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Thaddeus Gotdoe: A Tale of a Vampire
Thaddeus Gotdoe: A Tale of a Vampire
Thaddeus Gotdoe: A Tale of a Vampire
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Thaddeus Gotdoe: A Tale of a Vampire

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Thaddeus follows a love affair between a young vampire heiress, who discovers her powers when she gets involved with a human. For many years, their love endured and over a span of 300 years and many stories of their clan, you now can read the story of Thaddeus Gotdoe.
Release dateApr 25, 2018
Thaddeus Gotdoe: A Tale of a Vampire

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    Thaddeus Gotdoe - John "Rosebudd" Dickson



    Thaddeus Gotdoe

    Thaddeus Lucas Gotdoe is a middle aged man of 48 years. His assets are many, his desires for more of everything is minor compared to his ego. Thaddeus is a self made man with almost 2 million dollars in cash and about $13 million in property and other assets. His harem of women is many and his appetite for sex is insatiable.

    Thaddeus lives in San Mateo, California and is an avid skier. He vacations regularly, about every two months and every winter at Big Sur, Squaw Valley and several other resorts in California. He always saves a week to ten days for a special vacation he plans at the end of the winter with a couple of his women.

    Thaddeus is a man of strange habits that he has followed his entire adult life. These habits are strange because of the secrecy surrounding his doings. No one knows when or how he actually started amassing his fortune, but for the past 20 years he has done well in the commercial property business.

    In actuality, 25 years ago is when it all started. That’s when he met Allison. Allison Vimpyre, a beautiful dark haired beauty who hails from a family of rich cattle and sheep ranchers. She lived a fancy free life style and frequented the club scene in the trendy areas of San Francisco.

    It was at the Mirage Club where she met Thaddeus. It was almost love at first sight, if it weren’t for the fact that he was black. For some reason she was terribly attracted to him before she found out, but was more excited after she did. Her family, the Vimpyres was gypsies, and over the past three generations was very racist against blacks and Jews.

    Her family’s fortune goes back many generations. It started with a bet Anton Vimpyre made with the largest cattle rancher in California’s Central Valley. Anton wasn’t always a gambler, but he stayed up all hours of the night gambling. He never left his house before sundown, but always was home before sun-up. Most of his friends made fun of him because ritually, even when he was winning, he left before 5am.

    Anton, why are you leaving? You are the only one of us who doesn’t have a ball and chain at home, yet you are always the one who departs early. I don’t understand this, do any of you? Joe Carlyle shouted laughing wildly with the rest of the gang.

    Shit, you guys would not understand, even if it was spelled out in blood. I simply do not like to be up and about when the sun finally rises. It’s hard for me to fall asleep when it’s light out, but I cannot sleep at night. Most days I go into my den, shut the curtains and try to relax to get a little sleep.

    They all laughed, bidding each other good day and Anton left. He leapt up into his carriage and proceeded to ride home. Anton was an eligible bachelor, but chose not to deal with the women he encountered. Instead, he chose to deal with the prostitutes in the town and not have the hassle of a relationship.

    Besides, his gambling and resistance to doing business during the daylight hours would pose untold problems in a relationship. The horses hitched to the carriage had a strange look about them, as if they were in a daze or a trance. They stood perfectly still until Anton said, Tstch tstch, and they perked up and started the four mile trek home.

    Anton always left the gambling houses at around 4:30am for a couple of reasons, the most important of which, he was always winning. He didn’t know that his bloodline was cursed, but, for him it turned into a system he used faithfully that never failed him.

    As long as he was able to get his gambling opponents to look at him, he could see into their minds and read their cards. He inherited this gift from his father, who inherited it from his mother, who inherited it from both her parents.

    Anton’s great-great grandparents were Ludar gypsies from Romania and immigrated to the United States in 1837, almost a full 50 years before the great gypsy migration. The Ludar gypsies specialized in animal training and as show people in the circuses. Alexander read people’s minds.

    Anton’s grandparents worked hard and raised two children on very little money, until one night their fortunes changed. They accidentally discovered they were from a family of witches and vampires. This discovery would lead to some life changing events in their lives.

    One night they were going through some of their family’s keepsakes and came across a large book. Neither of them had seen this book before and became curious as to what was in it. When they opened it, there was a large picture of what looked to be a warlock. Under it read: Alexander Vimpyre.

    In the book, it explained the origin of Alexander and his covenant. He had fallen in love with a vampire and they had a child. This romance was forbidden, and against the wishes of both her clan of vampires and his covenant of witches, they became lovers and a child was conceived. When the child was born, they were supposed to sacrifice it, but did not and they went against the witch’s bylaws.

    Alexander was prominent in his covenant, but the council decided they would cast a spell on Alexander and his woman. He was stripped of his warlock powers and status and she was banned from her clan and stripped of her thirst for human blood. Both were threatened with death if either of them ever returned to Marin County.

    Alexander and Silvia named their son Antonio. They moved closer to San Francisco in a little town called Mill Valley and lived according to his punishment. By Alexander being a warlock, he had already developed some extraordinary talents. He always had a natural ability to read people’s minds and predict events and he used it to amuse the other warlocks.

    One night at a local saloon, Alexander was joking with a patron and made a wager that he could guess what the next customer that came in was thinking. One rancher came in just as he finished making the bet and the patron called him over.

    Don, I want you to write down on this here piece of paper what you just finished doing and what you are going to do when you leave here. I have a bet with this here gentleman and only you can settle it, the patron asked.

    Don wrote on the paper that he just finished helping his mother in law unload a cord of firewood and after this drink he was going to head home and sit around the fireplace and talk with his wife.

    Alexander repeated what the man wrote almost verbatim and flabbergasted the patron he bet. He’d answered correctly and amazed the patron, who promptly bet him again.

    You could never do that again, the patron challenged.

    Oh, but I can, Alexander dared.

    Over the next three hours, Alexander and the patron bet that Alexander could not guess what the next customer after he came in would buy. This thrilled and amazed the patron that Alexander could do this and he stated that people would pay to see it.

    Alexander dismissed the idea and went home. On the way he thought about what the patron had said and it didn’t sound so bad. By the time he got home he had figured out how he would use his ability and decided to become a psychic or seer and tell people their futures. The first of whom, was the merchant.

    He came in the next night and predicted the patron would come into some money and that very night the patron won $45 playing poker. The word spread about Alexander’s ability and his life took a turn for the better, as people flocked to him for predictions. Making this money changed their lives. His wife’s habits of roaming the night for sustenance did not intrude or interfere with his business and they lived happily for many years afterwards.

    Soon he was traveling around the towns with the biggest circus on the west coast and making a lot of money. It was Alexander who started the Vimpyre’s relationship with carnivals and circuses. By their traveling with the circus, Sylvia could live off of the many different farmers bovine’s blood and go undetected. For several generations the Vimpyres’ headlined big carnival acts.

    The children they had, a boy and a girl, both exhibited in some form his trait, but it was Anton, his great-great grandchild, named after his great grandfather Antonio, the only one thus far who really exhibited this astounding trait of predicting and reading people’s minds.

    Anton honed his skills as a child star working with his parents in the local circus’ and fairs that traveled the local areas. He was

    very good at guessing what the children was thinking and what they were about to say to such an extent he would say what they were going to say with them.

    Now, he had grown into his own man and shunned the circuses and carnivals for a more lucrative income of gambling in the local saloons. His ability had advanced to where he could see into the minds of any gambling opponent. Once Anton reached his ranch, his ranch hand raced out to meet him to water and feed the horses.

    Carlos was Anton’s only steady ranch hand and lived in a cabin on the ranch’s property. He took care of the Plasereau, a name Anton made up for his ranch, well. Anton headed to the front door and before walking in glanced over his growing herds of cattle and sheep.

    Anton had 30 head of cattle and 14 sheep. He also had two bulls, one name Mars and the other named Atlas, his prize bull. It was his goal to become a major player with the cattle ranchers and if he kept up the progress he was making, he would be soon. He only needed to goad the biggest rancher in the area to a bet.

    Most of the ranchers had fewer than 10 head of cattle and only used them for food rarely. Anton periodically butchered his cattle and sold the meat to the local markets. More and more the ranchers were turning to Anton when faced with problems, because of the notoriety he was gaining from his prize bull winning the all of the local competitions and his growing butcher trade.

    He would meet with them to offer advice, but he would only meet at night, in a saloon or a gambling house. Anton’s business deals were all conducted in an establishment where there was plenty of libation, or somewhere around the night life of the city. He always hired prostitutes for his pleasures and knew the streets


    Anton knew quite a bit about his animals, but never dealt with them personally. His ranch hand Carlos took care of all of the animals and was paid well. Carlos occasionally employed his cousins Roberto and Juan to help him out around the ranch. It took Anton almost a full two months for him to fully trust Carlos, because he is a suspicious man by nature.

    Chapter 2

    Becoming a Cattle Baron

    After three years, Anton trusts Carlos with his life if need be. Certainly he trusts him with the daily running of the ranch. Carlos walked the horses to the barn and each of them into their stalls. After grooming and watering them, he turned to leave the stall and one of the horses snorted loudly.

    Startled, Carlos turned around to see Goliath becoming agitated. He tried to sooth him but the horse became increasingly nervous. No matter what he tried to calm the horse down, nothing worked. It seemed as if the horse was spooked, or extremely afraid of something or someone.

    It was early morning, just before day break and while Carlos was fighting to calm the horse down, Anton walked into the barn. Now both Goliath and Kellig started going crazy with agitation and Carlos looked to Anton for advice. Anton stared at the horses for a moment before he spoke.

    Leave them. You know I make them nervous and they’re only calm when hitched to the carriage. I need to talk to you outside, Anton said.

    Si senor, he replied.

    Once outside Carlos said, You need me, senor?

    I do, Carlos. You know about the race next month, don’t you?

    Si senor. It is a big race every year. The locals all get together and make a fiesta from it.

    I know. I never go to those types of things. You know I like cards for my gaming. You know Joe Carlyle don’t you?

    Si senor, Senor Joe won the race the last three years in a row.

    I know. What do you think about Purseus chances in that race? I know you’ve been working with him. What do you think his chances would be to beat that damn Carlyle?

    Aye chewawa. I don’t know Senor Anton. He is a good, strong animal, but I don’t know how fast he is. Are you thinking about racing him in the race?

    Yes and I want you or one of your cousins to ride him. I have an idea to literally bet the ranch on this one. If I lose, you won’t have a job and I won’t have a home. But I believe Purseus can beat that tired horse of Joe’s. Are you with me?

    Si senor.

    Ok, the race is in five weeks. That’s all you have to get him ready. I have to get inside, but tonight I’m going to visit some people I know and we’re putting Purseus on a special diet to get him ready. Now, I must get inside.

    Si Senor Anton. My cousin Juan is already a jockey and will be happy to ride for you.

    Good, Anton said as he raced inside his luxurious ranch.

    Carlos went back into the barn expecting the horses to still be agitated, but they were quite calm. He eased up to Goliath and whispered, You no like Senor Anton, huh, while rubbing his snout softly. And to Carlos’ surprise the horse shook his head in the ‘no’ fashion.

    Carlos continued rubbing the horse’s snout and soothing him. He had noticed before, but to his recollection this was only the second or third time he had ever saw Anton outside so close to it being dawn. But he noticed before that none of the animals seemed to like Mr. Vimpyre.

    A couple of weeks later, Anton Vimpyre walked briskly to the saloon’s front doors and walked in. He immediately scanned the room and saw Joe Carlyle sitting, drinking, gambling and talking loudly. Anton hurried over and stood over him.

    Their eyes met and Anton quickly read his cards. For a few moments neither of them said a word until Joe asked, What’s eating you?

    Joe, you are supposed to be the largest, most successful cattle rancher in the valley, isn’t that right?

    Hell Anton, I don’t toot my own horn like that. What’s eating you? Joe asked surprised at Anton.

    I’ll be honest with you Joe. I know even though I’m gypsy, we’re friends and all, but the other night when you bet me on next month’s race, it appeared as if you were trying to be light on me. As if I couldn’t afford a Jewish man’s bet, Anton stated putting special emphasis on the word ‘Jewish’.

    Well Anton, you only have, what, 30 head? Hell, that’s damn good for your kind. You know I have over 500 cattle and over 200 sheep. I didn’t want to overload you with a bet, Joe responded smiling.

    When Joe said that, the other gentlemen at the table started laughing loudly. Joe then took a big sip of his drink and continued playing cards. He grabbed his cards and raised the bet 10 dollars. Everyone at the table called and Joe laid down three Queens.

    I have three of the loveliest ladies in the world, as he said that everyone began tossing their cards in and Joe swept the money up.

    Why are you still standing there? Did you come to play or what, Anton? Joe asked.

    "I came to play alright, but I also came to up our bet, if you can

    stand it. I don’t want to hurt you," Anton stated boldly.

    Hurt me? Anton, what’s gotten in to you? You know you could never run with me. My pockets are a lot deeper than yours are. Now, sit down and let’s play poker? Joe stated harshly.

    Joe, I’ll bet you $1,000 that my horse will beat yours. If that’s not enough, make it $5,000, Anton challenged.

    Don’t you know that I am the king of that race? I have won it 11 of the last 25 times and the last 3 in a row. You must be going crazy out there at that big ranch all alone, Joe replied with the rest of the guys chuckling loudly.

    Ok, $10,000. I will bet you $10,000 that Perseus will demolish your pony, Anton stated with a disrespectful tone.

    When he said that, the men at the table all gasped at the same time and looked at Joe. Joe was not use to being spoken to the way Anton was and quickly took offense. He glared angrily at Anton and spoke softly at first, but as he continued he was almost in a rage.

    You get 20 or 30 head of cattle and think you can make a ridiculous bet on a race that I own? Listen little gypsy man. I will bet you all of your cattle and sheep that your horse cannot win against Titan. Titan is the fasted horse in the valleys, bar none.

    Joe that was before, I realized what I had. Since you are so sure you can’t lose and I am a ‘little gypsy’, what are the odds? Anton kept goading.

    Odds? Anton, I will bet 10 to 1 odds that you cannot win? Is it a bet? Joe asked, standing now.

    Why certainly it is. You have a bet. I will bet my 30 head of cattle and 14 sheep against your 300 cattle and 140 of your sheep. With one clause; if I win I get to pick from your cattle and sheep my winnings.

    You have a bet, crazy man. And in three weeks we will be at your ranch exchanging signatures on your stock. Anton, I didn’t know you were such a fool hearted man, Joe chuckled.

    Now that we have a bet, I have pressing business to tend to. I bid you gentlemen good night, Anton said rushing off.

    Anton left smiling because he felt sure he would win since he had already gone to the West side of town to the Haitians. He paid a Priestess $50 dollars for a potion he was to mix with Perseus’ feed every other day until the race. This potion was guaranteed to increase his horse’s speed and endurance at least 50%.

    Anton had a lot of connections with the underworld or the people who lived on the wrong side of the law and periodically he used his connections in some of his business deals. He met the priestess, Miss Elvie many years ago when he first learned about his condition and over the years they developed a mutual respect for one another.

    His first incident happened when he was seventeen, but it wasn’t until Anton was 25 years old when he met Allison that his condition started manifesting. His parents, Frank and Harriet Grant, who weren’t his birth parents, but was the only parents he knew, found him eating out of the garbage can and never reported that they had. Harriet had a bout with polio and recently found out she could not have any more children and they both wanted a boy.

    He was eight years old, his large dark eyes were fixed with Harriet’s eyes and she melted. They immediately fed him and found it rather strange he didn’t want any meat. They took him home and talked to him and found out that his parents left him at a country market and he had been roaming the streets for the last few

    days. After bathing and caring for him, when they decided to take him to the authorities, both resisted.

    Without any words between them, they agreed to raise him as their own along with their daughter Elizabeth and the four of them were a happy family.

    Anton didn’t need his circus abilities with the Grants and he really started to love his sister. Over the years he became very protective of his little sister and as the years went by they grew closer and closer. For a young boy, Anton was highly appreciative of what his new family was doing for him.

    One day after he was 17 years old, some young hooligans were pestering Elizabeth and one of her friends told Anton. He raced to the park and when he saw the boys he wanted to talk to them, but when he began talking with them he read their minds.

    Both of the boys had been taking about having sex with Elizabeth and even raping her if she resisted and he went berserk on them. He started slamming their heads into the tables and getting soaked in their blood in the process. During the altercation, one of the boys blood got into Anton’s mouth and that’s when it happened.

    Anton was beating one of the boys and grabbed the boy in a headlock. The boy’s face was bloody and as Anton squeezed his head tighter, blood on the boy’s forehead got into Anton’s mouth. For a split second, Anton savored the taste of the blood before he went even wilder. His voice became much deeper and he howled or made some kind of sound with his throat as he kept beating the boy.

    If it wasn’t for Elizabeth trying to pull him off of the boy, Anton might have killed him. She was pulling at his arm and as he turned to shove her, he saw her face. She was as frightened as he had ever seen her and it snapped him out of his rage, but not before he had bitten his chin with his K9s.

    Elizabeth was crying her eyes out as Anton tried to soothe her saying, I’m OK, Lizzy. I just don’t want anybody trying to hurt my family. I went crazy when I heard someone was trying to hurt you. I couldn’t help it. You guys took me in and probably saved my life. I owe you.

    Elizabeth stopped crying and caressed Anton’s face and told her brother in no uncertain terms, You don’t owe us anything. Really, we owe you. Do you know how much happiness you brought my parents? And me?

    Anton didn’t realize it at the time, but something happened extraordinary in his body when he tasted blood and it almost took control of him. He also didn’t realize that whatever it was that happened began a thirst inside him that would continue to grow for the next few years. It would be a little longer before he actually knew what it was, but it would change his life.

    They ended up walking home together, talking about what had happened only to get distracted when Sherrilyn road her bike up to them and started talking to Elizabeth. At first, it was awkward for Anton, because he secretly had a crush on Sherrilyn, but she and Elizabeth were friends.

    Lizzy, I heard those meatballs were bothering you, she said.

    They were until my crazy brother came and almost tore one of their heads off. You know my crazy brother, Anton, don’t you? she

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