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Living In The Father's Love Zone: The Love Revolution
Living In The Father's Love Zone: The Love Revolution
Living In The Father's Love Zone: The Love Revolution
Ebook166 pages2 hours

Living In The Father's Love Zone: The Love Revolution

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About this ebook

Living in the father's love zone is an epistle to the church. The revelation of God's love is the arrowhead of a definite revolution which will reposition the church as an irrestible voice to the world in the days that we are in.
It is spirit-breathed to recaliberate thinking processes and to some degree, reorder value systems as on prayerfully subscribes to its transforming insights.

Every page of Living In The Father's Love Zone promises to bring deep revelations that will usher you to greater heights in your walk with God.
Discovered from this book will bring you into instant emotional and physical healings and deliverances from burdens of guilt and satanic Oppressions.
One thing is sure: you cannot read the book and remain the same. Get ready for change.
Your heart will be ignited; your faith will be fired up, and your walk in the spirit will be highly elevated.
Indeed, God is doing a NEW THING! Here it is! The Love Revolution.

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Release dateApr 19, 2018
Living In The Father's Love Zone: The Love Revolution

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    Living In The Father's Love Zone - Goodheart Ekueme



    An Apostolic Trumpet

    I curled this from an online post in the Atlanta Georgia Forum of May 29, 2011:

    "While watching a little TV on Sunday, I watched as a Church in Atlanta honoured one of its Senior Pastors who had been retired many years. He was ninety-two and I wondered why the Church even bothered to ask the old gentleman to preach at that age.

    After a warm welcome, this speaker was introduced, and as the applause quietened down, the venerable old gentleman rose from his high back chair and walked slowly, with great effort and a shaky gait to the pulpit. Without his notes or reference document of any sort, he placed both hands on the pulpit to steady himself and then quietly and slowly began to speak.

    "When I was asked to come here today and talk to you, your pastor asked me to share the greatest lesson ever learned in my 50-odd years of preaching. I thought about it for a few days and it boiled down to just one thing that made the most difference in my life, and sustained me through all my trials; the one thing that I could always rely on when tears and heartbreak, and pain and fear and sorrow paralyzed me; the only thing that would comfort was this verse:

    "Jesus loves me this I know.

    For the Bible tells me so.

    Little ones to Him belong,

    We are weak but He is strong,

    Yes, Jesus loves me...

    Yes, Jesus loves me...

    Yes, Jesus loves me...

    The Bible tells me so."

    The old pastor stated, I always noticed that it was the adults who chose the children's hymn, 'Jesus Loves Me' (for the children of course) during a hymn sing, and it was the adults who sang the loudest because I could see they knew it best.

    Here for you now is a seniors’ version of Jesus Loves Me:

    Jesus loves me, this I know,

    Though my hair is white as snow,

    Though my sight is growing dim,

    Still He bids me trust in Him.


    Yes, Jesus loves me…

    Yes, Jesus loves me...

    Yes, Jesus loves me,

    The Bible tells me so.

    Though my steps are oh, so slow,

    With my hand in His I'll go,

    On through life, let come what may,

    He'll be there to lead the way.


    When the nights are dark and long,

    In my heart He puts a song.

    Telling me in words so clear,

    Have no fear, for I am near.


    When my work on earth is done,

    And life's victories have been won.

    He will take me home above,

    Then I'll understand His love.


    I love Jesus, does He know?

    Have I ever told Him so?

    Jesus loves to hear me say,

    That I love Him every day.


    That was a ninety-two-year-old preacher speaking of the one thing that made the greatest impact in a fifty-year career path of preaching the gospel.

    He didn't speak about the miracles he saw in his ministry, though numerous; he didn't speak about the faith that God helped him to gather and to utilize, though enormous; he didn't speak about the several souls that were saved, though multiple.

    He didn't speak about the great buildings and assets he acquired for the Lord, though various.

    He spoke only of the one thing that kept him and anchored his soul through the billows and tempests, through the mountain top experiences and through the valley low experiences; and that singular thing was the revelation of the love of Jesus. If you can recapture the enormity of the love of God for you, you will endure any circumstance and always emerge with a testimony.

    Joyce Meyers, the international Bible teacher, said, "Love is the greatest thing in the world. It is the best thing to commit our lives to seek, and to excel in. It took me about forty five years to realize that my priorities were mixed up and that I was not making love the main thing in my life.

    The commitment to learn how to walk in love has been the single best decision I have ever made as a Christian.

    Love not only blesses others, it also blesses the one doing the loving, and concentrating on being a blessing to others has brought me joy. I find it exciting, it challenges me. Finally, all of us must become students of love; we must pray that God will reduce us to love."

    Well, after thirty-two years, I also, by the help of God, am making new discoveries about the love of God. I have an apostolic commission to sound this trumpet to the hearing of the Church.

    This book is a revelation of God's love and not just another book on biblical principles.God's intention is to recalibrate your thinking process and to some degree, your value system.

    As you go through this book, it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will convict you and a fresh baptism of the love of God will come upon you. I trust God to bring you enlightenment by the words in each page and that chains of ignorance shall be destroyed, pains shall be healed, and definite testimonies of deliverances and recoveries shall trail your encounter with this book.

    I can promise you, by the Holy Ghost, that the content of this book will radically transform your life.

    At the back of the revelation of truth is a revolution. Surely and steadily, the voice that resonates in this book is a cry from the Bridegroom which is being sounded across the nations of the earth by His ministers.

    What the Spirit is saying this hour is the game changer, and the pivot for the shift and lift the Father has programmed for these times.

    The Head of the Church is calling for a reset. He is starting a movement that will usher in His glory and power in dimensions never witnessed before. He says,

    Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

    19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

    God is doing a new thing which will be the distinguishing mark of the Christian believer in these days. Beyond speaking in tongues, working signs and miracles, great titles and names, Jesus says,

    By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:34-35

    The call to love is a new commandment, not an advice nor a suggestion, not a recommendation, but a new order. The Church has lost her cutting edge with the world, and the only thing capable of arresting its attention to open up to the healing touch of Jesus is the expression of the love of God by the Church.

    Beyond the opening of blind eyes, the lame walking, the deaf hearing, the dumb speaking, which certainly arouses curiosity amongst unbelievers, Jesus says it will take love to not only get but also retain their attention.

    You can operate in the gifts of the Spirit and yet be immature as a Christian. Proof positive was a Church in Corinth (1 Corinthians 1:7). The Bible says concerning them, that they came behind in no gift; they were on top of their game when it came to operating the gifts of the Spirit, yet Apostle Paul clearly identified that Church to be very carnal. Why? They had begun to take pride in such sin as could not even be mentioned among unbelievers such as a man sleeping with his step-mother! This was a Church the Bible says came behind in no gift. 1 Corinthians 1:7. The truth is, operating the gifts of the Spirit, though a blessing to the body of Christ, is no guarantee of Heaven's endorsement of one's spiritual growth or maturity for that matter.

    What then is the proof? One amongst many is your manifestation of the fruit of the spirit.

    But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

    23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

    Trees only bear their fruits when mature. The fruits of the spirit are one thing and the gifts are another. Gifts are received but fruits are as a result of adequately undergoing a process of growth and development.

    I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6

    One of the challenges we have in the body of Christ today is that we have over-emphasized the gifts of the Spirit to the detriment of emphasizing the fruits of the spirit.

    Church folk engage in prolonged fasting and prayers, and even go to ungodly extents in pursuit of power and the gifts of the Spirit, but pay insufficient attention to the fruits they must bear.

    Why hurry to prove a point? Why hurry to grow a big Church? Why hurry to be popular? Go through the process that will build into you the staying power to keep you up at the next level of lifting. Somebody said, Don't allow your gift to lift you where lack of character will expose you.

    And so faith, hope, love abide [faith, conviction and belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things; hope, joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love, true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 (AMP)

    Love is the greatest virtue. Loving is living. I have preached on the subject of love for decades and even written a book on it but this book is different. It is a turn-key to a global awakening that will set the Body of Christ on its right path to her place of glory.


    The revelation of the love of God is revolutionary. Access to it unlocks the floodgates of God's treasures which guarantee pleasures and all-round dominion. The love of God is not only fundamental; it is foundational to the Christian's joy and victory.

    The understanding of the love of God must form your compass and point of reference in relating with God and the world around you.

    If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalms 11:3

    Without the foundation of the love of God, you will be prone to the wiles of the devil. If your foundation is laid on the love of God, you will weather any storm and come out victorious.

    The devil understands the importance of foundations and therefore attempts to destroy it, since the believer will have no locus standing without a foundation.

    Satan continually seeks to twist and pervert the image of God in the mind of the believer. If the devil were able to make you believe that God is not who He is, your expectations from that moment will emanate from the god image that you embrace.

    The implication, therefore, is that whatever you embrace as your source determines your resources. So, if the devil is able to convince you at any point in time that your God is not the good God He said He is, your redemptive heritage is hijacked and your faith channel is diverted to some pseudo-god who will steal, kill and destroy your inheritance. (John 10:10).

    My effort in this book is to present God as He is in the Holy Bible. He is our Father.

    Our warped concept of fatherhood, informed by our experiences and observations has battled with our acceptance of who God, our Heavenly Father is. We need a simple, but deep teaching to get our minds renewed. The truth is, God doesn't have love and goodness, rather, He is love and goodness personified!

    The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.

    9 The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all His works. Psalms 145:8-9

    God is good to all, and if you have faith in the Holy Bible at all, it means that God is good to you! God is not seated on a high, majestic throne with a wand in hand, looking for ways and means to brutalize you

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