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Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature
Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature
Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature
Ebook129 pages3 hours

Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature

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Escorted by soldiers of Ends, Lashlor sets out to find an old flame, Rune Arcana, the only person who can help to remove the curse placed on the Queen of Ends. Lashlor believes that Rune currently resides in the Mountains of Eclador – a place from which no one has returned in all of recorded history. She could refuse his request. She could be dead. Lashlor and his companions could meet the same fate.

If they do not brave the mountains, however, Queen Narraki will remain in the form of a rabid creature of darkness... forever.

Forever is a long time, and King Lanaran fears the Wizard of Ends will not return. Ignoring Lashlor’s advice not to meddle with the curse, the king employs other magic users to attempt to undo the dark magic.

Release dateOct 23, 2014
Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature

Vanessa Finaughty

Vanessa grew up in Cape Town, and still lives there with her husband of fifteen years, her baby daughter and plenty of furry, four-legged ‘children’. Her passion for the written word started her career as an editor and copywriter, and she part-ran a writers’ critique group for close on seven years. She's been writing ever since she learnt how, has always been an avid reader, and currently lives on coffee and cigarettes. Her interests include reading, photography, the supernatural, life's mysteries and martial arts, of which she has five years’ experience. Review copies of all Vanessa's books are available upon request, and fans are welcome to email her at - she loves to hear any type of feedback and answers all emails personally. *** Please note that Vanessa uses UK spelling and grammar, which is not always the same as US spelling and grammar.

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    Wizard of Ends, Book 2 - Vanessa Finaughty

    Wizard of Ends

    Book 2

    Dark Creature

    Vanessa Finaughty

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Vanessa Finaughty

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Bleak and foreboding, the Mountains of Eclador rose before the group of weary travellers, the darkening orange sky giving them a decidedly evil appearance. A flock of kreag, nasty birds of prey large enough to carry off a full-grown man, circled above the nearest peaks. Lashlor hoped the birds were not hungry. These mountains were cold and heartless, and showed mercy to no man or beast, and the kreag would show the travellers no mercy either if it was to ease their hunger. Exactly what made the mountains so deadly was unknown – it could be a lack of food or shelter in most parts, or the kreag or other vicious mountain animals, or it could be something more sinister. Lashlor just hoped that whatever it was, it wasn’t magical.

    If they returned to exit the narrow canyon they were about to enter, they would be the first in recorded history to survive a trip into these mountains.

    The sorceress they were going to see, Rune Arcana, was capable of seeing him safely home, Lashlor knew. However, he wasn’t so sure she would have the power to see thirty-six men and their horses safely out of the mountains. He supposed it depended on why exactly the mountains were so treacherous. He had told King Lanaran, but the king had refused to let him make the journey alone.

    Then again, Rune might just spell his face rotten, as she had promised she would if she ever saw him again. She, like many others, had accused Lashlor of lying about being a wizard. Even at the vilest of provocations, he had refused to use his magic to prove himself honest. She had told him she would not marry a liar. He had told her he would not marry someone who thought he was a liar. The rest was history. He had checked up on Rune once or twice, not really sure why he bothered, and one of her cousins had told him about a year and a half ago that she had gone to live in the Mountains of Eclador and wanted to be left alone.

    Lashlor’s thoughts turned to the herbs he still had secreted in his belt pouch. These particular herbs were only found in the Land of Ends. He had risked the dangers of the Jeltar Woods at night to get them, so he could return to his place of birth and right a wrong. He had wanted it over and done with, afraid he would lose his nerve and never return. Besides delaying his task, the delay caused by the journey to the Mountains of Eclador meant he would have to gather more herbs, for these would be dried out by the time they got back to Ends.

    Lashlor was jolted from his reflections when Captain Amkesh, who rode a black stallion near the front, came to a stop. The captain turned his horse and drew up alongside Lashlor’s steed, a silver-grey mare.

    Are you sure about this? Captain Amkesh frowned. This place gives me the chills.

    The chill in the air is only nature. Night will be upon us soon.

    Amkesh nodded, still frowning. Maybe we should camp here for the night.

    There are still two hours of daylight, Lashlor said. Two hours could mean the difference between life and death for Queen Narraki.

    Amkesh sighed. You’re right, of course. His back straightened and he ordered, Move on!


    King Lanaran took a sip from his wine glass, then picked up his fork again and played with his food.

    Sitting opposite Lanaran at the dining table, the broad-shouldered King Axim Winguard of Storher fixed sea green eyes on him. "I understand why you have no appetite, old friend, but you must force yourself to eat. You need your strength. Narraki needs your strength."

    Lanaran glared at his plate. Maybe I will regain some of my appetite if Iaracella Tinletor’s pending execution draws out Thorona, as you suggested it might.

    The family’s previous actions suggest that is exactly what will happen. Thorona will most certainly attempt to rescue her grandmother. Since the execution is first thing in the morning, expect some trouble tonight. Axim grinned and raised his wine glass.

    His friend’s usually infectious grin stirred no mirth in Lanaran now. Yet still, it will not undo the curse on Narraki.

    From what I’ve heard, your wizard will accomplish that.

    He says he cannot.

    Axim swallowed a piece of steak. He also said Assassa would kill him.

    Hope sparked in Lanaran. He did, didn’t he?

    And if he truly believed he could not help, Axim pointed out, he would not have risked journeying to the Mountains of Eclador.

    Some of the weight lifted from Lanaran’s shoulders. Yes, you’re right, of course.

    The old woman is well guarded?

    Lanaran nodded. Triple the usual guards, plus more outside and patrolling the grounds.

    What about the roof?

    Also teeming with guards.

    Eat, Lanaran, eat! Axim bellowed, slapping the table and startling Lanaran into dropping his fork on the floor.

    A servant hastened to pick it up, then turned to leave.

    Don’t bother with a new one. Lanaran pushed back his plate. And take this while you’re at it.

    The servant moved to comply, but Axim said, Off with you, boy! Fetch that fork.

    To Lanaran’s annoyance, his servant obeyed his friend’s orders over his. Count yourself lucky you’ve done me the favour of allowing my men to traipse through your kingdom to reach the Mountains of Eclador.

    Axim chuckled. You asked me here to help you, but you did not specify how. You must eat or the sorceress has won regardless. You must eat, because, if you die of starvation, once Narraki is herself again, she will be all alone and filled with grief, and she might even hate you.

    Lanaran smiled. Narraki is incapable of hatred.

    And perhaps that is why, even as a beyeni, she did not try to harm you.

    She was going to lick me. That would have-

    Killed you? Axim asked. Yes, yes, but did she know that or was she merely being affectionate? Besides, you don’t really know that she was going to lick you; that’s just an assumption.

    The servant returned with a clean fork, and Lanaran thanked him, then pulled his plate back towards him, speared a carrot and raised it to his lips.

    Axim took another sip of wine. I was thinking, after the execution tomorrow, you and I should help the magic users search for information about undoing curses in the Great Library. The more people looking, the more chance we have of finding something in time.

    I thought you said my wizard would handle that? Lanaran asked, his tone more sarcastic than he’d intended.

    I have faith in him, but…

    Lanaran sighed. But no one has ever returned from the Mountains of Eclador.


    The gloom thickened the further into the canyon Lashlor and the others rode, the steep walls blocking out most of what was left of the sunlight. Lashlor rode ahead with Captain Amkesh, scanning the skies every now and then for signs of kreag. It was said there had once been a map of the Mountains of Eclador, but, if it had existed, it had been lost so long ago that most people believed it to be a myth. The captain had forbidden everyone from unnecessary talking, so they would have a better chance of hearing if anything stalked them, hoping for an easy meal. It concerned him that the canyon formed a natural trap and there may be no escape if they were caught unawares.

    Tell me again how you will find this sorceress.

    Lashlor ran a hand through his shoulder-length brown hair. "I won’t lie you to. It won’t be easy. I will need to stop often and try to sense her aura trail. I felt it as we entered the canyon, so I can say for certain that she did, indeed, come this way. I did not sense her exiting, so she must still be here

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