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Dragon's Reclaim: The Book of Tremor: Part Two
Dragon's Reclaim: The Book of Tremor: Part Two
Dragon's Reclaim: The Book of Tremor: Part Two
Ebook173 pages2 hours

Dragon's Reclaim: The Book of Tremor: Part Two

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About this ebook

North and the West have struggled to reconcile since the murder of Queen Serafin, the
young king continues in his late father’s footsteps keeping Colltalios free from dangers, and as
the years passed by peace has prevailed, despite the mounting tension between the young king
and the new leader of the North.
Maintaining control of the realms soon becomes much more difficult, strange events in far
northern sectors prompt the king the try and form an allegiance with the would be defectors, but
it won't be as simple as that.
The problems in Colltalios are only just beginning, a discovery of great magnitude could be
about to change Colltalios forever, can the realms unite and put aside their differences before it
is too late?

PublisherSteven Smith
Release dateOct 22, 2017
Dragon's Reclaim: The Book of Tremor: Part Two

Steven Smith

I was raised in the Northern California town of Chico. I am the oldest of four boys raised in an intact two parent home. My youth was fairly typical except for my twisted sense of humor and inability to stay out of trouble.

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    Book preview

    Dragon's Reclaim - Steven Smith


    The Book of Tremor


    Part Two

    Written by Steven Smith

    Written in the United Kingdom

    Copyright © 2017 by Steven Smith

    Part One of the Series is Available worldwide via Amazon.
















    Chapter 9 – Way up in the dark

    Chapter 10 – Thief

    Chapter 11 – Northern flames

    Chapter 12 – Unite

    Chapter 13 – The druid's promise

    Chapter 14 – Pivot

    Chapter 15 – Uprising : First act

    Chapter 16 – Uprising : Second act

    Chapter 17 - The Final Act




    The North and the West have struggled to reconcile since the murder of Queen Serafin, the young king continues in his late father’s footsteps keeping Colltalios free from dangers, and as the years passed by peace has prevailed, despite the mounting tension between the young king and the new leader of the North.

    Maintaining control of the realms soon becomes much more difficult, strange events in far northern sectors prompt the king the try and form an allegiance with the would-be defectors, but it won't be as simple as that.

    The problems in Colltalios are only just beginning, a discovery of great magnitude could be about to change Colltalios forever, can the realms unite and put aside their differences before it is too late?

    "Only ruthless kings

    and dragons

    will ever rule these lands."

    Jodfelli Bolsaveir

    Chapter 9 - Way up in the Dark

    The 1st of Okbioth in the Year 820.

    Charlie had been walking most of the morning since leaving home in search of his father, he made his way from Solchase and up into the Dark Mountains. This was the fastest possible route to the southern docks, he knew it was possible to reach his destination before the sun went down; staying up in the Dark Mountains at night though was not an option. The pathways were always quiet, now and again large horse drawn carts would make their way over the mountain's, but most traders knew that the roads down into the docks were unsuitable for wagons and carts, so almost all tradesmen took the long way around through Deep Vale to reach those docks.

    Charlie was making good progress and had now reached the small orchard at the summit of the mountains; he climbed a large tree and grabbed half a dozen juicy green apples, stuffing them individually into his pockets and knapsack. He sat in the tree staring out across the valley that leads down into the docks; the sun had painted the sky with subtle pinks and oranges. It was a glorious afternoon and Charlie couldn't have been happier. In the distance though he could see a small convoy heading up from the path that Charlie had not long walked. He lay across a large branch and kept himself hidden as he waited to see who it was.

    A group of men and women made their way towards the orchard, they were soldiers of an army but Charlie did not recognise their armour, behind them were two men leading two horses that were pulling a large long cart which seemed to be a wooden cage with thick bars. Inside were two women, both seemed dishevelled and wore tatty dirty tunics. The lady at the front of the convoy wore a golden pointy helmet with red feathers, her armour glistened in the sun and she was clearly the leader of this convoy. The leader stopped in her tracks and shouted back to the following soldiers, Charlie couldn't make out what she was saying but it seemed the group were stopping to rest. The men led the horses and the wheeled cage beneath the tree in which Charlie was hiding, the horses were detached and tethered to the tree, they then walked over to the rest of the group as everyone sat down and began to talk between themselves.

    Charlie looked down through the leaves and branches, one of the girls was sleeping while the other sat with her fingers interlocked in front of her legs, the girl seemed agitated and her eyes seemed to dart around looking maybe to escape from the cage. Charlie slowly shimmied along the branch to get a better view of the relaxed group of soldiers, a slight rustle of leaves had suddenly alerted the imprisoned girl, Charlie looked down and locked eyes with the girl, the boy gasped and stared back at the girl, after a few moments she raised her finger to her lips. Shhhhh. she was as quiet as she could be as she instructed the boy to also remain silent. The girl quickly pointed up and the tree and then pointed to herself. Charlie looked puzzled and signalled that he had no idea what the girl wanted. The girl sighed with frustration and pointed over and over up into the tree. Charlie glanced at the soldiers to make sure they weren't aware of his presence; he then looked at a bunch of apples to his right and then back at the girl. She nodded and pointed back towards her chest in approval. Charlie slowly reached out and pulled an apple from the tree, and then he hovered it over the cage. The girl cupped her hands and smiled nodding again in approval. Charlie glanced once more at the soldiers who were drinking from tankards and eating apples they had picked up from the floor. The coast seemed clear so Charlie dropped the apple, it bounced off the top of the cage and landed above another gap in the bars before falling through, the girl scurried to grab it and instantly chomped down on the juicy fruit. The second prisoner stirred but only grumbled in her sleep before turning over, the girl who received the apple looked up and smiled at the boy giving him a little thankful wink.

    The female leader soon stood up and ushered her soldiers back to their feet, she seemed very impatient and barked orders promoting the soldiers to hurry up. Quickly everyone grabbed their equipment and started to fall into line behind their leader. Suddenly an ear-piercing screech could now be heard; it appeared to come from high in the sky above the open sea ahead, the clouds had turned black like nightfall. The soldiers readied their weapons; the leader ordered them to spread out as the unknown threat was getting closer. Screeches were heard from the left and then from the right; all the soldiers didn't know which way to turn. The second female prisoner had now woken, confused and dazed she was soon as panic stricken as the other prisoner, both girls now clutched at the wooden bars begging the guards to release them; but no one was listening. Everyone focused intently on the screeching that drifted among the clouds, getting louder and closer.

    Charlie was now holding his breath fearing the sound of his frantic breathing may cause whatever is out there to head into his direction. Do not drop your guard! Not even for a second! screamed the female leader, holding her sword with both hands and angling it towards the sky. Three male soldiers stood around her, with two female soldiers another fifteen feet away, one to the left and one to the right, the two male cart pullers only had daggers and were stood closer to the orchard and were a good thirty foot from the main group. Suddenly the screeching seemed to stop, the wind had dropped and the sky seemed to get a little bit lighter again. Everyone was nervous but nobody said a word, almost everyone except the leader clung to their swords with trembling hands, a few moments past and finally the leader spoke out. Back into line, the docks are at the bottom of this mountain and were running out of time. Nobody sheathed their swords but they cautiously lined up behind their leader, who stood facing them waiting for them to form into position, the horse bearers were trying to re-attach the horses to the cart but they were bolting in a panic state. Well? What are you waiting for? Get the hell back into line or I'll be having your... And with that a large dragon swooped down behind her, knocking the woman flying forwards towards the group. Everyone but the woman had seen this huge shadow approach from behind, but in the few seconds that it took they were unable to warn her.

    Before anyone even had time to help their leader to her feet, a fleet of more dragons flew in from the sides, appearing from seemingly nowhere at speed. Their dark scales gleamed with red speckles and their long black tails made them at least four meters long. Two of the male soldiers were hit from the direction of the orchard and sent flying towards the cliff edge, and were quickly mauled to death as the beasts landed, the third man was grabbed by the shoulders and lifted off the ground and simply dropped over the edge of the cliff screaming as he disappeared. The remaining two female soldiers stood firm with swords and shields aloft, they tried to stay close to their leader as another wave approached, two dragons flew in low and one of the women managed a glancing blow, sending the dragon crashing to the ground behind with a long deep wound across its belly, but before she could steady herself once more another dragon flew from behind pouncing on her back pushing her to the ground, she crashed into the dirt and was then dragged by her legs a few feet down the path before being lifted up and carried away into the skies.

    The leader was now attempting to pick up her sword, and as she looked up the second female soldier was snatched away in front of her. The two men by the cart had fled on horseback down into the town. Cowards! Come back this instant! She cried out, coughing and slowly getting to her feet using her sword to help her stand upright, as she stood she heard the heavy breathing of what could only be one of these dragons, it was close, close enough she could feel its warm breath on the backs of her legs. Clenching her sword tight with both hands her face snarled and she prepared to lunge one hundred and eighty degrees at the beast. But she was nowhere near quick enough, before she could even get her sword a few inches off the ground she was lifted up by her feet and flipped into the air crashing face first back onto the dirt path. She coughed again as the dust clouded around her and quickly reached out to the sword she had dropped, but before she could the dragon grabbed her ankle and dragged her backwards, she clawed at the dirt but it was no use.

    Charlie had witnessed all of this unfold, with his hand over his mouth Charlie knew he had to remain silent, he watched in horror as the leader of the group was slain by the beast. Attentions now turned to the girls imprisoned in the cage as the girl who was previously asleep was now screaming, the other prisoner tried to reason with her and told her to be quiet. But it was too late. One of the dragons who had not yet flown away walked menacingly towards the cage, it was a larger dragon with a huge wingspan, and its overall length was some twenty feet long. Both girls now clambered towards the back of the cage away from the locked door. The beast sniffed at the cage pushing its snout into the narrow gaps. The girl looked up at Charlie; with panic in her eyes she mouthed the words Help Me. Charlie didn't know what to do, the cage was still almost directly below him but even if he got down he couldn’t take the dragon on, nor did he have the keys to the cage. He didn't know how to respond and quietly stammered unable to speak properly. By now only the one dragon

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