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Flash Fiction Stories
Flash Fiction Stories
Flash Fiction Stories
Ebook21 pages11 minutes

Flash Fiction Stories

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"Drunken Lee” Is a short story about a guy named Lee who lost everything; all of his savings, his wife, his home, and their dog, due to his uncontrollable gambling habit. He got drunk one night and was feeling good, he was on a roll, until that last roll of dice...CRAP! It was over! Left for dead on their kitchen floor, he laid there drowning in his sorrows and a twelve pack of Heineken. Cindi was gone for good, no more chances, she exclaimed! She was done and gone for good!

“Girl’s Trip” After a year of planning, they were two months away from their annual Girl’s Trip. Sasha, Toya, Nicky, and Vanessa were all set, until the night the big secret was exposed. Every year, it was always something! This time, it was Vanessa, trying not to ruin the trip, she held it in for as long as she could, but on that particular day, her silence erupted. Her little sister had slept with one of her best friend’s boyfriend. Sasha was furious! Still left in the dark was Nicky and Toya, the day they found out was the day their friendship changed. Silence and tears filled the room as their minds wondered aimlessly trying to figure out what to do.

“Delilah” Delilah, was basking in the joy of singleness. After her three-year break-up with Steve. She was finally in a healthy place. Learning to appreciate life and love herself again. She was enjoying the cool breeze as the rain drops softly dripped off her face, while walking home from the grocery store. Anticipating a quiet evening alone, in her element, enjoying life and the joy that it brought her.

PublisherAmara Russell
Release dateApr 28, 2018
Flash Fiction Stories

Amara Russell

Amara L. Russell, Author of Nspired, a Devotional and the Novel, A Rare Diamond, which she has recently transformed into a Trilogy; Volume I Shattered Dreams, Volume II California Love, and Volume III Faith, Family, Love. A prolific writer, who currently works as a Social Catering Manager for a major hotel, loves to inspire and shed light through story-telling and writing. She gives hope and encourages one to dream and see beyond the present. Life's challenges have made her the writer she is today. One thing I know to be true, is that you will always find her giving life through her smile or encouraging one with soft-spoken words from her heart. When she isn’t working, blogging/writing, cooking, or spending time with loved ones, Russell works on her current goals, which are completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing, at Full Sail University, and launching her new Children’s book, Precious Stones, “Through the eyes of a child.”

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    Flash Fiction Stories - Amara Russell

    Nspired2Write Publishing Company

    Flash Fiction Stories

    Copyright 2018 by Amara L. Russell

    All rights reserved

    No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted in any form by any means–electronic, mechanical, photocopy,

    recording, or other–except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without

    prior permission of the publisher.

    First Edition

    Printed in the United States

    ISBN- 00:123-4-56789-101-1


    Thank you to all my supporters and readers for believing in me! Hope you enjoy the book!


    Copyright/Title Page


    Chapter One: Drunken Lee

    Chapter Two: Girl’s Trip

    Chapter Three: Delilah

    About Author Page

    Chapter One

    Drunken Lee

    Lee cracked one sleep-gunked eye open and glanced the room, his eyes matted from sleep exhaustion and tears. Heineken bottles littered the kitchen floor and a pool of dried vomit lay near his mouth. He

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