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Robobro - Urban Warrior
Robobro - Urban Warrior
Robobro - Urban Warrior
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Robobro - Urban Warrior

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   "Robobro" is an entertaining, sci-fi comedy adventure, featuring four young, broke L.A. dudes, the urban hip generation, who accidentally find a very unusual abandoned CIA project in a junkyard - a talking, half human robot.  When they bring it home and power it up, they soon discover they have a half black "bro," half robot on their hands with an outrageous, sarcastic personality, a fact they learn right quick.

   Robobro first words:  "Damn! . . . I'm trapped in a garage with four busted homies, direct descendants of Moe, Larry, and Curly, Stupids one, two three and four."

Robobro, minutes later: . . . "Planet earth to broke dudes.  It takes technology to fix me.  And cash! Like I suppose you're all graduates of Van Nuys Body and Fender 'U'.  (singing)  'Hey, hey, body and fender! Gi' me some bondo and I'll make you a fender!' . . . "Flash! I need high tech geeks.  Do any of you know what a printed circuit board is?  A transistor?  A diode?  Can any of you spell volt?"

   That's Robobro.  When they finally repair him and update all of his electronics, they discover he has unique powers for urban combat, which the boys employ to rid dangerous gangs from one of L.A's most crime ridden neighborhoods.  Ultimately, they do achieve their dream of owning the best custom car shop in all L.A.   Last point:  Although Robobro can bend metal in his bare hands, he is terribly frightened of spiders and alley rats, and one special lady who carries the story to a novel, unpredictable end.  He's a character, all right.

   "Robobro" is written in a dialogue style for easy, enjoyable reading.

PublisherMichael Stram
Release dateApr 15, 2016
Robobro - Urban Warrior

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    Book preview

    Robobro - Urban Warrior - Michael D'Agostino






    The Dollar Store Lady - Bad Blood!!

    Back To Sovietsky (coming soon)

    Mister Mars (coming soon)




    Copyright 2016 by Michael and Danny D'Agostino

    All rights reserved.  This book remains the copyrighted property of the authors, and may not be copied and/or redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes.  If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to purchase their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer.  Thank you for reading this book and for your support.

    Cover Art by Wayne Miller


    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    About Michael and Danny D'Agostino

    About Creatures

    About Lenny

    About The Dollar Store Lady - Bad Blood


    Imagine in your mind an easy-listening, hip hop urban tune with a mind-catching beat.  It's Saturday morning in East Los Angeles.  The neighborhood is economically depressed, but teeming with life and energy.  It's a diverse urban community where people of all kinds/various ethnic groups, struggle to find their way in an adverse, challenging economic environment.  In this neighborhood, good lives alongside bad, and there's plenty of bad.  Kids of diverse nationalities are playing in the street:  Latinos, Koreans, Chinese, Caucasians, Blacks, and various nationalities from the Mideast. 

    At the far end of the street is a middle-aged black vendor pushing his cart.  This is CHARLIE ROBINSON.  Everyone calls him Hubcaps.  The cart is decked out with car hubcaps hanging from the sides, flashy spinner wheel hubcaps on the cart wheels, and a hot dog steamer on top.  His sign advertises: Hot Dogs and Hubcaps.  Yep.  He's selling hotdogs and hubcaps from his cart.  It's Charlie's or Hubcap's inventive idea for putting food on the table.

    As Hubcaps rolls his cart down the street, a group of six tough-looking dudes ride by on their loud chopper Harley motorcycles.  The neighborhood has no love for these hogheads.  Hubcaps gives them a look of disdain as they pass him by.  Their cocky leader, JAKE, ignores Hubcaps and everyone else in the neighborhood.  Jake's chopper is the most outrageously customized in the group, a spectacular piece of hardware.  Some people like it, but most hate it because his bike is exceptionally noisy.  Jake's crew continues through the street and finally drives into a large open garage.  Near the top of the garage, a large sign reads:  JAKE'S BIKES AND CYCLES, NEW AND USED. 

    For the most part, the community is populated with small homes.  One of the homes is a particular eyesore.  It's a neglected house with chipped yellow-bleached paint.  The eves are cracked.  Old papers litter the porch.  A shaggy shingle hangs from the front eve.  The lawn is considerably overgrown.  Half of it is a dull green and the other half is baked brown, and overrun with dandelions and weeds.  The whole property is a mess.  Parked in front of the home is a beat-up landscaping truck with a sign painted on it, JAVIER'S LANDSCAPING. 

    Adjacent to this home is a well kept, clean house with neatly trimmed bushes.  This place is just beautifully manicured.  There isn't even one twig or any old papers on the lawn spoiling the look of the property. 

    Back to the other home, the loose, hanging shingle falls to ground. 

    Back again to the well kept neighbor's home, EDNA, a well-mannered, 50ish Black woman, in a nice dress, is sweeping the front porch.  She finishes sweeping, then enters the house.  Once inside her home, Hip Hop background music ends.  A short classical piece of music introduces the next scene.

    Edna walks past her husband, EDWARD, a 50ish Black male.  He's relaxing in his favorite comfy chair, getting ready to enjoy a new book on Baroque Art, while sipping a glass of wine, in anticipation of a peaceful, pleasurable Saturday morning.  He is dressed comfortably in a pressed shirt and pants.

    EDNA:  Good morning, dear.  It's wonderful outside today.  You should go for a walk. 

    Edward doesn't reply to her.

    EDNA:  . . . Dear, why don't you go for a walk? . . . Edward?

    EDWARD:  What for?  So I can get conked on the head like the guy across the street.  You heard about it.  He goes to 7-11 for a simple donut, and comes home with a knocker on his head the size of a cue ball.  I'm planning to sit right here and enjoy myself.  No thanks.  Not for me.

    EDNA:  "Oh c'mon.  It's not that dangerous.  Don't make a big deal of it.  You always went for a walk on Saturday before."

    EDWARD:  . . . Edna, we live in East LA, in case you didn't notice.  It's changed.  Now it's Bushwacker's row.  Today, every neighborhood is controlled by hoodlums, street gangs.  We have hoodlums right here.

    EDNA:  "Where?"

    EDWARD:  "In the garage next door!  You think I don't know what's going on?!  Auto parts and strange people coming in and out all day and all night - it's a chop shop, Edna.  Crime, plain and simple."

    EDNA:  No it isn't.  Brianna says it's a custom car shop, an honest, legitimate business.  That's all.

    EDWARD:  Edna, legitimate businesses don't clutter the alley with old car parts every day.

    Edna gets a little bored and walks away from Edward, through the house to the back porch.

    EDWARD:  . . . You don't believe me?! . . . I know what crime is!  I say, I know-

    She's gone. 

    At the back porch, Edna calls to her daughter, BRIANNA, from the window screen.  BRIANNA is a sexy, curvy, black female in her 20s.  She's wearing her bikini and sunning herself in the back yard.  She's all set up with her towels, lotion, and a water spray-bottle.

    EDNA:  Brianna, breakfast will be ready in ten minutes, dear.

    BRIANNA:  Thanks, mom!

    Edna returns to the kitchen. 

    IN THE YARD, a short time later, a strange, small radio-controlled drone flies down and buzzes Brianna, at the moment she is applying skin lotion on her attractive golden arms.  This drone is a very sophisticated quadcopter, equipped with a mini HD camera, GPS flight controls, and an attached speaker.  It hovers persistently, flying ten feet above Brianna, annoying her.  Suddenly, Brianna's relaxing moment in the sun is interrupted by the sound of RICHARD T. McCORMICK's voice, a 14 year old Black kid in the neighborhood, his voice piercing the air from the drone's speaker.

    RICHARD T.:  Brianna!  You, sexy babe.  You hot momma!

    Across the alleyway nearby, on the second floor of a home, Richard T. is sitting in front of his computer monitor, which displays Brianna in her yard.  He is talking into a microphone connected to his computer.  His room is cluttered with high tech computer stuff, pictures of robots, and outrageous, colorful posters of B movies.  There are also several small robots on his desk.

    RICHARD T.:  You want to star in my new movie, Lesbian Vampire Truckers?

    Brianna intentionally ignores Richie.

    RICHARD T.:  Come on, babet.  Talk to me.  I need you to star in my new flick.  We shoot in ten days.

    BRIANNA:  (pointing to the Richard's houseI know it's you, Richie!  If you don't get that thing out of my face, I'm gonna throw a rock at it.

    She picks up a drinking cup next to her, and throws it at the drone, just missing it. 

    RICHARD T.:  (from the droneSee you later baby-cakes!  Oh, would you like to read the script?

    BRIANNA:  No!

    The drone moves away, fast, then flies into Richie's bedroom through his bedroom window.  Richie now turns away from his computer monitor, and starts spying on Brianna through huge, high-tech binoculars, which he has mounted on a tripod.  He has a direct view of her.

    Back at Edward and Edna's home, Edward is just beginning to hit his stride with his new book on Baroque art, enjoying each turn of the page, and relaxing comfortably in his soft recliner.  He takes a sip of wine.

    EDWARD:  Edna, you should see these beautiful portraits!

    Edward turns the page and is amazed by several baroque paintings.

    EDWARD:  "Oh! . . . Oh!  Wonderful!  Rembrandt!  Rubens!  And Michaelangelo! . . . (calling Edna)  See Edna?  This is what I'm talkin' about.  These people made a real contribution to the world .

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