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Are We Really Born In Sin?
Are We Really Born In Sin?
Are We Really Born In Sin?
Ebook57 pages57 minutes

Are We Really Born In Sin?

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The doctrine of being born in sin has been adopted by the Catholic and Protestant churchs for centuries. But, why would a loving God send a newborn infant to the world with the handicap of being born in sin? There are many verses which are used to support this doctrine, but there are also other verses in God's Word which seem to be in conflict with it. If Jesus was born in every way as we are, then if we are born in sin, wouldn't Jesus also have had to be born in sin? If He had been, then He wouldn't have been able to become the Perfect Sacrifice for our sins. How can these two facts be reconcilled? The Bible truly says that 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God', but it also clearly says that Jesus never sinned. This book is an attempt to examine scriptures on both sides of the issue, and to see where it leads us. Let's go on an adventure in God's Word!

PublisherMark Schmidt
Release dateFeb 26, 2011
Are We Really Born In Sin?

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    Book preview

    Are We Really Born In Sin? - Mark Schmidt

    Are We Really Born In Sin?

    Copyright 2011 by Mark L. Schmidt

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

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    The purpose for this book is to examine the long held belief that all people are born in a state of sin. This belief has pervaded the Catholic and Protestant denominations for centuries. This book attempts to examine this belief in the light of the Bible scriptures. Is it true? Is there a problem with believing this? Why does it matter? Do we really believe that we can do the things that Jesus did while he was living here on the earth? Let’s go on an adventure together through the Bible, shall we?

    The photo used on the cover has been used without permission.

    All scriptures used in this book are the King James Version.

    Table of Contents:

    In the Beginning

    The Basis for this Belief

    Sin Nature

    The Case Concerning Jesus

    The Writer Of Romans

    Born Again



    Under The Law

    What Have We Learned?

    Chapter 1

    In the Beginning

    Throughout our lives, it is interesting, even fascinating to contemplate where we came from, and where we are going. Are we here by accident? Is there a purpose to our existence? Many have offered explanations to these questions. Books are written to explain the origins of the universe. Some people think that we are here purely by accident; that we are a freak occurrence of nature. Others believe that we are here for a purpose, and that we have also a specific reason for our existence.

    Among the books written to explain where we came from, and how we came into existence is one that stands apart from every other book written. It is the Bible. This book is the best seller of all time. It was written in two languages, Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament). It has been translated into languages the world over, and is the only book where its author says to ‘test Me’ to see if what is written is true. It is the only book in history to predict the future, and be accurate 100 percent of the time. It also predicts events that have yet to happen. It is, at the very least, a book that should be investigated in our search to find our origins, and the purpose of our existence.

    And yet many may say that it has lost its original meaning during re-translations. But if there is truly a Creator, and He has a purpose for our lives, it would be His purpose and intent to make sure that we can find what He wants us to know about Him, our universe, and ourselves. This is especially true if He has a plan for our lives, and wants us to know what it is. If it is a book from our Creator, then it is truly God’s word to us.

    On this basis, therefore, let us begin an adventure in the texts of the Bible, to find the answer to one of the most puzzling questions that people who have read it want to know.

    The question is: Are we really born in sin? This question has been taught as doctrine in both the Catholic and Protestant churches for perhaps centuries. The doctrine that we are all born in sin seems to pervade every denomination. And yet, the church also teaches that Jesus Christ was not born in sin. What does the Bible say about these things? Let’s find out!

    If the Bible is truly written to us by God, then it would follow that we must always base our beliefs in what is taught in the Bible. We must know what we believe and where it is written. We shouldn’t depend upon the opinions of others on which to base our beliefs. They must be built on the solid foundation of the word of God.

    "Matthew 7:24-25 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock."

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