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The Millionaire's Apprentice
The Millionaire's Apprentice
The Millionaire's Apprentice
Ebook153 pages2 hours

The Millionaire's Apprentice

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Alec Friel, A Millennial, As The Millionaire's Apprentice shares his life insights from the mentorship he received from the time he was a young boy through his life up to this point in his new highly inspiring book "The Millionaire's Apprentice." This book will assist you in the process of.... -Diminishing the myth that you are separate from ALL ABUNDANCE & SUCCESS -Challenge the belief that where you come from, the family you're raised in, your religion, ethnicity, and even where you are -today can determine your life's, fulfillment and results -Show Millennials, Generation X, and the Baby Boomers that there is Hope for a brighter all around life that awaits future generations who will walk this planet in our footsteps -Define once and for all what makes the difference from Poverty & Prosperity -Blueprint for what you should teach to your children about Money, Mentality, and Mastery. Friel's primary focus is self development because he believes self awareness is the cornerstone to all achievement or non achievement. He provides, business insights along with skills that can enhance your law of average to attract more of what you want to attract and less of that you don't wish to attract.

PublisherAlec Friel
Release dateMay 23, 2018
The Millionaire's Apprentice

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    The Millionaire's Apprentice - Alec Friel


    Copyright © 2017 by Alec Friel

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the author, except for brief excerpts in connection with a review or critical article, nor may any part of this book be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental.


    First Edition 2018


    This book is dedicated to all the dreamers everywhere: those who understand that their dreams manifested will provide more to the world than anyone can imagine, and those who are leaving the positive footprints to the world for our future generations.

    For the past 26 years of my life, I am completely filled with gratitude and peace for every encounter and interaction that I have created to this point. I wouldn’t be the human being that I am today without the love and support from a handful of people. I will recognize my grandparents, papa, nana, mother and father, brothers and sisters as each one of you all are dear to my heart. I will recognize my aunts, uncles and cousins who have always stood by my side with affection and love through my dark and light years. I will acknowledge the families that took me in as their own child through providing unconditional guidance and support to me. The Lokar family. The Humphrey family and the Willis family.

    A huge shift in my life was being the Millionaire Apprentice, to Jeffery Combs. Jeffery Combs, you have completely transformed my life through the decades of sobriety, commitment to excellence, daily evolution, and the groundwork you created for me to build upon.

    There are close friends of mine who come to my mind often as I wrote and created this book and to this day I wish all success, health and happiness to each and every person. I can say that I would not be half the person that I am without all of you. Thank you Candace Jackson for assisting me in writing this book and organizing my brilliance into a story that flowed for the world.

    I cannot wait to hear of the success created from future innovators, entrepreneurs, activists, and wonderful human beings who are leading this world to become a better place after reading this book. To the brightest and most fulfilled future.

    Relax and enjoy,

    Alec Friel





    Chapter 1: Creating and Manifesting My Vision

    Chapter 2: Self-Creation

    Chapter 3: GOOD or BAD - Energy is Energy

    Chapter 4: Remembering Your Past

    Chapter 5: Conscious Expansion

    Chapter 6: Adapting, While Surviving The Jungle

    Chapter 7: Creative Energy

    Chapter 8: Love And Be Loved

    My name is Alec Friel. I didn’t have money growing up, and was part of a very low-income family who lived in a socioeconomic environment. I received free lunch at school, hand me down clothes, our house was falling apart, and I would ride to school in a rusted minivan that was breaking down all of the time. This was all normal to me, but there is more to the story. There was something that set me apart, and that was the fact that I knew millionaires. Throughout my life, I was blessed enough to know and be able to engage with various millionaires. They would afford me opportunities and expose me to perspectives that inspired my spirit to rise above the situation I was born into. Sounds like a cliché story, right? Well it sort of is, except this was my real life and it was all new to me. While writing this book, I am an apprentice to a millionaire named Jeffrey Combs. You may have heard of him. He is a brilliant man with an incredible work ethic. His perspective is deeply rooted in the science of attraction. Before him, I had the pleasure of knowing other millionaire’s as well - millionaire’s who I developed great relationships with through either friend or family ties. I was, many times, in a position to be acquainted with people who had already achieved what I dreamed about. This was, and still is, one of the greatest blessings of my life. It has already been a long road of learning. There have been trials, tribulations, failures, successes, and growing pains that I have already experienced despite my young age. I want to share with you the lessons I have learned along the way from the different millionaires that have influenced me and impacted my life. You can gain insight from them, as well as my experience. I want you to live a much more fulfilling life for yourself, and I know this book encourages you to do so. My journey has really only just begun, and there is so much value in each of the lessons I’ve learned thus far. You are going to receive great insight from this content. I am going to share with you my story, and the enlightenment I have received from people who have succeeded in not just their finances, but in their mindset and emotional state of happiness as well. These individuals you could say are crushing it!

    A close friend of mine made me believe that I didn’t have to live in poverty. Even though my lunches were paid for by other people’s tax dollars and my family and I would go where the free meals were, it never was my true belief that I had to continue living like this. In fact, I rebelled against the very thought of having to be in this position forever. I was about 20 years young when my dear hearted friend shared with me his inspiration and belief of focusing on our own business rather than working for someone else’s success and dreams. The idea to create a life on our own terms... What did that mean? For me, at that time in my life, it meant there were opportunities for me to change the position I was in. Just like there are opportunities for you to change the position you’re in, and better situate yourself on the Life board. Get out of what position? Well that’s different for everyone, and if you’re reading this, you may not want a change. For me, and many others, this change in position typically means getting out of the Rat Race. It means separating yourself from the traditional societal expectation of being an employee to someone who is already pursuing his/her dreams and working for his/herself, or a person/group that aligns with their dreams and beliefs. Most people will find life to be easier working for someone else’s dreams rather than dreaming for themselves and pursuing a worthy vision of their own. Most people have been born into a world, family, and community where debt is prevalent. It’s been said that about 80% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their bank account. This can be an overwhelming statistic to consider, but some of the insights I share in this book will show you just how possible it really is for you to beat these numbers and turn your life around permanently. If you are in that top 20 percent of wealth or financial security, then you have an opportunity that not many people have. You are already one step ahead. You may be wondering how I, an apprentice to a millionaire, was able to escape this rat race? The answer to that is very simple. It takes two things; faith and belief. Some of you are probably thinking to yourself, Faith & belief? I have heard this in church, but really Alec, come on. Yes, but it’s true. I understand that life can be tedious with a plethora of details to manage. So, I want to share with you the most basic parts of the foundation I’ve seen established in the lives of so many successful people, as well as my own, as it flourishes. It comes down to having faith that more good will come to you, and belief in yourself that you can accomplish all things that you put your thoughts, actions and consistent energy into.

    I find it fascinating when people choose to procrastinate on a task that should be completed now. Instead, they hold off until the last minute. This is a common term known as Self-Sabotage. I’ve learned that good and bad energy is still energy. Therefore, whether you express the negative or the positive, you will still be exerting the same amount of energy. This means, it does not take any more energy to be happy than it does to be sad. It does not take any more energy to be at peace than it does to be angry. Why am I sharing this with you? Well, take a look at your life right now. Take a look at something that you know you should do today or this week. For some reason you’ve held off on doing that specific task. More than likely, you have created a discouraging story about the future, which hinders your ability to move into the action and flow of this task. I can make a challenge to you before actually diving into this book, and that challenge is to finish the task that should be finished… If that means stopping here and coming back after, I will completely understand. Putting Things Off, This is what most of society will do for many years. This will lead you down a path that is not conducive to living a good life. Most of the millionaires that I’ve mentored with wouldn’t be as familiar with this situation and feeling. This is because they have made personal commitments to accept energy as energy, and to stay true to their great daily habits. They seldom relapse into the situations that were once sabotaging and destructive. They became aware of the 86,400 seconds in their day and the thousands of choices they are granted daily. In this book, I will share pieces of my journey, insightful lessons I’ve learned, and wisdom I’ve gathered along the way that will inspire and prompt you to live a more successful, fulfilling, purpose driven life. I am sharing with you the principles I’ve acquired, from the millionaires whom I’ve developed great relationships with over the course of my personal and professional growth. I am not saying that my advice is the best way, or the perfect way to live an abundant life and create all the success that you want to in this world. However, if you are open to reading this book, I know you have an open mind and are willing to consider a new perspective that has proven results.

    No one person will ever see, feel, experience, understand, or respond to a situation the same as you. You are unique as a reader, and a person experiencing life. This will always be different and unique to you. When you learn to think for yourself, you can develop your own personal beliefs. This has been the greatest factor of all of my success and happiness in life. Principles will sometimes contradict, and you may experience this through the book and throughout your life. However, as these contradictions occur, a refinement of your choices happens as well. It is because of daily reflections, and the refinement of my approach, about the collisions of principles I encounter, that I have made it where I am at today. Everything I have experienced was so that I can share with you this testimony today about all I have learned. I want you to know that your dreams can become much closer to manifestation, and you can expedite this reality, by simply following some of the principles that I share in this book. Your dreams are much more important for this world than you realize, and the impact you can have on other lives should serve as an easy inspiration for you to continue dreaming and taking action. All in peace, joy, love, and being one with your power and guidance from within. This book is to share with you

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