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About this ebook

Five graphic glimpses of birthdays far and near: a coed's morning after; a wife's shemale delights; a lesbian's anal memories; a transvestite's sensuous surprise; and a college girl's rescued love life.

Release dateApr 29, 2018

Selbryth Lannigan

I've been writing fiction since the mid 1980s, both short and long works, and turned to erotic fiction at around the same time. I have published on the Literotica site under the singular name Selbryth and have also sold hundreds of short 'anonymous' pieces to the pulp erotic publications of the time: Letters Magazine and Hustler's Busty Beauties being just two. Focusing on sexuality beyond what some would consider the 'norm', my characters include t-girls (trannies, kathoey, newhalf, shemales, ladyboys) cross-dressers, sissified and transformed males, gays and lesbians, who engage in a variety of fetishes, kinks and sexy hijinks.Though explicitly described, the stories themselves offer an inner dialog which most times borders on the romantic. There is no death, very little violence and hopefully the reader is left feeling good.

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    Book preview

    Birthdays - Selbryth Lannigan

    Notice of Copyright

    Copyright 2018 by Selbryth Lannigan

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Printing, 2018


    This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences (18+). All characters and other entities appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, dead or alive, or other real-life entities, past or present, is purely coincidental.

    Table of Contents

    Reni's Twentieth

    A Pair for Penny

    Cora's Cutie

    Mark's IPO (Initial Public Outing)

    Jenny Got Jill-ted


    Reni's Twentieth

    It was the morning of Reni's twentieth birthday, and as she opened her eyes and yawned, stretching her arms and legs under the warm covers, she felt a warm naked body cuddled up behind her. It was such a shock she nearly pissed herself, but then it all came flying back to her, all the memories and thoughts and wishes and...wonders.

    Turning carefully around, she found the pretty face of Margie right there. The girl was dark haired, pale skinned and almost angelic in appearance. She was fast asleep, and for a moment or two, Reni simply gazed at her, watching her shoulder lift and fall, listening to her soft sleep breaths, and marveling at the fact that someone so lovely was actually laying there in bed with her.

    They'd made love. They'd come back from the club, shed their clothes and then everything happened. It was the first time for both of them and things had been funny and clumsy and uncertain.

    And incredible.

    Reni shivered inside remembering how it had felt to be naked in front of the girl, how her body had trembled uncontrollably, how her nipples had sprouted out hard, and how difficult it had been to even breathe.

    Then the girl had shed her own clothes, and for a long time they both did nothing more than look at each other. To let your guard down, to invite someone into the most private, breathless moment of your life!

    It made Reni smile just thinking about it.

    Then they had kissed, tentatively, hands eager but hesitant. She's felt Margie's nipples touching her tits, felt the girl's tongue reaching for hers. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think. It was a dream but it had really been happening.

    But after kissing there'd been a laugh from both of them; a happy, relieved, nervous laugh. The tension hadn't lessened; it had only increased, and then...there was the next step. The kiss had proved it was going to be more than simple friendship or kidding around, and the next step was going to seal the deal. to go about actually getting into it?

    Reni had dreamed of making love with another girl - for months already. She'd seen a couple of teammates in the swim team making out in the showers, and she'd suddenly felt that that was something she wanted to be doing.

    But now, it was here - right here - and she could hardly make her body do what she wanted.

    And then all at once, they'd both moved together, their lips magnetized together and their nervous hands reaching and grabbing. It was the first time Reni had had anyone's hands on her boobs, and she nearly jumped out of her goose-pimply skin at the girl's touch.

    But then things calmed down just enough so she could put her hands on Margie's boobs. The girl had such big, full boobs, Reni finally just singled out the right one at random, and put both hands around it to lift it and squeeze it and - and then Margie had moaned right into Reni's mouth.

    It only inspired Reni to go further.

    Then she remembered crouching slowly down in front of Margie, kissing her way down from those fabulous boobs, down the trembling tummy, and then kneeling and lifting up and dabbing her tongue into the girl's pretty navel. Suddenly Margie was down on her knees with her and they were kissing again, unable to stop now. It was a feverish feeling - all over - and Reni couldn't stop herself. She didn't want to. This was what she'd dreamed of, and then, then they were laying down on the bed, laying on their sides facing each other, still kissing, still slurping on each other's tongue and breathing like they were out running the marathon.

    And then Margie let her fears slip away - or maybe she just pushed them away - and she sat up, pushed Reni on her back, and leaned down over Reni's crotch. Reni's legs had parted automatically, spreading wider and wider in invitation, and Margie had suddenly gotten brave and put her mouth right on Reni's cunt.

    That was Reni's first orgasm, though it was a little hard to tell if it was an orgasm or just a shuddering, scary shockwave. She hadn't ever been kissed there, or tongued there, but now she was, and the next feeling she had was definitely a climax.

    But it was Margie who gasped and moaned because her excitement had been at the same fever pitch. The girl drove her tongue deep into Reni's cunt and then Reni felt she wanted that; wanted to be doing that. Reaching out, she grabbed the girl's legs and hauled them over her and then they were both eating each other's pussy at the same time.

    Time seemed to slow down and stop after that. Every tick of the clock - though it was digital and didn't tick - was a new world for Reni. The way Margie sounded when she came. The way she gasped before she came. The way she moaned, the way her body undulated against hers.

    Then Reni and Margie rolled over so Reni was on top and Reni felt time slow down even more.

    They remained locked in sixty-nine for nearly an hour without coming up for air, and when they did they simply huddled together on their knees, hugging, catching their breath together. Margie was still shaking, shivering all over and Reni held her, squeezed her till their tits were flattened together.

    Then Margie was crying a little. Just a tiny bit. She was grinning but crying, and Reni felt the tears filling her own eyes now. They kissed wetly, tears streaming, but then the kiss gave way to a warmth that had Reni playfully pushing the girl down on her back and snuggling up between her spreading thighs.

    Laying like that, flat on her front with her head nodding, Reni licked and tongued her lover for another half hour. She never wanted to stop, never wanted to stop tasting that sweetness, that gooiness flowing from the girl pussy, but Margie, gasping, finally sat up and made Reni stop.

    '...have'ta go potty...' Margie

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