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My Jesus
My Jesus
My Jesus
Ebook35 pages33 minutes

My Jesus

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About this ebook

The stories in this book are accurate accounts of events which occurred in the life of the author. If the telling of these stories helps the reader to recall some of the events in his own life, the author will feel that he has achieved his aim. It is from our experience that life and faith grow. If you gain nothing else from this book but the pleasure of reading, the author will still feel that he has achieved his aim. The giving of pleasure is the greatest gift we can give.

Release dateMay 6, 2018
My Jesus

George Thomson

George Thomson was born into a farming community in south eastern Queensland, Australia and continues to love the rural lifestyle. After spending a number of years on the farm, he trained in Theology and Counselling and is now retired and living on the bank of the Mary River, close to where he was born. In his spare time, (when he is not talking to his wife or fishing), he enjoys gardening, a bit of artwork, and some writing.

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    Book preview

    My Jesus - George Thomson

    My Jesus

    Stories of Faith and Hope

    By George Thomson

    Copyright 2018

    Table of Contents

    My Jesus

    The Shepherd

    The Anxiety Dog

    The Journey

    About the Author


    I want you to come on a journey with me. No! Don't take your mobile phone with you. You will lose it. Where we are going, mobile phones haven't been invented yet. When we get there, we will witness one specific event. The facts of the story are as accurate as memory allows. I know. I was there when it happened. I want to tell you about my Jesus.

    If you have come with me, you will realise that we are now in the city of Rockhampton. Take a moment to look around. From here, you can see for ever. We are right at the highest, most prestigious location, on top of what the Rockhamptonites call The Range.

    However, we are not here to admire the view or invest in a new residential block. We are going into the place which I think of as the most frightening, best to be avoided place in the city, the Rockhampton Base Hospital.

    Good, we've found our way through the maze of corridors to the right ward. It is occupied by a male patient. Your eye goes immediately to the notation above the head of the bed. It has the information the staff need to know about the patient. It says 'George Thomson' D.O.B. 10.03 1938. The doctor in charge is listed as Kerry Larkin.

    Well, now that you have been introduced to the patient, I will start talking in the first person.

    I had just undergone radical bowel surgery for cancer and was feeling pretty bored and detached from life. Thank you for visiting. Visitors are good.

    Now that you are here, I will let you remain with me during one of the bright moments of the day. Dr. Larkin has come into the room. He reminds me that my chances are good. The tumour has been removed cleanly. He tells me to hang on to that thought until the lab results come back. Then he says, I have some other good news for you. The day after tomorrow you will be going home. We just have to wait until those tubes can be removed. Yeah, yippee, awesome, zoom-za dippa -loozi. Sorry but that’s the best I can do. There are no words to express what I felt when I heard that message.

    That night something began to happen. One of the drugs that I was being given began to do things it had never been designed to do. I had some

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