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The second in the James and Miceal Series sees our two hero's heading to Rome for a well deserved holiday after the high adventure of taking down the biggest scandal to hit Australian politics in history in their first adventure, the novel Kalgoorlie. It is a time of care-free love and sight seeing in one of the oldest and richest cultural cities on the planet. It is during a site-seeing trip that James and Miceal are hit on by an Italian playboy who invites them to a party that very night. As one of the rich elite, Pipetiano Ferrari's party is of course held in one of the most expensive suites in Rome. At the party James's investigative reporter instincts kick in noticing that most of the party goers are underage. An unplanned meeting with South African Mike van Tonder and Italian beauty Rafaela Bruttomesso shed light on a world of underground human trafficking including pornography, child smuggling and other dark secrets. It is time to reunite the Australian team. Alice, Ceila, General Knowles, Blake as well as John and his 'dark web' hackers come to Rome to help James and Miceal uncover this huge dark world. The adventure takes them across Italy on a cat and mouse chase to bring the baddies to book. It all comes to a head with the head of the Catholic Church, The Pope himself. Twist after twist and roller-coaster after roller-coaster take you on this incredible fast-paced adventure of mystery and intrigue.

Publisherds Eliot
Release dateApr 20, 2018

ds Eliot

d.s. Eliot spent ten years of his life in semi-retirement, building preposterously large structures, teaching himself the art of cheese making. How not to make bad whiskey and gin crafted in the old back yard, before retiring to pursue his true passion: writing fiction.​He released his first novel, Kalgoorlie, in December of 2017. It became the first book in the James and Miceal Series. The plan is to translate the book into 5 languages, and to also develop a screen play for a major motion picture.The second novel, Roma, follows James and Miceal to Rome, where d.s. Eliot holidayed with his late mother and now husband. A wonderful bonding with a hardworking teacher, his mother had lived life in a small town where he was born. Roma was released in March of 2018.​The third in the James and Miceal series, Duras, was released in December 2018. As always d.s. Eliot goes to base, a small village in the south of France that by chance he visited near half his age. It was a cold winter but very much joyous with an infamous castle invasion unbeknown to the owners to this day. It is a hilarious story.James and Miceal don’t let up there and d.s. Eliot follows up with the next of the series Sitges and believe it or not some of the drafts of Nairobi are being penned on the odd break.No matter where he is, or what's going on, he tries his best to set aside time every day to answer emails and messages from readers. You can reach him at:

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    Roma - ds Eliot


    By d.s.Eliot

    Copyright 2017 Glenn John Elliott

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    The ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. The ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This novel uses UK English.


    To my Mom, Jean, who spent a wondrous holiday with us in 2006 to Italy. Our love deepened by measures that cannot quite be described. She passed a while ago and left me with an admonishment, in a leather bound notebook from our journey:

    Jean Senekal



    I miss you.

    I Love YOU

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50


    Other Titles by d.s. Eliot

    About d.s. Eliot

    Connect with d.s. Eliot

    Chapter 1

    Touchdown at Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport, James and Miceal holding hands. Lightly packed not much to collect at baggage collection area. Once collected they enter the arrival hall. It’s a little bewildering, everything is in Italian with occasional English signage. Figuring that the train image means the way to the subway. As they walk, the way is filled with Leonardo da Vinci inventions. Architecturally very powerful a statement, ‘Genius’.

    They find the Rome Metro and the map of the subway. Miceal, This can’t be too difficult my baby. The green line must be to the Termini, the central train station in Rome.

    James, Yes, it looks like it, had we planned a little we would know.

    Miceal, Planning shmanning, what would the adventure be then. Now at least we have no idea where we will be sleeping tonight. It’s all quite thrilling that way. They purchase the one way tickets to the Termini. As non-planned adventures go where do we start? the metro train departs.

    Where do you think we should stay? James ventures.

    Miceal, Well mate, first let’s find an English to Italian dictionary. Let’s stay under the radar. Something neat and clean, a little out of the way. The subway seems okay. Let’s get something to eat. We can explore some options, have a look and then decide.

    Only catching the word ‘Termini" signals their arrival at Roma Termini. It is a modern bustling rail subway. They exit into a city with a three thousand year old history, nestled between seven hills. The welcome brochure tells they are Aventine Hill, Caelian Hill, Capitoline Hill, Esquiline Hill, Palatine Hill, Quirinal Hill and Viminal Hill all snuggled around the Italian capital, which lies on the banks of the Tiber River.

    MacDonald’s. Miceal, Due Big Mac meals per favour? Over the meal they start going through the map and dictionary they just bought at a small vendor store just outside the Termini. First the small dictionary reveals, ciao: Hi. Buongiorno: Good morning. Buonasera: Good evening. Scusami: Excuse me. Most importantly, Parla Inglese: Do you speak English?

    The burgers finished James, We need to decide where to find, what does the dictionary call it, a ‘pensione’.

    Miceal, It says the easiest way to do this is to find an Ufficio Turistico, a tourist information office.

    A cleaning attendant arrives to clean up the remnants of their meal. James, Parla Inglese?

    He beams, Si. I studied English at Oxford. How can I help you?

    James, We are Australian and have embarked on a rather unplanned holiday. We need a place to stay?

    The waiter immediately, Go to ‘Family House,’ or ‘Casa Familia.’ It’s just more than a kilometre from the Coliseum. It’s very good value, clean and quite modern.

    James ventures, Mille grazie.

    The attendant smiles and heads to his next table. Miceal and James set out, buy local sim cards for their mobiles. Getting a taxi is a lot more complex. The taxi driver, Dove va?

    A frantic search through the dictionary, Familia Casa, quanto costa? The answer does not even make sense.

    Promptly they arrive at a black door with the ‘Family House’ logo on the awning. The payment is a little tricky as James believes they are being ripped off. Miceal after a bit of Italian bickering, sees James paying the taxi driver. Miceal, We need to find that room! Miceal starts walking to the black door.

    James finishes getting his change from the taxi driver and as he departs adds, Cagna!

    He strolls over to join Miceal, What did you say to him?

    James, Bitch! I had to look up some words first. I have a few extra insults if you want?

    Miceal, Let’s get that room.

    They enter the reception. A pretty girl behind the desk, Ciao.

    James, Ciao. Parla Inglese? The girl smiles. A room for two with a bathroom.

    Again, she smiles. Her fingers fly across the keyboard, Bene. Fine. Then to James, It will be fifty-five Euros, breakfast is included. She passes James a key card and adds, We do require a deposit of one hundred Euros and your passports." James opens his wallet. Forks out the requested amount with his passport. Miceal also drops his passport on the reception desk.

    The room is not white and spritely but a grey double bed dive. They settle in. Order in something to eat and wait for the jetlag to pass, a slumber and some sleep.

    Chapter 2

    A marathon nap and they are up. Shit, showered and shaved, the duo head for the rather meagre eating lounge for breakfast. James, Let’s do Trevi Fountain first. Please! My gran always said, ‘Now that’s the place to be.’

    Miceal, Sure, lets hit it. Plates empty and full they go straight to reception, to a reasonably hot looking boy at reception.

    James, Ciao!

    The receptionist looks up, Yes, we do speak Inglese in Italy.

    Miceal, How do we get to Trevi Fountain?

    The phone rings, Una momento. He answers. Pronto. A few seconds later, Si. He ends the call and redials another number. Alberto, vorrei un taxi per favore. Then to James and Miceal, The taxi will be here in about three minutes, you can wait on the curb. As told they head to the curb with a small backpack with their mobiles, camera and a few odds and ends.

    It is at least ten minutes before Alberto arrives, with great fanfare and a kiss on each cheek. Dove va?

    James is much better adept at new languages, "Trevi Fountain, per favore.

    Alberto, Andiamo! Let’s go!" He smiles.

    The trip is brief, but for the blearing constant hooting. Can these people drive, Miceal thinks out aloud.

    The driver at two blocks out from Trevi, Best you get out here. It is much cheaper besides I am an Aussie supporter. James pays, and they start the short walk to Trevi Fountain.

    Fontana di Trevi is utterly exquisite. Building of the fountain was started in 1732 but the architect, Nicola Salvi, died and the baroque building was only finished in 1762. James relates all of this to Miceal as they take in the view. They take several pictures with their mobile phones and a couple of selfies. The camera technology on the mobile phone, at ten mega pixels returns really great quality images. James is all over the place regurgitation information and facts. James, The famous La Dolce Vita movie by Federico Fellini with the unbelievable scene in Trevi, was shot here. That happening before we were born in 1960. He proclaims. Very chuffed, "Here is an Australian dollar coin. Put it in your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder into the fountain.

    Miceal, Are you mad?

    James, No. It is a well observed tradition. Just do it. Don’t be such a party pooper. I am going to do the same. They take their Australian dollar coins in their right hands and throw the coins over the left shoulder. They giggle at the act. James, There you have it now we will return to Rome if the legend is to be believed. Let’s make a wish as well."

    Miceal, What.

    James, Anything. Wishes made, they stroll through the surrounding streets and soak up the city of Rome and its Italian atmosphere. It is not long before they pass ‘The Albert’.

    James, We have to have a drink in there.

    Miceal, Why?

    James, What! Have you lived under a rock in Kalgoorlie your entire life? A glint in his eyes.

    Miceal, Yes mister money bags. I still don’t get it?

    James, You know the famous gay piecing, A Prince Albert. The Albert Bar. Get it now?

    Miceal, Yes bitch!

    James orders two Peroni drafts. It is a large venue, but they settle in easily as the language is mainly Inglese. The drafts done they head out.

    Not fifteen minutes’ walk and much chatting amongst the two lovers, just off Via Nazionale, they pass ‘The Public House.’ James, Go on let’s have a beer here too mate. A public house. You may get lucky? Giggling at his own joke. Miceal smacks him softly on the back of his ass as they enter.

    It turns out to be quite the party place. As always in the left corner. Due Heineken per favore, as the waiter arrives. James is very happy with his linguistic Italian skills that are getting better. A pint or two and party mode sets in. The Public is a very lively place. Hair down, bottom’s up. All in all, a very pleasant space. James bumps into a very good-looking guy. Hey!

    Pipetiano responds in perfect English, "Hello, you

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