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Blind God: Mythological Poems: Poetry Books, #1
Blind God: Mythological Poems: Poetry Books, #1
Blind God: Mythological Poems: Poetry Books, #1
Ebook64 pages20 minutes

Blind God: Mythological Poems: Poetry Books, #1

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Blind God
Mythological Poems
It's a collection of mythological and religious poems where I have re-interpreted the characters or events from Ramayana, Mahabharata, Purana, religious books and religious clippings from the newspapers . The poems of this collection have popular mythological characters like Krishna, Arjuna, Bhisma, Rama, Sita, Dropadi, Kunti or marginalized characters from like Karna, Vidura, Shatrughana, Dadhichi, Sambhuka, Dashratha, all telling their stories anew or asking the questions which have not been raised before. I have this feeling that history repeats itself and if don't learn from it, we are bound to repeat it forever.

PublisherAnand Prakash
Release dateApr 22, 2018
Blind God: Mythological Poems: Poetry Books, #1

Anand Prakash

Anand Prakash is researcher by profession and writer by passion. In his fiction and poetry, he writes about relationships and their meanings. He has finished a collection of short stories and a book of poetry on relationships. Some of his experimental fictions have appeared in z-composition, Crack the Spine, Fictitious magazine, the Delinquent issue 20, Miser magazine issue VII. His writing can be found at Email him at for comments about the story and questions on writing process. He looks forward to hear back from you.

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    Blind God - Anand Prakash


    Mythological Poems

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following is a work of fiction. All people, places, and events are purely products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is entirely coincidental.

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    I would like to thank Sonam Tsomo, self acclaimed Poet Under Construction, for her constant encouragement, valuable insight in my poems, mythological and otherwise, and simply being such a cool person.

    Thanks are due to Sravan Katragadda for reading my poems closely and sharing the passion for mythology.

    I will forever be thankful to everyone who supported my writing habit (friends, family, and Kofenya among all Caffeine places).

    A writer without readers doesn't exist. So thanks

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