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Sleuth, LLC: Bring Out Your Dead (an Avondale Story)
Sleuth, LLC: Bring Out Your Dead (an Avondale Story)
Sleuth, LLC: Bring Out Your Dead (an Avondale Story)
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Sleuth, LLC: Bring Out Your Dead (an Avondale Story)

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Telepathic private investigator Quentin Q. Quasar and his partner Nate Braddock are back. They accidentally stumble on a series of kidnapping/murders, and begin to investigate. Eventually, the kidnappers snatch a young man from an Interstate rest area, and Quentin and Nate hear his telepathic cry for help. Armed with that information, they contact their friend George Martin at the sheriff’s office, and manage to catch the kidnappers before they’ve killed the victim. The intended victim was on his way to Orlando to join his boyfriend—also a telepath—who’d recently moved there to take a job.
Meanwhile, Nate’s grandparents fly into Jacksonville from Chattanooga, so Quentin and Nate can drive them to a hospital in Ocala. Nate’s mother has been in a state prison for women located near Ocala, and has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. At the end of a series of hospital visits they encounter and capture the leader of the cult that Nate’s mother and stepfather belonged to. The cult leader and his wife, both of whom had jumped bail before their trials, had just administered poison to Nate’s mother, to keep her from making any sort of deathbed confession about the cult and its activities.

Release dateOct 11, 2014
Sleuth, LLC: Bring Out Your Dead (an Avondale Story)


Etienne lives in central Florida, very near the hamlet in which he grew up. He always wanted to write but didn't find his muse until a few years ago, when he started posting stories online. These days he spends most of his time battling with her, as she is a capricious bitch who, when she isn't hiding from him, often rides him mercilessly, digging her spurs into his sides and forcing the flow of words from a trickle to a flood.

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    Sleuth, LLC - Etienne

    Copyright © 2014, 2020 by Etienne

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Wherever possible, the syntax and spelling in this book follows guidelines set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition, and in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.

    Cover Art © 2014, 2020 by Gerald Lopez


    My special thanks go to the following:

    To my partner of twenty plus years, for his helpful comments and suggestions.

    To Beta readers: Brandi, Joyce, Johanna, Murphy, Rich, and anyone else whose name might have gotten away from me (blame it on a senior moment, if you will), for their comments, and often extremely helpful suggestions.

    And to my long-suffering editor Jim Kennedy, who helps me navigate through the treacherous shoals of commas, semi-colons, and other dangerous punctuation marks.


    This book is dedicated to my Beta readers, without whom, my books would be full of errors and inconsistencies.

    Their helpful hints and insights go a long way toward making my books what they are, and their suggestions are deeply appreciated.

    Thank you, one and all, from the bottom of my heart.

    Author’s Notes

    Many people have written to inquire if the places described in the Avondale stories are real, and I'm happy to say that most of them are. Avondale is a very real neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida, situated between Roosevelt Boulevard (US-17) and the St. Johns River. It is bounded on the northeast by McDuff Avenue which separates it from the neighborhood known as Riverside, and on the southwest by Fishweir Creek.

    After the great fire of 1901 leveled much of downtown Jacksonville, destroying over two thousand buildings and leaving nearly ten thousand people homeless, the Springfield neighborhood immediately north of downtown was developed. Then the city began to move west and south along the St. Johns River, and first Riverside then Avondale were born. Said to be the first planned community in Florida, Avondale was developed in the nineteen twenties.

    The restaurants frequented by our guys are very real, and pretty much as described in the stories:

    The Derby House, sometimes referred to as Gorgi’s Derby House was a popular restaurant for several decades, until it closed circa 2011, give or take a year or so. It was the kind of neighborhood hangout where people seated themselves. After its closure, the building was remodeled, enlarged a bit, and a new restaurant emerged, known as The Derby on Park.

    Biscottis, which opened in the fall of 1993, is a very popular restaurant located in the Avondale shopping area.

    The Pizza Italian in Five Points, was opened by a Greek immigrant in the spring of 1976, and he dished out good pizza, wonderful lasagna, and the best meatball subs in town for just over forty-one years. Sadly, the restaurant closed in 2017, due to the owner’s age and health problems.

    Richard's Sandwich Shop in Five Points, for more than three decades offered the best Camel Riders* in town. After more than thirty years in business, the owner sold the property and retired in 2016.

    The Goal Post Sandwich Shop is located across the street from the complex that houses The Loop, and has been a fixture in the neighborhood for a very long time.

    The Cool Moose Café has been serving breakfast and lunch to neighborhood residents for some twenty years.

    The Loop Pizza Grill, home of the best grilled chicken sandwich in town and locally referred to simply as The Loop, began in Jacksonville in the late eighties, and has grown to several locations around town. The Avondale location, situated on Fishweir Creek, was popular for its deck, where one could sit and watch sea birds foraging in the tidal estuary while eating. Unfortunately, the entire complex was razed by developers in 2017, and replaced by apartments. The Loop moved to another location nearby, but that location, sadly, lacks a deck on the water.

    *THE TERM Camel Rider might sound like a pejorative to some in today's politically correct society, but in Jacksonville—which has one of the largest Middle Eastern communities on the East Coast—it's the name of a sandwich offered at the numerous sandwich shops around town operated by people whose ancestors fled the economic decline and religious persecution of the Ottoman Empire. Predominately Christian, they came from Syria, Lebanon, and other parts of the Middle East and settled in Jacksonville during the early twentieth century and shortly before.

    All of the sandwich shops offer sandwiches in a pocket of pita bread, and these sandwiches are called riders. The Camel Rider is a pita pocket stuffed with lettuce, slices of tomato, cheese, and cold cuts, with a bit of mustard and a dash of olive oil. The camel rider is a very simple, but amazingly satisfying sandwich.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    About the author

    Contact the author

    Other books by Etienne

    Sleuth, LLC:

    Bring Out Your Dead

    (an Avondale Story)

    Revised edition


    Chapter 1

    Maggie Valley, NC

    early morning

    THEY’D SLEPT WITH the windows open the previous night, enjoying the sound of the small stream behind their cabin rushing over the rocks and down toward the valley below. Quentin had awakened first, used the bathroom, then returned to the bed to wake his partner up in the most pleasant way possible. Afterward, they lay back on the pillows listening to the stream.

    It’s so good to get away for a few days, Quentin said.

    That’s true, and I’m glad we were able to do it together, Nate said.

    You know I wouldn’t have come up here without you, babe.

    I wouldn’t have minded, Nate said. Belay that, of course I wouldn’t have enjoyed staying behind, but you worked twelve- and fourteen-hour days on that big case for how many weeks?

    More weeks than I care to think about, but I was extremely well-paid for it.

    Anyhow, you needed a rest, and if it had to be without me along, I’d have dealt with it.

    You dealt with it by locating a well-qualified substitute teacher to take your place for a few days, Quentin said. Have I told you how proud I am of you for completing your Master’s and your Doctorate in record time?

    Several times, Q, but I enjoy hearing it. It was a ton of work, but it was well worth it.

    And now, you’re teaching a couple of Advanced Placement courses at the best high school in Duval County, Quentin said.

    And loving it, Nate said, don’t leave out the best part—the fact that I’m only teaching the two courses—that gives me a great deal of free time, time I can use helping you.

    That, too. Meanwhile, I’m hungry.

    We haven’t been to Joey’s Pancake House this trip, Nate said.

    That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day, Quentin said.

    Fool. The day just started.

    It was still a true statement. Shall we shower together?

    I’ll wait for you, Nate said. You know what usually happens when we get in the shower together.


    You’re the one who says he’s hungry, Nate said.

    That’s true. Give me a few minutes, and the bathroom’s all yours.

    Thirty minutes later, they were in Nate’s car and on their way to the popular restaurant. At the restaurant, they had a brief wait before the hostess led them to a table. As they walked by one seating area, both men turned when they heard their names called.

    They saw Noah Webster standing beside a nearby table waving at them. Quentin, Nate, over here.

    The hostess led them to the table where their friends Tom and Noah were sitting with another couple, whom they didn’t know. Tom invited them to join his party, and the hostess was asked to find a table that could accommodate all six men. She led them to a round table that was waiting to be bussed.

    While they stood beside the table, waiting for it to be cleared, Tom said, Marco and Dani, meet two friends of ours from Jacksonville, Quentin Quasar and Nate Braddock. Quentin, Nate, this is Dr. Marco d’Argenzio and Dr. Danilo Rosati—they’re the guys we’ve told you about, who live in the Duchy of Aragoni in the Alps.

    Hands were shaken as Quentin and Nate were introduced to Marco d’Argenzio and Danilo Rosati. They settled at the table, and Tom continued the introductions. Quentin is a private detective, and Nate teaches at Episcopal High School, but I think he spends a lot of time helping Quentin as well.

    {Nate, remember Tom telling us about these guys?} Quentin sent telepathically. {Marco’s father is the Duke of Aragoni.}

    {Yeah, I remember. Fancy meeting them here in Maggie Valley.}

    What brings you guys to Maggie Valley? Tom said to Quentin and Nate.

    I’ve spent the last six weeks working twelve and fourteen hour days on a big case, Quentin said, and I needed a break.

    And I lucked out with a great substitute teacher, so here we are, Nate said.

    The six men visited until their breakfasts had been served, then the conversation died down, as they ate.

    {Quentin and Nate, did you realize that you guys are broadcasting your thoughts all over the place?}

    Quentin and Nate looked up from their plates with startled expressions.

    {Who’s that?} Quentin sent.

    {Marco and Dani, of course. We need to talk with you guys when Tom and Noah aren’t around. Any ideas?}

    {Not right now,} Quentin sent.

    {Wait a minute,} Dani sent. {They have to go into Asheville for choir practice tonight, remember, Marco? Maybe we could find a reason to get together with Quentin and Nate then. What about it, guys?}

    {That’ll work,} Quentin sent. {Give me a minute.}

    Quentin put his fork down, looked at Tom, and said, So, Tom, what are you and Noah doing to entertain your guests?

    Mostly creative loafing 101, Tom said. They have busy schedules back home, as do we. I’m substituting for the organist at All Souls’ Cathedral in Biltmore Village, and Noah and I have to go over there this evening for choir practice. Marco and Dani are going to hang around the cabin and amuse themselves while we’re gone.

    I’ve got a better idea, Quentin said. Why don’t you and Noah drop them off at our place when you leave, and we’ll take them to dinner somewhere nice. Afterward, we can go back to our place for a quiet evening. How about it, guys? He looked pointedly at Marco and Danilo.

    Sure, Marco said.

    Why not? Dani said.

    {See you guys this evening, then,} Marco sent. {Dani and I have a million questions, and I imagine you do as well.}

    {You’ve got that right,} Quentin sent. {… until this evening.}

    They finished their breakfast, and went their separate ways after Tom and Noah agreed on a time to deliver his guests to Quentin and Nate’s cabin. When Quentin and Nate were back at their cabin, they went out to the deck and settled down on chaise lounges to enjoy the weather, and the pleasant sound of water rushing over rocks.

    Imagine that? Nate said.

    Imagine what?

    Meeting another couple like us.

    Yeah, what are the chances of that? Quentin said.

    Not very likely, that’s for sure. But now that we have, it’ll be an interesting evening, I’m sure.

    Let’s go inside, babe, Quentin said.


    I hear the bed calling, don’t you?

    Now that you mention it.

    Chapter 2

    Maggie Valley, NC

    that evening

    QUENTIN AND NATE were sitting on the deck relaxing and watching for Tom’s car that evening. When they spotted it coming up the driveway, they hurried downstairs, opened the garage door, and walked outside to great the new arrivals.

    As Marco and Dani exited Tom’s Jaguar, Quentin said, Ready to go?

    You bet, Marco said.

    We’ll get them back to your place, Tom, Quentin said.

    Or better yet, you can stop by here for a nightcap, Nate said.

    The latter sounds good, Tom said. See you guys later. The Jag made a quick turn and headed down the driveway.

    Glad you guys could come over, Quentin said.

    I hope you brought appetites, Nate said. We’re going to a great little restaurant in Waynesville.

    Sounds good, Marco said.

    As you might imagine, we’re a little cautious about this, Quentin said. We thought a nice dinner and a bottle of wine might create the right atmosphere for sharing information.

    Makes sense, Marco said. We’re ready when you are.

    That’s your cue to back the car out, Nate, Quentin said.

    Nate backed his Edge SUV out of the garage, and their guests got into the backseat while the garage door was still closing.

    I like the location of your house, Marco said. It’s very private up here.

    Yeah, Quentin said. Not quite as open as Tom and Noah’s place, and very private. I give Nate full marks for spotting the potential of this parcel.

    How long have you guys been together? Dani said.

    Three years, more or less, Quentin said. You?

    Marco and I met when I was eighteen and he was twenty, Dani said. We’ll be celebrating a twenty-fifth anniversary in a year or so.

    Wow! Nate said. That’s a long time to be with one person. A very long time.

    It seems only yesterday, Marco said.

    That was the right thing to say, Dani said.

    The conversation ebbed and flowed as they headed toward Waynesville, where Nate eventually pulled into a parking lot adjacent to a restaurant called The Sweet Onion.

    I assume this is the place, Marco said.

    Yep, Nate said. Great food and atmosphere. We love it.

    The French onion soup is out of this world, Quentin said. And everything on the menu is pretty darn good.

    Over a great meal, they began to get quite comfortable with their guests, and when a second bottle of wine was ordered, they started to exchange more and more personal information. Quentin and Nate learned that Marco and Dani, as they’d asked to be called, hadn’t known they were both telepathic until several years after they’d gotten together.

    You mean that you and Marco were together that long before you revealed what you can do? Nate said, somewhat incredulously.

    Yeah, Dani said. It turns out, we’d both kept that part of ourselves bottled up so tightly that it just didn’t want to come out.

    Until we finally came to the realization that we were the real thing, and there was no need to hold anything back, Marco said.

    And in all that time, you’ve never encountered anybody else with this ability? Quentin said.

    Not until this morning, Marco said. How about you guys?

    I told you how I rescued Nate from kidnappers after I heard his mental cry for help, right?

    Yes, Marco said.

    "It was a few months later, maybe longer; I don’t remember for sure. Anyway, I was on a case in Savannah and Nate was back home in Jacksonville. We’d been playing at getting together in the evening

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