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The Bimbo Room
The Bimbo Room
The Bimbo Room
Ebook28 pages22 minutes

The Bimbo Room

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This is first in a series dealing with the Medicine Man's particular services and his bimbofication magic. In this tale we see Tom place an order and his girlfriend turning into his dream girl, developing big breasts, blonde hair, blue eyes, a bigger butt and a better attitude both towards him and sex... in one word: perfect.
This is a story rich in detailed transformations, sensual erotic language and descriptions that will keep you turning page after page, and love what happens to Lenore as she gets transformed into a bimbo! Pre-readers response has also been stellar, and I'm confident in saying this is some of my best work!
So, are you ready to enter the Medicine Man's Bimbo Room?

Release dateMay 11, 2018
The Bimbo Room


Erotica author, specialised in bimbo and mind control fiction! I hope you'll have a blast reading me!

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    Book preview

    The Bimbo Room - 30Kerotica

    The Bimbo Room

    (Medicine Man Series)

    by 30Kerotica

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2018 30Kerotica

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    There was a new temporary store at the mall. It didn’t look like much on the outside, maybe because it was named Medicine Man Remedies. There was never that much clientele around it, there was never that many people coming and going, and there was never much fuss about it, which all things considered made what happened inside the rooms only the more surprising.

    Tom was among the first who noticed people entering the temporary store always changed upon coming out. Well, not exactly that. The men and boys entering the shop were mostly the same. They only looked livelier, happier. The women and girls on the other hand… they always entered looking this way and came out looking that way.

    Plain teenagers came out looking like cam girls.

    Mature, strict women came out looking like milfs out of some porn set.

    Punk, alternative women, feminists with their hair a thousand colours and a frown etched upon their faces came out blonde, sparkling beauties with large breasts and one-thousand-watts smiles.

    Tom was a bit confused. And intrigued. See, Tom had a girlfriend, Lenore. And thing didn’t exactly go bad with Lenore but as of late Lenore has been… demanding. She had requested he cut all contact

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