tall and slim, with sandy brown hair and pale green eyes. He smiled as he approached the counter where Cindy stood.

    I know it’s late, but is there any chance you have something back there I could eat? I don’t even care what it is; whatever’s easy.

    Cindy smiled at Steve Williams, the opposing candidate for mayor, before turning and calling back into the kitchen. What do you think, Jimmy? You have any food left back there?

    Jimmy’s hairy face appeared in the doorway. He smiled when he saw who was at the counter. I think I could burn something for ya real quick.

    Have a seat, Cindy offered. I’d like to bend your ear about the election if you don’t mind.

    Steve parked himself at a small table near the counter. What’s on your mind?

    Cindy flipped the sign on the door so that it said Closed and sat across from him. It wasn’t the kind of thing she would normally do, but there were no other customers. Well, I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about you, and I realized I haven’t had a chance to figure out if you’re the person I should vote for.

    You’re cutting it pretty close, aren’t you? the candidate asked. The election is in just a few days.

    The café owner nodded. I know. That’s precisely why I’m talking to you now. What exactly do you plan to do for Peach City?

    We have a great little place here, Steve explained. There’s a lot of history in this town, and I think it’s got a lot of potential. But it also needs a lot of improvements and a lot of cleaning up. There are too many houses that have been allowed to fall apart and too many yards that are overgrown. It’s a stark contrast with the cute little Victorian houses near the downtown area.

    Cindy nodded. She happened to live in one of those cute little Victorian houses, but she knew what he meant. There were plenty of homes tucked away off the main street that ought to be destroyed. How are you going to fix that?

    He sighed. It’s a big project, and it’s definitely something that I would need the city council to cooperate with me on. I think we might be able to set up a program where the city offers to buy the homes for a small amount of money. Then we tear down the houses and put the property back up for sale. Neighbors will be eager to snap up an extra lot, and for the places that are closer to Main Street we might have businesses that will be interested.

    It was nice to hear a politician talk with eagerness about his plans. Steve didn’t sound as though he was giving a debate speech but simply speaking enthusiastically about his ideas. Cindy liked that about him. One of my waitresses said something about modernizing the town as well? I hope that doesn’t mean getting rid of any of our historic landmarks. Peach City had several downtown buildings that had been standing for almost a hundred years.

    No, no. Not at all. But we need better roads, better and more cost-effective street lights, and more options for things like internet and cable TV. And there are almost no options when it comes to hotels. People who come to Peach City to visit their relatives have to stay in the next town over. He drummed his fingers on the table as he talked.

    That sounds pretty good, Cindy agreed. I think you just might have a chance at beating Mayor Bob.

    Jimmy came through the kitchen door and put a burger and fries in front of Steve. You people and your dreams. It all sounds nice, but you’d have to kill Bob Chamberlain before you could ever beat him in an election.

    Steve laughed. Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that! I want to win, but not that way. Jimmy disappeared back into the kitchen, and Steve’s face grew serious. Which actually brings up another thing I think is important for Peach City. Our police force is understaffed, and we have an element of crime that’s just way too high for a town this size.

    We do? Cindy was surprised to hear this. She had always thought she lived in a relatively safe place.

    Yeah, we do. It’s not the kind of stuff you expect in bigger cities, like murders and shootings. No, it’s more underground than that. I have reason to believe there are far more drug deals and petty crimes going on than anyone realizes. They don’t get reported in the paper, and nobody talks about them. He straightened up as he polished off his burger. But I didn’t say that.

    Cindy raised an eyebrow. I don’t know. That sounds like the sort of thing people should know about.

    Maybe so, Steve replied as he stirred his puddle of ketchup with his last French fry. But I’m still looking into it. Please, do me a favor and don’t pass any of that along.

    Okay. I won’t. But I’ll be interested to hear about it when you know more. I love this town, and I hope that whatever is going on is something you can fix.

    The easygoing smile that Steve had arrived with had disappeared as he talked about such things, but it returned once again as he stood and picked his plate up off the table. Want me to run this through the sink for you?

    Cindy took it from him with a smile. We can handle it. When he began fishing in his pocket for his wallet, she held her hand out to stop him. It’s on me.

    Chapter Four

    The next day was Sunday, but that didn’t mean it was a day off for Cindy and her crew. Most of their business would come from the after-church crowd, but they still opened early enough for the elderly men who always came in for an omelet and a cup of coffee. There were usually several police officers who come in at the end of the night shift, but they normally don’t get to the café before it’s even opened.

    Cindy gasped as she pulled into the parking lot behind the building and saw numerous squad cars, their lights flashing brightly in the early morning dimness. Red and blue danced off the back of the café. Several uniformed officers were standing near the dumpster. A large van marked Police Assistance Vehicle was just pulling onto the scene.

    Getting out of her car, Cindy tentatively walked up to the crowd.

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