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Think. Act. Prosper.
Think. Act. Prosper.
Think. Act. Prosper.
Ebook222 pages2 hours

Think. Act. Prosper.

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About this ebook

The path to success is only achieved through action. What many people struggle with is to understand that success comes from the small things – those daily habits – and not just big actions alone. The little details matter. In THINK. ACT. PROSPER. How Small Habits Can Lead to Massive Success a valuable opportunity exists to learn about the qualities of a successful person’s life. It all begins in how one thinks and acts—in all areas of their life. Would you like to achieve the mindset that gives you confidence over fear? Clarity over confusion? Inspiration over ideas, alone? If that sounds good to you, it is no accident that you’ve come across this book. Topics in this book include:

•The importance of answering your “WHY?”
•Integrating visualization into many areas of your life so it is always in motion for you
•What is EQ and why it’s even more important than IQ
•Time management strategies and how to create plans that you do complete
•How to execute on your goals in big, bold, and effective ways
•Building up momentum and keeping it firing in your daily life
•The real meaning of wealth
•Finding the balances that give you a healthy mind, body, and drive
•The necessity of gratitude, appreciation, and good deeds in your life

Putting all these things into motion at one time is not only possible, it’s also easier to do than you may have ever believed! The buzz on how this works has people talking—and reading. Are you ready for massive success? Yes! Then you’re ready to dive into this book and take the 3-day challenge.

Release dateJun 21, 2018
Think. Act. Prosper.

Wilbert Wynnberg

Author Wilbert Wynnberg is an entrepreneur and international speaker that has lived a life filled with surprising experiences. His insights into what exists within human nature and human potential are dynamic and appealing to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. He’s excited to bring this message to print to reach a wider audience.

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    Think. Act. Prosper. - Wilbert Wynnberg

    Praises for Wilbert Wynnberg

    "To anyone out there who is considering working and learning from Wilbert, I encourage you to wait no more and act by getting in touch with him today. It will be one of the best decision you will ever make in your life."

    Brian Tracy

    Best-Selling Author, Speaker & Success Expert

    "Wilbert, I want to let you know just how much I appreciate you. Your awesome business guidance has helped me pave the path for a significant impact in all facets of my life! Thank you for your continued support, connections, opportunities and encouragement."

    Dennis G. Shaver

    International Best-Selling Author & Product Development Expert

    "Wilbert Wynnberg is an exceptional businessman and an extraordinary human being. Wynn, I can assure you is a pleasure to work with and you will have a short-cut to success if you enlist his brilliant professional guidance."

    R. Keerthy Sunder, M.D

    World’s Leading Brain & Mind Doctor

    "Thank you to my dear friend and colleague - Wilbert Wynnberg for successfully organizing an amazing Business Conference - Think Act Prosper in Singapore, April, 2018. Your coordination, attention to detail and determination in successfully pulling off this conference consisting of a panel of amazing speakers is second to none and definitely a conference that will be hard to top by others. Congrats!"

    Ravi Rajaratnam, Ph.D.

    Organizational Development & Leadership Expert

    (Ex-CIO of Anthony Tony Robbins Companies)

    Think. Act. Prosper.

    How Small Habits Can Lead to Massive Success

    By Wilbert Wynnberg


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright ©2018 Wilbert Wynnberg

    1st edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without the expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author.

    ISBN: 9780463880159

    Book Cover: Kim Li

    Layout Design: Laura Gibbs

    Copy Editor: Jill McKellan

    Printed in the United States of America

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    I want to dedicate this book to my mum and dad, who have shaped my destiny from day one. They showed me that coming from a low-income family could not hold me back, and gave me the values that came from unconditional love and faith in me. Both of them are a true inspiration! I love you, Mum and Dad.


    Everyone defines success in a different way. For me, success is not only about monetary achievements; it is also about building great friendships and conquering those fears that hinder you from unleashing your potential. Live life to the fullest!

    For me, these profound people in my life have come along at different times, and each has held different roles—but all of them are valuable to me at a heartfelt level.

    Again, without Mum and Dad, my journey would not have been filled with such love and support.

    Then there are my siblings: my younger sisters have been the color of my life. I have always strived to be the older brother who stood behind them and supported them no matter what, to care for them the way they’ve cared for me.

    Next, I want to thank Justin Tsim and Brandon Yeo, both who have stuck with me through thick and thin. We think alike, and they’ve helped me prosper through what we’ve learned together—these were techniques we have used to overcome obstacles in business and in our personal lives!

    And thank you, Dr. Keerthy Sunder, whom I considered a very good friend, mentor, and my go-to doctor. He has kept me at my peak state, enabling me to perform at my best!

    I’d also like to thank my editor Jill McKellan for making this book into such a powerful yet simple read; and to Laura Gibbs for making this book available to the masses.

    Although many may not understand my reasoning, I would also like to thank every person that has ever doubted me along the way. Your thoughts were fuel that I used to give me courage and strength to do what I felt was right, and would lead me to the success I’ve discovered in my life thus far.

    Finally, to Brian Tracy, who got me started on this book. I sincerely thank you.

    Table of Contents

    Why I Wrote this Book

    1 | The Beauty of Finding Your WHY?

    The Importance of WHY as a Leader

    The Importance of Why in Our Personal Life

    Establishing Your WHY

    The Results of Establishing Your WHY

    Your Life in a Measuring Cup

    2 | The Power of Visualization

    The Law of Attraction

    Why Visualization Doesn’t Work for Some

    How Can Visualization Help You to Reach Your Goals Faster?

    Preparing for Meditation and Visualization

    How to Meditate

    How to Visualize

    3 | Emotional Intelligence: Improving your Emotional Quotient (EQ)

    Do You Have Emotional Intelligence Already?

    The Intangibles of EQ

    Teaching Yourself Emotional Intelligence

    4 | The Art of Planning & Time Management

    Why Goal Setting & Planning is Important

    The SMART Goal Setting Method



    Time Management

    Break Your Goals Down

    Add Goals to Your Daily Task

    Give Goals Highest Priority

    How to Create a New Habit

    There is Nothing You Cannot Do

    5 | Mastering Your Execution

    Your Personality/Value System

    Map Your Progress

    Separate Happiness & Meaning from Pleasure

    Know Men and Women Differ

    Rely Only on Yourself

    6 | The Power of Momentum

    Don’t Lose Momentum

    The Winner’s Effect

    Maintaining Momentum

    Identify Time Wasters

    Procrastination is the Opposite of Momentum

    7 | The Value of a Rich Mind

    Why Rich Minds Matter

    Run for a Richer Mind

    For a Richer Life…Travel

    Buy Experiences, not Things

    Learn and Try New Things

    Meet New People

    The Mind Enrichment Quest

    8 | Vibrant Life, Healthy Life




    Consistency is Key

    9 | The Benefits of Gratitude, Acts of Kindness, & Giving Back

    Giving Contributes to Your Wellbeing & a Healthier Society

    Gratitude &Giving Back in Your Personal Life

    Gratitude &Giving Back in Your Workplace

    Ways to Increase Your Level of Giving

    How to Practice Gratitude Every Day

    10 | It’s Your Time

    Bibliography and Citations

    About Wilbert Wynnberg

    Contact Wilbert Wynnberg


    Face your fears. They belong to no one, but you.

    Thank you for picking up this book. In short, I simply can’t wait for you to get started. I’ve created a book that shares my entire philosophy in business, and in life. My lessons, steps, and mentality have been recorded and summarized in this very book. But it’s not just about me. What I’m sharing is something that I also believe you’ll grow from. People ask me about what I’ve done to create the life I have all the time and I am grateful to share whatever I can to help them.

    What’s unique about me? Well, to give you an idea of a few of my more unique qualities, I am:

    • An ex-gang member;

    • School dropout;

    • Ex-detainee to becoming a successful entrepreneur;

    • Author;

    • Speaker;

    • And, elite performance coach.

    You don’t meet a guy like me every day. So, if there is anything that I want you to take away from my book, it’s this:

    "Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

    Jack Canfield

    Fear holds a person back from all the things most worth achieving!

    In 2017, I spent the entire year putting my true limits to test and faced my darkest fears. It’s no coincidence that this is also the point in my life where my momentum in success began to reach its all-time high. What makes this distinct is that it has made me recognize how the lessons I must learn can no longer be taught by another, but by myself.

    I’m a fighter, not only in life but as part of my career.

    What did 2017 bring me?

    I fought my debut professional Muay Thai fight in Phuket, Thailand.

    I held my first public speaking event where I spoke to an audience of 70.

    I finally conquered my greatest fear since I was a kid—my fear of heights.

    No one else could have done these things for me, which is why I remind you with absolute conviction that you must face your fears. They belong to you and only you can get rid of them.

    On my first skydiving jump, I was 13,000 feet in the air in Lodi, California. My entire body shook, and I wanted to quit. After lots of shouting and a moment of just f*** it, I jumped. It was up to me to make the choice, and with the help of my instructor, my first tandem jump was a success.

    After that one exhilarating moment, I was addicted to it. I could not get enough of the adrenaline rush and the thrill of soaring through the air at over 100kmph. I immediately signed up for the Accelerated Freefall Program and went on to complete more than 50 solo jumps and eventually got my USPA A-license. As I write this part of my story, I can feel my bones tingling just by thinking about jumping.

    When you decide to put your mind and soul to achieving something, you will move forward. Obstacles will no longer be feared but welcomed. As your mind adapts to this liberating change, your body will shape itself into a vessel powered by your will to succeed.

    All the catastrophic scenarios I had previously thought were washed away by the reality and sense of accomplishment of my first step. Again, face your fears. They belong to only you. Liberate your body and mind from your self-imposed thoughts. Don’t look back; you have everything to look forward to!

    "Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right."

    Henry Ford

    Today, I invite you to take your first step toward stopping the fear and starting to experience the feeling of exhilaration that comes from accomplishment.

    Whether you want to transform your business increase your income have better relationships with people or simply just living a purposeful life let this book be your guide.

    Wilbert Wynnberg


    Jan 2018


    "When your why is big enough, you will find your how."


    The topic of WHY? has stormed up the business and entrepreneurial channels and into general leadership psyche. Its power has even spilled over from high-level business management into personal self-realization. The notion of the WHY movement is to:

    • Validate our basic existence in the world;

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