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Sweet Temptations
Sweet Temptations
Sweet Temptations
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Sweet Temptations

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Zachary Cordell searches for his estranged father’s young widow. Certain that Elizabeth Marshall married his father for his money Zac wants revenge.

To escape the notoriety forced on her by the press, Elizabeth wants a quiet lifestyle and escapes to her old home town. When her uncle Max recommends Zac as a handyman, she is nervous about hiring a drifter. She soon begins to trust him and finds herself attracted to Zac. Little does she know his relationship to her late husband, or the sweet temptations which will follow.

Editorial Reviews
"...a gloriously complicated contemporary romance. I loved every minute of Sweet Temptations!" - Sally G. Laturi, Ivy Quill Reviews

"Shocking, yet compelling. Well written... A good read."
- Susan Joynor-Pettigraf, Paper Tiger Reviews

Release dateApr 7, 2018
Sweet Temptations

Joanie MacNeil

Australian romance author Joanie MacNeil writes short contemporary romance novels. All but two of her novels are set in Australia. Two are set in Scotland and her dream is to visit there again.She loves to travel with her own romantic hero, recently visiting Tunisia, Istanbul, Croatia, Venice, Mykonos, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and also cruising the Mediterranean. The most recent adventure involved taking the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth, then driving across Australia from west coast to east.When she’s not travelling, or involved in writing-related activities, Joanie enjoys going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and spending time with her three lively little grandsons.To find out more about Joanie's books, click this link to go directly to her website:

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    Book preview

    Sweet Temptations - Joanie MacNeil

    Sweet Temptations

    By Joanie MacNeil

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 978-0-2286-0225-5

    Kindle 978-0-2286-0226-2

    PDF 978-0-2286-0227-9

    Print ISBN 978-0-2286-0228-6

    Amazon Print ISBN 978-0-2286-0229-3

    Copyright 2018 by Joan Wright

    Cover art by Michelle Lee

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book

    Chapter One

    Their gazes locked. Indifferent, Elizabeth looked away. Another drifter. He wasn’t the first she’d seen slide down from the cabin of a semi in the main street of Cobargo, New South Wales. She assumed he, like all the others, was headed to the coast to look for work on the fishing trawlers or perhaps one of the local dairy farms.

    Only this man looked like he’d seen better days. The expression on his face spoke of discomfort, even pain. The man reached to retrieve his navy duffel bag from the front seat, and waved his thanks to the driver of the huge rig. He slammed the door and turned around, his gaze settling on her as she walked towards him on her way down the street.

    The hiss of air brakes and groan of metal echoed in her ears as the semi pulled away. Daring another glance at the stranger, she shivered beneath his dusky gaze.

    Though this man was a stranger, something about him unnerved her. Was it his disheveled appearance? His expression? His dark and dangerous eyes watched her every move. The look he gave her lacked the male admiration she’d become accustomed to. Was it animosity? Disdain? No, not quite. But the way he looked at her caused an uncharacteristic fluttering in her stomach. She couldn’t understand it.

    Dismissing the feeling as quickly as it had come, she continued on her way down the hill, past the craft and specialty shops that contributed to Cobargo’s nineteenth century charm.

    A sense of well-being swept over her as she surveyed her surroundings. Finally the pieces of her shattered life were falling into place. It had been a good move to come home. Here she felt safe, away from the press and the nosy, social gossips who thrived on every lie they read. The glamor and excitement she’d craved as a teenager had prompted her to move to the city. A country girl, wanting to make a better life for herself, to avoid being trapped in a nothing life like her mother’s. But Melbourne held nothing for her now, not since Stuart’s death. She was glad to be back in the safe familiarity of this village.

    Uncle Max. She lowered one bag to the ground and waved when she saw him approaching.

    Sorry I’m late, love. Max took the shopping bags in one hand and gave her a peck on the cheek. I got caught up at the bank.

    Don’t worry, Max. I’ve just finished my own shopping. No need to feel guilty.

    Max rested his free arm loosely around her shoulders as they walked a little further down the street to the old station wagon.

    When are you going to get yourself another car, my girl? This one’s almost falling apart.

    Not for a while yet. The little bit of money I’d saved went into setting up Sweet Temptations and there are still the repairs on the cabin to finish. One thing at a time.

    Yep, I suppose you’re right, Lizzie love.

    She grinned. Her uncle was the only one she’d tolerate shortening her name. Even Stuart hadn’t done that.

    Do we still have time to get something to eat before you head back to that lonely cabin of yours?

    She glanced at her watch then looked towards the sky. Dark clouds loomed ominously from the south. Just a quick bite. I’d like to get home and get this lot unpacked before that storm moves in. She nodded towards the bags of groceries now resting in the back of her station wagon.

    Let’s go then. Once again, his arm rested lightly around her shoulders and they headed for the hotel at the bottom of the hill.

    * * *

    She was the one. He was sure of it. Zachary Cordell’s gaze narrowed on the petite blonde heading in his direction. The supermarket carry bags in each hand weighed her down, judging by the stooped set of her shoulders.

    Zac frowned. Normally he’d offer assistance, his chivalrous nature getting the better of him. But not this time. This occasion didn’t call for chivalry, at least not from him. And not for her.

    He watched her make her way down the street towards an expensive car parked by the curb. Her car, no doubt, bought with money that wasn’t hers to spend. Figures. Her comfortable lifestyle would soon come to an end. Somehow, he would make sure of it.

    Zac swung the bag over his shoulder and followed.

    After all these months, he couldn’t believe his luck. Perhaps the investigator he’d hired to track her down was worth the money after all. For a while, he’d harbored doubts about that. He took the small faded photograph from his inner jacket pocket. Ahead was the face that matched the glossy image. Now that he’d finally located Elizabeth Marshall, he wasn’t sure exactly what his next move was, let alone how to accomplish it. He shoved the snapshot back in his jacket. Whatever he decided to do, he could not afford to arouse her suspicion.

    Pain throbbed through his leg. His ribs ached. Would the legacy from the car accident ever ease?

    His gaze never left the woman as she walked down the street. She stopped to talk to an older man. Zac frowned. Another prospective victim?

    Quite likely.

    He was surprised when they stopped by a beat up station wagon. She fished the keys from her jacket, unlocked the car, and the man dumped the bags in the back seat. Surely she could afford a better car than that bomb?

    Unless of course, it belonged to the man. But that didn’t seem to fit.

    As they made a beeline for the pub, Zac followed at a safe distance. If he wanted to find out more about her, that seemed the logical step to take. And the thought of a stiff scotch or two was just as good a reason. At least the fiery liquid would help ease his pain.

    He grimaced as he made his way into the pub and ordered a drink from the bar. From his vantage point, he could watch her, undetected, as she and her companion chatted over their meal.

    Your father’s wife, Elizabeth Marshall, inherited everything your father owned, lock, stock and barrel. The taunt, spoken by his father’s pompous lawyer, buzzed around and around in his head.

    The thought of the kind of woman she was, the lengths she’d resort to for money, turned his stomach. Zac placed his glass on the bar and nodded to the barman. He swore that somehow, he would make her pay. Oh yes, somehow Elizabeth Marshall would pay.

    * * *

    Max sipped his beer and watched Elizabeth over the rim of his glass. So what are your plans now? You’re pretty well set up for business, aren’t you?

    Everything is ready to go. I’ve arranged to display my designs in a few of the local craft and specialty shops. She put down her knife and fork. That’s what I’ve been doing today, delivering what I have ready so far.

    A small shiver raced down her back and she glanced around her, startled to see the man from the semi watching her.

    Nervously, she sipped her drink then placed the glass on the coaster on the table. Shrugging off the uneasiness, she turned her attention to Max. What I need now is a handyman to work on the repairs to the cabin. I can’t pay much. Do you know anyone who’s looking for work and knows one end of a hammer from the other?

    Max shrugged. Maybe.

    She scooped up a forkful of food, and paused with it above her plate. I might be able to manage room and board if I have to. There’s the shed out back. It’s not much, though it would provide some warmth and shelter. It needs a bit of a clean to make it more comfy, that’s all.

    She took a bite of food and closed her eyes to savor the rich sweet flavor of baked pumpkin.

    I’ll ask around. Max considered her for a moment. Doesn’t it worry you living out in the bush on your own? It’s pretty lonely.

    You forget I’ve been exposed to city life, Max. That’s more frightening. I enjoy the solitude of living out by the lake. Besides, I trust your judgment.

    Max grinned. I could always help you out.

    She looked at her uncle, noticed the tired lines around his eyes, aware for the first time of the silver in his hair. Suddenly he looked more than his fifty-five years. Wasn’t it only yesterday she’d marveled at how young he looked for his age?

    No Max, she said gently. I appreciate the offer, but you and Mary have enough to do on the farm since the boys moved away. She rested her hand on his forearm. I don’t want to add to your worries. You’ve already done so much.

    We’re family, Lizzie. Families take care of their own. You know, you’re so much like your mother, and not only in looks. You’re as loving and considerate as she was. A sad look crossed his face as he spoke of his younger sister. Stuart was a lucky man to find you.

    Max, it was the other way around. I was the lucky one. Unwilling to encourage discussion about her life with Stuart, she steered her uncle’s thoughts in a more acceptable direction.

    Have you heard from Kevin? What does he think of Army life?

    Max shook his head. That son of mine. He never ceases to amaze me. He’s settled right into the routine of military life. He’ll be home on leave soon.

    Great. I’ll look forward to seeing him. I imagine he hasn’t changed after all this time.

    Max downed the last mouthful of beer. No, I imagine not. Ready to go?

    She nodded, and pushed her plate aside. As she stood and shrugged into her jacket, she glanced up to find the mysterious stranger assessing her, the same dark, brooding expression on his face. She shivered involuntarily at the hard, cold look which swept over her then dragged her gaze away when she felt Max’s protective arm around her shoulders.

    I’ll see what I can do about finding someone to give you a hand with repairs.

    Thanks, I appreciate it.

    Max nodded towards the far end of the bar. There are a couple of blokes over there I haven’t seen for a while. I’d like to catch up with them. And they may know someone who can help you out.

    Go ahead. I can manage from here.

    How soon do you want someone to start work?

    Tomorrow wouldn’t be too soon. She smiled at the expression on her uncle’s face. As soon as possible will be fine.

    All right, I’ll see what I can do. Max hugged her and kissed her cheek. As she left the pub, she imagined a cold hard glare boring into her back.

    * * *

    Zac followed her outside. He watched her climb into the station wagon and drive away. Strange that she hadn’t splurged on a new car. Heaven knows she could afford it.

    He had to get close to her, keep an eye on her, and find out what he wanted to know. Managing that would be difficult without wheels. He cursed, regretting the accident which had written off his own car.

    His thoughts turned to the silver-haired man who was still in the pub. Zac went back inside. The pain in his body hadn’t eased at all. Another shot of pure malt scotch was what he needed.

    * * *

    Sitting before the fire, Elizabeth stretched her legs and wriggled her bare toes in the comforting heat. Picking up her sketch pad and pencil she began outlining designs for her latest range of Sweet Temptations lingerie.

    She hoped to capture her share of the tourist trade which the traditional craft shops attracted to

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