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Silent Whispers; What One Thinks is Crazy, Another Knows is True
Silent Whispers; What One Thinks is Crazy, Another Knows is True
Silent Whispers; What One Thinks is Crazy, Another Knows is True
Ebook206 pages3 hours

Silent Whispers; What One Thinks is Crazy, Another Knows is True

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When Tami Urbanek began working with the public as a medium, she never envisioned how her path would change. Moving beyond working with people's spirit guides, deceased children began arriving to share their own shocking experiences. These children revealed the horrific torture and government scientific experiments that ultimately led to their death. With a heavy heart, Tami listened to their stories and helped them to feel loved and safe in order to cross over to the other side. Tami, along with two other women, began traveling to different locations, within the United States, to assist deceased children who were caught in a cycle of pain. Little did they know they would eventually begin attracting the attention of extraterrestrials. It became obvious the ETs were also invested in the experiments and they would attempt to thwart the efforts of these three women. Silent Whispers will challenge readers' belief system and perhaps lead them to question the reality that surrounds them.

PublisherTami Urbanek
Release dateMay 2, 2018
Silent Whispers; What One Thinks is Crazy, Another Knows is True

Tami Urbanek

Tami Urbanek is a medium and Tai Yi energy practitioner. She has written four books total. All Things Within; A Discovery of Love is the first one that could be called a 'channeling' book; a transcribing of healing information.  Her work, home and immediate family are in Colorado. 

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    Silent Whispers; What One Thinks is Crazy, Another Knows is True - Tami Urbanek

    PART I: The New Normal

    December 2015

    3 AM

    STARTLED AWAKE, I FEEL my breath and pulse quicken.

    Why does the room feel so creepy?

    This feels familiar...sinister.

    As my fear begins to escalate, I turn to face the window and see Robert sleeping next to me.

    Someone’s in here...

    I feel something lightly brush the top of my head...

    Wide-awake now, I gasp for breath.

    Oh God, it’s happening again!


    My breathing is faster and more erratic. My eyes are wide open with fear, straining to see into the darkness.

    I struggle to move my arms, my legs, my head, but it’s no use. I can’t move, can’t scream.

    I am powerless.

    AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Robert!! Robert!!

    But Robert continues snoring softly next to me. He doesn’t hear me; he can’t help me. I feel utterly alone.

    I notice that something is standing next to Robert; it’s about four feet tall with skinny arms and torso with a large head and huge red eyes.

    It’s a Grey.

    Breathing hard, trying desperately to move, my entire body is being held motionless by an unseen force. I feel the fear exploding in my chest.

    Looking at the Grey, I want to scream and cry, but it just keeps looking intently at me, emotionless, those large red eyes never blinking...


    The Grey calmly continues staring me down...not moving.

    Jonah!! Beings!! Guides!! Help me!! Please... help me...

    Silently, I begin to whimper deep down inside.

    Please....make this go away...

    Late Spring


    Chapter One: Communication

    Y our guides want to speak with you, I said to Stacey.  

    My guides? she asked hesitantly.

    We were sitting in my small home office just large enough for two people to sit comfortably with one small window overlooking the neighbor’s fence.

    We were thirty minutes into Stacey’s spirit session, communicating with her deceased mother when her guides indicated they needed to share information with her. This surprised me since it hadn’t happened before, but I shrugged and rolled with it.

    I nodded and began listening to what her spirit guides wanted to share. Stacey looked at me quizzically as she sat across from me, leaning forward with her forearms resting on top of her knees.

    I focused my vision on the faux leather loveseat where Stacey was sitting, and I shifted my position on my chair. I suddenly felt a thrill of anticipation, wondering how she would respond, and I began to speak the information her guides were offering.

    Your guides said that you need to learn to love yourself; that at the ages between ten and twelve, you took on a belief from your mother and father as it relates to self-worth. You carry a low perception of your self-worth because that is what your parents taught you through example. Your father didn’t believe in himself and he lived his life as if he would never amount to much. Your mother didn’t think she was worth much as a female and she wasn’t satisfied with her life. Now, you compare yourself to others out of habit and also have a lot of self-judgment, as if you don’t measure up. Your guides want you to focus on why you accepted the belief of your self-worth and begin changing your thoughts and actions to counter that belief.

    This isn’t resonating with me, Tami. Yes, my father and mother were like that. But I didn’t want to be like that. I’ve worked hard to NOT follow in their footsteps. I went to college and earned my degree, and I have a great career. I’ve been successful.

    Yes, that is true...except this: you limit how much self-love and compassion you can feel. You judge yourself, and you compare yourself to your co-workers. You seek your boss’ approval as if you can’t ever do enough. You compare yourself to men, trying to prove that you’re equal when you don’t even believe that yourself.

    Stacey looked at me with tight lips and a few tears were welling up in her eyes. She quickly blinked them away and stared back at me

    So, how do I change that? Are my guides going to tell me how to change it or just what’s wrong with me?

    I hope so...

    Yes, I believe so...

    I took a deep breath and continued repeating her guides’ advice for how to work with the offered information. I noticed that despite her resistance, her guides were patient and compassionate. They didn’t seem concerned if she liked or didn’t like the information. They didn’t seem worried if Stacey wanted to bark at them with disapproval. They simply kept communicating.

    Why can’t I always remember that? To not get caught up in whether the person likes or doesn’t like the information?

    Well, thank you, Tami. This has been...enlightening. I think.

    Stacey offered me a handshake.  

    Maybe it’s difficult to be fifty-years-old and to be told you have all of this emotional healing work to do to reverse false and limiting beliefs. Would it be easier to hear the information at age twenty-five?

    You’re welcome.  

    I walked her to my front door as she handed me a check for the one-hour appointment.

    I watched her walk to her car feeling glad I now had a two-hour break for lunch so I could process what had just happened.

    Though I was not expecting her guides to begin speaking, I have long known what guides are and how they offer assistance to us. Having grown up in a spiritually aware family and having a father who is also a medium, I have many years of experience from which to draw my strength and knowingness of spirituality.

    As I continued working with people during the following months and years, I became more comfortable with different people and their guides. I became familiar with how guides offer information, what their energy feels like and how the person might respond. But sometimes, I would find myself caught off-guard.

    Fuck, Tami. What the hell do they want me to do? They’ve told me this three times now! WHAT do they want me to do?

    Shane’s voice was booming over the speakerphone I had placed next to the tape recorder.

    I had just moved into a new office space, and the walls were thin. I wondered if the man in the office next to me could hear Shane and begin wondering what was going on in here.

    Is he cussing at his guides or at me?

    I continued repeating the advice his guides wanted to offer.

    Do I have time? Can you ask my guides if I have time to heal this?

    Yes, you have time. Why else would they bring it up? Look, they want you to evaluate your commitment level. It’s your commitment that will drive your healing and learning process.

    I know...I know. Thank you, Tami. Thank my guides. You’ll send me the recording, right?

    Yep, it’s on the way.

    As we hung up, I started to chuckle at his reaction to his guides. Shaking my head, I thought to his guides you have a lot of patience.

    Continuing to work with spirit guides has led me to understand just how valuable they are in people’s lives as well as my own. My work has helped me to understand how my guides continue to be patient and compassionate with me too.

    When I began in 2008, people would book an appointment to speak with a deceased relative or friend, and there would be times that deceased person was not able or not willing to arrive in the session. I always state that I cannot force a deceased person into my office any more than I can force a person to schedule an appointment with me. There are many different reasons why the deceased did not come through. But the guides’ arrival has always been guaranteed.

    As the years passed, the majority of my appointments were with spirit guides and, occasionally, a deceased person. What I began to notice was that even if the deceased did not come through, the guides would offer information about that person and his or her transition into the nonphysical or the other side.

    There are times when a person’s death is traumatic, and he or she remains mentally and emotionally glued to the event that took his or her life. The death could have been from a car accident, drug overdose, torture, a conscious suicide or a similarly traumatic event. When people are glued to trauma, that’s all they may see, at least at first. Many times they don’t consciously see their guides or even know a loved one is requesting their presence in a session. Sometimes, they don’t even know they’re dead.

    My work has been an empowering and many times uplifting experience. When I began, I had no idea how it would evolve and certainly could not predict it would enable me to begin helping deceased tortured children and eventually making contact with extraterrestrials.

    Chapter Two: Trust

    S o, I should just trust in myself... I said to Jonah.

    Jonah is a teacher who is nonphysical, meaning he is in spirit form. On certain occasions, over the course of over thirty years, Jonah has utilized my father’s body through which to speak. Jonah’s wisdom is evident in the advice and teachings he has offered to people across the globe. Jonah is several entities and never refers to himself as ‘I,’ but rather as ‘we.’

    I grew up hearing Jonah’s teachings and solid guidance, and I knew to listen well when he offered information and suggestions. Several times each year he offers a group session for thirty to thirty-five people each of whom has the opportunity to ask personal questions. This was one of those groups.

    Trust? Trust in a magical being from Poland?! Jonah responded loudly.

    Feeling a bit confused and silly, I looked at Jonah while hearing everyone’s laughter.

    Um...I hadn’t thought of Poland. 

    Ye will. We find that not in too great distance of time, one from Poland will be contacting ye. This one will assist ye in discovering an event that caused much pain to many. Ye will assist many to release their pain from the event. 

    Hearing this from Jonah, I knew to trust the information and I felt excited. I didn’t understand its connection to me; I didn’t have the details. Yet.

    A month later, I was visiting with a friend and chatting about what Jonah had said to me.

    She instantly blurted, This has to do with the Holocaust.

    Huh? You think so?

    That thought had not crossed my mind.

    Yes. I thought of it right away. Maybe I’m wrong? I don’t know.

    Later I looked at a map of Poland so I could intuitively feel which part of Poland this person might be from. I felt that Krakow might be the correct vicinity.

    Next, I read the history of that location and learned it was a place from where many people were taken and placed into Nazi concentration camps during War World II.

    A short time later, I had the opportunity to speak with Jonah again.

    Is this ‘magical being’ from Poland connected to the Holocaust?

    Yes. We suggest studying the psychology of Hitler.

    I feel like this person will contact me in the spring. Is that correct?


    I intuitively felt the person was a man perhaps in his thirties. If I were right, he obviously could not be a Holocaust survivor. What would his connection be to me that was so important for my learning? I began to grow impatient.  

    Spring came and went. Summer flew by full of adventures with friends and family in my own country and abroad. Fall arrived with a feeling that change was getting ready to occur. But, I wasn’t seeing change manifest. I began to feel frustrated. What was I missing? When would I meet this magical being from Poland?

    Winter arrived with its cold, snow, and ice. I was still feeling frustrated that change wasn’t revealing itself in front of me, but I could feel it on the outskirts of my reality. One evening I asked my father what ‘magical’ really meant.

    It means nonphysical.

    You’re kidding me. This whole time I’ve been waiting for a person to call me on the phone and this person is in the nonphysical?


    I guess I should have asked that question months ago! I also should have asked which spring Jonah was referring to!

    Smacking my head and laughing, I realized I’d been having quick and sporadic visions of this man and not recognizing it. I would see an average sized man with very short, light blonde hair. With assistance, I came to realize the man from Poland, right before his physical death, had hair growing back out after being shaved in the concentration camps.

    I’d been having another odd experience as well. Several times while I was sleeping, usually in the early morning hours, I would see or dream of two vehicles colliding. Sometimes in the dream, I would be in the vehicle and sometimes it seemed completely separate from me. Either way, I would wake up frightened. This occurred over and over for almost a year.

    Asking my father about it, he said, It sounds like you’re getting ready to experience a sound flux.

    What’s a sound flux?

    It’s the way you experience sound. It’s going to change.

    Still entirely confused, I asked, What do the collision experiences have to do with a sound flux?

    When you have a sound flux, your reality changes. The collision experiences are a representation to that.


    Still not quite understanding what a sound flux was, I put it aside for a few weeks until I had

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