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The Havnotts Plus a Hav
The Havnotts Plus a Hav
The Havnotts Plus a Hav
Ebook183 pages2 hours

The Havnotts Plus a Hav

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About this ebook

So, here they are. Their loves, their dislikes and the fact they’re funny when it’s least appropriate. I bet that sounds familiar. It’s a family of giant men with giant attitudes and their much smaller female counterparts with their giant attitudes. There’s a meeting, a wedding, another meeting and...well...a problem arises. There’s a man of large ego with an evilness about him and the money to push others to do his bidding, whether they want to or not. One tries to flee him and finds the Havnott family prepared to do anything to keep her safe, especially Rod, this turns out to be beneficial for Man as well. Those very preparations turn out quite alluring for a few more of the siblings.
It all leads the family into a near war against the rich egotistical bastard and his sycophants. With a small section of the Havnott house being destroyed, the close in part of the ranch becomes a militarized zone. Particular friends of the Havnott sons are being called in for duty. They are more than happy to accommodate their friends, for them, this will be like a vacation on a dude ranch.
I’ve thrown everything I could think of into this story, including the kitchen sink, so to speak. There’s more here than what I’ve just described so, read it. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it. That was my intention.

PublisherF.M. Toft
Release dateApr 20, 2018
The Havnotts Plus a Hav

F.M. Toft

F.M.Toft lives in the Midwest with the love of her life, her husband of 30+ years. They both grew up close to each other in the same neighborhood. They went to the same schools, although he was ahead of her by a few years. They married and made their permanent home not far from where they grew up. She has always been a day dreamer, loves to write stories and poetry and is the proverbial hopeless romantic. The poetry came first when she was a lot younger. The stories came much later and quite recently. She has no formal education in writing, but reads voraciously. Her biggest hope in her writing endeavor, is that you as a reader, enjoy the story.

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    Book preview

    The Havnotts Plus a Hav - F.M. Toft

    The Havnotts

    Plus a Hav

    by F.M.Toft

    Smashwords Edition

    * * * * *

    The Havnotts

    Plus a Hav

    Copyright 2018 by F.M.Toft

    Smashwords Edition, License:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events or places is purely coincidental.

    Cover Art:

    By F.M.Toft

    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    About F.M.Toft


    This story starts out with a character’s narration but goes into the authors telling of the story. Believe it or not I did that on purpose. I tried to make it as seamless as possible. Hope that don’t screw with your mind too much. Although some of my other stories will do that on purpose. I just thought I’d mention it here on the off chance you start feeling somethings wrong with you. It’s not. It’s me.

    I hope you enjoy what I’ve done to the family. I didn’t hurt them…much.


    So, here they are. Their loves, their dislikes and the fact they’re funny when it’s least appropriate. I bet that sounds familiar. It’s a family of giant men with giant attitudes and their much smaller female counterparts with their giant attitudes. There’s a meeting, a wedding, another meeting and…well…a problem arises. There’s a man of large ego with an evilness about him and the money to push others to do his bidding, whether they want to or not. One tries to flee him and finds the Havnott family prepared to do anything to keep her safe, especially Rod, this turns out to be beneficial for Man as well. Those very preparations turn out quite alluring for a few more of the siblings.

    It all leads the family into a near war against the rich egotistical bastard and his sycophants. With a small section of the Havnott house being destroyed, the close in part of the ranch becomes a militarized zone. Particular friends of the Havnott sons are being called in for duty. They are more than happy to accommodate their friends, for them, this will be like a vacation on a dude ranch.

    I’ve thrown everything I could think of into this story, including the kitchen sink, so to speak. There’s more here than what I’ve just described so, read it. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it. That was my intention.

    The Havnotts

    Plus a Hav


    F. M. Toft


    For those who like it romantic. Or those who are looking for a happy ending.

    Here…I give you both.

    Or if you like it bitter sweet, not to worry, I’ve got that in here too.


    Chapter 1

    Okay, I’m standing at the apex of our driveway and by apex I mean where it connects to the property. Also under full discloser, it’s my Dad’s driveway and property. It’s a long bugger, 400 ft from the road, yes that’s dirt road. One of the many bones of contention, (or is that bone of contentions?) in this family is the actual length of said driveway. My brothers argue it’s a full 400 ft. My sisters and I argue it’s 390.60 ft…

    Us girls argument being

    I should know because…

    It’s a written description in the abstract.

    Our brother’s arguments being,

    I should know because…

    I walk the driveway every day.

    I plow the driveway in the winter.

    I mow the driveway in the summer.

    I don’t give a shit.

    Say’s the last one who gets up from the dinner table grabbing his plate, cup and flatware, winks at Mom and Dad and excuses himself. That’s Rodrick, or Rod. He’s one of us girl’s monsters. And we do love our monsters. He’s the eldest of twins as well as the rest of us. Rod’s got this joking, ‘I don’t give a shit attitude’, on just about everything. Except he’s very smart in business dealings, veerrrry smart. Both Rod and Mannfred or Man are. Did I mention twins? Well, they are identical twins to be exact, in every possible way as you see them. Although, they have this thing…but, I digress. After they got out of the navy they took over the ranch because Dad injured his hip and Mom made him retire. Boy! That was quite a scene…sorry, again I digress. Anyway, Rod and Man have been handling everything ever since. So, while running the ranch, the twins also went to college and got an MAS degree, Master of Animal Science, it’s a non-thesis degree. A program about nutrition, physiology, genetics, biotechnology and animal management. At the same time, went for an MBA degree, that’s a Master of Business Administration. It’s a program of finance, leadership, marketing, and business technology. See? Veerrry smart. My other two brothers are just as smart and workaholics too, going to college, getting degrees in the same courses as Rod and Man, helping around the ranch. Dad and Mom want to pass everything down to all their children, so they expect all of us to get college educations in order to be capable of running this ranch to Dad’s highest expectation. Haha. After Dad made that spiel he fell on the floor laughing, then hugged us all and said,

    Get your asses out the door. Go play and let the wind blow the stink off. Love you all, now git!

    Duke Havnott met and fell madly in love with Merriette Falls. After a few dates he asked her to marry him and of course she said no. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be associated with a big, and I mean big, 6’4 ranch man or cowboy as she calls him. Mainly because she was only 5’2. She wasn’t afraid of him or didn’t like him, hell, she really loved him, but she didn’t want to look like a child next to him. After he asked her numerous times why. She finally told him why she couldn’t marry him even though she loved him with all her heart. He looked down at her and said if she didn’t quit acting like the child she didn’t want to look like, he’d certainly treat her like one. So he asked her a second time. She said yes. Well, with romance like that…how could she not? After getting married, Duke and Merri worked hard building the ranch and raising a lot of animals and children. Partners in love and life. I tend to think building the ranch and raising all the animals was a bit easier than the having and the raising of us children. The jury’s still out on whether we’re feral or not.

    We all live and grew up in a house some might call a barn. It’s certainly large enough to be called one. But my Dad is a larger than life man, he built the house himself. As a boy, at the tender age of 14 he was shanghaied onto a cargo ship and saw the world, in a not so nice way. He lived a pretty rough life, beaten, imprisoned, a slave more or less, Us kid’s don’t know the whole story, but we do know later he became a Merchant Marine, because through it all he fell in love with the sea. Even after his rough start, he made a fortune on the sea’s, legally. Bought a cargo ship, owned it lock, stock and barrel. Captain Duke Havnott. The story goes, he got tired of the sea and gave it all up. I’m not sure I believe that. But I believe my Dad when he says he met, fell deeply in love and married my Mom. For this, I believe he gave up the sea.

    Dad and Mom went to college. Dad became a lawyer and then went on to become a Judge. Mom went to college and got a degree in Animal Science, then went on to become a veterinarian. They provided us all with a good home and taught us right from wrong, saw to our education and made sure we all attended church on Sunday’s. Our church and our schools are over in a small town called Shinling, about 60 miles outside of Billings, Montana. Then on to the colleges of our choice. Our barn of a house sits nestled on a very large ranch, horses are our thing. We breed Friesians and Arabians, and I take in some battle weary throwaway’s, along with an assortment of other animals and make them healthy. I seem to have a green thumb for that sort of thing. The rest of my brothers and sisters have helped in that because none of us can stand to see any animal mistreated, so we all contribute to the menagerie, including our parents. Some of my babies, as I call them, are brought back to health and adopted out to good homes. Others are used here in a little corral to teach children about horses and how to ride them and take care of them. If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m a veterinarian too, just like Mom. We’ve head quartered ourselves right here on the ranch. Doc Wolfy, the kids get a kick out of calling me that. Hey! We even make house calls.

    So let me introduce you to my family,

    Duke: Judge Havnott: He’s our Dad.

    Merriette or Merri: She’s our Mom.

    The boys: Our Monsters, they’re all at least 6’3".

    Rodrick or Rod: 30 yrs. (twin to Man)

    Mannfred or Man: 30 yrs. (twin to Rod).

    Quinten or Quin: 28 yrs.

    Maxwell or Max: 26 yrs.

    The girls: The monster’s munchkins, we’re all at least 5’3".

    Wolfwren or Wolf: 22 yrs. That’s me, I’m the oldest girl, haha.

    Sharone or Shar: 20 yrs.

    Macette or Mace: 18 yrs. (twin to Lace).

    Lacette or Lace: 18 yrs. (twin to Mace).

    So, that’s the lot of us. We are a motley crew. I don’t think there was one of us that didn’t get into trouble at one time or another. We grew up like Dad, all of us are shit-kickers. Dad and Mom had their hands full. But we turned out to be pretty good people, I think anyway.

    That big barn of a house is nestled on a rise, painted white with red trim. The real barns where the real animals dwell are painted red with white trim, so is the big stable for the horses. There’s about three corrals, four if you count my little one for the kid’s horses, they’re not painted. Finally there’s the bunkhouse and the trainer’s

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