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Taboo: Unleashed Passion
Taboo: Unleashed Passion
Taboo: Unleashed Passion
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Taboo: Unleashed Passion

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Hot and Steamy bedroom bliss.


People usually love to read romantic stories. Hence, they are always seeking for the real stories or somehow real to get the exact feelings while reading this type of stories. The stories are written with some real experience and covered the sexual feelings with the expected soul mates in the life.

Note that, all the characters are fictional and the storyteller tries to give you some excited, yeah, ex-citing feeling when you deeply fall on someone. After reading, "Side by side" and "MISTRESS", you can have the exact feeling when you meet with your crash.

Love is divine as well as Sexual Love. No one can deny the cherish momentum between two per-sons having romantic affairs.

It can happen to you as well. Here's how you fell after getting closer to your crush.

"I am probably a bastard for thinking that but damn she is a perfect handful. I rub my hand on her back in soothing circles. Drawing her even closer, praying she doesn't pass out we have nowhere to go. We are chin to chin now. Our Lips are now just a breath away from each other. Summer isn't calming down. I am practically out of ideas turning my head our lips touch so briefly."

PublisherKim Kuntz
Release dateApr 30, 2018
Taboo: Unleashed Passion

Kim Kuntz

Kim Kuntz: A new and upcoming Canadian author, striving for excitement in all his writing.

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    Book preview

    Taboo - Kim Kuntz


    Unleashed Passion

    Kim Kuntz

    Special Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2018 Kim Kuntz

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN-13: 978-1718658868


    JANUARY: Side By Side

    FEBRUARY: Cubicle 2A

    MARCH: Blackout

    APRIL: Stripped

    MAY: I See You

    JUNE: Backpiece

    JULY: Stretching Exercises

    AUGUST: The Laundry Room

    SEPTEMBER: Backseat

    OCTOBER: My Best Friend’s Fiance

    NOVEMBER: Cupboard Session

    DECEMBER: Outdoor Bang



    Side By Side

    I can’t stand that woman. Yes, she is hot especially in that tight little skirt with the zipper in the back and fuck-me heels. Stilettos so sharp, they stab you in the heart. Yeah, she's smart. She just proved it in the board meeting but… I. Can’t. Stand. Her.

    Little Miss Smug, what I would give to put myself in her place. Summer and I had been rivals for years. Ever since college, she had always been a pain in my ass. Never one step ahead of me but right beside me. We finished topping our class side by side to the last point. Got the same job in the same company – Andrew Corp on the same day. Hell, we have parking spots right next to each other! Here is the kicker though, we live in the same building! Wait for it...right next to each other.

    Summers - 503

    Michaels -504

    Summer Summers… What a ridiculous name.

    This petite blonde has haunted my every waking moment and looked fucking delectable doing it. That curvy body, topped with gorgeous wavy blonde hair. Pillowy perfect lips that make me want to slide my cock right in, and ram the back of her throat and show her who the Boss is. I bet she has a gag reflex. I get hard just thinking about it.

    Summer on her knees, hands tied back taking me inch by slow inch. All eight, what I wouldn’t give to fuck that pretty mouth. Dirty up that pristine facade, she has. It makes no fucking hard. My pants are tenting right now. My dick wouldn’t mind meeting up with other......saucier parts if you know what I mean. Does she moan or make little breathy sighs? I wouldn’t let her come till I got off. Man! It’s getting hot in here. I tugged my tie and wished the lift would move a bit faster. Hopefully, we get to the lobby before I embarrass myself. Little Miss Smug turns me on and pisses me all, at the same time. Maybe, I should hate to fuck her. It’s a thing, right?

    The lift lurched, startling me out of my daydream. Summer hadn’t once glanced in my direction. Completely focused on her phone, she ignored me. What else is new? That suited me just fine. Actually, that’s a lie. I wanted her attention. Those emerald green eyes on me. The husky voice begging my cock. Messing up that perfection would be such a turn on.

    Suddenly the lights went off and the elevator jolted and stopped. What's going on? Summer's voice pierced the dark. She sounded panicked.

    Don’t worry, it’s probably a blackout, I said. I am just guessing here. We will move in a sec.

    I can’t be here, Summer was muttering, her breathing was hitched. She started to gasp. I can’t be here! she’s now sobbing and it’s freaking me out.

    Summer, what’s wrong? What the hell! She’s coming undone and not in a good way.

    Little Miss Perfect was hyperventilating in the dark and the elevator wasn’t moving. We were stuck. The blackout probably caused the lift to stop. The chances of us moving weren’t looking too good. What the hell was I supposed to do with a panicking Summer?

    This wasn’t a well-said understatement to the obvious. No amounts of reassurances were calming her fuck down. Her gasps and cries stabbed my heart. I reached out in the dark, my hands were searching for her. I was hoping to calm her. Hitting pay dirt, I drew her closer to me. She latched on to me practically, climbing. Her sweet scent grabbed me by the balls. Heaving breasts brushed me along my chest. I could feel her nipples. Nipples that were asking to be licked bit and sucked. My pants got even tighter. Fuck. Get your head in the game Michaels!

    I was probably a bastard for thinking that, but damn she is a perfect handful. I rubbed my hand on her back in soothing circles. Drawing her even closer, praying she doesn’t pass out. We have nowhere to go.

    We were chin to chin now. Our Lips were just a breath away from each other but Summer wasn’t calming down. I was practically out of ideas and while turning my head, our lips touched so briefly.

    She startled and I reacted. Cliché, right?

    I kissed those pillowy soft lips. It’s a tentative meeting. Her breath caught and released. That first taste and I am harder. I needed more. She tasted like heaven. My tongue swiped hers, demanding an entrance. She hesitated but I took biting that plump bottom lip hard.

    On a gasp, she let me in and I didn’t hesitate. I ruthlessly took driving my tongue into her soft mouth, mimicking what I needed. Hard and fast sex right here, right now. My hands skimmed all over her body. Every sexy curve was perfect. She could stand a good hard ride.

    Grabbing her ass, I lifted and she followed. Arms around my neck, legs locked tight on my waist. Still receiving my punishing kisses, I knead that perfect ass. Fuck! It’s juicy. I would love to tie her to my bed on all fours. Only held up by her elbows, that sexy ass in the air with her knees spread. Her pussy dripping wet as her asshole puckers and teases me to fuck it. I would spank her hard first and get that bottom all nice and warm for me. Then, I would fuck that pretty ass hard. Wait, was it wrong to fantasize when the object of your fantasy was dry humping you?

    Summer was so fucking hot. Literally, I could feel the heat of her pussy through her panties. Her thighs flexed around my waist as she tried to get closer, grinding that hot body on my dick.

    Little moans escaped the silence. I told you she was a moaner. Her manicured nails raked through my hair and I could feel a wet spot where her pussy touched my cock. I wanted to fuck her so bad that what little control I have was shot. Well, at least she wasn’t hyperventilating anymore.

    All of a sudden, the emergency lights came on. I saw her for the first time. Lips were swollen from my kisses and teeth. Glassy eyes stared back at me, disoriented. Little Miss Perfect was just a little dirty. I was not satisfied. It’s not enough. I needed to own her. On her knees, completely submitting to me. Mine.

    Awareness flashed through those green eyes and panic set in.

    Summer jumped like a scalded cat. Tugging that tight skirt of hers down and righting that silky sexy blouse.

    This didn’t happen, She snapped, retreating to the corner of the lift. She was barefoot her shoes came off when I lifted her.

    Oh no, no...

    She wasn’t hiding now that I have had a taste. No matter how angry she was. I will own her.

    Hands trembling, Summer tried to fix her hair. More's the pity, it’s made for pulling as she arched that sexy back. Her tight pussy riding my cock. I will fuck her today.

    Here and now. No ifs and maybes about it.

    Summer, my husk voice was commanding. She ignored me, trying to find an equilibrium. That’s not happening. We were stuck in this elevator indefinitely and that was a gift from the gods. Summer Summers would kneel for me.

    I injected sternness into my voice. Summer, look at me now!

    It does the trick. She looked up like a cornered animal and she tried to breathe. I didn’t want her hyperventilating again.

    Come, I said, she opened her soft mouth but I cut her off. Now.

    There was no give in my voice. Only steel. Subconsciously, she recognized my command. Who knew she could be submissive?

    Slowly she walked towards me. My cock was so swollen and aching.

    However, this needed to be done right. She stopped in front of me.

    You are hiding, I traced my fingers in her lovely face. Porcelain skin flushed with pleasure. My thumb stroked those pouty lips, demanding an entrance. They fall open her, little tongue darted to lick it.

    We both know how this will end, I said.

    And how is that? The snarky tone made an appearance.

    You’re taking what I give you.

    Oh really? Impertinence should be punished I think.

    Yes, I intend to fuck that creamy wet pussy hard. Breath hitching, she lifted her green eyes towards me. Her lips closed around my thumb and started sucking.

    You want that hot wet pussy to be filled with cock and cum? I uttered.

    She sucked harder.

    If you are a good girl, I will fill you up. The sucking never stop. Maybe, even let you lick my dick.

    Summer's breathing hitched more. Her body shuddered, her nipples pebbled at the words.

    Pretty full of yourself their sport. You can hear the false bravado in her voice. That kiss was a fluke. Summer was deflecting.

    It pissed me off. Her submission was inevitable. She will bow. It’s not if, it’s when.

    The only thing full will be your soft mouth, I whispered. Her lips tightened around my thumb. She liked the idea. I bet your mouth is watering. Her tongue licked the pad of my thumb. Ever had a thick cock stuffed down your throat, baby?

    She’s whimpering, the bravado faltering. When faced with the idea of sucking me, she’s just too greedy.

    What if someone sees? she said, pointing out at the camera in the elevator.

    I don’t really fucking care, I replied, with a harsh tone. She was startled. My dick was engorged in this whole conversation, frustrating and inflaming. She needed to get on her knees.

    Casting a wary glance at me, her lashes fluttered and acquiescence was given.

    Damn, I feel like a conqueror.

    Strip, I ordered. Summer had reduced me to monosyllables.

    Dropping my hand, I stepped back.

    Trembling, she started with the pink shell blouse. Button by excruciating button. The minx was trying to get the upper hand. Teasing me. We couldn’t have that.

    Stepping forward I brushed her hands aside and ripped the fabric. So satisfying. Her gasp was quite gratifying.

    Don’t tease me, Summer. Strip or I’ll do it for you.

    She started to speak but I raised my hand. I was more interested in action than words.

    Reaching for her skirt next, she stripped everything else quickly and efficiently.

    Naked, she stood with smooth porcelain skin. Not a blemish on sight. Her breasts hung heavy tipped with rosy nipples. I just won't bite. My cock swelled even more as I appraised her. Flared hips over a tiny waist, a soft belly that leads down to a bare wet pussy. It was shaved bare just to drive men mad. Her clit

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