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Dakeb Return of the Fullbloods: Dakeb Dragon Warrior Trilogy, #3
Dakeb Return of the Fullbloods: Dakeb Dragon Warrior Trilogy, #3
Dakeb Return of the Fullbloods: Dakeb Dragon Warrior Trilogy, #3
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Dakeb Return of the Fullbloods: Dakeb Dragon Warrior Trilogy, #3

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About this ebook

This is the epic finale to the Dakeb - Dragon Warrior Trilogy. In this episode you will revisit characters you have come to know and love. You will also meet new ones that will bring with them love, hope and war. Step into the magical realm of dragons, and the warriors who ride them. Warlords who want revenge. Witches that try to keep the balance righteous, in the Return of the Fullbloods.

Release dateDec 18, 2015
Dakeb Return of the Fullbloods: Dakeb Dragon Warrior Trilogy, #3

J. Thiele

J. Thiele lives in Brisbane, Australia. She writes in a variety of genres, ranging from paranormal romance, old fashioned who did it – Detective novels and most recently has broadened her scope with the addition of writing horror. She finds writing therapeutic and centring which tends to balance out her energetic personality, and the occasional bout of insomnia. Although she has realised that writing horror at night can raise your blood pressure when you see a movement out of the corner of the eye. It’s all too easy to scare oneself half to death.

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    Book preview

    Dakeb Return of the Fullbloods - J. Thiele

    Chapter 1

    Chequwah lifted his nose to the air and inhaled deeply. He sensed something strange yet at the same time familiar had entered his domain. The smell of fresh blood filled his nostrils and the colour of his eyes shimmered with emerald green. As a human, his speed was only average, aware he needed to get to the source of the intrusion before something else decided to make a meal of whatever or whoever it was. With disregard for his own safety he would see to the disrespectful being which had the nerve to enter his territory without his permission.

    He crouched down close to the ground and in seconds his black flesh had transformed into the silky fur of a panther and his hands were suddenly large paws leaping forward into the direction of the scent. He moved swiftly yet silently; unsure of what he would find when he finally reached the source of his curiosity.

    As he came to a clearing, he could hear the snarls of the neighbouring pack of hyenas, who were circling a woman's carcass which lay lifeless on a large rock. His ferocious roar was enough to ward them off, reminding them that the body was in his territory, therefore it was he who would take possession of it. Reluctantly they scurried off to the safety of their own land, knowing that even outnumbered, the mighty Black Panther could easily dominate all five of them, and turn them into a smorgasbord of his own.

    Cautiously he approached the still body of the female. Although she'd lost a lot of blood from the injury to her stomach, and her breathing was shallow, her heart retained a strong beat.

    With no clue of who the she was, but intrigued by her beauty. Chequwah shifted back into his human form, then carefully lifted the stranger into his arms and carried her back into his jungle.

    For three days and three nights Chequwah packed her wounds with herbs and mud poultices, but the woman continued to lay unconscious except for the shallow rise and fall of her chest to indicate she was at least still breathing.

    Dakeb had returned to his mountain and proceeded to rebuild his relationship with his fellow countrymen. Linus had also returned to his own kingdom, and life slowly went back to normal.

    She's dead right? Mahalia asked one night as they both lay awake under the stars unable to fall asleep.

    I watched her go over the cliff with my own eyes my beloved. Dakeb assured her. No one could have survived that fall, and Alkia's blade went straight through her, it would be impossible for her to have lived. However without seeing her body or having her head as a trophy, Dakeb was even having trouble convincing himself that Magenta was actually dead.

    The following morning he decided it was time to train Rufaar's daughter in the art of combat. Mahalia tried to tell him she was still too young, but Dakeb remained defiant. She is the reason her father is dead! If not for her, Magenta's head would be mounted outside the castle as we speak. Avitus is the last of her line, she must learn to defend herself.

    In her heart, Mahalia knew he was right, but she wouldn’t be persuaded that it was for the right reasons. She could sense Dakeb was hiding something from her, but wasn't sure what it was.

    Many months had passed and Dakeb’s restlessness persisted. He called upon his new friend Ormaar to meet him in secret at the mouth of the once hidden cave.

    Ormaar agreed and was waiting for him as the sun reached the highest peak. Dakeb appeared from the brush, looking over his shoulder to ensure he had not been followed.

    What is it warrior? Ormaar asked. What is it that has you wound so tight?

    Dakeb looked deep into Ormaar's crystal blue eyes, Can you hear me Ormaar? he asked in silence using telepathy to communicate.

    Yes, but why is it that do you not speak with your tongue. she asked?

    I do not wish for my words to reach the ears of anyone’s but yours. he replied.

    As you wish. Ormaar responded. What is it you need from me?

    I wish to return to the canyon, the one the black dragon fell into. Will you take me there?

    What is there for you to find warrior? The dragon fell into her own oblivion, there is nothing for you to see now. 

    I fear we were premature in announcing her death. I'm concerned she may still be alive.

    Ormaar's eyes turned red at the thought of the monsters heart continuing to beat. We all saw her fall warrior. The blade pierced her body, how could this be? she asked.

    I'm bewildered for an answer, but I'm certain she calls out to Avitus when the girl sleeps. I hear her screams and I know in my heart that her mind is tormented.

    Ormaar paused before agreeing to carry Dakeb deep into the valley that lay hidden under a blanket of fog. She too needed to be reassured that the dragon had met her fate.

    The following morning Dakeb met Ormaar at the ledge that he usually sat on to survey his mountain. He'd told Mahalia that he would be gone for four nights, looking for new traders to bargain with. She was not convinced he was being truthful, but had no choice but to watch in silence as he climbed onto Ormaar's shoulders and flew off into the distance leaving her behind with their offspring.

    They flew above the clouds all day, only briefly stopping from time to time for Ormaar to rest her wings. By nightfall they had reached the mouth of the valley.  Dakeb decided it was too dangerous for them to venture into its depths in the dark. The mist that blanketed it made it impossible to judge how deep it was, along with what lay beneath it. He built a fire and he and Ormaar camped on the cliffs edge for the night.

    Ormaar was exhausted and needed to rest. Neither of them knew what they would find at the bottom of the canyon, but somehow they both sensed it would not be the remains of the black dragon.

    The sun was beginning to peer over the mountain peaks that stood tall on the other side of the gorge, flocks of tropical birds soared upwards through the thick mist that covered the valley squawking as they met the sun’s rays. Dakeb sat on a boulder sharpening his sword while Ormaar stretched her wings and flexed her muscular limbs. She had never shifted in the presence of a human, in fact Dakeb was unsure if she even knew how. Although he was curious, he dared not question, her right to do so only if and when she chose to.

    Breakfast consisted of an unfortunate wilder-beast which had strayed

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